Биографическая лента, рассказывающая об изобретателе Томасе Эдисоне. В 1869 году, в возрасте 22 лет, устав от бедной жизни и работе на телеграфе, он поехал в Нью-Йорк по совету старого друга. Томас приходит в телеграфную контору «Вестерн Юнион», рассчитывая найти там место. Он пытается убедить финансиста господина Таггарта профинансировать его изобретения. Президент компании Пауэлл соглашается дать Эдисону денег. За свою разработку — усовершенствование системы телеграфирования биржевых бюллетеней о курсе золота и акций — Томас Эдисон получает 40 000 долларов. Это становится началом новой жизни.
Maffeo Polo (uncredited)
Богатый венецианский купец, решает, что его сын должен продолжать торговое дело, и наладить дружественные и торговые отношения с чудесной страной Китай. Корабль, на котором плывет его сын Марко Поло терпит крушение у берегов Персии. Неунывающий герой в сопровождении своего верного слуги Бингучио проходит тысячи миль.
Испытывая жажду, пересекает пустыню; замерзая, преодолевает горы Тибета, и наконец-то, прибывает в Пекин, где знакомится с добродушным императором Кублай Ханом и его дочерью красавицей — принцессой Кукачин.
Марко с первого взгляда влюбляется в девушку из страны Поднебесной и готов жениться на ней, но на его пути встаёт коварный главный советник императора Ахмед, желающий захватить трон. Смелому юноше предстоят тяжелые испытания, прежде чем он одержит победу над злом и спасёт свою любовь и трон…
An eccentric, wealthy spinster, 'Queenie' Baxter is erroneously presumed to be kidnapped. She subsequently pretends to indeed be kidnapped, , in order to allow a reward of $50,000 to benefit an impecunious family headed by Tony Orsatti and his three sons, Blackie, Doc and Flash.
Uncle Carl
A society girl tries to make a go of her marriage to an archaeologist.
Mr. M.B. Kent
A recently-fired advertising executive starts his own company, Confidential Services, to help clients solve their unusual and problematic situations.
Winfield Lake
A would-be songwriter and a would-be inventor run a cigar stand and get mixed up in the murder of a song publisher.
Senator Reilly
Let 'Em Have It is a 1935 gangster film. It was also known as The Legion of Valour and False Faces. An FBI agent tracks down a gang leader.
Mr. Wilmot
A pretty young socialite falls for a charming but shady hustler, who abandons her when he finds that she has been disowned by her wealthy father. Three of the hustler's partners, who have also been left high and dry by heir former associate, come up with a plan to get her to the annual Yale-Harvard football game to reunite with her former sweetheart, an honest but nerdy bookworm.
Henry King Patterson
A managing editor sends a socialite reporter to spy on her boyfriend, mixed up in murder.
Wyatt Furness
Шелби Баррет работает у богатой вдовы Нико в качестве наездницы, выступая на состязаниях на ее лошадях. Ею очарован Джонни Уайт, сын обедневшей, но знатной фамилии Лог-Айленда, который зарабатывает игрой в поло и приезжает чтобы играть на поле Нико. Нико цепко держится за Джонни, но, несмотря на все ее усилия, Шелби и Джонни решили пожениться. Мстительная Нико затаила злобу. Чтобы не зависеть от снобистской семьи Джонни, молодые решают завести свой бизнес и заняться тем делом, которое они любят — подготовкой лошадей к соревнованиям. Чтобы организовать бизнес Шелби ожидает денежной помощи от деда, но когда он не в состоянии предоставить деньги, она обращается к хорошему другу и бизнесмену Фэрчайлду, который одалживает ей деньги.
Однако вскоре на горизонте появляется Нико и начинает коварные женские интриги против Шелби.
An elderly schoolteacher is determined to rid her town of the local gambling den.
Colonel Gilroy
Expelled from his lieutenancy in the Marine Corps, Bill Traylor reenlists as a private. His unit is sent to a Latin American country where a rebel leader called The Torch promotes insurrection. There Traylor encounters again Captain Benton, the man responsible for his disgrace and his rival for the love of a girl.
