Matteo Vieille


Director of Photography
Osso, is a volunteer watching over the Delta. A group of poachers arrive there and he tries to maintain peace but the criminal offences of Elia's gang and residents' hostility force him to face the scariest ghost from his past.
Director of Photography
A steel mill about to close divides a city in southern Italy. The conflict between environmentalism and labor is posed in apparently unsolvable terms. The director embarks on a contemporary drama with expositive clarity, power and good faith—history is also written in the present tense.
Те, кто остался
Director of Photography
Ом Эль Хир - настоящий боец. Ее муж исчез. Однажды утром он отправился на лодке в Европу, и с тех пор она не получила никаких доказательств того, жив он или нет. Вместе со своими тремя детьми в своей пустой белой квартире в окрестностях Туниса она смело берет на себя ответственность за повседневную жизнь, навсегда изменившуюся из-за отсутствия мужа.
Kentannos. May You Live To Be 100!
Director of Photography
In Costa Rica, Panchita has just turned 109 and hopes for a visit from two of her children: Pablo, 93 years old, and Calixto, 88 years old. Sarita, who is 93, has no hesitation in confessing her love for Denis, a young policeman. Pachito’s daughter, fearing that something may happen to her 98-year-old father, tries to prohibit him from continuing horse-riding. In Sardinia, for his 93rd birthday, Adolfo wants to fulfil his dream of flying a plane. In Okinawa, Tomi, 93 years old, cannot recover from the death of her first son. Her friend Haru, who is 98, encourages her to return to the pop group formed of the island’s grandmothers.
Школа «Диаз»
BTS Footage
Ретроспектива событий 21 июля 2001 года на саммите большой восьмёрки в Генуе, когда группа мирно протестующих активистов была жестоко избита и арестована полицией с применением самых жутких издевательств и пыток. Правозащитная организация Международная Амнистия позднее назовёт эти события самым грубым нарушением прав человека в Западной Европе со времен Второй мировой войны.
Right in Front
Assistant Editor
Stefano doesn't believe in miracles. He's just above thirty, but he lives his life without passion. Every single morning, as he drives to work, he is swallowed up by the traffic of the Big City. Then, one evening, the unexpected happens. Stefano finds a parking spot right in front of his building, as well as the long-lost 'joie de vivre'.
Photograph - Woman
Director of Photography
Since 2012, a group of women has staged regular demonstrations in front of government buildings in Tunis. These are the "Photograph-Women". They are called this because they hold portraits of men in gilt frames in their arms: their sons, brothers, husbands - all of whom have disappeared trying to reach Lampedusa clandestinely at the time of the Arab Spring. Shortly before they arrived on the island, some of them made calls to their nearest and dearest. Since then, no news. But nor have any bodies been found to demonstrate that they are dead. The calls received are interpreted as proof of life by the "Photograph Women".