A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Oscar Pugh
Three people's lives are drastically changed when they are suddenly given one million dollars each by an eccentric billionaire in this pilot to a prospective new series which the producers hoped would equal the success of the original one that ran from 1955 to 1960.
Studio Gatekeeper
A would-be filmmaker and actress shake up the industry with a trick dog who gets discovered by a studio bus driver in the 1920s.
Father Gurkin
A story about the rich McCulloch Family, their overbearing father and the children's misguided blaming him for everything that doesn't go right.
Mr. Harris
Салли Фарнэм с мужем переезжает в родовое викторианское поместье, где несколько лет никто не жил. В подвале девушка обнаруживает прекрасный камин, замурованный кирпичной кладкой, а дверца для уборки пепла оказывается надёжно запечатанной. Плотник говорит, что сделал это по просьбе прежней хозяйки дома, бабушки Салли, и уверяет, что новым хозяевам стоит оставить всё как есть. Но любопытство девушки берёт верх, и она откручивает винты дверцы, тем самым выпуская на волю жутких демонических существ.
Mr. MacDougall
История девушки и ее озорного кота, которые однажды попадают в странную и забавную ситуацию с участием полиции и ФБР.
Mr. Martin
Лакки Джексон едет в Лас-Вегас, чтобы заработать на новый двигатель для своего автомобиля. Иначе ему никак не быть первым на Гран-при Лас-Вегаса. Прибыв в город развлечений практически на буксире, он устраивается работать официантом. Вскоре его мыслями целиком и полностью овладевает местная красавица. Возможно, музыка поможет завоевать ее сердце…
Police Chief Aloysius
По дороге в Лас-Вегас мчатся автомобили. В первом едет бизнесмен с женой и тёщей. Во втором — дантист с супругой. В третьем — парочка приятелей. Они не знакомы друг с другом и вряд ли когда-нибудь встретились бы. Все они становятся свидетелями аварии. А единственный пострадавший перед смертью открывает тайну: под Большим W он спрятал клад. И вот путешественники превращаются в пиратов. Они наперегонки несутся за сокровищами, пытаясь по дороге посильней испортить жизнь конкурентам...
Mr. Hummel
Beleaguered professor Ned Brainard has already run into a pile of misfortunes with his discovery of the super-elastic substance "Flubber." Now he hopes to have better luck with a gravity-busting derivative he's dubbed "Flubbergas." Ned's experiments, constantly hampered by government obstruction, earn the consternation of his wife, Betsy. But a game-winning modification to a football uniform may help Ned make the case for his fantastic new invention.
Feature-length Western based on the hit TV show 'Tales of Wells Fargo,' about a Wells Fargo Company troubleshooter who becomes the target of an outlaw he helped send to prison.
Desmond Slocum
A famous movie star's fan club secretary has been brutally murdered. She has in her office old newspaper clippings regarding a missing heiress. Did the secretary know something about the mystery of the heiress?
Henry Hecht
Gambler Arnold Rothstein marries an actress, avenges his buddy and meets an underworld fate.
Movie Studio Gateman
Mario "Cantinflas" Moreno is a hired hand, Pepe, employed on a ranch. A boozing Hollywood director buys a white stallion that belongs to Pepe's boss. Pepe, determined to get the horse back (as he considers it his family), decides to take off to Hollywood. There he meets film stars including Jimmy Durante, Frank Sinatra, Zsa Zsa Gabór, Bing Crosby, Maurice Chevalier and Jack Lemmon in drag as Daphne from Some Like It Hot. He is also surprised by things that were new in America at the time, such as automatic swinging doors. When he finally reaches the man who bought the horse, he is led to believe there is no hope of getting it back. However, the last scene shows both him and the stallion back at the ranch with several foals.
Father Belacchi
Старый проводник Захари живет в горах вместе со своим младшим братом Крисом. Мать Криса умерла при родах, и Захари был вынужден в одиночку вырастить брата, который не испытывает ни малейшей благодарности к брату и думает только о том, как бы разбогатеть и уехать. В горах происходит авиакатастрофа, но добраться до места аварии спасателям не удаётся. Крис уговаривает опытного проводника Захари вдвоём добраться до места катастрофы, чтобы завладеть находящимися там ценностями.
Brand Comfort
Картежника Бена Мэтьюса обвиняют в убийстве, которого он не совершал, он должен найти настоящего убийцу до того, как провоцируемая истинным убийцей, толпа, расправится с ним...
Dan Bianco
Проведя пять лет в тюрьме за убийство, которое он не совершал, бывший полицейский Стив Роллинс выходит на свободу и ищет в Сан-Франциско тех, кто подставил его. Поиски истины приведут его к беспощадному главарю прибрежной банды Виктору Амато.