Mr. Havens
After cantankerous and miserly Herbert Kalness insults his daughter's fiance and prospective in-laws at a dinner party, Mrs. Kalness devises a scheme to teach her husband a lesson in good manners.
Charlie Turner
Leaving Missouri to find a wealthy husband in New York City, Eadie Chapman becomes a chorus girl and soon entertains at the lavish home of millionaire Frank Cousins. Cousins proposes to Eadie, only to then commit suicide due to bankruptcy. Fellow millionaire T. R. Paige defends Eadie when the police question her for having Cousins' jewelry -- but when she becomes enamored with his son, Tom, Paige declares Eadie a gold digger.
Dr. Brent
A prominent New York doctor, unable to have a child, discovers her philandering husband has impregnated her best friend.
Henry is lured by old pal Hale into a night on the town despite fears that his wife will discover their hijinks.
Herbert Ransome
The old men meet a young girl, broke, hungry and discouraged, in the park. Colonel Henry Randolph Ransome (Henry B. Walthall) bluffs his way into obtaining enough money to support the welfare of the girl,Rose Wentworth (Sally Blane), and his two cronies. He sends for the girl's former sweetheart, who turns out to be a crook.
Maj. Stephen Winthrop
When her husband, who founded the town's crusading local newspaper, doesn't come back from the French battlefields of World War I, a woman struggles to raise her two sons and keep the newspaper going. Matters are complicated by the fact that, several years later, one of the sons wants to turn the paper from its position as a hard-fighting champion of the working-class into an upscale society paper catering to the rich and powerful. Matters are complicated even further by rumors that their father was in fact NOT killed in France during the war but took another man's identity and is still living there.
Colonel Gordon Lewis
The film begins with a guy waking up from a bump on the head. The people around him try in vain to convince him that five years have passed and that he's a rich guy. However, none of this makes sense to the character played by Miljan AND none of it makes any sense to the audience...none. After this plot is quickly abandoned, the film begins to get better. It seems that a wife and her business partner are trying to use Miljan as a double for her estranged and missing husband.
Vinton (uncredited)
Jack Oakie and Jack Haley are songwriters are enroute from New York to Hollywood to make their fame and fortune; Ginger Rogers, a lunchwagon proprieter, joins them.
J.K. Manning
An elderly detective sets out to find who murdered a lecherous stage actor. His estranged wife? His would-be fiancee? Her father? Her boyfriend? A suicided actress's sister? The temperamental prop man? Or maybe the show's talented female chimpanzee?
Norman Bryan
The story of a boy, a dog, and a man. The boy discovers he is heir to a shipping line, and travels to Los Angeles, accompanied by inventor/radio operator Bob Whitlock and Irene Blaine. Their journey is aided by Pal, a wolf dog.
Dr. Tillinghast
Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York. He raises his son Jimmy as well as Letty, a baby whose mother has died in childbirth and whose father blames Watt and abandons the child. Watt dreams of returning to do research studies, but always something gets in the way: an epidemic, his children's needs, or the needs of his generally ungrateful patients. Only with the passing years does he come to find that his future isn't over and his past isn't quite the failure he believed.
J.E.Burton - the Attorney
All 12 jury members who sent an innocent man to the gallows are gathered together for a demonstration of how convictions can be made on circumstantial evidence. During the proceedings, a phony murder is quickly revealed as the real thing.
Harlan Bledsoe
Black Beauty is being trained to run in the steeplechase race, upon which the Cameron family has staked its fortune. However, the horse is injured racing for a doctor when its owner is hurt, and it looks like it won't recover in time to compete in the race.
Santor Putnam
A young girl just out of prison and desperate for money finds herself involved in a plot to smear a politician by pretending to be his long-lost daughter.
Anthony 'Tony' Grattan
A woman convicted of fraud aims to take her revenge on the man who put her inside after being released on parole.
Kurt Anderson is the tyrannical manager of a New York department store in financial straits. He thinks nothing of firing an employee of more than 20 years or of toying with the affections of every woman he meets. One such victim is Madeline, a beautiful young woman in need of a job. Anderson hires her as a salesgirl, but not before the two spend the night together. Madeline is ashamed, especially after she falls for Martin West, a rising young star at the store. Her biggest fear is that Martin finds out the truth about her "career move."
