Коллекция из 24 короткометражных фильмов, которые бросают взгляд на темную сторону праздничных дней. 24 режиссера из разных стран с самыми разными идеями и стилями, каждый из которых рассказывает свою историю, приуроченную к определенному дню календаря перед рождеством.
She, leader of a religious sect, leads a group of people. All live together in a claustrophobic place. The arrival of a mysterious character changes everything.
Myna is a young illegal immigrant woman from an eastern Country that is at war. She works as a home assistant for a marriage and their small son. When the parents go on a trip, Myna has to shoulder all the responsibility for the household and the child since the marriage have trust in Myna. However, one night, the child has an accident and Myna, who knows that she can be deported if she goes to the hospital, decides to help the child in underground ways. Written by Anonymous