Alessandro Paci

Alessandro Paci

Рождение : 1964-12-21, Scandicci, Italy


Alessandro Paci


Sbagliando s’impara
Ma tu, mi vuoi bene?
Non ci resta che ridere
Theatre Play
Non ci resta che ridere
Non ci resta che ridere
Se son rose...
Usciere università
Leonardo is still single and immature as ever at 50. Tired to see him like that, his daughter texts all his exes "I'm a changed man: let's try again", setting in motion an unexpected trip down memory lane.
Aspettando la Bardot
Mare di grano
A boy searches for his parents and is joined by some new friends.
Gli infami - Episodi di vita quotidiana
A series of episodes linked by a common thread: "Who are the infamous?". The infamous are all those who, with their despicable actions cause things go well for them but bad for others. There are many things that could go better, much depends on us and our everyday behavior.
Gli infami - Episodi di vita quotidiana
A series of episodes linked by a common thread: "Who are the infamous?". The infamous are all those who, with their despicable actions cause things go well for them but bad for others. There are many things that could go better, much depends on us and our everyday behavior.
Il professor Cenerentolo
Agente Laspisa
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Sarebbe stato facile
Four homosexual friends, two men and two women, would like to get married without coming out to keep up appearances. But it's not that easy .
Una vita da sogno
La mia mamma suona il rock
Ispettore Andrea
Cristiano and Franco are the owners of a fashion house and a couple. Cristiano is obsessed with the idea of having a child, to make him happy Franco think of kidnapping Massimo and treating him like a son
Amici miei - Come tutto ebbe inizio
Jacopo, Duccio, Cecco, Manfredo and Filippo are five friends who live in Florence of the fifteenth century, during a plague epidemic.
10 ragazze
10 ragazze
Una favola da raccontare
Lucio Galli
Мэрилин и я
Сорокапятилетнего Гуалтьеро бросила жена: она ушла к работающему в цирке укротителю львов, забрав с собой их дочь. Помощь приходит в виде призрака Мэрилин Монро, дух которой герой вызывает во время спиритического сеанса. Проблема заключается в том, что только Гуалтьеро может видеть дух голливудской звезды и разговаривать с ним. Поначалу герой впадает в панику, ведь его рассказам нигде не верят: ни в полиции, ни в кабинете психолога. Но постепенно мужчина понимает, что общение с духом может пойти ему на пользу. И Мэрилин помогает Гуалтьеро вылечить разбитое сердце, давая ему важные советы по поводу того, как мужчина может вернуть супругу.
Cenci in  Cina
Vittorio Pelagatti
A summer at the sea
Set against the sun-soaked shores of Italy in the summertime, seven different tales unfold about life, love, loss, family, and friendship.
Прекрасная жена
У Мариано, продавца фруктов самая красивая жена, в планы их семьи входит совместная жизнь, которая предусматривает детей и дом, по возможности с садом и комнатной собачкой. Жизнь пары в маленьком тосканском городке протекает спокойно, до тех пор пока на привлекательную жену не обращает внимание фотограф, который предлагает ей сняться для календаря в обнаженном виде. Мариано и Миранда не могут отказаться от этого предложения, так как оно поможет реализовать их планы.
2061 - Un anno eccezionale
Ribelle Toscano
In a post-apocalyptic future, the Italian peninsula is going through a dark moment due to a terrible energy crisis.
La piccola fiammiferaia
La piccola fiammiferaia
Fave (Quelli di Pinocchio)
La piccola fiammiferaia
Tutti all'attacco
Andata e ritorno
Sara and Samuele are two simple guys who take care of a community of elderly people. One day Samuele discovers that one of these has bequeathed him four billion lire. All this money changes the life of Samuele who begins to neglect friends and girlfriend to attend more high-ranking environments, begins to make investments with alleged friends and in the end he loses everything. Suddenly he comes up with an idea to get the money back together with his real friends, but it won't be an easy task.
Andata e ritorno
Sara and Samuele are two simple guys who take care of a community of elderly people. One day Samuele discovers that one of these has bequeathed him four billion lire. All this money changes the life of Samuele who begins to neglect friends and girlfriend to attend more high-ranking environments, begins to make investments with alleged friends and in the end he loses everything. Suddenly he comes up with an idea to get the money back together with his real friends, but it won't be an easy task.
Andata e ritorno
Sara and Samuele are two simple guys who take care of a community of elderly people. One day Samuele discovers that one of these has bequeathed him four billion lire. All this money changes the life of Samuele who begins to neglect friends and girlfriend to attend more high-ranking environments, begins to make investments with alleged friends and in the end he loses everything. Suddenly he comes up with an idea to get the money back together with his real friends, but it won't be an easy task.
Andata e ritorno
Samuele Viti
Sara and Samuele are two simple guys who take care of a community of elderly people. One day Samuele discovers that one of these has bequeathed him four billion lire. All this money changes the life of Samuele who begins to neglect friends and girlfriend to attend more high-ranking environments, begins to make investments with alleged friends and in the end he loses everything. Suddenly he comes up with an idea to get the money back together with his real friends, but it won't be an easy task.
Faccia di Picasso
The usual story of the young director who tells the movie that fails to do. Zany gags, quotes, the eternal exasperation to get at all costs to laugh, to any.
Red-haired, sex-obsessed manchild Lucio lazes all day long with his friend Pino until he falls for the beautiful head of the local loony bin. A retelling of 'Pinocchio' from the perspective of a Candlewick-like character.
Fermi tutti questo è uno spettacolo, Pinocchio
Theatre Play
Fermi tutti questo è uno spettacolo, Pinocchio
Two thirtysomething friends on the verge of a nervous breakdown can no longer cope with the stress created by their wives, jobs, mobile phones, and struggle for survival.
Ritorno a casa Gori
Matriarch Adele's death prompts an unexpected and often incendiary reunion for the large Gori family – unaware that inside her coffin lie also the stolen goods of a robbery by her son Danilo.
Albergo Roma
Il Grande Fausto
Дорогие друзья-приятели
Un carabiniere
В 1944 году в Тоскане группа боксеров, столкнувшись с бедствиями Второй мировой войны, в виде навязчивого присутствия немцев и американцев, путешествует из города в город, участвует в местных ярмарках, устраивая договорные бои в надежде заработать немного денег. Молодой черный американский солдат, которого считают пропавшим без вести, и девушка, отказавшаяся выйти замуж, сопровождают потрепанную компанию.
Bonus Malus
Amico di Nedo
The life of a rootless insurance agent starts falling apart.
Zitti e mosca
In a small Tuscan village that's waiting for the local festival to commence, amidst confusion about the fall of Communism, the lives of some dazed characters intertwine.
Benvenuti in casa Gori
cliente del parrucchiere