Mr. Jackson
An ex-convict working for a wealthy oil baron uncovers trouble while his brother becomes involved with the boss's daughter.
David Witman
The lives of the residents of a Manhattan apartment building are intertwined with the actions of a crooked investor.
Cyrus Randall (Uncredited)
A high-spirited, short-tempered, young woman hates her father and loves to rebel against him. She marries a man whom her father hates but her marriage fails and she learns the errors of her ways.
Rev. Allen
Ветеран Джеймс Аллен отказывается вернуться на старую фабрику и постепенно деградирует. Случайно он оказывается вовлеченным в ограбление. После этого он попадает на каторгу…
Defense Attorney (uncredited)
Три школьные подружки подросли и стали представительницами разных социальных слоев населения. «Правильная» — выучилась на труженицу-стенографистку. «Оторванная» — прошла перевоспитание в исправительном учреждении. «Красотка» Вивьен вышла замуж за богача, купается в роскоши и растит сына. Однако, из-за отсутствия трудностей в жизни, Вивьен вдруг «срывается с катушек» и сбегает от мужа с каким-то проходимцем, прихватывая и ребенка заодно. В результате Вивьен очень стремительно скатывается вниз по социальной лестнице и подвергает опасности не только свой трещащий по швам брак, но и жизнь собственного ребенка.
John Belde
Henry Wilton is an elderly millionaire saddled with his selfish young second wife Emmy 'Sweetie' Wilton and a pair of spoiled grown children, Peggy and Eddie. To test his family's mettle, Henry pretends to have gone broke. Just as he suspected they would, his children rally to their father's side and change their ways: Peggy forsakes the fortune hunter George Struthers for the nice young man she's really in love with, the polo coach Larry Rivers, while Eddie applies for a demanding job and performs admirably. Only Sweetie seems to desert Henry.
Bill Woodman (uncredited)
После кораблекрушения трём пассажирам удаётся доплыть до ближайшего островка. Выясняется, что хозяином этих мест является русский граф Заров, главная страсть в жизни которого — охота, причём охотиться Заров предпочитает на людей…
Director Robert Florey's 1932 melodrama about a woman who suspects her husband of infidelity stars Mary Astor, Kenneth MacKenna, Tommy Conlon, Lilyan Tashman, Hale Hamilton, Cecil Cunningham and Virginia Sale.
Dr. Cramm
A day in the maternity ward from the lens of accepted morals and medical attitudes of 1932. The ward includes women from all walks of life and situations.
Mr. Gordon Mitchell
A socialite finds herself involved in a murder trial that is prosecuted by her boyfriend.
Bruce Hardy
Он — увлеченный изобретатель нового авиационного мотора, не имеющий лишнего пенни в кармане. Она — наследница богатого состояния своего отца, бездельница, жадно эксплуатирующая все прелести этого мира с его дорогими игрушками. Cтоль разные люди едва ли могли бы встретиться, пребывая в таких разных мирах. Но вздорной дамочке захотелось ещё и летать. Она учится на пилота, а в свой первый полет выбирает сопроводителем-инструктором красавчика Джима Леонарда. Ранее увлеченный изобретением мотора нового поколения, Джим забрасывает все дела и посвящает себя ухаживаниям за эффектной блондинкой Кэрол. Друзья отговаривают Джимми от этой порочной связи, тормозящей его успехи. А тем временем его сестра, желая стать примой кордебалета, находит себе богатого спонсора, биржевого торговца Брюса Харди.
George Diamond
An elevator operator invents a machine that he believes can help to defeat a corrupt politician in the city's upcoming mayoral election.
Tony Carleton
Бывший чемпион мира по боксу, а теперь алкоголик, Энди Пёрселл живет простой жизнью отца-одиночки вместе со своим сыном Динком. Занимаясь его воспитанием, Энди сумел создать свой небольшой, но уютный для Динка мир. Однако все меняется, когда в их жизнь возвращается бывшая жена Энди, бросившая Динка после рождения...
