Dragomir Bojanić 'Gidra'

Dragomir Bojanić 'Gidra'

Рождение : 1933-06-13, Kragujevac, Serbia, Yugoslavia

Смерть : 1993-11-11


Драгомир 'Гидра' Боянич родился 13 июня 1933 года (Крагиевач, Данубе Бановина, королевство Югославия) югославский актёр. Окончил Академию театра, кино, радио и телевидения в Белграде (1964). В 1964-1966 годы — актёр Югославского драматического театра в Белграде. Дебют в кино — эпизод в фильме режиссёра Жике Митровича "Ešalon doktora M." (1955).Исполнил 110 ролей в кино. Под псевдонимом Anthony Gidra сыграл в 20 итальянских спагетти-вестернах и боевиках. Был мужем актрисы Лилианы Контич. Умер от рака печени. Похоронен на Аллее заслуженных граждан Нового кладбища в Белграде. Призы и награды Премия на кинофестивале в Пуле "Золотая арена", 1974, Югославия


Dragomir Bojanić 'Gidra'


Gunfight at Casino Cabaret
Two friends who work in a detective agency rob their boss in order to be hired by him to find the thieves. Their plan goes wrong after the man with a white hat steals their money. The investigation leads them to a casino cabaret club run by notorious Cornelone.
Жикина женитьба
Živorad 'Žika' Pavlović
Сват Милан уговаривает свата Жику жениться, описывая всевозможные прелести будущей семейной жизни. Для этого он подает брачные объявления в газеты, предлагая кандидаткам присылать видеокассеты с записью своего «портфолио». Но вот сам Жика не горит желанием что-либо менять в своей размеренной жизни...
Balkan Perestroika
Života Cvijović
Осовремененная комедия по роману Бранислава Нушича о жизни и работе «мелкого фабриканта», его профессиональных и семейных отношениях.
Давайте любить 2
Šofer Gile
Во второй части Лепа Брена едет на один из островов Адриатики, в рабочий отпуск, но из-за праздников и планирования очередного тура ложные новости о том, что пресловутый остров Лепа Брена запросил специального гостя для тура. Новость полностью разрушит острые ощущения и у потенциальных гостей тура, и у туристов, и у членов Sweet Sin, и у всего острова.
The Balkan Mass-Media Sciences
Života Cvijović
An eminent communist wants to make his son a respected person so he could live without much trouble. He fails to accomplish that due to his son's different vision of success.
Weird Years
Živorad 'Žika' Pavlović
After the road accident, Zika and Milan end up in an overcrowded hospital, run by doctor Nedeljkovic and his sexually obsessed nurse. Accompanied by a crazy bandmaster and a peasant with farting problems, they will try to get away from the ongoing chaos.
Давайте любить
История Лепы Брены, ее путешествия и приключений во время одного из туров по Югославии.
Majstor i Šampita
Mile Čupić 'Majstor'
A young reporter girl nicknamed Cream Pie writes an article on money-making in small businesses. She meets a married shoemaker who falls for her and steals his wife's money for their love nest, but Cream Pie discovers it by accident and takes it to the newspapers' office. Shoemaker's wife interferes into this whole confusion and the whole fuss resolves at a hospital.
Second Žika's Dynasty
Živorad 'Žika' Pavlović
Unlike in the previous sequel of "Foolish Years"/"Zika's Dynasty" film series, Zika's and Milan's grandson became crazy for girls, having sex with them simultaneously in his apartment. Granddads are now worried for different reason, so they visit the doctor who gives them an advice to send their grandson to the country in order to use his strength appropriately.
Part-Time Divorce
Синиша и Светлана отправляются в медовый месяц в Испанию, но из-за ошибки туристического агентства оказываются на берегу черногорского побережья. По возвращении в Белград Светлана подает заявку на квартиру, но новая проблема заключается в том, что разведенные матери с детьми имеют преимущество. Они решают развестись по совместительству, чтобы обмануть ЖЭК...
