Betty E. Box

Рождение : 1915-09-25, Beckenham, Kent, England, UK

Смерть : 1999-01-15


Betty E. Box (full name Betty Evelyn Box) was a prolific producer of British films, mainly comedies, between 1946 and the early 1970s, working mainly for Pinewood Studios and often together with director Ralph Thomas. Originally a commercial artist, she started producing documentaries during World War II for her filmmaker brother Sydney Box's company Verity Films. In 1946 she was followed her brother to Gainsborough Pictures, where she produced several features before the company closed in 1949. She then moved to Rank's Pinewood Studios, where she and Ralph Thomas made some 30 films together. All in all, she produced 47 features and was awarded an OBE in 1958.


Flying Machines
Phoebe Fairchild discovers secrets about her dead husband
The Man Who Ruined the British Film Industry
Documentary about John Davis, a businessman who as chairman oversaw the decline of the Rank Organisation.
Бенджи потерялся
Original Music Composer
Симпатяга-пес Бенджи потерялся. И не где-нибудь, а в лесу. Можно предположить какие приключения ждут там простую дворняжку. Мог ли Бенджи, например, представить себе, что скоро станет «мамой»? Нет. Но остаться равнодушным к маленьким котятам пумы, оставшимся без матери он не смог. В то время, как Бенджи — новоявленная «мамаша» — пытается найти малышам еды, на него самого охотится кровожадный волк…
The Golden Gong: The Story of Rank Films - British Cinema's Legendary Studio
Documentary - After starting his career producing religious film shorts, J. Arthur Rank went on to become Britain's first and only movie mogul with his establishment of the legendary Pinewood Studios. Narrated by Michael Caine, THE GOLDEN GONG chronicles Pinewood's rise to success. - Richard Attenborough, Dirk Bogarde, Betty E. Box
The Rank Charm School
Documentary about The Company of Youth, The Rank Organisation’s training school for aspirant film actors, nicknamed The Rank Charm School.
Percy's Progress
Percy, the man with the world's first penis transplant, discovers that there is a chemical in the world's water that makes men impotent.
The Love Ban
The story of a Catholic family's dilemma about the pill.
Edwin Antony (Hywel Bennett) is emasculated in an accident which kills a young philanderer. Doctors successfully replace his member with that of the dead man, but refuse to tell him the full story of the organ's origin. So Edwin begins a search which takes him to the philanderer's wife - and also to his many, many girlfriends...
Доктор в ловушке
Звезда телесериала — «Доктор Дерр» угодил в настоящий госпиталь, где ему было рекомендовано отдохнуть от съемок и отправиться в круиз на океанском лайнере «Золотой рог». По стечению обстоятельств на том же лайнере отплывает на фотосессию подруга одноклассника телезвезды — настоящего доктора Берка, фотомодель Офелия, которой Берк никак не успевает сделать предложение руки и сердца. Не в силах помешать этому путешествию, доктор Берк тайком пробирается на корабль…
Некоторые девушки могут
Тайный агент расследует причины неожиданных смертей среди людей, связанных с созданием нового трансконтинентального авилайнера.
Nobody Runs Forever
Detective Scobie Malone accepts a mission to fly to London to arrest Sir James Quentin, a high-level commissioner wanted down under for murder. But when Malone arrives, he finds that the amiable Quentin is not only the key in groundbreaking peace negotiations, but also the target of an assassin himself.
Беспощаднее мужчин
Британский агент Хью Драммонд должен присечь деятельность одного из главарей преступного мира. Этот своеобразный мастер преступности использует для своих целей банду под предводительством двух красавиц, готовых убить любого, кто встанет у них на пути…
Доктор и его медсестры
Доктор Гастон Гримсдейк уволен с должности врача в мужской тюрьме и был направлен на курсы повышения квалификации со старым медицинским наставником — сэром Ланселотом Спраттом, который намерен сделать из него успешного хирурга. Гримсдейк узнает, что должность старшего врача вскоре станет вакантной и начинает плести интриги. Он решает, что обследование телосложения медсестер важнее, чем состояние здоровья пациентов…
The High Bright Sun
This story of love and espionage focuses on political turmoil as a small nation struggles to free itself from colonial rule, and one man tries to serve both justice and his own heart.
Жарковато для июня
Безработного писателя, во времена холодной войны, британская разведслужба нанимает для выполнения задачи в Праге. По прибытии, он увлекается своей очаровательной сопровождающей — водителем. Которая, естественно, работает в спецслужбе…
Doctor in Distress
"Doctor in Distress" is the fifth of the seven films in the "Doctor" series, and focuses on Sir Lancelot Spratt, Simon Sparrow's old teacher and sometimes nemesis. When the eternal bachelor Sir Lancelot injures his back and falls in love with his physiotherapist Iris Marchant, he becomes very distressed and turns to Simon for help. Simon, who now is a senior doctor at fictional Hampden Cross Hospital and hopelessly in love with aspiring actress Delia, sends him to a nature cure clinic in a vain attempt to help him lose weight, but Sir Lancelot can't get Iris off his mind and has her followed, first by a private investigator and eventually by himself. When he finally proposes, she rejects him and marries an old army major, which distresses Sir Lancelot even more.