Sam Dunne
He dazzled America for decades with his musical artistry. Now fans as well as those curious about this exciting entertainer’s unique appeal can relive the Liberace magic in his only starring film, Sincerely Yours. In a poignant story scripted by Irving Wallace, Liberace plays a concert pianist threatened by deafness. Plunged into despair, he finds escape from personal sorrow by secretly involving himself in the problems of strangers. Liberace touches the heart and delights the ear with sparkling renditions of 31 selections from Chopin to Chopsticks. Along the way he romances Joanne Dru and Dorothy Malone, trades barbs with old pro William Demarest and in a warmly humorous nightclub scene, pokes fun at his own image as the 1950s matinee idol of the little-old-lady set. From beginning to end, Sincerely Yours perfectly captures the charisma and sheer musicality of the legendary Mr. Showmanship.
Charles Madden
Director Robert Parrish's 1955 drama, spanning many years, stars Jane Wyman as a spirited western shopkeeper who watches as her small store flourishes and grows into a hugely profitable business empire. The cast also includes Charlton Heston, Claire Trevor, Thelma Ritter, William Demarest and Wallace Ford.
A Major noted for advancing with his mouth before thinking is given a choice: to be drummed out of the Army, or take command of and shape up the ROTC program at Sheridan Academy before it fails its next inspection. At Sheridan he encounters three hundred pre-teen cadets who range from rascally to adorable, and a female doctor who has just the right prescription for him.
Sgt. Gass
Это романтическое изложение знаменитой экспедиции Льюиса и Кларка 1803-06 годов с участием Фреда МакМюррэя в роли Меривезера Льюиса и Чарлтона Хестона в роли Билла Кларка. В фильме не делается акцент на вражде между двумя героями (что было на самом деле), хотя очевиден антагонизм между мозгом экспедиции, Льюисом, и ее кулаками, Кларком. Им помогает в экспедиции индейская девушка Сакаджавея, чью роль с неприкрытым вызовом сыграла Донна Рид. Так как межрасовые романтические отношения все еще оставались табу для американских фильмов начала 50-х, Сакаджавея могла только чахнуть и вздыхать, в то время как Льюис и Кларк отбивались от внимания белой женщины Джулии Хэнкок (Барбара Хэйл).
Rome is on the verge of being conquered by Hannibal. While Rome's ruler, Fabius Maximus, plots a defense against Hannibal's armies, Fabius' fiancée, Amytis, is curious about the fearless conqueror. Amytis travels to Hannibal's camp just to get a look at him, but she ends up being captured. However, she is instantly smitten by the Carthaginian commander, so she tries to shift his attentions away from Rome -- and to her instead.
Jackpot Wray
Пит Менло владеет некоторыми золотыми приисками в Неваде, где к нему присоединяется его старый друг Энди Мартин. Другой владелец шахты Бэннон хочет объединить интересы, чтобы они могли создать монополию, но Менло отказывается. Пит интересуется «Невадой» Рэй, дочерью владельца шахты Фифти-фифти «Джекпот» Рэй, но ей нравится только Энди. Отвергнутый Пит объединяет силы с Бэнноном, и они узнают, что из-за расположения шахты Фифти-фифти «Джекпот» Рей может быть владельцем всего золота. Бэннон и его люди пытаются избавиться от Энди.
Южная красотка Карла Форестер использует свои чары для смягчения сердца жесткого коменданта тюрьмы, тем самым помогая сбежать своему жениху. Но в пустыне Карла и сбежавшие конфедераты вскоре обнаруживают, что индейцы не менее опасны, чем преследователи из армии союзников. К тому же, Карла понимает, что влюбилась в обманутого ей офицера.
Dennis Logan
Bob Hope stars as an inept member of the chorus boy in a turn of the century stage show. After being fired, he finds himself starring acting as a decoy when a killer goes after the real star.
Pa Higgins
The health conscious, dairy-farming Higgins family begin each day with an invigorating swim. One day, traveling health-tonic salesman, Windy Weebe, comes to town and suggests they could swim the English Channel. Sponsored by "Liquapep" and coached by Windy, the family arrive in Europe. There it is decided that daughter Katie is the only one strong enough to enter the contest. But while she should be focused on the difficult and risky task ahead, Katie is pursed by dashing Frenchman, André Lanet... This comedic musical is well remembered for the scene when Katie dreams she is swimming with cartoon characters Tom & Jerry!
Harvey Jones
A woman raises mink to get the coat she's always wanted.
Syd Jessup
Estranged brothers (John Payne, Richard Arlen) find themselves on the same lumberjack crew hired by a feisty widow to clear the timber from her Nevada property.
Corporal Kiper
Первая мировая война. Американские солдаты расквартированы в маленькой французской деревушке. Капитан Флагг и первый сержант Квирт ухаживают за дочкой хозяина трактира.
A young man takes in a dog that turns out to be wanted by mobsters.
Drummer Stanley Maxton moves to Los Angeles with dreams of opening his own club, but falls in with a gangster and a nightclub dancer and ends up accused of murder.
Harvey Bullitt
Joe, inventor in an American Small town of 1895 has problems with his new invention, a car, driven with a gasoline motor. Everybody is making fun about his "crazy invention", only his girl friend believes in him. When he's halfway successful, another woman tries to win his heart, and his girl-friend thinks he has quit with her. But on a race for those new horse-less vehicles, he gets in trouble and only his former girl friend is able to help him.