Zika's Dynasty
Živorad 'Žika' Pavlović
Misa is already a teenager but with little interest in girls and much for his violin. Two granddads, Zika and Milan, are worried for their grandson who may 'deviate' like Steven from "Dynasty", the show they like to watch. That's why they decide to introduce him better to their attractive housekeeper.
Hey Babu Riba
Rile (stariji)
In 1985, four middle-aged Yugoslav emigres return to Belgrade for the funeral of Mariana, their beautiful compatriot. They called her Esther, for Esther Williams, she was the coxswain for their four-man rowing team, and they each loved her. They'd last seen her in 1953, when they rowed her across the Adriatic, pregnant, to join her exiled father in Italy. In flashbacks we learn the story of their youthful baptism into sex, smoking, rock and roll (Hey Ba-ba-re-bop), Hollywood and Swedish films, blue jeans on the black market, and their rivalry with Ristic, the Communist Party youth leader for whom they had instant antipathy.
Fat and Thin
Mitar Mirić
An imposter and thief called Dumpling escapes prison and arrives to a respectable institute of doctor Strukl in Balm Sanatorium. The doctor is a specialist for reduction and gaining of weight, and wanted by many celebrities, especially because it is known that he has specialized in Switzerland. Dumpling, discovering that he is physically similar to doctor, and seeing his big chance in it, disables the doctor and takes his place at the sanatorium.
Holding the Air
The story of a war-orphan, who remembers first post-war days, his stay in Home for war-orphans, his teachers, friends, and mostly his "only brother".
Life Is Beautiful
After a train breaks down and the passengers are forced to spend a day at a remote country tavern, the mix of seasonal farm workers, transients, musicians, and would-be party kingpins heads toward some explosive moments. A truckload of chickens arrive to be killed and cooked for the unruly group of passengers, and when a few boorish men harass a female singer, their actions lead to unexpected violence.
Indian Mirror
A village handball team gets close to the promotion to the top flight, but three of its residents try to ensure the success by bribing the referee.
Women in Prison
After graduation, a young woman gets his first job in the women's prison in the province. The story follows her struggle to survive in a small town with her small child, alcohol addiction, and the battle with the prisoners and prison brutality and other schemers who wanted to remove her from working spot.
What Happens When Love Comes to Town
Živorad 'Žika' Pavlović
Misa in the music school falls in love with a young Russian girl Natasha, who was then located in Belgrade. But their parents think that they are too young for love. Natasha's parents do not allow that connection, so they go back to Moscow. Unlike parents who want to end their relationship Zika and Milan are on their side. Zika begins to learn the Russian language.
What Is with You, Nina?
Vozač autobusa
In search of her own identity, a young champion in fencing is torn between two men, which leads her to personal conflict.
A mother and her son live in the country. She has gone mad and the son has fallen mute as a result of the violence to which they had been exposed in the war.
Watch Your Step
Last school days of one graduating generation. They should say goodbye to a part of life, part from their friends, and there is also uncertainty, hope, plans, wild love "for the rest of the life", and parents with their ambitions, and it would be all incomplete, if not for professors who are slowly losing their authority. Senior prom is the central place for serious and funny events in which parents, professors and pupils are involved.
Come to Me and Go from Me
Živorad 'Žika' Pavlović
Marija and Boba are moving into an apartment and the financial problems came to a crisis in their marriage. Affected consumer fever make them neglect each other and the child. In addition, Zika and Milan persistently interfere in their lives.
The Timok Rebellion
Ljuba Didić
In 1883 Milan Obrenovic, arrogant and despotic king of Serbia, felt threatened by the militia segments of his army. In order to remove that threat he disbanded militia. However, people of Timok Valley decide not to surrender their arms to the regular troops. The movie was made for the 100th anniversary of the event.
Like Grandpa, Like Grandson
Živorad 'Žika' Pavlović
Zika and Milan are fighting over who gets to spend more time with grandson Misha, who is five years old. Although Misha lives with his parents in Milan grandfather, Zika all ways of trying to learn Misa tavern life and his craft. A Milan his grandson sent to violin lessons and English. Come up with a number of interesting situations.