The Wild and the Willing
Harry Brown is a somewhat rough and wild university student, who has the ability to win friends, especially the underdogs like Phil who doesn't play 'rugger' and can't sink a whole pint of beer, and African student Reggie. He also has a way with the girls....
A Pair of Briefs
She's new in chambers, and he's a troublemaker. But what 'is' the true status of the old lady's wartime marriage, and can the two young legal minds find the answer?
No, My Darling Daughter
A British business tycoon is surprised to discover his teenage daughter is being courted by a mysterious young man.
No Love for Johnnie
Johnnie Byrne is a member of the British Parliament. In his 40s, he's feeling frustrated with his life and his personal as well as professional problems tower up over him. His desires to win the next election are endangered by his constant looking for love and he is faced with the choice of giving up a career in politics or giving up the woman he loves.
Doctor in Love
Doctors Burke and Hare leave the confines of St Swithins for the world of general practice, stopping off on the way as patients at the Foulness Anti-cold Unit. Hare then takes up a position as junior in a well-healed G.P.'s surgery while Burke continues to sow his doctorial wild oats.
Conspiracy of Hearts
In wartime Italy nuns in a convent regularly smuggle Jewish children out of a nearby internment camp. The Italian army officer in charge suspects what may be going on but deliberately turns a blind eye. When the Germans take over the camp security the nuns' activities become far more dangerous.
Вверх и вниз по лестнице
Молодая пара переезжает в новый дом и по совету отца невесты пытается найти помощницу по хозяйству. Однако супруги даже не подозревали, с какими сложностями им придется столкнуться в поисках домработницы. Распутницы, грабительницы банков, алкоголички... Кто только себя не попробовал на этом поприще!
The 39 Steps
In London, a diplomat accidentally becomes involved in the death of a British agent who's after a spy ring that covets British military secrets.
The Wind Cannot Read
Dirk Bogarde is an officer during World War II learning Japanese in India in order to do intelligence work on the Indian front. While there he gets a Japanese teacher, who is full of the inscrutable and mysterious East, like a Chinese motorcycle.
Повесть о двух городах
Адвокат Сидни Картон — уставший от мира, разочарованный алкоголик, который удалился от жизни во всех её проявлениях, пока он не влюбляется в Люси Манетт, дочь французского революционного политического заключённого. Она, между тем, думает о нём только как о друге и выходит замуж за Чарльза Дарнея, потомка французских аристократов…
Королевство Кэмпбелла
Брюс Кэмпбелл наследует территорию «Королевство Кэмпбелла» в канадских Скалистых горах после смерти деда. Доктора поставили ему диагноз «неизлечимая болезнь» и он решает отправиться в Скалистые горы, чтобы выполнить мечту деда - найти нефть и, очистить его имя от несправедливого обвинения. Его дед - владелец компании занимающейся разведкой нефти верил, что в этих горах есть нефть, но компания разорилась, а деда признали виновным в мошенничестве. Оуэн Морган является боссом компании, которая строит дамбу. Когда дамба будет закончена, вода затопит «Королевство», а вместе с ним и надежды на исполнение мечты. Задача Кембелла - это гонка на время, чтобы доказать, что на территории «Королевства» есть нефть, прежде чем дамба будет закончена.
Doctor at Large
The third of the "Doctor" films. Newly qualified doctor Simon Sparrow goes in search of a job. He applies for a surgery position at the hospital where he studied, but manages to insult the senior surgeon and one of the hospital's governors. So, instead he ends up as assistant to with a niggardly and rather scary GP with an amerous wife, followed by cushy but rather unmedical job with a Harley Street doctor, and then a job with a very nice GP whp is the opposite to the first one. But after getting the chance to rescue the hospital governor from a group of angry ladies at a resort in France, he finally lands a job at his beloved hosdpital.
Stanley Baker's O'Donovan is sent to steal the plans of a rival company's racing car designs, to ensure his employers win the competition. However, when opening a safe containing the plans, he triggers an alarm leading to a gun battle where he kills a number of people. James Robertson Justice, alarmed by the scandal surrounding the killings, orders his agent be killed surreptitiously to hide his involvement with the plot. The film uses original footage from the Mille Miglia , an Italian open-road endurance race, featuring classic period racing cars.
Железная нижняя юбка
Капитан КГБ, летчица Винка Коваленко приезжает в Лондон по заданию коммунистической партии. Она стройна и красива, но слишком уж одержима коммунистическим идеями. В Лондоне Винка знакомится с британским капитаном контрразведки, элегантным и обаятельным Чаком Локвудом. Молодые люди полюбили друг друга, а Чаку удалось убедить Винку в преимуществах «западного» мира.
Доктор на море
Саймон Спэрроу устраивается работать судовым врачом. Он предполагает, что его ждет спокойное плавание. Однако на борт корабля поднимаются дочь судовладельца и певичка-француженка. Говорят, что женщина на корабле - к несчастью, а тут их сразу две...
Mad About Men
Flirtatious mermaid Miranda swaps places with a schoolteacher who has gone on holiday. All is well until she falls in love with a human.
