Ruy Polanah
Рождение : , Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Смерть : 2008-09-03
The Soothsayer
Два американца – Россо и его сын Пол зарабатывают на жизнь в Бразилии, заправляя ночным клубом-борделем, но втайне мечтают выбраться из этого дела раз и навсегда. Однажды ночью их мечты оказываются близкими к осуществлению: некий клиент забывает в клубе чемодан…
В небольшом колумбийском городке начинают происходить непонятные вещи: каждую ночь в определенный час на стенах домов появляются различные карикатуры, изобличающие секреты местных жителей. Сначала все считают это неудачной шуткой и опровергают слухи. Однако, когда один мужчина, прочитав о неверности жены на стене, убивает предполагаемого любовника, мэр города объявляет чрезвычайное положение. Вооруженные солдаты начинают патрулировать улицы в поисках злоумышленников...
Vô Tigé
The young warrior indian Tainá must now battle against biopirates, and is joined by a new boy from the big city and an indian little girl who wants to follow her steps as a protector of the jungle.
A brave and bold indigenous girl, protector of her jungle and its wild life and guided by her shaman grandfather, pairs with a boy from the big city, against animal traffickers in the Amazon forest.
Velho da Jumelice
Orfeu is a popular composer from a samba school. He lives in the favela and falls madly in love when he meets Euridice, a newcomer to the neighborhood. But the local drug boss Lucinho stands between them and will drastically change both their lives.
Following the clues of a map, a boy and some adventurers go into the forest in search of treasure from the pioneers, and end up going back two centuries in time, in search of the legendary Minas dos Martírios.
Giorginha's father
Matteo is a Roman barber whose business is full of debts. He decides to escape from this depressing reality by accepting his sister Angelina's invitation to Brazil.
В первозданных джунглях Амазонки, на земле индейского племени Ниаруна обнаружены месторождения золота. И вот группа американцев, разных по своему характеру и положению, отправляется в эти края.Здесь и миссионеры, собирающиеся обратить дикарей племени в христианство, и публика поопаснее, наемники, в чью задачу входит согнать индейцев с их земли, где нашли золото.И совершенно неважно, с какими намерениями они пришли — самыми благими или, наоборот, бесчестными, — важно, что их приход в любом случае грозит индейцам катастрофой.
When Cunda, a man living deep in the Brazilian rainforest, is bitten by a snake, he has a hallucination of four chimpanzees. Once he recovers, he is shocked to find the four chimpanzees waiting for him at home, and, believing them to be special, decides to take them to the city in order to sell them.
Manoel Tropeiro
This epic Brazilian film was based on the equally epic novel by Antonio Callado. Set between 1954 and 1964, the film's focus is the saga of Jesuit priest Nando. Fed up with civilization, he ventures deep into Amazon country to live with and work among the Xingu Indians.
After witnessing the assassination of her parents, Luzia is raised by a cowboy and starts behaving like the men of Brazilian "Sertão". As a grown-up, she sets out to find her parent's murderer, but ends up discovering love.
After arguing with his ex-girlfriend, truck driver Jorge hits the road again, while remembering the past and questioning his friendship with his manipulative boss.
The Amazonian jungle, Brazil, 1987. Ruthless landowners are evicting peasants from their land. The peasants look to the priest for help, and are contemplating taking up arms. A stranger arrives who provides an answer to their plight.
Zé Amaro
According to an Amazonian legend, every month, during the full moon, a Brazilian fishing village receives a mysterious guest: the Boto, who transforms into a human to seduce and be loved by women and hated by men. One of her conquests is the daughter of a fisherman, who has a son with the Boto. He constantly reappears to seduce her, and even when she marries, he continues to look for her. This provokes the ire of the husband, who wants to kill him anyway.
Mr. Kapa and his assistant meet Iara, a mythical being, in a river with purple waters. Geléia, the assistant, fills a bottle with this magic water and makes three puppets turn alive.
Бразильский художественный фильм-мюзикл 1986 года, экранизация одноимённой пьесы, написанной Шику Буарке на основе сюжетов «Оперы нищих» Джона Гея и «Трёхгрошовой оперы» Бертольта Брехта. Действие в фильме разворачивается в начале 1940-х годов в Рио-де-Жанейро.
Место действия фильма — бразильские джунгли. Племя индейцев похищает пятилетнего мальчика, в то время как его отец, американский инженер, занят строительством дамбы. В течение десяти лет отец ищет сына, и после многочисленных приключений, полных экзотики, они встречаются в дебрях Амазонки.
The film shows the drama of the young and fragile Lalinha. After being abandoned by her husband, who ran away with another, the girl seeks comfort on the farm where the two in-laws live and the widowed father-in-law. There, the girl discovers a new world.
Quilombo dos Palmares was a real-life democratic society, created in Brazil in the 17th century. This incredibly elaborate (and surprisingly little-known) film traces the origins of Quilombo, which began as a community of freed slaves. The colony becomes a safe harbor for other outcasts of the world, including Indians and Jews. Ganga Zumba (Toni Tornado) becomes president of Quilombo, the first freely elected leader in the Western Hemisphere. Naturally, the ruling Portuguese want to subjugate Zumba and his followers, but the Quilombians are ready for their would-be oppressors. The end of this Brave New World is not pleasant, but the followers of Zumba and his ideals take to the hills, where they honor his memory to this day. Writer/director Carlos Diegues takes every available opportunity to compare the rise and fall of Quilombo with the state of affairs in modern-day Brazil.
