Asier Flores

Asier Flores


Asier Flores


In a cold January evening, Caraoscura wanders around the streets of a secluded village. Little Carla awakes scared. Lucas, her older brother, tries to calm her and convince her that Caraoscura isn't real, but little did they know that the story conceals a a reality so terrifying that they never imagined before.
Once Upon a Time in Euskadi
Euskadi 1985. It's summer time, the holidays are finally here. Marcos and his three friends, José Antonio, Paquito and Toni, anxiously await a promising summer break from the fresh view of 12-year-olds who have little care for where, how or when. They will while away the hours in the maze life has prepared for them, in an old, turbulent and trembling Euskadi. A maze of painted walls, where rubber balls and dreams bounce together; all covered by a sky tinged with the grey of prefabricated concrete, where life and death no longer keep formal relationships.
В сердце пустоши
XIX век. Семью, живущую на уединенной ферме, преследует неведомое зло, которое питается страхом. Сможет ли маленький Диего спасти свою мать от зверя — и себя самой?
Боль и слава
Young Salvador
Талантливый кинорежиссер на закате своего творческого пути оглядывается в прошлое, и на него обрушивается поток ярких воспоминаний. Нежные чувства к матери, любовь и расставание, поиски счастья и успеха. Всё это приводит творца к важным размышлениям о жизни и искусстве - боли и славе.