Monsignor Michael Carey
A Catholic priest fights against his colleagues' immediate acceptance of an ambiguous “miracle”.
Kay Kingsley, a sophisticated and successful songwriter in New York City. falls in love with a widowed rancher, Chris Heyward, she meets at the Madison Square Garden Rodeo and they get married, and leave for his ranch in the west. Her friends warn her of an early disillusionment with life on a ranch, far away from the glitter and bright lights of Broadway. Kay makes one difficulty adjustment after another, as the ranch is presided over by Chris's kids, and an incident occurs with a neighbor that prompts Kay to return to her glamorous life in New York. But she soon finds her heart is with Chris and his children.
A horse trainer who has fallen on hard times looks to his horse, Broadway Bill, to finally win the big race.
Bob Sears
An orange packer (Mickey Rooney) foils robbers with magic and wins the boss's (William Demarest) daughter (Terry Moore).
Herman Kluggs
When Willie leaves home to join the war effort he is all ready to become a hero, but he is only frustrated when his posting ends up to be in his home town, and he is recruited into training, keeping him from the action. However, when he finds himself accidently behind enemy lines he unexpectedly becomes a hero after all.
Charlie Baxter, Press Agent
A Broadway director rescues a starlet from mobsters who blame her for a shooting.
Steve Martin
In this sequel to The Jolson Story, we pick up the singer's career just as he has returned to the stage after a premature retirement. But his wife has left him and the appeal of the spotlight isn't what it used to be. This time Jolson trades in the stage for life in the fast lane: women, horses, travel. It takes the death of Moma Yoelson and World War II to bring Jolson back to earth - and to the stage. Once again teamed with manager Steve Martin, Jolson travels the world entertaining troops everywhere from Alaska to Africa. When he finally collapses from exhaustion it takes young, pretty nurse Ellen Clark to show him there's more to life than "just rushing around".
A young girl is left with the notoriously cheap Sorrowful Jones as a marker for a bet. When her father doesn't return, he learns that taking care of a child interferes with his free-wheeling lifestyle. Sorrowful must also evade crooked gangsters and indulge in a bit of horse-thieving.
Bill Dansing
Smith is an iron-willed railroad detective. When his friend Murray is fired from the railroad and begins helping Rebstock wreck trains, Smith must go after him. He also seems to have an interest in Murray's wife (and vice versa).
Lt. Shawn
Псевдо-экстрасенс Джон Тритон неожиданно открывает у себя способность к предвидению.
Vern Tewilliger
Two female con artists from New York City, fleeing the law with loot from their latest scam, hide out in a small Maine town, near the Canadian border. However - the residents of this small town aren't quite as unsophisticated as the girls think they are.
Фильм представляет собой альманах из трёх новелл. Оливер Пис работает в известной газете обычным служащим, но своей жене Марте не решается открыть истинное положение вещей, уверяя её, что он вполне уважаемый репортёр. Оливер не подозревает, что Марта уже давно знает всю правду. Желая хоть как-то ускорить карьерный рост мужа, Марта предлагает Оливеру провести на улицах Нью-Йорка опрос случайно встреченных людей на тему: «Какое влияние ребёнок оказал на вашу жизнь?» и рассказанные истории опубликовать в газете. По мнению Марты подобная публикация может иметь успех у читателей, а следовательно поможет карьере Оливера. И вот Оливер, как взаправдашний журналист, начинает интервьюировать каждого, кого встречает на пути. Среди услышанных историй выделяются три: друзей-музыкантов, звезды и иллюзиониста.
Dozens of star and character-actor cameos and a message about the Variety Club (a show-business charity) are woven into a framework about two hopeful young ladies who come to Hollywood, exchange identities, and cause comic confusion (with slapstick interludes) throughout the Paramount studio.
George 'Mac' McGuire
Молодая жизнерадостная Пирл Уайт ни минуты не может прожить без музыки, пения и танцев. Работая с утра до вечера в швейном ателье, она мечтает о театральных подмостках. Однажды ей выпадает неожиданная удача: клиентка ателье, актриса Джулия Гиббс, приводит её в театр, а затем и на съёмки киносериала "Злоключения Полины". Этот сериал приносит Пирл мировую славу.
Steve Martin
This movie shows the idealized career of the singer Al Jolson, a little Jewish boy who goes against the will of his father in order to be in showbiz. He becomes a star, falls in love with a non-Jewish dancer, and marries her. In the end he chooses success on the stage.
Peanuts Schultz
Russell and Lynn are a pair of college students in the 1920s. They get mixed up with kind-hearted bootlegger Donlevy who helps them get their boy friends back.
Chuck Gibson
Eddie York (MacMurray) is mistaken for playboy Francis Pemberton and gets into trouble.
Bill, the Security Guard
A girl is desperate to get to Washington D.C. to be with her lonesome brother, a wounded G.I. She persuades Bing Crosby to let her join his caravan.
William Demarest
The staff of a record factory drown their sorrows at Duffy's Tavern, while the company owner faces threats of bankruptcy.