A guilt-ridden U.S. Marine returns to Cuba to try to find the woman he promised to marry.
Mike Kelly
Мать Хельги умерла при родах, поэтому девочка выросла в доме ее дальних родственников, где её никто не любил. Однажды ее поставили перед фактом, что скоро она выйдет замуж за выбранного родней жениха. Хельга, обдумав свое будущее, сбегает из дома и благодаря судьбе случайно встречает молодого инженера Родни Спенсера.Молодые и красивые, они мгновенно влюбляются друг в друга, и понимают, что созданы друг для друга, но вскоре Родни, нужно уехать по делам. Как только машина любимого скрылась за поворотом, на пороге его дома появились родственники Хельги. Девушку насильно возвращают домой, однако, вкусив свободной жизни, Хельга вновь убегает, и примыкает к бродячему цирку, где становится актрисой под псевдонимом Сюзанна Ленокс...
Charles Harper
Wallingford is a con-man whose specialty is taking money from suckers. His partners are Schnozzle, a pickpocket and car thief; and Blackie, who has played the game for years.
Phillip Montrose
Wealthy Mr. Kennedy shoots his secretary, Channing, during a parlor game, but it turns out the gun was loaded with real bullets. Luckily, criminologist Phillip Montrose is on hand to help the police. When Kennedy quickly ends up dead as well, the police think it's a tidy murder-suicide, but the family lawyer knows of a letter that voiced Kennedy's suspicions about someone who was out to get him. Soon, the cops are on the trail of a ruthless and clever killer who is one step ahead of even Montrose.
Lyman Patterson
A woman struggles to rekindle the affection of her husband.
An aspiring classical singer is romanced by both a famous opera star and his younger understudy.
Dan works for Pritchard and Pritchard out of San Francisco and is in love with Maisie, referred to as "the icebox" by his news reporter friend. As one of his ships returns to San Francisco, Dan learns that the Captain has contracted Leprosy and asks Dan to be the guardian of his South Sea island daughter Tamea. Dan soon learns that Tamea wants him and will do nothing without a kiss. But Tamea soon learns that she is different than Dan and Maisie and that makes her angry. Dan decides to go and live on the island with Tamea, but soon finds out that Paradise is not everything that he thought it was.
After years of fighting off the advances of her old flame Steve, Lisbeth settles into a steamy, casual romance with journalist Alan. Against the advice of her happily married aunt Celia -- who encourages her to demand a serious commitment -- Lisbeth continues to see Alan, even after she hears he may have a wife in France. When Alan's work sends him abroad, a lovesick Lisbeth struggles to understand her feelings.
Mr. Stanlaw
John Paul Bart is just a pants-presser in a tailor's shop, but he has big ambitions. One night, he borrows the clothes of a wealthy client and bluffs his way into a high society party. After meeting wealthy businessman Abraham Nathan, John Paul quickly rises to the top of Nathan's company. Suffering during The Depression, John Paul helps Nathan save his company with a radical program of cooperative ownership between workers and management. Meanwhile, John Paul makes an enemy of Gustav, who is engaged to Tanya - the daughter of Mr. Huber, owner of the tailor shop. John Paul maintains a friendship with Tanya, provoking jealousy in Gustav. Gustav threatens to reveal John Paul's plain origins to Nathan, and John Paul briefly resigns from Nathan's company. However, John Paul's plan is a success, and Nathan hires him back immediately. Tanya leaves Gustav and ends up with John Paul.
Martin Kent
A mad doctor is determined to take revenge on the family he believes is responsible for his daughter's death.
Дочь Бонни и сын Родни дети богатого биржевого маклера Стенли Джордана проводят свои дни в приятном "ничегонеделании", когда грянула беда. Их отец все теряет на бирже и в результате сердечного приступа умирает. Семья полностью разорена и даже утварь уходит с молотка для покрытия долгов. Оставшись ни с чем, брат и сестра сталкиваются с совершенно новыми для них проблемами: друзья все как песок просочились сквозь пальцы и надо самостоятельно найти способ прокормиться. Из них обоих именно Бонни оказалась более устойчивой. Она отказывается выйти замуж за своего жениха.
