Alice Pennefather

Alice Pennefather


Alice Pennefather


In Her Hands
Dance film inspired by the life and work of the artists Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin.
In Her Hands
Dance film inspired by the life and work of the artists Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin.
Esprit du Jardin
A spirit emerges from icy cold water to explore the beautiful snow covered garden she finds herself trapped within.
Esprit du Jardin
A spirit emerges from icy cold water to explore the beautiful snow covered garden she finds herself trapped within.
Крылья урагана
Underwater Camera
История польского пилота Яна Зумбаха, который вступает в ряды британских ВВС, чтобы дать финальный отпор летчику люфтваффе и предотвратить вторжение в Великобританию.
Плавая с мужиками
Underwater Director of Photography
Мужчина, страдающий от кризиса среднего возраста, находит смысл жизни, вступив в мужскую любительскую команду по синхронному плаванию.
The Sun Is God
Director of Photography
1918 - A woman imagines her lover has returned from the horrors of war in France, remembering moments shared together. A tale of love and loss told through classical ballet.
The Sun Is God
1918 - A woman imagines her lover has returned from the horrors of war in France, remembering moments shared together. A tale of love and loss told through classical ballet.
The Sun Is God
1918 - A woman imagines her lover has returned from the horrors of war in France, remembering moments shared together. A tale of love and loss told through classical ballet.
The Sun Is God
1918 - A woman imagines her lover has returned from the horrors of war in France, remembering moments shared together. A tale of love and loss told through classical ballet.
The Sun Is God
1918 - A woman imagines her lover has returned from the horrors of war in France, remembering moments shared together. A tale of love and loss told through classical ballet.
Dreams of Giverny
Dreams of Giverny is a modern day ghost story told through the art of classical ballet and set in the gardens of Impressionist painter Claude Monet in Giverny, France. This short tells the tale of a young woman who upon reflection at the beauty of Monet’s water lily pond, slips into a daydream where she finds herself wearing pointe shoes and able to dance exquisitely. During this reverie she encounters a ghost like girl who guides her through the gardens, encouraging her to express her joy at the wonder of such a place through dance. By the end of their journey we are left to ponder whether this was in fact a dream or a magical ghostly encounter?
Dreams of Giverny
Dreams of Giverny is a modern day ghost story told through the art of classical ballet and set in the gardens of Impressionist painter Claude Monet in Giverny, France. This short tells the tale of a young woman who upon reflection at the beauty of Monet’s water lily pond, slips into a daydream where she finds herself wearing pointe shoes and able to dance exquisitely. During this reverie she encounters a ghost like girl who guides her through the gardens, encouraging her to express her joy at the wonder of such a place through dance. By the end of their journey we are left to ponder whether this was in fact a dream or a magical ghostly encounter?
Dreams of Giverny
Director of Photography
Dreams of Giverny is a modern day ghost story told through the art of classical ballet and set in the gardens of Impressionist painter Claude Monet in Giverny, France. This short tells the tale of a young woman who upon reflection at the beauty of Monet’s water lily pond, slips into a daydream where she finds herself wearing pointe shoes and able to dance exquisitely. During this reverie she encounters a ghost like girl who guides her through the gardens, encouraging her to express her joy at the wonder of such a place through dance. By the end of their journey we are left to ponder whether this was in fact a dream or a magical ghostly encounter?
Dreams of Giverny
Dreams of Giverny is a modern day ghost story told through the art of classical ballet and set in the gardens of Impressionist painter Claude Monet in Giverny, France. This short tells the tale of a young woman who upon reflection at the beauty of Monet’s water lily pond, slips into a daydream where she finds herself wearing pointe shoes and able to dance exquisitely. During this reverie she encounters a ghost like girl who guides her through the gardens, encouraging her to express her joy at the wonder of such a place through dance. By the end of their journey we are left to ponder whether this was in fact a dream or a magical ghostly encounter?
Опасное погружение
Underwater Stills Photographer
Маленькая капсула с четырьмя водолазами застряла на дне восточноафриканских вод на глубине пяти километров. Кислорода с каждым вдохом становится все меньше, а надежда на чудесное спасение тает с каждой минутой. Брошенным на произвол судьбы, им ничего не остается, кроме как попытаться спастись своими силами, полагаясь лишь на собственную храбрость и отчаянное желание выжить.
Чёрное море
Underwater Stills Photographer
К уволенному капитану подводной лодки обращается таинственный наниматель с предложением возглавить экспедицию по поиску затонувшей у берегов Чёрного моря субмарины, предположительно загруженной золотом. Желая подзаработать на этом деле и отомстить бывшему работодателю, капитан собирает команду из русских и английских моряков и отправляется в плавание, но вскоре понимает, в какое рискованное предприятие ввязался.