George Fury
Дикий запад Америки. Бандит и убийца Монти Джеррад грабит почтовый дилижанс и убивает охрану, но в перестрелке он теряет свое именное ружье. Шериф, составив его описание в общих чертах, вывешивает объявление о награде в одну тысячу долларов любому, кто поймает преступника.
Тем временем в обеспокоенный ограблением городок въезжает пара странствующих ковбоев Мэлоди Джонс и Джордж Фури, на седле Мэлоди красуются инициалы «MJ». Увидев эти буквы, мирные горожане начинают разбегаться в стороны, крепкие парни в салуне замолкают как рыбы, а бармен бесплатно угощает выпивкой. Все это происходит потому, что граждане приняли безобидных скотоводов за кровавого Монти его дядюшку Роско, которые лет пять назад наводили ужас на местные угодья.
A gambler and his buddy find a wise-guy jockey for their long-shot horse.
Constable Edmund Kockenlocker
После вечеринки по случаю проводов отряда военных, взбалмошная девица Труди Кокенлокер из провинциального городка наутро оказывается замужем и беременной и не помнит, кто является её мужем и отцом ребенка. Местный парень Норвелл Джонс, влюблённый в неё много лет, пытается помочь ей выпутаться из этого затруднительного положения. Они заключают фиктивный брак под чужой фамилией, который впоследствии был признан законным. Из-за этого фиктивного брака, Норвелл оказывается обвинен в мошенничестве и посажен в тюрьму. Пока Норвелл отсиживал свой срок, Труди рожает шестерых близнецов и весть об этом событии разлетается по всему миру. Норвелл же, выйдя из тюрьмы, ничего об этом не знает, приезжает увидеться с Труди, где ему сообщают эту радостную весть, от чего он чуть не сходит с ума. В 2000 году фильм вошел в список «100 лучших комедий» по оценкам Американского института кино (AFI).
Sgt. Heppelfinger
Having been discharged from the Marines for a hayfever condition before ever seeing action, Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith delays the return to his hometown, feeling that he is a failure. While in a moment of melancholy, he meets up with a group of Marines who befriend him and encourage him to return home to his mother by fabricating a story that he was wounded in battle with honorable discharge.
Eben Frost
The biography of Dr. W.T. Morgan, a 19th century Boston dentist, during his quest to have anesthesia, in the form of ether, accepted by the public and the medical and dental establishment.
Broadway producer Jerry Flynn is anxious to recapture the magic and reclaim the crowds after a set of costly flops. Outside his theater one night, Flynn meets a young boy who just might save the day. Inside a small box the boy shows Flynn his pride and joy: a caterpillar named Curly that dances to Yes Sir, That's My Baby. Word quickly spreads about the amazingly talented hoofer, and the caterpillar becomes a symbol of hope for wartime America. Soon, offers are pouring in to capitalize on this sensational insect.
Walter Cummings
One of the members of a sorority is found murdered. Although the police are called in to investigate, some of the girls decide to do some sleuthing on their own to unmask the killer.
Uncle Jake
A writer for a radio program needs some fresh ideas to juice up his show. For inspiration, he rents a room with a typical American family and begins to secretly write about their true life antics. The show becomes a big hit, but he begins to feel guilty about his charade when he falls in love with the family's pretty older daughter.
Detective Gatling
Mystery writer Barry Craig (Allyn Joslyn) and his wife Jane (Evelyn Keyes), prefer solving crimes rather than writing about them. They get a chance when killings plague the fashion photography studio of Ralph McCormick (Edmund Lowe). After his secretary, Julie Taylor(Anita Louise) reports an attempt to murder her there, Erika McCormick's (Ann Savage) Aunt Isabel Fleming (Mary Forbes) is stabbed and the evidence points to Madge Lawrence (Bess Flowers) an older model and an apparent suicide. Police Inspector Joseph Clinton (Frank Craven) declares the case closed...but then Erika is murdered.
William Demarest
A young soldier on a pass in New York City visits the famed Stage Door Canteen, where famous stars of the theater and films appear and host a recreational center for servicemen during the war. The soldier meets a pretty young hostess and they enjoy the many entertainers and a growing romance
Harry Fabian
As sixteen year old Ann Winters begins a relationship with an older actor to further her career, lookalike fan Penelope Ryan is recruited by a group of former child stars to perform in a USO show.
Police Officer
Kathy lives in a cramped New York flat with her father Madden Thomas, a celebrated actor brought down by drink. Lame from an early age and feeling trapped with her father in her small world, Kathy is delighted to meet fellow tenant Robert. When Madden is offered the lead in a new King Lear and Robert lands a composing job in Hollywood, better times seem for a while to beckon.
The story takes place at a summer theater in the Berkshire Mountains, where heroine Joan Barry (Carol Bruce) is staging a Broadway-bound musical comedy. Only one problem: two guest stars are shot and killed on two successive evenings, right in front of the audience. Hoping to solve the mystery, detective William Demarest demands that everyone -- actors and theatergoers alike -- return the following weekend to restage the show. But with no major performer willing to assume the fatal guest-star slot, Joan is forced to hire the Three Jolly Jesters (Al, Harry and Jimmy Ritz), Manhattan washroom attendants with showbiz aspirations.