Major LeBaudy
An American joins the French Foreign Legion in order to rescue a boyhood friend.
District Attorney Demarest
Mary Turner gets a three years prison sentence for a crime she didn't commit. Once released, she plots to get back at the man responsible for her conviction.
After a woman experiences what happens to her when she joins the "Do a Good Deed a Day" Club, she feels like murdering the president of the organization.
Judge Samuel Filson
Young Ellen Neal gets work as a servant with the wealthy Fullerton family. She falls in love with the Fullerton's handsome young son. But he leaves her with child, and when she attempts to gain recognition for her child, the Fullerton family treats her as a blackmailer. But a surprise awaits them all.
Franklin Graham
When love came the way of this gentleman crook he turned to the right---only to be caught in the swirling eddy of his criminal past! (original ad)
Telephone operator Kitty O'Brien can't help but get involved in the problems of her customers. Right now she is concerning herself with the well-being of Tom Blake, the honest son of crooked political boss Jim Blake.
Beverly Greenway
Derry Thomas is a pretty girl from a good family who earns her own living, but is disillusioned about marriage and is firmly set against ever getting married. Nothing against men, just marriage. She is drawn into the company of some rich businessmen whose wives have gone away for the summer. Parties follow in New York nightclubs, road-houses, country clubs and fashionable estates. Situations and contradictions follow.
Tom Buchanan
Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the mysterious past and lavish lifestyle of his neighbor, the nouveau riche Jay Gatsby. He is drawn into Gatsby's circle, becoming a witness to obsession and tragedy.
Dr. McCoy
Tin Gods is a lost 1926 silent film drama produced by Famous Players-Lasky, released by Paramount Pictures, and based on the play Tin Gods by William Anthony McGuire. Allan Dwan directed and Thomas Meighan starred.
Leon Krum
A story of Vienna following World War I, in which the butchers became millionaires and the aristocrats became beggars, told against a background of mother-love and sacrifice.
James Morgan
A manicurist in the beauty shop of a large metropolitan hotel, is engaged to Antonio Luca an electrician. However she a meets James Morgan a wealthy guest who wants to go out with her, but she declines so he sends her ten dollars for theater tickets.
Rufus Kayne
Follows three generations of the Mayne family through the year 1921-22. The 81-year-old patriarch reminisces about his rough beginnings in post-Civil War railroading, son Rufus rides rough waters as a wealthy financier, and his wife and three daughters muddle through their New York high society life.
Theatre Play
Two inmates and a cleaning girl at a home for struggling artists achieve success and fame when they pool their talents and produce a smash hit Broadway musical. Edgar ( Monte Blue ), the playwright, is in love with April ( Madge Kennedy ), the ex- leading lady, but she doesn't discover that she loves him until it's almost too late.
Nelson Drake / J. Barrington Drake
Twins Nelson and J. Barrington Drake return home for the celebration of their parents' 50th wedding anniversary. Barrington is a wealthy oilman, but Nelson is a pastor in a small rural church, who is struggling to increase his ever-shrinking flock, Barrington tells him that his problem could be solved with the right type of salesmanship, and proceeds to map out a plan to do just that. However, a case of mistaken identity--and a scheme by two of the church's deacons to take over all of the church property--throws a wrench into his plans.
Twins Nelson and J. Barrington Drake return home for the celebration of their parents' 50th wedding anniversary. Barrington is a wealthy oilman, but Nelson is a pastor in a small rural church, who is struggling to increase his ever-shrinking flock, Barrington tells him that his problem could be solved with the right type of salesmanship, and proceeds to map out a plan to do just that. However, a case of mistaken identity--and a scheme by two of the church's deacons to take over all of the church property--throws a wrench into his plans.
Jimmy Baxter
Returning from a selling trip, Jimmy Baxter, the fastest salesman at his father's munitions company, notices a pretty girl smiling at him in the station. Since her train soon leaves, all Jimmy learns about her is information on her luggage: her initials and destination, the Central American republic Santo Dinero.
A Matinee Idol
A stage-struck young woman becomes an heiress, and hopes to use her new-found wealth to fulfill a fantasy.