
Murder at Midnight (1931)


Жанр : детектив

Время выполнения : 1Ч 9М

Директор : Frank R. Strayer

Краткое содержание

Wealthy Mr. Kennedy shoots his secretary, Channing, during a parlor game, but it turns out the gun was loaded with real bullets. Luckily, criminologist Phillip Montrose is on hand to help the police. When Kennedy quickly ends up dead as well, the police think it's a tidy murder-suicide, but the family lawyer knows of a letter that voiced Kennedy's suspicions about someone who was out to get him. Soon, the cops are on the trail of a ruthless and clever killer who is one step ahead of even Montrose.


Aileen Pringle
Aileen Pringle
Esme Kennedy
Alice White
Alice White
Millie Scripps
Hale Hamilton
Hale Hamilton
Phillip Montrose
Robert Elliott
Robert Elliott
Inspector Taylor
Clara Blandick
Clara Blandick
Aunt Julia Gray Kennedy
Brandon Hurst
Brandon Hurst
Leslie Fenton
Leslie Fenton
Walter Grayson
William Humphrey
William Humphrey
Vernon Dent
Vernon Dent
Detective Eating Peanuts


Frank R. Strayer
Frank R. Strayer
William Rees
William Rees
Director of Photography
Scott Darling
Scott Darling
Phil Goldstone
Phil Goldstone
Val Burton
Val Burton
Original Music Composer
John Rawlins
John Rawlins
Ralph M. DeLacy
Ralph M. DeLacy
Set Decoration


Expensive Women
A wealthy young woman struggles to find love while surrounded by possible suitors.
Большое потрясение
Former bootlegger Dutch Barnes pressures neighborhood druggist Jimmy Morrell into making cut-rate knockoff toiletry, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical products.
The Thirteenth Guest
Thirteen years after a dinner party in which the thirteenth guest failed to arrive, the remaining guests are being murdered one by one, and their bodies being placed at the same dinner table in the appropriate seats they occupied thirteen years prior.
Bad Company
A psychotic and sadistic mob boss is infatuated with the young wife of his newlywed attorney, and he plots to get him out of the way so he can have her to himself.
Мин и Билл
Немолодая пара Мин и Билл живут в небольшом портовом городке, занимаясь своими делами и разбирая свои проблемы. Билл вкалывает на рыбацком судне, тогда как Мин занимается домашними делами, одновременно пытаясь справиться с лихим поведением Нэнси, юной девушки, находящейся под опекой Мин. Мин всегда трепетно заботилась о Нэнси, хотя намеренно никогда не выражала ей теплых чувств. Но материнская любовь берет верх, и Мин все сильнее привязывается к Нэнси. Внезапно ситуация омрачается неожиданным появлением матери девушки.
Hold 'Em Jail
Two yokels are framed and sent to prison, but wind up playing football on the warden's championship team.
Грех Маделн Кладе
Француженка Мэделон Клоде, дочь фермера, и американский художник Ларри Мэйнард влюбляются друг в друга. Они сбегают с фермы отца Мэделон, и начинают жить вместе в Париже. Они собираются поженится, но Ларри получает письмо с сообщением о болезни своего отца и вынужден уехать в Америку. Мэделон ждет его возвращения, но напрасно. У нее рождается ребенок и ей приходится многим жертвовать, чтобы обеспечить своего сына. Она становится любовницей графа Карло Боретти, но вскоре выясняется, что этот человек - вор, живущий под чужим именем, и Мэделон попадает в тюрьму, как соучастница...
Call Her Savage
A high-spirited, short-tempered, young woman hates her father and loves to rebel against him. She marries a man whom her father hates but her marriage fails and she learns the errors of her ways.
Half Shot at Sunrise
Two soldiers go absent without leave in Paris during World War I.
Under Eighteen
Working girl Margie Evans has decided there are two kinds of opportunities for a slum kid during the Depression: Those you make and those you take. Determined to help her family out of its financial bind, she is ready to do both after she shows up at the penthouse pool bash of a wealthy playboy.
Beauty and the Boss
An ultra-efficient Plain Jane secretary blossoms when she accompanies her boss on a business trip to Paris.
Я любил женщину
The son of a ruthless meatpacking king goes through a number of changes in ideals and motivations as he reluctantly inherits the mantle and falls in love.
Дарк Хазард
Jim is a compulsive gambler. He meets Marge at a boarding house and they get married. His gambling causes problems. When he runs into old flame Valerie Marge leaves him. After a few years he returns, but she is now in love with old flame Pres. Jim buys racing dog Dark Hazard and makes a fortune which he loses on roulette.
Night Court
A corrupt night court judge tears an innocent young family apart in his efforts to elude a special prosecutor.
The Half-Naked Truth
A barker at a down-at-the-heels carnival becomes a powerhouse New York publicity man as he transforms a sideshow dancer into a Broadway sensation.
The Lost Squadron
When World War I comes to an end, three pilots find themselves on hard times. They wind up in Hollywood, where they work as stunt fliers for a sadistic director.
Янки из Коннектикута
Экранизация знаменитого пародийного романа Марка Твена "Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура". Водевильный комик Уилл Роджерс в роли делового янки конца XIX века Хэнка Мартина, который после сильного удара по голове теряет сознание и в забытьи попадает в эпоху короля Артура - героя многих рыцарских романов. Там коннектикутского парня в соломенной шляпе ждут удивительные приключения.
Темная лошадка
The Progressive Party convention is deadlocked for governor, so both sides nominate the dark horse Zachary Hicks. Kay Russell suggests they hire Hal Blake as campaign manager; but first they have to get him out of jail for not paying alimony. Blake organizes the office and coaches Hicks to answer every question by pausing and then saying, "Well yes, but then again no." Blake will sell Hicks as dumb but honest. Russell refuses to marry Blake, while Joe keeps people away from Blake's office. Blake teaches Hicks a speech by Lincoln. At the debate when the conservative candidate Underwood recites the same speech, Blake exposes him as a plagiarist. Hicks is presented for photo opportunities and gives his yes-and-no answer to any question, including whether he expects to win.
Победитель забирает все
Overworked boxer Jim goes to a health ranch in New Mexico to recover where he falls in love with Peggy and her sickly son. Once recovered, Jim leaves to return to the ring. Can their romance survive the distance?
Действие фильма рассказывает о временах войны, развязанной таксомоторными компаниями против независимых извозчиков. Сью остается одна, когда ее пожилого отца сажают в тюрьму за убийство водителя грузовика, который по наущению таксомоторной компании намеренно разбивает его такси. В тюрьме отец умирает, а Сью приглашают на собрание водителей, на котором Мэтт призывает друзей к активному сопротивлению…