Hallo, Taxi
Being suspicious that his wife is cheating on him, a Belgrade taxi driver discovers that she's about to be traded by a local gang who drug women and sell them to Arabs. He decides to take the matter into his own hands, and fight the gang without the help of police.
Люби, люби, но не теряй головы
Živorad 'Žika' Pavlović
Пока главные герои, Мария и Боба, заняты друг другом и работой в летнем трудовом лагере, их родители по-своему вспоминают свои «сумасшедшие годы». Жика вовсю флиртует с матерью Марии, а тем временем ситуация осложняется появлением двум молодых немок…
The Time Has Come for Love to Try
Živorad 'Žika' Pavlović
Though the problem of Marija's pregnancy may be solved, her relationship with Boba causes a rift between the Pavlović and Todorović families.
The South Railway Battle
Savetnik / Stanković
Autumn, 1941. Tito's partisans are ordered to attack a railway network system used by the Germans, their Bulgarian allies and local collaborators. A bloody battle ensues.
Love and Rage
The richest merchant in XIX century Sarajevo and his fellow travelers are captured by a group of bandits. In order to learn more about merchant’s riches, the bandits’ leader investigates the group and discovers that merchant’s wife, who cheated on merchant during one of his travels, later – in fear of his vengeance played to be possessed by “rage”. Looking for the cure, the merchant brings his wife to Ahmed Jusuf – former warrior and man of authority. Jusuf advised the merchant to take his wife and move into another region – having an idea on what was the story behind wife’s rage, bat also in an attempt to protect himself from the feelings that have already stifled.
Wolf Hunters of Upper and Lower Polaca
Two groups of men from neighboring villages get into a clash after both of them shot one wolf for the upcoming local festivity called "vucarenje" (wolf assembly), a rural custom typical for Dalmatian Zagora. Their rivalry ends in a tragic way.
Пришло время любить
Živorad 'Žika' Pavlović
Десятиклассники Мария и Бобо полюбили друг друга с первого взгляда. Но недолго длилось их счастье. Мария поняла, что у нее будет ребенок и, боясь родительского гнева, решилась на крайние меры. Врачам с трудом удалось спасти ей жизнь. Тяжело переживая случившееся, юные влюбленные остались верны своему чувству. Любовь оказалась сильнее всех препятствий.
Групповой портрет с дамой
Действие фильма, как и романа, начинается в канун мировой войны и кончается в середине 1960-х годов. В центре повествования — извращенная по милости нацистов немецкая история и сломанные человеческие судьбы. Все герои романа — люди, протестующие против существующего миропорядка.
A pretty girl arrives on a small island on a dark and stormy night. She becomes an excuse for the turbulence and evil that occurs when one man forgets his dignity and becomes a beast.
The Written Off Return
Prle and Tihi, being the only surviving members of their resistance group, had been forced to leave Nazi-occupied Belgrade and join Partisans in country. In Summer of 1944 somebody is assassinating resistance sympathizers, and Prle and Tihi must return to Belgrade deal with it. In order to cross through enemy lines, they use cars, clothes and documents of captured pro-Nazi minister. During their journey the minister escapes and warns the Gestapo.
The Peaks of Zelengore
During the Battle of Sutjeska, partisan troops must endure 24 hours of big and heavy attacks on German units Ljubino grave, to the main Partisan units, with the wounded and the Supreme Headquarters, pulled out the ring that is tightened around them.
Soldier's Love
Stariji vodnik Pop
Young Belgrade playboy, spoiled child of a rich family, changes for the better after spending some time in the army.
Единственная дорога
1944 год. По дорогам Югославии движется необычная автоколонна — за рулем бензовозов сидят попавшие в немецкий плен советские солдаты. Этим коварным замыслом гитлеровцы решили обезопасить себя от нападения партизан. Но стратегический груз, несмотря на все меры предосторожности немцев, не будет доставлен к месту назначения…
Обагрённая земля
Avram Vranić
Знаменитый фильм Тори Янковича. Осенью 1941 германская армия в целях подавления восстания в Сербии, организованного коммунистами, осуществляет практику расстрела 100 заложников за каждого убитого немецкого солдата. Город Кралево стал местом такого массового убийства, всего было расстреляно более 6000 человек, об этих событиях и рассказывает фильм.
