Youssef Salem, 45, has always managed to miss his writing career. But the trouble begins when his new novel becomes a success because Youssef couldn't help but be inspired by his own, for better or worse. He must now avoid at all costs that his book falls into the hands of his family.
Directeur capitainerie
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
This film is a tribute to love, a tribute to cinema. Our two main characters take us with them into the intimacy of "real people". We cross the roads of France with them, in their different vans and pick-up trucks transformed for the occasion into mini movie studios. Their concept: to film "declarations of love" and to deliver them directly by van to their recipients. And we discover, as we go along, that our duo and their own personal adventures are subtly intertwined with the people they film. This mix of genres offers several universes to the spectator in order to make him question himself about love.
As everyone knows, children make no difference between social classes, skin colors or religions. But then why does Corentin, Paul and Sofia's nine-year-old son, only have friends like him at Bagnolet's school? And when his friends all leave for a private school in Paris, his parents are frightened. From now on, Corentin is the only one in his class. But the only what?
As everyone knows, children make no difference between social classes, skin colors or religions. But then why does Corentin, Paul and Sofia's nine-year-old son, only have friends like him at Bagnolet's school? And when his friends all leave for a private school in Paris, his parents are frightened. From now on, Corentin is the only one in his class. But the only what?
Эрван зарабатывает на жизнь обезвреживанием мин. Однажды он узнаёт, что его отец ему не родной, и эта новость буквально выбивает почву из под ног крепкого бретонца. Несмотря на привязанность к человеку, который его воспитал, Эрван желает узнать своего биологического отца. Им оказывается Иосиф — чудной старик, к которому сын проникается искренней симпатией. Казалось, всё разрешилось благополучно, однако теперь другая «бомба» грозит Эрвану — неуловимая нимфа Анна.
François Sim considers himself worthless and he may have good reasons for that. Hasn't he lost his job as well as his wife Caroline? Isn't he unable to relate to Lucy, his teenage daughter? Didn't he, when he was eighteen miss out on passion whereas the sexy, gorgeous Luigia opened her arms to him?
François Sim considers himself worthless and he may have good reasons for that. Hasn't he lost his job as well as his wife Caroline? Isn't he unable to relate to Lucy, his teenage daughter? Didn't he, when he was eighteen miss out on passion whereas the sexy, gorgeous Luigia opened her arms to him?
Добродушной Ханне 30 лет. Она очень обаятельна и совсем не умеет говорить «нет». Ханна страдает так называемым «синдромом доброты», доставшимся ей в наследство от отца Омара, социального бакалейщика, и матери Симоны, домашнего психолога. Несмотря на доброту, Ханне никак не удается найти общий язык с братом Хакимом, сосредоточенным на своем происхождении и религии. Пока одно непредвиденное событие не заставляет Ханну и Хакима сблизиться…
Perrine, a single, slightly awkward musician, loves birthday parties. One day she accidentally causes a man to fall into a skip at the waste disposal centre. When she learns that he´s in a coma, the young woman tries everything to awaken himand starts to meddle in his life.
Виктор безмерно счастлив — он получил место в парижской телекомпании, и теперь переезжает из заштатного городка в столицу, где начинает работать стажёром на телеканале. Немного поднабравшись опыта и познакомившись с телепиратами, Виктор решает пойти несколько иным путем, и принимается снимать альтернативные новости. Теперь в его репортажах мелькают, то владелец похоронного бюро, то эксцентричная подружка нашего героя, то будни-праздники коренного парижского населения, в которых, надо сказать, страсти кипят ничуть не меньшие, чем в каком-нибудь ток-шоу на телеканале в прайм-тайм. Вооружившись камерой, герой торопится оказаться в самой гуще событий Парижа. Но самые интересные кадры в его карьере еще впереди…
Бахия Бенмахмуд — молодая очаровательная женщина-экстраверт, имеющая активную гражданскую позицию, разбирающаяся в политике, абсолютно не имеющая никаких комплексов. Артур Мартен — немного рефлексирующий сорокалетний тихоня. И вот они, такие разные, встречают друг друга…
Бахия Бенмахмуд — молодая очаровательная женщина-экстраверт, имеющая активную гражданскую позицию, разбирающаяся в политике, абсолютно не имеющая никаких комплексов. Артур Мартен — немного рефлексирующий сорокалетний тихоня. И вот они, такие разные, встречают друг друга…
Paul has no specific life goal, and Mathilde, who provides for their household, despairs that he can find one. If he continues like this, she may well drop him. So Paul thinks he's got to invent something.
"Les Chimères des Švankmajer" takes an in depth look at both of the Švankmajers as they work on the full length film "Little Otik".