Poor people who live in the slums in Rio de Janeiro decide to occupy an empty apartment building in the rich part of the city. Meanwhile, a rich girl falls in love with a poor composer. Based on the musical play "Pobre Menina Rica", by Vinícius de Moraes and Carlos Lyra.
A group of eccentric people gather at a popular bar in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro. Among its costumers, we find Ana, an actress, and her husband Zeca, a writer in crisis about his work.
A military man picks up a Native Brazilian woman and heads to a gold panning site where he has undisclosed business to attend to.
Rubber Baron
Меломан Брайан Фицджеральд, которого индейцы называют Фиццкарральдо, одержим идеей построить в родном городке Икитосе настоящий оперный театр. Для этого он затевает безумную авантюру, причем на последние деньги, — отправляется на поиски каучуковой плантации в джунглях Амазонки.
A three-episode anthology film based on short stories by Brazilian writer Graciliano Ramos.
A Deusa Negra is a love story that spans two centuries. In 18th century Yorubaland, Prince Oluyole is taken prisoner in the course of internecine warfare fanned by overseas slave traders. He is sold into slavery in Brazil. In present day Nigeria, at his father's deathbed, the young Babatunde promises to go to Brazil and search for traces of their once-enslaved ancestors. Beginning with a Candomblé ritual, his journey takes him ever deeper into this culture and, in a dream-like sequence, affords him a deeper understanding of his ancestors' suffering and powers of resistance. Balogun effortlessly links present with past, real with magical worlds and discourse with trance. The hypnotic atmosphere is also heightened by the music of the Nigerian drummer Remi Kabaka, which plays with repetitive patterns and distortions.
This adaptation of a classic Brazilian novel focuses on the relations of charismatic characters within a tenement.
A true friendship develops between Jojô, a prostitute Rosa, and the young Eduardo, who survive on the streets of Rio de Janeiro. Everything goes well until ambition takes over the trio, causing friends to aim for bigger goals, planning a big assault that could cost them their lives.
Young robber, son of a prostitute who had killed herself, gets involved with two police informers, who force him to share the loot he gets.
Índio Diogo
Life and death of the jesuit who fought for the peaceful relationship between colonists and the indigenous peoples of Brazil.
Tomás Aquino Gonzaga
After assaulting a Hollywood film crew, a group of residents of a community in Rio de Janeiro decided to produce a film that would express the reality of Brazil - with the theme of Inconfidência Mineira.
A wealthy French promoter based in Rio tries to seduce Alexandra, a young woman of high society, but trapped in her strict education.
"Seven women on motorcycles, through Via Dutra, go to the Baixada Fluminense, a microcosm of Brazil. Diving into the memory and questioning the behavior imposed on women, they seek to rescue the strength of the feminine. The new woman, born in the Brazilian land, incorporates the Amazons and Santa Guerreira. At his side, the new man, more loose and creative. Closing the cycle, the initial road is resumed. " (HBH / QC)
Unable to endure the idea that he would go without punishment, a criminal's victim chases him the length and breadth of Brazil for a showdown.
Joana is a sophisticated, beautiful woman, so she has a choice of lovers, and destinies. She will let down Pierre, the French consul at São Paulo, and with him the frivolity of tea-parties and comfort. Her wild inner-soul will develop into the wild forest surroundings of a landlord's farmhouse. To the extent she will defend her land like a 19th century owner - of lands and men alike.
The story of Paulo Honório, a poor ploughman who becomes a rich farmer. Obsessed by his desire to get even richer, he doesn't pay much attention to his wife, Madalena, a teacher who reacts against his tyrannical ways.
Production Manager
In the 1930s, in the South of State of Bahia, Brazil, an adventurer with no name or history, who has already been shot seven times, gets involved in the battle for land and cacao plantations. His plan is to take the place of "Colonel" Santana, taking his wife and money. He starts a bloody conflict, in which many simple people and landowners die.
In the 1930s, in the South of State of Bahia, Brazil, an adventurer with no name or history, who has already been shot seven times, gets involved in the battle for land and cacao plantations. His plan is to take the place of "Colonel" Santana, taking his wife and money. He starts a bloody conflict, in which many simple people and landowners die.
Assistant Director
В крайне бедном районе на северо-востоке Бразилии группа солдат пытается удержать местное население от разворовывания запасов пищи
Bar owner
В крайне бедном районе на северо-востоке Бразилии группа солдат пытается удержать местное население от разворовывания запасов пищи
Production Manager
В крайне бедном районе на северо-востоке Бразилии группа солдат пытается удержать местное население от разворовывания запасов пищи
The life of a runaway slave who founded the Quilombo dos Palmares, an outlaw community of Brazilian slaves.
In a company trading maté, workers are treated as slaves. Some of them try to escape, but those who are caught suffer severe punishments.