Raúl Locatelli


Sound Mixer
Luis, an 18-year-old Mexican boy with indigenous roots, enters the Heroico Military College with the hope of securing a better future. There, he encounters a rigid and institutionally violent system designed to make him a perfect soldier.
The Hole in the Fence
ADR Recordist
As every year, the Los Pinos school, a prestigious school of the confessional type, sends its students on retreat to the countryside. Under the watchful eye of teachers and priests, the children are led on the path of their physical and moral development. Through the gaze of several middle and upper class teenagers, the film shows how their upbringing affects the future of society itself.
Sound Director
Джессика, специалист по выращиванию орхидей, приезжает в Колумбию, чтобы ухаживать за сестрой, находящейся в состоянии сна. Но и сама Джессика практически теряет покой — ее преследует странный звук, похожий то ли на взрыв, то ли на мощный удар, который тревожит и лишает сна. Пытаясь понять его происхождение, героиня все больше теряет связь с тем, что принято считать реальностью.
Я ношу тебя с собой
Sound Mixer
Случайная встреча двух мужчин в провинциальной Мексике стала началом большого, но запретного чувства. Один из них, начинающий шеф-повар, под давлением общества и близких уезжает в Нью-Йорк.
Новый порядок
Sound Mixer
Роскошная свадьба представителей высшего класса прерывается явлением непрошенных гостей - в стране начинаются бунты, сопровождающиеся ростом классовой ненависти и всплеском насилия.
Life on Board
Sound Director
A ship, fifteen men, the river. A sensory film, a journey towards introspection. A portrait of loneliness, labour and absence, on board this floating society trapped in time. Could it be the reflection of our own « life on board »?
Наше время
Sound Recordist
История Хуана и Эстер — пары, пребывающей в открытых отношениях. Проблемы начинаются, когда Эстер влюбляется в другого мужчину, а Хуан сталкивается с неоправданными ожиданиями на свой счет.
Наше время
Sound Mixer
История Хуана и Эстер — пары, пребывающей в открытых отношениях. Проблемы начинаются, когда Эстер влюбляется в другого мужчину, а Хуан сталкивается с неоправданными ожиданиями на свой счет.
Opus Zero
Sound Recordist
Paul, an American composer, arrives in the desert town of Real de Catorce where his father recently died. For the past ten years, Paul has been consumed with the task of composing an ending for the masterpiece of an early twentieth century musician. Being isolated from the world, he sees an opportunity to finish the symphony. However, Paul is caught up in a new mystery, the disappearance thirty years ago of a woman named Marianne.
Nalu on the Border
Sound Recordist
Nalu lives with Ruben, her father, in a small country town near the Brazilian border with Uruguay. When Ruben realizes that his daughter is becoming a woman, an ambiguous closeness begins to develop between them.
You Will Know What to Do With Me
Sound Recordist
Nicolás, a photographer, has suffered epilepsy since childhood and he is forced to take care of himself and sacrifice a lot, though he lives a normal life. On the other hand, Isabel is a woman who, apparently, has her whole life figured out although her mother is ill and she has no choice but to try to save her. Isabel and Nicolás fall in love in spite of themselves, their demons, their ghosts, and their weaknesses. Suddenly engaged in a relationship none of them would have even dared to imagine, they experience the love, passion, insecurity, fear, and allergy to commitment typical in people who are drifting away.
Sound Mixer
Вероника отправляется в путь, чтобы найти место падения метеорита, которое изменило ландшафт местности. Подобно небесному телу, она сама изменит жизнь молодой пары с двумя детьми, которые всеми силами пытаются преодолеть выпавшие на их долю трудности.
Sand Dollars
Sound Recordist
Every afternoon Noelí, a young Dominican woman, hangs out on the beach at Las Terrenas. With her boyfriend, Yeremi, they look for ways to make a living at the expense of one of the hundreds of tourists there. However Noelí also has a steady client, Anne, a much older French woman, who, like many other Europeans, has found an idyllic refuge on the island to spend her last years. For Noelí, the relationship is one of convenience, but the feelings become more intense as they plan to leave together for Paris.
Эйзенштейн в Гуанахуато
Sound Designer
В октябре 1931 года знаменитый кинорежиссёр Сергей Эйзенштейн путешествует по Мексике, работая над фильмом «Да здравствует Мексика!» (Que viva México), финансируемым частным образом американскими сторонниками коммунистов. Эйзенштейн намерен провести несколько дней в Гуанахуато, где собирается заснять знаменитый Музей мумий.
Sound Designer
My grandfather fought alongside Pancho Villa, became Master Mason, was an elected official who represented Oaxaca three times, and president of the national Association of Cattle Hands. In 1942, he formed the Legion of Mexican Fighters, a group of 100,000 cattle hands training to repel a possible Nazi invasion in Mexico. His story of success, however, held a secret that affected my family, and that I discovered while making this documentary.
El padre de Gardel
Sound Director
For thirty years, Carlos Escayola was the main politician of the small town of Tacuarembó, Uruguay. This farmer was known both for his political and cultural achievements (including the construction of a theater), and for the reputation of seducer, which earned him one of the greatest family polemics in the history of the region.
Sound Mixer
Miriana “Miwi" awakens at midnight to find out her sister Juliana had an accident. We don't have more information, just the vertiginous impulse of Miwi to take some food, money, a cell phone and start the car in order to accompany her sister on a trip where she will find some clues about what happened. We view the history from Miwi's point of view while we found out the events that occurred sharing with her the pain and bewilderment.
A Useful Life
A movie-theater employee adjusts to a new life as the cinema he's worked at for over 25 years faces closure.
Sound Director
Shot in only one night following the experiences and methods of the Situacionists about redifining the urban scenario, Adrift tries to find new meanings in the city landscape, to catch furtives atmospheres, to treasure instants, to integrate the chance in a journey that, in retrospective, asumes a new, autonomous form. In that sense, it's an experiment that uses the streets to perform a human comedy in perpetual movement.
Безмолвный свет
Sound Designer
Меннониты, в общине которых происходит действие фильма, поселились в северной Мексике в конце позапрошлого века, но поскольку их религия запрещает браки с иноверцами, им удалось сохранить этническую чистоту и абсолютную культурную обособленность. Герой картины образцовый муж и отец многодетной семьи, влюбляется в хозяйку кафе Марианну. На плечи набожного Йохана сваливается непосильный груз моральной дилеммы. Любовь к Марианне становится полем битвы божественного и дьявольского.