François Berthet


The Blind Owl
H., 35, an Arabian immigrant, works as projectionist in an old cinema. One day, drawn by the music, he looks through the window of the booth and is fascinated: the dancer he sees on the screen seems to be looking straight into his eyes. He falls in love with her, but the vision last only a moment. Shortly afterwards, an elderly man storms into the projection booth and claims he is his uncle.
 H. wants to prepare a meal for him and reaches for the oil bottle: he sees the same dancer on the label…. H begins to find echoes of his own life in the images he projects. Everything changes when fiction and reality merge...
The Death of Mario Ricci
A TV reporter and his assisstant go to a small Swiss village to do a programme with a reclusive scientist, an expert on world food shortages. During this time, an Italian immigrant worker is killed in a road crash and the reporter becomes involved in uncovering the truth about his death.
Большая ночь
Тема этого швейцарского фильма – проверка на прочность, которой идеализм, царивший в 60-х, подвергается в последующее десятилетие. Когда посторонний человек предлагает членам радикальной группировки свою помощь и достает оружие для «акции», они принимают оружие, но отказываются взять его к себе, подозревая в нем агента полиции.