Tadija Čemerkić
1943 год. Городская тюрьма небольшого черногорского городка. Здесь сталкиваются дюди разных и сложных характеров: комиссар партизанского отряда Вукович, коммунист Лукач, отомстивший четникам за брата Тадия Чемеркич, сдавшийся в плен и тем самым спасший своих детей Драгушич. Героев объединяет общая цель - побег и продолжение борьбы с оккупантами...
Вальтер защищает Сараево
Если не считать СССР, нигде фашисты во время Второй Мировой войны не встречали столь ожесточенного сопротивления, как в Югославии. Вот и в Сараево германское командование сознает, что настоящим хозяином города является не оккупационная власть, а неуловимый партизанский командир Вальтер и его боевые друзья. А ведь именно через Сараево немцы собираются перебросить горючее, чтобы спасти отступающую танковую армию. Фашисты решили использовать сильную сторону своего противника и взорвать подпольную организацию изнутри. В отряде отлично поставлена конспирация. Кто такой Вальтер и как он выглядит, никто не знает. Чтобы создать атмосферу растерянности и подозрительности, чтобы измотать подпольщиков предательствами, немцы внедряют в ряды патриотов своего «Вальтера».
How the Two Fools Loved Each Other
A short film based on Dusko Radovic writings.
Life of a Shock Force Worker
A coal miner works harder than everything else to make his country proud.
Breakfast with the Devil
The story of the collapse of Vojvodinian village during the great flood in 1947. The people, their fate and suffering, love and deaths.
The Ballad of the Ferocious One
Deeply hurt by his wife's adultery, a man leaves her and his son to live high up alone in the mountains of Montenegro. Many years later, the war breaks out and the two enemy factions must cross the very mountain. One of them seeks the man's help to find a path through the snow. Later that day, he finds out that one of the other side's members is no other than his son.
A Day Longer Than a Year
The film tells of devastating earthquake in Banja Luka in 1969 and follows a group of prisoners in prison during devastating earthquake and people and residents of Banja Luka. Fate of prisoners,the fate of the city and residents of Banja Luka, are light motive of this movie.
Plug Impermeable to Water
A subtenant couple that tries unsuccessfully to have a baby and get the apartment decides to adopt one.
In Vojvodina during the war, a partisan commander Zarki fell into the hands of the local Germans. They bound him in chains and take him from one village to another, torturing him in public so he could tell the names from his movement. Bewildered by his resisting power, the Germans tend to break him down and destroy the pride which is his answer to their torture. Frenzied of powerlessness, they ultimately choose the most horrifying death - they buried him alive in the sand that will cover the last trait of him, but he died victorious: He died for his thing.
Rade Lazić
Three poor musicians become rich and famous, due to an appearance on a TV show. Unexpected success and money tears old friends apart. The bass player, Burduš, lonely and lost, decides to go and find new friends.
The Eleventh Commandment
Drač Vuković, inženjer
A middle-aged man comes to visit his old war friend, only to find out that his friend's 15-year old daughter is alone at home and prepares for the date with her boyfriend. Despite the age difference, the two develop chemistry and understanding in otherwise uncomfortable settings.
Low Tide
A remote village in Serbia in 1941. Through the fate of rural residents and the destiny of a partisan detachment reflected is the horror and absurdity of war in Serbia during World War II. On one hand, ordinary people and partisans; the Germans and the Chetniks on the other.
Downstream from the Sun
Bajo Bakić
Young teacher first experience in their profession acquired in a remote mountain village, which has no school building. Life of a farmer, a clash between two warring race, then the conflict between the government and farmers for cutting the national forests needed to build new schools and the presence of a young teacher who doubt the search for truth, that will lead to major conflicts and tragedies.
