Co-Executive Producer
Takes audiences behind the scenes of the new golden age of children’s picture books —a time when all children can see characters who look like them on the page; a time when creators come from diverse communities and backgrounds; and a time when instead of keeping the hard stuff out of stories for children, we put it in and provide context and counternarrative.
Executive Producer
America’s policy of producing cheap food at all costs has long hobbled small independent farmers, ranchers, and chefs. Worried for their survival, trailblazing food writer Ruth Reichl reaches out across political and social divides to uncover the country’s broken food system and the innovators risking it all to transform it.
Executive Producer
Молодой гей-афроамериканец, отвергнутый собственной матерью и имеющий мало перспектив на будущее, решает пойти в морскую пехоту. Ему предстоит сделать все возможное, чтобы преуспеть в системе, настроенной против него.
Executive Producer
Two sisters are abruptly separated, the eldest, Hasna, struggles to find her identity and place in the world.
Executive Producer
Part thriller, part thoughtful domestic drama, Amy Redford’s new film looks at troubles that arise between a mother and her teen daughter after the latter is seduced online by a 28-year-old man.
Executive Producer
This is not a documentary about the making of Midnight Cowboy. It is about a dark and difficult masterpiece and the deeply gifted and flawed people who made it. It is about New York in a troubled era of cultural ferment and social change. It is about an era that made a movie and a movie that made an era. The 1969 movie tells the story of two homeless loners who join forces out of desperation and struggle to survive.
Executive Producer
This riveting documentary chronicles the monumental task of curing cancer, as seen through the harrowing experiences of one young girl, her family, and a doctor on a mission.
Executive Producer
She was once as famous as Jackie O—and then she tried to take down a President. Martha Mitchell was the unlikeliest of whistleblowers: a Republican wife who was discredited by Nixon to keep her quiet. Until now.
Co-Executive Producer
In a Texas military town, three teenage girls confront the dark corners of adolescence at the end of a fever dream summer.
Executive Producer
An investigation into our landscape's hidden fire stories and on-the-ground experiences of firefighters and residents struggling through deadly fires.
Executive Producer
A Crime on the Bayou is the story of Gary Duncan, a Black teenager from Plaquemines Parish, a swampy strip of land south of New Orleans. In 1966, Duncan tries to break up an argument between white and Black teenagers outside a newly integrated school. He gently lays his hand on a white boy’s arm. The boy recoils like a snake. That night, police burst into Duncan’s trailer and arrest him for assault on a minor. A young Jewish attorney, Richard Sobol, leaves his prestigious D.C. firm to volunteer in New Orleans. With his help, Duncan bravely stands up to a racist legal system powered by a white supremacist boss to challenge his unfair arrest. Their fight goes all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, and their lifelong friendship is forged.
Executive Producer
Nancy Vincenza Kulik, an Italian-American grandmother from Fort Lee, New Jersey, has experienced many challenges and triumphs. But she always meets life's journey with love, resilience and joy, inspired in part by another Italian grandmother, movie star Sophia Loren.
Executive Producer
«Если не доверяешь собаке, по трюфели не ходи» – один из маленьких секретов, которым 84-летний ветеран охоты за деликатесными грибами делится при включенной камере. Поиск трюфелей – не просто бизнес, увлечение и приключение; это игра на всю жизнь и настоящее искусство, творя которое человек и его четвероногий спутник должны действовать как единый организм – словно Александр Македонский и Буцефал.
Executive Producer
Ещё совсем малышом сенегальский иммигрант Момо потерял мать. Сейчас ему 12, и он промышляет мелким криминалом. Пожилая мадам Роза зарабатывает тем, что присматривает за детьми проституток — она вырастила уже не одно поколение, поэтому пользуется у местных уважением. Опекун Момо доктор Коэн решает, что парню необходим образ сильной женщины, и приводит его жить к мадам Розе, которую тот как раз на днях обокрал на улице.
Executive Producer
Determined to turn unfathomable tragedy into action, the teenage survivors of Parkland, Florida catalyze a powerful, unprecedented youth movement that spreads with lightning speed across the country, as a generation of mobilized youth take back democracy in this powerful coming-of-age story.
Рой Кон олицетворял тёмную сторону американской политики, превращая неизвестных людей в опасных демагогов - начиная с Джозефа МакКарти и заканчивая Дональдом Трампом.
Co-Executive Producer
Кто из вас сталкивался с рекламой в сети, из-за которой вам казалось, что микрофон встроенный в ваш девайс подслушивает разговоры? Мы не заметили, как персональные данные стали основой для ведения корпоративных, культурных и политических войн. Этот документальный очерк пройдёт по тёмной стороне эксплуатации «больших данных» в ходе нашумевшего скандала Cambridge Analytica / Facebook.
Executive Producer
Рассказ о первой женщине-кинорежиссере Алис Ги-Блаше. Одновременно с признанием её роли в кинематографе расследуются обстоятельства, приведшие к её забвению.
Executive Producer
In the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre that took the lives of 20 first graders and their teachers, local clergymen Father Bob Weiss receives a letter from a fellow priest in Dunblane, Scotland, whose community suffered an eerily similar fate in 1996. From across the Atlantic, the two priests forge a poignant bond through the shared experience of trauma and healing.
Executive Producer
As the unabashed cradle of Hollywood superficiality and smoggy urban sprawl, Los Angeles has long been condemned as a cultural wasteland. In the richly penetrating documentary odyssey City of Gold, Pulitzer Prize-winning food critic Jonathan Gold shows us another Los Angeles, where ethnic cooking is a kaleidoscopic portal to the mysteries of an unwieldy city and the soul of America.