Lyn Jackson


Полицейская академия 3: Переподготовка
Ms. Click
Правительство заявило, что только одна из двух полицейских школ может продолжать свою работу. Начинается жестокое состязание на выживание — ни одна из академий не желает закрываться, в дело идут все средства. Махони, Хайтауэр, Тэклберри, Джонс, Хукс и Кэллагэн под командованием несгибаемого коменданта Лассарда, мобилизуют для спасения своей Альма Матер новую команду безнадёжных рекрутов.
Alex Colville: The Splendour of Order
A view of the life and works of the late Alex Colville, the celebrated Canadian painter. Shows the influence on his life and works of his experience as an artist during World War II, and of his relationship with his wife, Rhoda. Friends and critics speak of the construction and sense of menace in his work, and Colville comments on his sense of order, goodness, and contingency.
Inge Wells
An American fashion designer is told that her husband has been killed in an air crash near France. However, she starts to believe that everything is not as it appears.
Black Mirror
Mrs. Case
A downbeat story of life inside a women's prison. There is more crime inside than out. When the inmates see that a woman is soon to be admitted for killing a young boy, they begin to plan her murder.