Doctor in the House
The first of the seven "Doctor" films, based on Richard Gordon's novels and released between 1954 and 1970. Simon Sparrow is a newly arrived medical student at St Swithin's hospital in London. Falling in with three longer-serving hopefuls he is soon immersed in the wooing, imbibing and fast sports-car driving that constitute 1950s medical training. There is, however, always the looming and formidable figure of chief surgeon Sir Lancelot Spratt to remind them of their real purpose.
A Day to Remember
Based on The Hand and the Flower, a novel by Jerrard Tickell, A Day to Remember stars Stanley Holloway as Charley Porter, captain of London darts team. When the team travels to the French town of Boulogne for the annual darts tournament, a good time is had by all--and more besides. Jim Carver one of the team's members, is reunited with a little French girl he'd befriended during the war, who has now developed into a beautiful young woman. And Fred Collins makes a poignant journey to the hotel where he'd honeymooned with his late wife. The film works best as a low-key comedy-drama; it is least successful when it ventures into O. Henry territory and strains for "surprise" story twists. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Venetian Bird
Woman Next to the Factory Tour Guide (Uncredited)
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
Venetian Bird
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
Appointment with Venus
At the outbreak of WWII the British realise they can't prevent the invasion of the Channel Islands. However, someone realises that a prize cow is on the islands and the Nazis mustn't get hold of her. This is the intrepid story of the cow-napping from under the noses of the Nazis.
The Clouded Yellow
After leaving the British Secret Service, David Somers (played by Trevor Howard) finds work cataloging butterflies at the country house of Nicholas and Jess Fenton. After the murder of a local gamekeeper, suspicion (wrongfully) falls on their niece, Sophie Malraux (Jean Simmons). Somers helps Sophie to escape arrest and they go on the run together. After a cross-country chase they arrive at a coastal city with the intention of leaving the country by ship. All's well that ends well after the true identity of the murderer is revealed.
Так долго на ярмарке
Викки и её брат Джонни приезжают в Париж на Всемирную выставку 1889 года. На следующий день после того, как они остановились в отеле, Джонни исчезает. Хозяева отеля и персонал настаивают, что девушка приехала одна и что комнаты 19, якобы занимаемой братом, вообще не существует…
Христофор Колумб
Христофор Колумб преодолевает интригу испанского двора и убеждает королеву Изабеллу, что его план достичь Востока — осуществим.
Don't Ever Leave Me
Elderly crook Harry Denton, when challenged to prove he is "not past it," decides to kidnap Sheila Farlane, the 16 year old daughter of a famous actor. When Harry loses his nerve, Sheila won't let him give up.
Marry Me
The stories of several individuals who consult a marriage bureau, including a peer of the realm, his butler, a lonely school teacher, a French girl on the run from a violent boyfriend, a country vicar, and a newspaper reporter, sent by his editor, to do an undercover story.
It's Not Cricket
Kicked out of Army Intelligence, a pair of upper class twits set up as private detectives. The result is refined English chaos. " This is the regettable story of two Drones who didn't even know their own Zones. It starts in Germany, gets nowhere and stops at nothing." Radford and Wayne, cashiered from the army when they let a captured Nazi escape, become private detectives who later get involved with the same German and a missing diamond ...
The Huggetts Abroad
Life is not going well for the Huggetts. Father has lost his job. Jimmy and his wife cannot get to South Africa where he has a new job. So the family decide that they should go to South Africa by truck. With their travelling companion they travel across the desert which includes a brush with the law.
Vote for Huggett
A firm of solicitors do battle with the head of the local council over a parcel of river front land, owned by the Huggett family, in order to build a lido/community center.
Here Come the Huggetts
The Huggetts have their first telephone installed, sleep rough on The Mall whilst waiting for the Royal Wedding and deal with a fire at the 'Oatibix' factory.
The Blind Goddess
Executive Producer
Justice, the poets have it, is a blind goddess. Eric Portman stars as the lawyer defending a lord, Hugh Williams, accused by his secretary Michael Dennison of having diverted public funds for his own use.
A young married physician discovers a mermaid, and gives into her request to be taken to see London. Comedy and romantic entanglements ensue soon after.
When The Bough Breaks
The bewildered wife of a bigamist allows her child to be adopted and then regrets it.
Dear Murderer
When a man discovers his wife is having an affair, he commits the perfect crime.
The Upturned Glass
Associate Producer
A neurosurgeon relates to his students in medical school a story about an affair he had with a married woman and how after the affair was over, the woman fell out a window and died. The surgeon, suspecting that she was murdered, set out to find her killer -- but, instead of turning the suspect over to the police, he planned to take his own revenge on the murderer.
The Years Between
Associate Producer
Michael Redgrave, Valerie Hobson, Flora Robson and Felix Aylmer star in this moving and sophisticated story of love and loss set against the backdrop of the Second World War and based on the play by Daphne du Maurier. After hearing news that her officer husband has been killed in battle, Diana Wentworth forges a new life for herself, becoming an MP and learning to love again. Then, out of the blue comes the shattering news that her husband is not dead after all.