Sim Eun-woo

Sim Eun-woo

Рождение : 1992-06-02,


Sim Eun-woo


Woo-jin receives a text message that his ex-girlfriend passed away, and despite his wife’s dissuasion, he goes to the wake and mourns for her. After that day, strange things start to happen, and his baby becomes sick without reason.
Office worker Ranhee is a cinephile who once dreamt of being an independent film director. Several years ago, she had to put an end to her gloriously drafted independent feature film and went off the grid. She heads to a bar to meet her friend Seonjun who used to make films together. There she bumps into Xingxing, the starring actress of her flop. Xingxing still features in independent films and builds her career. She is with director Ki, the producer of her upcoming film. Xingxing suggests that the three sit together. Director Ki is insensitive and crude as if those features represent a true artist. When he begins to talk about Ranhee’s film, she can’t help but become very sensitive.
The Closed Ward
Here are seven people who woke up from an old closed ward. They are tied to the bed and a small box falls for an autopsy bed when the number of clocks reaches 00:00. Why are they trapped here and what will happen to them?
60 дней лета
В свои 70 лет Дон Иль не отстает от современных тенденций. Он умеет пользоваться планшетом и знает, что такое социальные сети. Одним словом, Дон Иль умеет наслаждаться жизнью. Но однажды его беспечное существование заканчивается, когда сын Дон Иля уезжает в США и оставляет ему на попечение внука-подростка Чжэ Хуна, с которым дед совершенно не ладит. Ситуация обостряется и тем, что в районе какая-то группировка начинает творить преступления против стариков, и Дон Иль всё больше подозревает, что это дело рук друзей его внука.