Проси прощения у Бога... но не у меня
Dick Smart
Пока Джаманго находится вдали от своего ранчо, шайка бандитов нападает и убивает всех членов его семьи. Он отправляется мстить. Одного за другим он убивает бандитов и попутно узнает, что к этому преступлению причастен отец его любимой девушки.
Hole in the Forehead
A stranger and a bandit seek out a trio of playing cards that will lead them to hidden treasure.
И настало время убивать...
Joe Donnell
В маленьком городке на Диком Западе разгорается конфликт между главарём мексиканских бандитов и скотопромышленным бароном Маллиганом. Шериф Джо Доннелл в прошлом — знаменитый стрелок, но теперь пьяница, готов отдать город на разрушение, заливая свои заботы дешёвым виски. Молодой помощник шерифа, Бёрт, отправляется в город, чтобы попытаться восстановить закон и порядок.
Out of Step
Jablan Jezdić
A disabled man takes on the system when his pension is tied up in a morass of red tape. His story is revealed on a television program, and the star of the show is admonished for trying to incite the public against the system. The media, the man and the television manager gather to try to talk out the misunderstandings they all experience with the system of slow-moving social injustices. The message of the film also states that the days of media scrutiny and public-opinion feedback are here to stay.
It Rains in My Village
Pilot Mile
A bizarre and tragic love story involving swineherd, village fool, teacher and an agricultural pilot. The story unfolds in a remote village in the communist ruled Yugoslavia at the down of Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
Последний убийца
Rezza / Rocco
Мексиканский поселенец (Джордж Истман) избит и ограблен по дороге, когда везет деньги для погашения кредита. Ему приходится просить о продлении срока отдачи денег, но возвращаясь домой, он находит своих близких убитыми, а ранчо сожженным. Вскоре он спасает жизнь наемному убийце, который учит его искусству мести.
Баллада о стрелке
Братья-бандиты Мартинесы с кучей кровожадных приспешников грабят банк, перестреляв уйму народа. После чего прячутся с добычей в шахте. Между тем, по их следам идут двое очень крутых стрелков. Один разыскивает бандитов из-за денег, а другой руководствуется пылающим в груди чувством справедливости...
Merry People Die Twice
Četnički vojvoda Dača
Somewhere in Bosnia in 1943 between the fourth and fifth enemy offensives column partisans withdrew across a river to free territory. At the moment of crossing the river, a group of Chetniks suddenly attack a column of partisans. In this violent attacks, a lot of partisan dies. Manage to cross the river and so be saved from bullets, only few partisans as a young partisan Radojica young nurse partisan Milica. Radojica and Milica cut off from his brigade, moving in their difficult and arduous hike over the mountains in the hope that they will meet again with the brigade. In this wandering, they will encounter a series of tragic-comic situations. Since the departure of Radojice in prison and subsequent flight to several grisly encounter with the Chetniks, to find the brigade and brave and daring capture of the entire Chetnik detachments and Chetnik duke who was responsible for the attack on the partisans.
To Come and Stay
Three villagers try their luck in the big city.
To Come and Stay
Three villagers try their luck in the big city.
Один из основополагающих фильмов югославской «новой волны» 60-х годов, «Три» Петровича – это военная драма, состоящая из трех эпизодов жизни молодого человека во время Второй мировой Войны. Утонченный и разнообразный кинематографический язык (от крупных планов до массовых сцен), мастерская операторская работа, изысканные, но минималистские психологические портреты персонажей, довольно неординарный подход к военным событиям (для того времени), - все это делает этот фильм бесспорно одним из самых великих югославских фильмов всех времен.
March on the River Drina
A Serbian artillery battery of the Combined Division makes a forced march to the Cer Mountain in western Serbia to meet Austro-Hungarian troops, who have invaded the country by crossing over the Drina River. A chronicle of the Battle of Cer; a landmark battle of World War I and the first Allied victory over the Central Powers.
