Sayaka Watanabe


Сын в отца
Still Photographer
Одержимый мечтой об успешной карьере архитектор Риоата, его молодая жена и 6-летний сын кажутся идеальной семьей. Но герой теряет все жизненные ориентиры в тот день, когда узнает, что в роддоме, где родился его сын, подменили двух младенцев. Мальчик, которого Риоата с женой воспитывали, им не родной, а их собственный ребенок растет в семье со скромным достатком…
A Short Story
A female writer talks about her three short stories in front of the camera
Tamako's Tale
Elusive memories flash in the back of his head. Visualising the people and landscapes as they are there, as casually as they are there, should be a difficult task, just as the protagonist struggled with the writing process. However, the film succeeds in vividly depicting the subtle atmosphere felt only in primary schools and only in junior high school, thanks in part to the fine performances of Watanabe Sayaka and her friends, who brilliantly play everyone from primary schools students to preparatory school students. There are no particularly dramatic episodes, but after watching the film, you will feel nostalgic for all the people in the film.