First Member Ale and Quail Club
Том и Джерри Джефферс женаты уже несколько лет, но супружеская жизнь не складывается. Низкой зарплаты Тома не хватает на содержание их супружеского гнездышка, и молодым грозит выселение из квартиры. Джерри знакомится со странным богатым человечком по прозвищу «Король сосисок», который в будущем вроде бы должен занять их квартиру.
Новый знакомый дает ей 700 долларов для начала «новой жизни». Том не верит в «просто благотворительность» миллионера, и, подозревая измену, устраивает скандал. Милые ссорятся «навсегда». Джерри, посчитав, что их супружеской жизни пришел конец, отправляется в Палм-Бич, где надеется оформить быстрый развод. Том, взвесив все за и против в сложившейся ситуации, намерен ей помешать…
Detective Kendall
A pair of bus drivers accidentally steal their own bus. With the company issuing a warrant for their arrest, they tag along with a playboy on a boat trip that finds them on a tropical island, where a jewel thief has sinister plans for them.
Flower Pot Policeman
The Army takes a bandleader (Kay Kyser) away from his bride (Ellen Drew) and sends him on a spy mission with a woman (Jane Wyman).
Sgt. Butts
A wire-walker, on the run from gangsters, masquerades as a soldier at her boyfriend's Army base.
Гловс Донахью — нью-йоркский спортивный промоутер. В течение многих лет каждое его утро начинается с чизкейка, приготовленного в пекарне Миллера. Но однажды устоявшийся распорядок был нарушен: владельца пекарни, Миллера, убивают. Он видел, как певица из ночного клуба Леда Гамильтон покидает пекарню. По просьбе своей матери Гловс начинает своё расследование. А когда партнер босса певицы Марти Джо также оказывается убит, Леда и ее аккомпаниатор Пепи исчезают. Вскоре выясняется, что за убийством Миллера стоит крупная подпольная организация, в планах которой — захват страны. Так Гловс выходит на банду тайных нацистов.
Papa Doran
Former child star Jackie Cooper headlines this sentimental behind-the-scenes comedy drama. He plays an ex-child star who now jerks sodas for a living in Hollywood. He gets back into the movie business when he overhears a conversation between producers discussing their newest prodigy. Cooper butts in and suggests the producers remake Skippy (a real-life 1931 film that made young Cooper a star). The bigwigs like the idea and then hire Cooper to become the boy's acting coach. Once back on the backlot, Cooper finds both trouble and romance while helping the young boy adjust to life as a movie star.
Mr. Jones
Джон Ллойд Салливан, самый преуспевающий комедиограф Голливуда, собирается впервые снять серьёзный фильм. Он верит, что в мире сегодня столько страданий и горя, что людям не до смеха. В поисках сюжета для свой новой картины «О, где же ты, брат!», Джон решает с одной монетой в кармане и в нищенском «рванье» проехать всю Америку, чтобы в полной мере осознать, что такое бедность и лишения. В первом же кафе он обнаруживает, что лишился даже той единственной монеты, которая была при нем. На помощь приходит невероятно красивая блондинка в вечернем платье, с которой ему предстоит разделить все радости и невзгоды своего удивительного похода за правдой…
Inspector Pierson
A detective's wedding is postponed when gunshots are heard nearby.
Stogie McPhee
Johnny Campbell isa glib campaign manager for gubenatorial candidate Stogie McPhee. Having impulsively promised Johnny that she'll marry him if McPhee wins, heroine Pepper Wilson begins canvassing the voters on behalf of rival candidate Gildersleeve. But the race is won by a dark horse, blacksmith Gunther Potts, who single-handedly cleans out the corrupt element in the local government.
Bartender Barney
The Cisco Kid is captured while keeping a rendezvous with cantina dancer Dolores but is released by his captor, the commander of a U.S. Army regiment, to help break up a kidnap ring. On his way to Las Tables with his pal, Gordito, he makes a stop at the Martinez Rancho, where they learn that his friend Carlos has been kidnapped, from his wife Marquerita. At the Crystal Palace Saloon, Cisco runs into an old girlfriend, Sally, who he once jilted for a tight-rope walker, but she doesn't betray him when the sheriff and an army officer enter searching for Cisco.
Mike Brady
The story details the misadventures of two itinerant songwriters named Duke (Crosby) and Cliff (Foy) as they try to survive Army boot camp. Intending to boost the morale of their fellow draftees, our heroes stage a big musical show, which they eventually hope will graduate to Broadway.
First Detective
Узнав, что служащие магазина устроили публичную виселицу чучелу его владельца, последний, он же мультимиллионер, намерен отыскать зачинщиков. Для этой цели в коллектив внедряется сыщик.
