Takashi Komatsu


The Memory Eraser
Director of Photography
Ryoichi Yoshimori is a university student. His girlfriend, Kyoko Sawada is a few years older but the pair don’t care as they are deeply in love. After Ryoichi proposes to Kyoko, she suddenly disappears. Several days later, Kyoko re-emerges but claims to have no memory of him. With the help of a classmate/lawyer Chiaki Takaharu and his childhood friend Maki Kawai, Ryoichi attempts to unravel the mystery that may be related to the rumours of a memory erasing individual known as Kiokuya.
В ожидании весны
Director of Photography
Старшеклассница Мидзуки не привыкла открываться людям, но собирается начать жизнь с чистого листа и измениться. Это оказывается не так просто. Вместе с девушкой учится группа весьма сомнительных, на её взгляд, но симпатичных парней. Постепенно узнавая этих четырёх ребят, Мидзуки начинает сомневаться, не ошиблась ли она на их счёт.
Страна Оз
Director of Photography
Куруми Намихиро получает работу в сети элитных отелей. Но радость девушки омрачается, когда её распределяют в провинциальный парк аттракционов. Впрочем, кроме сельских пейзажей Куруми ждут и новые коллеги, в числе которых Ёсико Одзука, которого называют волшебником за великолепное ведение многих проектов. Куруми понимает, что если она будет работать как следует, её могут перевести в другой филиал. Девушка упорно трудится и ждёт повышения. А потом неожиданно узнаёт тайну Одзуки.
Real Girl
Director of Photography
Hikaru Tsutsui is a high school student. He enjoys animation and video games in the virtual world, but he doesn't enjoy his real life. People at his school don't even know he exists. One day, he cleans up the pool at his school with beautiful Iroha Ikarashi. Iroha approaches Hikaru and confesses that she likes him.
Director of Photography
Молодая сотрудница рекламного агентства Маки не умеет толком готовить и общаться с мужчинами. Однажды в её жизни появляется сильный и напористый парень по имени Нагиса. Он — учитель рисования и прекрасный повар. Маки и Нагиса начинают жить вместе и девушка понимает, что впервые в жизни влюблена. Но вот досада: её новый сосед по квартире — веган и гей.
Неужто я больше не главная героиня?
Director of Photography
На ее месте могла оказаться любая! Представьте, что вы стали главной героиней любовной истории… Хатори верила, что однажды выйдет замуж за своего друга детства Риту. К сожалению, мир устроен совсем не так.
Это я, это я
Director of Photography
28-летний Хитоси хотел провернуть небольшую аферу, но в итоге начал размножать самого себя. Вскоре копии Хитоси начинают заполнять мир, и даже бороться друг с другом, а повседневность превращается в сюрреалистический кошмар.
G'mor Evian!
Director of Photography
"Good Morning Everyone!" revolves around a family involved in the punk music scene. Aki is a former guitarist for a punk band. She became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter named Hatsuki. The mother and daughter live together happily, but they do have different personalities. A man named Yagu then enters their life. He is an ex-member of the punk band that Aki played with. Yagu has feelings for Aki.
Penguin Fufu
Director of Photography
When Ayumi Mastuda (Eiko Koike) worked as a freelance writer she met Chinese cameraman Gyoukou (Kingone Wang), who worked at the same publishing company in Tokyo. They married 5 years ago. After his employer's went bankrupt, Gyoukou and Ayumi Matsuda moved to Ishigaki Island. Gyoukou also decided to apply for naturalization as a Japanese citizen. In order to prove they are real married couple they have an interview at a local Bureau of Judicial Affiars branch. As the interview goes along, they find it more difficult than expected ...
Kaibutsu-kun: The Movie
Director of Photography
Kaibutsukun is the young prince of Kaibutsu land who decides to go to Earth to prove to his people that he is worthy of becoming king. Kaibutsukun is accompanied by his friends Dracula, Wolfman, and Franken. The Prince decides to go to Japan to visit his friends Utako and Hiroshi. The Prince, Dracula, Wolfman and Franken are in for a surprise.
Director of Photography
On board at the boat Kanikosen, where fish and crabs preserves, forced workers to work under miserable conditions, with minimum wages. Some can not cope with conditions and even death from malnutrition, and is also the supervisor of the more vicious variety. Shinjo, one of the employees, trying to convince the others that they will get good luck and fortune in his next life, and persuades them because they commit suicide to get there faster. It ends, however, in a single major failure. Rather than flee Shinjo being picked up by a Russian ship. Once there, he is overwhelmed by the social conditions that are completely different from those he has just left and decided therefore to return to Kanikosen to save their employees.
Fish Story
Director of Photography
A rock band writes a song called "Fish Story" based on a sentence from a badly translated novel by a quack translator. The song exceeds the boundaries of space and time and ties people and their stories together. Thirty-seven years go by, and the song strikes a comet and saves the Earth from total destruction.
The Two in Tracksuits
Director of Photography
A son quits his job and is persuaded by his father to head off to a cottage in the remote mountains. Together, the two of them manage to get through their days while wearing old jerseys left by a deceased grandmother. The following summer, the two once again leave the stifling heat of Tokyo, as if escaping to the mountain cottage. However, the next summer is very different...
Director of Photography
Две подруги Шиори и Айко решили отдохнуть от проблем в личной жизни на горячих источниках в деревне Ашикари. Смешные местные жители, странновато прихрамывающие все как один на левую ногу, аккуратные пустующие домики из бревен, окруженные лесом и скалами. Там между ними вышла ссора. Разделившись обе подружки одновременно попадают в переплет…
Насекомые, которых нет в энциклопедии
Director of Photography
A freelance writer is given a bizarre assignment by the sexy editor of "Black Book Monthly": find a bug with the power to bring humans back from the dead, in order to report on the afterlife. With his trusty companion Endo in tow, he sets off on a quest for the elusive insect and along the way meets the mysterious Sayoko, a former dominatrix and habitual wrist-cutter who delights in rubbing wasabi into her wounds.
The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker
Director of Photography
A university student finds himself wrapped up in the bizarre world of his next door neighbor, learning about his history and relationship with a girl who changed his life.
Yo-Yo Girl Cop
Director of Photography
Recruited by a clandestine police organization, "K" must stop a plot by student radicals to create anarchy in Japan. Armed with a hi-tech steel yo-yo, and a new name (Asamiya Saki), she must infiltrate an elite high school to find the terrorists but finds an even more sinister plan is about to unfold.
Route 225
Director of Photography
Two kids, fourteen-year-old Eriko and her thirteen-year-old brother Daigo, suddenly find themselves trapped in a parallel universe. Most things are the same as in their own world, but their parents are missing from home and are only contactable when using one particular phonecard.
Flower & Snake II
Director of Photography
The beautiful Shizuko (Aya Sugimoto) and her husband Tooyama Takayoshi (Jo Shishido) have a loving relationship, But Takayoshi is getting older and isn't always able to perform. His primary source of gratification involves observing his wife in sadomasochistic scenarios so he commissions a painter, skilled in the arts of bondage to bring these fantasies to life. Soon, Shiziko becomes a willing and submissive participant in fulfilling the S&M fantasies of not only her husband but a slew of rich lecherous men.
Цветок и змея
Director of Photography
95-летний якудза позарился на танцовщицу Сидзуко. Мужа Сидзуко принуждают расплатиться за огромные долги женой. Тояма соглашается, наивно полагая, что единственное, на что способен старец, это жаждать посмотреть на голую танцующую Сидзуко...