First Fairy
A film adaptation of Shakespeare's comedy, based on a popular stage production by the Royal Shakespeare Company. A small boy dreams the play, which unfolds in a surreal landscape of umbrellas and lightbulbs.
Miss Black
A group of children and their teachers from a Protestant school in Northern Ireland go on a trip to Paris.
A father is intent on finding the truth as to how his soldier son met his death while serving in Northern Ireland.
Sister Midwife
Two couples, one Catholic, one Protestant, exist on two sides of the chasm that is everyday life in Northern Ireland.
First Maid
Картина посвящена жизни Кони из семьи британских землевладельцев, живущих в Ирландии после Второй мировой. Завязав случайное знакомство с британским солдатом, она понимает, как одинока была и решает связать свою жизнь с движение за независимость Ирландии.
Adaptation of Shakespeare's play.