После года проведенного на Амазонке, хороший знаток змей, но плохой знаток женщин, на океанском лайнере возвращается домой Чарльз Пайк. Он сын пивного короля и каждая девушка мечтает о знакомстве с ним. Но только Джин удается с маху преодолеть его рассеянность и застенчивость. Бедняга как муха на мед летит в объятия напористой искусительницы, не подозревая, что у Джин совсем не романтические планы… Она и ее отец — знаменитые карточные шулера и для нее охмурить мужчину, что передернуть колоду…
Constable Tom Thorpe
Jo March and her husband Professor Bhaer operate the Plumfield School for poor boys. When Dan, a tough street kid, comes to the school, he wins Jo's heart despite his hard edge, and she defends him when he is falsely accused. Dan's foster father, Major Burdle, is a swindler in cahoots with another crook called Willie the Fox. When the Plumfield School becomes in danger of foreclosure, the two con men cook up a scheme to save the home.
Mr. Bildocker
An office clerk loves entering contests in the hopes of someday winning a fortune and marrying the girl he loves. His latest attempt is the Maxford House Coffee Slogan Contest. As a joke, some of his co-workers put together a fake telegram which says that he won the $25,000 grand prize.
A Tennessee boy (Bob Burns) returns from the big city, runs for mayor and puts his musical kin on the radio.
A mild-mannered insurance salesman gets mixed up with gangsters.
Skeeters - The Politician
Дэн МакГинти ведет успешную, но весьма лживую политическую деятельность. Но всего лишь один момент необдуманной честности ставит все под угрозу…
Victor Walsh
Broadway producer Nickie North and press agent Scoop Trimble find an investor for their next show who insists that they cast his ex-girlfriend, Clarice Sheldon, in the lead role and rehearse out of town. The crew set up on a family farm, and all is well until the leading man falls for the farmer's daughter, Patience Bingham. When flighty starlet Sheldon finds out he has a new girlfriend, she takes off, leaving North and Trimble to find a new leading lady.
Bill Ennis
A New York attorney defends a young man with a criminal past who has been accused of murdering a police inspector.
Barney 'Gimpy' Cole
Four former actresses decide to restart their careers by opening up a nightclub.
Bill Griffith
Наивный идеалист Джефферсон Смит, лидер организации Мальчиков Рейнджеров назначен представителем в Сенат. Он объединяется со старшим сенатором от своего штата, однако не подозревает, как много людей вокруг него ведут двойную игру и выполняют приказания тех, кто выше. Наивный молодой сенатор сталкивается с понятиями коррупции, грязной игры, лживости и заангажированности прессы.
A maker of illusions for magicians protects an ingenue likely to be murdered.
Rusty Walker
Football scout for the Chicago Packers Rusty Walker signs Harry Lynn, a legendary broken-field runner. Harry won't leave his home town without his girlfriend Maizie Williams. He gets tangled up with gamblers and Rusty's girl Evelyn Corey makes a play for him.
Police Sgt. Ernest Heath
The zany plot follows nitwit Gracie Allen trying to help master sleuth Philo Vance solve a murder.
Mason is a former race-horse owner who gave up everything and started to drink after the death of one of his jockeys. One day he meets Goldie who has run away from home, hoping to find a job around horses; his biggest hobby. When he finds out the real identity of Mason, Goldie takes care of him. The two find an occasion to buy a horse for only two dollars, and start entering competitions. Goldie is an instant celebrity, but his mom reads the newspapers and tracks him down. Mason is very surprised to see her, his ex-wife, and even more astonished to hear that Goldie is his own son. However, Goldie must go back to school and so they decide to keep the secret. Since Goldie does not want to leave Mason behind, he goes to the bookies and fixes the next race, hoping to disappoint Goldie by asking him to lose on purpose.
Charles Dole
In 1923, Gregory Vance, a widower with two children, is a former scholar who has turned from book to bottle. He works, slightly, as a night-watchman, and his children, who know him for what he is and what he isn't, are his only admirers. Then, it is discovered that he is the only registered voter in a key precinct and the politicians, from both parties, arrive in droves bearing inducements. What he does about this situation, and the relatives who want to take his children away from him make up the story.
Red Miller
Newspaperman (Whalen) looks into the deaths of bond-carriers while romancing a show girl (Rogers).
Trouble-prone Billy Peck and his gang descend on a traveling circus that has just hit town, and before long their antics are causing the circus owner all kinds of problems.
Joe, Diner Owner
Two young men try to wrest their father from the clutches of a gold digger but by mistake think the woman is a young nightclub singer with whom they both fall in love.
Frenzied comedy starring June Lang as a reporter investigating the mysterious disappearances of four men who had all withdrawn large sums of money from the local bank in Stockton, Ohio.
Police Lt. Eckhardt
A (rather shady?) private detective specializing in recovering highly insured items gets involved in recovering a stolen necklace. In the process also gets involved with a secretary at the insurance company.
Harry Kipper
Rebecca's Uncle Harry leaves her with Aunt Miranda who forbids her to associate with show people. But neighbor Anthony Kent is a talent scout who secretly set it up for her to broadcast.
Army Coach
West Point cadet Dick Thorpe falls in love with a girl, who turns out to be a princess from an European kingdom.
Mr. Beecher
Anna and Joe are newly married, playful and deeply in love. Joe is scraping by as cab driver in New York City during a period of corruption, mob control and violence between cab companies.
