Phil Goldstone
Рождение : 1893-02-22, Poland
Смерть : 1963-06-19
Medieval French monks find a freezing, ill juggler and take him in. Upon recovering, the impoverished man wishes to illustrate his tremendous gratitude. He eventually finds a way to.
Warning of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, specifically syphilis.
Warning of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, specifically syphilis.
В XIX-м веке в южной части Тихого океана существовал обычай, когда островитяне делали набег на соседний остров, для того чтобы найти пригодных для замужества женщин. Во время одного из подобных набегов Таро увидел прекрасную Лиллео и спросил у вождя племени разрешения взять её. Пока Таро и другие мужчины наблюдали за женщинами, плавающими в пруду, местные аборигены, вооруженные копьями, напали на них и принудили к бегству. Таро, однако, задержался, и после непродолжительной борьбы с Лиллео, которая не хотела идти за ним, ему всё же удаётся забрать её на свой остров. По прибытии Таро представляет Лиллео своей матери и своему племени. Позже, после их свадьбы, Лиллео и Таро оказываются в руках белых работорговцев…
Just after a jury finds Ann Grey guilty of murder, the car carrying her to prison crashes into another car. Ann escapes and ends up in lawyer Tony Baxter's car. Tony realizes Ann is innocent, so he vows to help her prove it, risking his neck in the process. Tony and Ann are pursued by the police and by Smiley Gordon, a mob boss who engineered Ann's escape thinking that she can lead him to a $250,000 stash.
A book publisher finds his business floundering, which prompts his socially ambitious wife to desert him for a society millionaire, leaving him with their young son. The publisher's fortunes improve dramatically, however, when a best-selling romance novelist decides to publish her new book with his firm. In the meantime, his ex-wife has married the millionaire, and she and her new mother-in-law come up with a plan to sue her ex-husband for custody of the boy.
An unprincipled hustler who makes his living getting--or making up--evidence in divorce cases finds that he's framing his own daughter.
Нора Моран, молодая женщина с трудным и трагическим прошлым, осуждена на смерть за убийство, которое она не совершала. Она легко могла бы раскрыть правду и спасти свою жизнь, если только это не повредит жизни, карьере и репутации тех, кого она любит...
Нора Моран, молодая женщина с трудным и трагическим прошлым, осуждена на смерть за убийство, которое она не совершала. Она легко могла бы раскрыть правду и спасти свою жизнь, если только это не повредит жизни, карьере и репутации тех, кого она любит...
An elderly detective sets out to find who murdered a lecherous stage actor. His estranged wife? His would-be fiancee? Her father? Her boyfriend? A suicided actress's sister? The temperamental prop man? Or maybe the show's talented female chimpanzee?
A district attorney and a reporter try to find the killer of a D.A. who uncovered a massive stock fraud.
Жители маленького немецкого городка один за другим умирают от потери крови, и местный ученый безуспешно пытается пасти пострадавших. Городские старейшины подозревают вампиров, но инспектор полиции настроен скептически. Подозрение падает на городского сумасшедшего, питающего странную любовь к летучим мышам. Преследуемый кровожадной толпой, Герман погибает, но нападения вампиров не прекращаются.
Молодые влюбленные Нил и Мадлен отправляются в романтическое путешествие на Гаити. В пути на корабле герои знакомятся с весьма изысканным и учтивым господином, месье Бомоном. По прибытии на остров влюбленные решают остановиться у него. Бомон влюбляется в Мадлен и делает все, чтобы добиться взаимности. Когда девушка в очередной раз жестко отвергает ухаживания, он решается на крайний шаг и обращается за помощью к практикующему вуду колдуну. Тот дает герою зелье, которое должно превратить Мадлен в зомби.
A cowboy and sidekick infiltrate a rustler gang to avenge the murder of their pal.
Heading west, Ken and Bouncer end up at the Brooks ranch where Ken is to ride Tarzan in the big race. But both the Sheriff and Edmonds are after him and he must hide both himself and the horse until race time.
Bill Dane and Banty quit Kell's outlaw gang. When Dane prevents Kell and his men from getting a bullion shipment, he is made Sheriff. Learning Dane is Sheriff, Kell and gang return, force Dane to give them the bullion, and make Dane a prisoner. Escaping, Dane trails the gang and engages them in a gunfight while his horse Tarzan goes for help.
Jim and Buddy decide to follow their pal Tater-bug who left them for another job. No sooner do they arrive than Tater-bug gets shot in the back. Jim suspects Joe Weller but has no proof.
A desperate woman turns to prostitution but is saved by true love.
Having escaped from prison, a cowboy looks for the man that framed him.
Captain Porter's scheme is to buy livestock and then have his men show up later to kill the buyer and retrieve the money. When his men kill the next victim, he frames the Arizonian for the murder. The Arizonian escapes the law and joins up with the outlaw Vasquez. Knowing Porter's scheme, he plans to trap him by using Vasquez as the next buyer.
Wealthy Mr. Kennedy shoots his secretary, Channing, during a parlor game, but it turns out the gun was loaded with real bullets. Luckily, criminologist Phillip Montrose is on hand to help the police. When Kennedy quickly ends up dead as well, the police think it's a tidy murder-suicide, but the family lawyer knows of a letter that voiced Kennedy's suspicions about someone who was out to get him. Soon, the cops are on the trail of a ruthless and clever killer who is one step ahead of even Montrose.
A ranger joins the outlaw gang whose boss he believes is a murderer.
Приехав в Карсон Сити, Блэки Уид (Кен Мэйнард) оказывается посреди войны за пастбища. Скот похищают, пастухов убивают. Чтобы восстановить порядок, Блэки нанимается в одно из скотоводческих хозяйств. Все знают, что он крутой стрелок, но что настолько...
A mad doctor is determined to take revenge on the family he believes is responsible for his daughter's death.
Joe Cabrone vows to kill Sam after believing him to be having an affair with his wife.
Dan and Tennessee are successful gold miners. Ace Brady learns of their success and sends Fox to rob them. During the robbery Fox shoots Tennessee and Ace arrives to arrest Dan for the murder. Dan escapes but is now a wanted man.
Silent romantic melodrama about a wife and mother who is desperate to keep a secret from the past IN the past, despite her husband's intentions to reveal it.
Once and Forever film
Assuming he is marrying a wealthy girl, Peter Foley passes a fraudulent check. To save him from jail, Julia Barry poses as his wife. Peter is actually in love with Alice Blake. He encounters complications with motorcycle cop Bull, who is engaged to Julia. A friend of Alice adds to the mix-up. All wind up snowbound together in a mountain lodge.
Julia, Myrtle, Fanny, and Jane - all chorus girls, after weeks of rehearsing for a show, find themselves stranded when the manager is broke. Evicted for not paying the rent, they try various schemes to get food and lodging.