Siberian Lady Macbeth
A ruthless woman's adulterous affair with a drifter sets in motion a chain-reaction of murder and deception in a remote village in 19th Century Mtsensk.
Любимчик командира
Бывший дровосек Илья Капара во время Второй мировой войны ушел к партизанам. Этому находчивому и удачливому бойцу, командование поручало самые ответственные задания. Став командиром отделения Капара получает приказ взять в плен артиллерийское соединение гитлеровцев. Рискую жизнью, действуя остроумно и решительно Капара и его смелые, мужественные бойцы отлично справляются с полученным заданием.
Лето виновато во всем
Супруги Вишня и Доситей собрались в отпуск на побережье Адриатики. Первым должен был уехать Доситей. Но Вишня, увидев в его купе блондинку, начала ревновать и поехала вместо него сама. Когда Доситей поехал к жене, то в пути он снова встретил эту блондинку, провел с ней несколько веселых дней и только после этого поспешил к месту отдыха жены. После ряда комических приключений, происшедших с ним в дороге и задержавших еще на несколько дней, Доситей только в конце отпуска приехал к жене...
The Poem
Hans, nemački vojnik
An influential Serbian poet decides to leave Nazi-occupied Belgrade and join partisans in the country. A young resistance activist, however, is not so thrilled with the idea because the old and womanizing intellectual doesn't fit in with his strict moralistic standards.
The First Citizen of a Small Town
Milicioner Jablan
The citizens of a small town find it difficult to depart from its center, which is to be demolished to build a new, a more functional one. The chairman of the municipality, the first citizen of this small town, supports the plan of female architect-designer, a pretty girl he fell for. But to make locals sure that he didn't approve the old center's demolition under her influence, the president begins to avoid the girl, who then marries another man. By carrying out the ritual wedding, the first citizen of a small town is left with his city all alone.
День четырнадцатый
Четверо заключенных, осужденных к длительным тюремным срокам, за примерное поведение получают отпуск на четырнадцать дней. За это время каждый из них должен разобраться с проблемами, накопившимися за годы их отсутствия на свободе. Один из «отпускников» пытается спасти рушащуюся семью; другой – найти доказательства своей невиновности; третий – разыскать девушку, которую когда-то любил; четвертый – исправить совершенную в прошлом ошибку.
SS Strike at Dawn
During the Battle of Sutjeska, headquarters one of the a partisan detachment, decides to enter deeper into the forest to save a few soldiers and wounded from inevitable death. Commander of the detachment, sent a group of fighters in the reconnaissance. As time goes on, the Germans are getting closer to discovering the detachment and wounded, hunger, exhaustion, forcing people to surrender, but at the time of surrender, and when the Germans discovered detachment, there is a sudden rescue from the group that was in the field reconnaissance.
Shots in the Sky
Upon returning home at war's end, a young lieutenant discovers that his family has been murdered by the Nazis. It's all the handiwork of a treasonous "Chetnik," who during the war worked against the partisans on behalf of the Germans. In bitter retaliation, the lieutenant sets about to decimate the Chetnik's family. He stops short, however, when he realizes that the sins of the fathers are not always passed down to the innocent children.
Radnik u železari 1
История происходит в старом городе Зэница, в котором идёт строительство металлургического завода, принёсшего горожанам новую жизнь. Герои этой истории, молодой инженер Бора Гордич, рабочие Хасан, Райко, Мурат, Ибро, инженеры Бенко и Пьер, Зденко - все они строители этой новой жизни. Они борются со многими препятствиями и сталкиваются с недоразумениями, зачастую с самыми близкими им людьми. В конце концов, даже для молодой жены Гордича Дивны, которая переехала к своему мужу, Зэница и жизнь в ней полностью отличаются от того образа жизни, к которому она привыкла в комфортной столице. Их брак проходит сложное испытание…
The Last Railway
Jordan Popovski
A group of railroad workers decide to make extra money by smuggling forbidden goods and engaging in other criminal activities. The first crime film made in Yugoslavia.
Life of Simo Šolaja (1905-1942), a Yugoslav partisan national hero from Bosnia.