Radio Center Tour Guide
Satire on radio, built around the supposed feud between bandleader Ben Bernie and journalist Walter Winchell.
Paul Sears
Fred Stevens is an aspiring songwriter from Schenectady who journeys to New York City, hoping to make a name for himself. On the train he meets dental assistant Edna Baker, and the two embark upon a friendship that evolves into her falling for him. While struggling in Tin Pan Alley, Fred falls in with his composer partner's gold-digging sister-in-law Eileen. Eileen really becomes interested when she finds out Fred is carrying his life savings.
Wallace Whistling
J.B. Ball, a rich financier, gets fed up with his free-spending family. He takes his wife's just-bought (very expensive) sable coat and throws it out the window, it lands on poor hard-working girl Mary Smith. But it isn't so easy to just give away something so valuable, as he soon learns.
Sergeant Kirby
A millionaire is found murdered in his apartment. Suspicion falls on a variety of suspects, including his fiancée and her parents, the butler, and a professional mentalist known as The Great Gambini.
Mr. Beatty
A nurse's brother who's pursued by the mob, hides out in a hospital by pretending to be a patient.
Parole Officer
Agent Pete Garland is fired by society singer Monica Barrett after he got her a new radio contract, because she thinks her lawyer friend Teddy Leeds fits in better with her social status. To get even, Pete wants to make an unknown singer into a star. He finds Ruth Allison, drives her hard through rehearsals and makes her a star. But she is worried about her past, something she hasn't told Pete: She's an ex-convict and jumped bail in order to keep her partners in crime out of it. Further she's in love with Pete, but feels that he's still carrying a torch for Monica. When Monica's popularity is decreasing, Pete is able to get Ruth a stint on the program, the result is Monica is fired and Ruth get her job, but Monica takes revenge by revealing Ruth's past. Ruth considers it is best for her to disappear before being arrested, but she has become a star in public opinion. Will she get Pete or will she go to prison again?
Marty Short
A hypochondriac is afraid he will die before he gets an inheritance that will "cure" him.
Larry 'Horace' Tucker
After being released from prison, con man Thurston Hall gathers his gang of cronies--along with innocent chump Guy Kibbee--to help him sell worthless stock in a New Mexico gold mine.
Willoughby Sproggs
A girl escapes marriage and hitchhikes with a young man in whose car a jewel thief has planted his loot.
Nature reporter Orville Shanks retreats to the woods for material for his "Our Wild Friends" column and to volunteer for his favorite cause, the Boy Scouts. When Orville's editor, Crane, orders him to spice up his column, Orville's wife Melba writes a gossip column using animals as metaphors for people. Crane loves Melba's article and gives Orville a raise, and the column becomes a hit.
Sergeant Kelly
В здании оперы происходит сильный пожар, во время которого бесследно исчезает ведущий баритон Гравель. Певца считают погибшим, но он оказывается в психиатрической лечебнице с сильной амнезией. Никто не знает, как его зовут и откуда он взялся. Проходит семь лет, как однажды Гравель узнает новость, что его бывшая жена и партнерша по театру стала главной исполнительницей оперы. К Гравелю возвращается память, и он сбегает из лечебницы. Вскоре обнаруживают мертвую жену Гравеля, а затем еще нескольких артистов оперы. За расследование берется знаменитый детектив Чарли Чен и его сын Ли...
A runaway bride and an undercover reporter get caught up in political intrigue as they lead a merry chase across Europe and uncover a spy plot.
'Smiles' Benson
Charlie Mason and Rusty Fleming are star reporters on a Chicago tabloid who are romantically involved as well. Although skilled in ferreting out great stories, they often behave in an unprofessional and immature manner. After their shenanigans cause their frustrated city editor to resign, the publisher promotes Charlie to the job, a decision based on the premise that only a slacker would be able crack down on other shirkers and underachievers. His pomposity soon alienates most of his co-workers and causes Rusty to move to New York. Charlie resigns and along with gangster friend Smiles Benson tries to win Rusty back before she marries a stuffy society author.
A powerful publisher John Mitchell whose pursuit of sensational headlines at the expense of all else takes a personal toll when his daughter Joan is implicated in a murder.
Regi's Date Natty (uncredited)
A manicurist and an engaged loafer, both planning to marry money, meet and fall in love.
Harry Hill
A loose biopic based on the life of Gilded Age tycoon "Diamond" Jim Brady.
Husband-and-wife vaudeville stars separate when success goes to his head.
'Red' Maguire
Steve Grey, reporter for the Daily Star, has a habit of scooping all the other papers in town. When Henry Mander is investigated for the murder of his shady business partner, Grey is one step ahead of the police to the extent that he often dictates his story in advance of its actual occurrence. He leads the police through an 'open and shut' case resulting in Mander being tried, convicted and sentenced to death. Columnist Mary Shannon is in love with Steve but she sees him struggle greatly with his last story before Mander's execution. When she starts typing out the story from his recorded dictation, she realizes why.
When Philo Vance receives a note that harm will befall Lynn at the casino that night, he takes the threat seriously while the DA dismisses it. At the casino owned by Uncle Kinkaid, Lynn is indeed poisoned under the watchful eye of Philo. However, he recovers, but the same cannot be said for Lynn's wife Virginia, who is at the family home. Only a family member could have poisoned Lynn and Virginia and everyone has their dark motives. Philo will follow the clues and find the perpetrator.
Police Detective (uncredited)
A managing editor sends a socialite reporter to spy on her boyfriend, mixed up in murder.
Steve Rogers
In this thriller, a young woman marries a dashing young man who, unbeknownst to her, is a jewel thief.
Gracie Allen assumes the "management" of the shop owned by her papa Horatio Allen, turning it into a radio station and then an aviary---with the usual Gracie Allen logic---while distracted Papa is trying to get younger daughter, beauty contest winner Florence, married before she can head to Hollywood and get into the movies.
Spike Smith
Арлин Брэдфорд — богатая и испорченная девушка из Сан-Франциско. Ей наплевать на закон, Арлин водит дружбу с гангстерами и вовлекла своего жениха Спенсера Карлтона в преступную деятельность. Эверетт Брэдфорд, отчим Арлин, возмущён поведением падчерицы. До поры до времени он терпит её выходки, но однажды начинает беспокоиться, что Арлин окажет дурное влияние на Вал, родную дочь Эверетта…
The Heir
The heir to a fortune will only receive his inheritance if he spends the night in a supposedly haunted house.
Jack McLure
Peter Jones is a young man who arrives on Broadway from Chillicothe, Ohio, hoping to invest $20,000 in a play and turn a profit sufficient to buy a local hotel back home. He is conned by Joe Lehman and Jack McClure into backing their play with a 49-percent stake. The play opens out-of-town in Syracuse and bombs. Lehman and McClure want out, and Jones buys them out
'Terrible Bill' McGovern
Trolley car conductor Clyde Jones and bus conductor "Terrible Bill" Jones are arch rivals for the hand of coffee-shop owner Mary Smith.
Man in Bombay (uncredited)
Two sailors with a rivalry over chasing women become friends. But when one decides to finally settle down, will this mysterious young woman come between them?
'Hi Jack' Murdock
A "love-'em-and-leave-'em" sailor hooks up with a dance-hall girl in Paris while waiting for his ship to sail. She falls in love with him, and when his ship leaves port she decides to show up at its next stop and reunite with her lover. However, when she arrives at the ship's next destination, she discovers that her "lover" has already found another local girl to spend his time with. Complications ensue.
The Crash (1928)
Defense Counsel
A police raid on a night club results in the entire cast of the club's floor show being hauled into court, where they must perform their routines for the judge.
Buster Billings (uncredited)
День премьеры фильма "Певец джаза" - 10 октября 1927 г. - официально считается днем рождения звукового кино. Эл Джолсон, один из лучших американских певцов 20-х годов XX века, сыграл в этой картине главную роль - молодого парня Джеки, единственного и любимого сына кантора синагоги Рабиновича. Джеки, как и отец, должен был стать раввином, но его страсть - джаз, и он мечтает о карьере музыканта. После того, как отец узнает, что Джеки поет в кафе, он отрекается от сына и выгоняет его из дома. По прошествии нескольких лет Джеки, теперь уже признанный певец Джек Робин, возвращается в отчий дом, но отец не желает видеть сына, потому что по-прежнему не одобряет его выбор. Финальная сцена их примирения до сих пор является одной из красивейших и эмоциональных в истории кинематографа.
Cynthia Botts is the headmistress of a girls' school who has left a fortune on the condition that no scandal could ever be associated with her name. But scandal, in the form of Sandy McTavish, a romantic sailor and Charlotte Ralston is just around the corner.
The Village Cut-Up
The transition from horses to automobiles at the turn of the century causes problems between a father and son.
Detective Dibbin
Film was released in 1927
Train Engine Fireman
Dan Foster, the engineer of the Black Diamond Express express train falls in love with Jeanne Harmon, whose snobbish, high society mother, Mrs. Harmon, does not approve of the blue-collar, rough-at-the-edges Dan Foster as a suitable husband for Jeanne.
Simple Sis is a 1927 American silent comedy-melodrama directed by Herman C. Raymaker and starring Louise Fazenda as a poor, plain laundress hoping for romance, supported by Clyde Cook as a shy suitor and Myrna Loy as a cruel beauty. No copies of Simple Sis are known to exist; it is presumed lost.
George Lamont
To satisfy her controlling mother and secure both of their futures, a daughter hesitantly enters a loveless marriage to a wealthy businessman. Years later, after she has uncovered and overcome her mother's deceptions and manipulations, her newfound happiness is threatened with the appearance of a mysterious "man from the sea."
Ray Valerian
The Carters, a nouveau riche couple from Peoria, Illinois, decide to take a trip to Europe in the company of John Carter's best friend Henry. While in Paris, Henry begins squiring the coquettish Suzanne, who throws him over in favor of Carter.
Cuffs Egan
A gang of inept crooks and even more inept lawmen search for a cache of hidden money.