Hans Fromm

Рождение : 1961-05-08, Munich, Germany


Красное небо
Director of Photography
Писатель Леон пытается закончить рукопись второго романа, но его то и дело отвлекают беззаботные друзья. Мужчину одинаково сильно бесят мысли о незавершённой работе и хорошее настроение окружающих. Однако главную опасность представляет не скверный характер Леона, а лесные пожары, которые подбираются к дому героев.
Meine Tochter, Kreta und ich
Camera Supervisor
Camera Operator
Ундина — историк-урбанист, завораживающая туристов рассказами об архитектурной истории Берлина. Имя девушки накладывает отпечаток и на её личную жизнь, которая развивается по законам древнего мифа: она должна погубить бросившего её Йоханнеса, а неожиданно вспыхнувшим взаимным чувствам к водолазу Кристофу суждено угаснуть. Сможет ли Ундина вырваться из омута древних преданий и сохранить любовь?
Director of Photography
Ундина — историк-урбанист, завораживающая туристов рассказами об архитектурной истории Берлина. Имя девушки накладывает отпечаток и на её личную жизнь, которая развивается по законам древнего мифа: она должна погубить бросившего её Йоханнеса, а неожиданно вспыхнувшим взаимным чувствам к водолазу Кристофу суждено угаснуть. Сможет ли Ундина вырваться из омута древних преданий и сохранить любовь?
Director of Photography
Мужчина, прибывший во Францию после вторжения нацистов, присваивает себе личность погибшего писателя, чьи документы оказываются у него в руках. Застряв в Марселе, он встречает женщину, разыскивающую своего мужа, личность которого главный герой фильма как раз позаимствовал.
Where do you stand today, Christian Petzold?
Director of Photography
"Où en êtes-vous ?" (Where do you stand today?) is a project initiated by the Centre Pompidou, which commissions its guest filmmakers to make a free-form film in response to a question simultaneously retrospective, introspective and focused on their future ideas and projects. Here Christian Petzold is joined by Christoph Hochhäusler as they analyze a sequence from Hitchcock's The Wrong Man (1956) through a series of photograms. With this tribute to Harun Farocki, who died in 2014, Christian Petzold endeavors to revive and perpetuate the spirit, taste and methods of his former teacher and friend.
Where do you stand today, Christian Petzold?
"Où en êtes-vous ?" (Where do you stand today?) is a project initiated by the Centre Pompidou, which commissions its guest filmmakers to make a free-form film in response to a question simultaneously retrospective, introspective and focused on their future ideas and projects. Here Christian Petzold is joined by Christoph Hochhäusler as they analyze a sequence from Hitchcock's The Wrong Man (1956) through a series of photograms. With this tribute to Harun Farocki, who died in 2014, Christian Petzold endeavors to revive and perpetuate the spirit, taste and methods of his former teacher and friend.
Ellas Entscheidung
Camera Operator
Hans Fromm on 'Phoenix'
New interview with cinematographer Hans Fromm.
Simon falls head over heels in love with pretty and quick-witted Verena. When his father, who suffers from schizophrenia, has a relapse, Simon devotes himself completely to his mother and little sister and endangers his budding romance. Maneuvering himself into a near-fatal situation, Simon realizes that he cannot change the others' lives, but only his own.
Director of Photography
Нелли Ленц, жертва Холокоста, которой удалось выжить в концлагере. Она ранена, у неё сильно искалечено лицо. Сотрудница Еврейского агентства Лене Винтер помогает Нелли добраться до Берлина, где ей сделали пластическую операцию. Поправившись после операции, Нелли начинает искать своего мужа, Йоханнса. Когда она наконец нашла его, Йоханнес не узнал свою жену, которую считает погибшей. Тем не менее, он признает, что эта незнакомая ему женщина похожа на его «покойную» жену. И тогда Йоханнес делает деловое предложение Нелли — она должна будет изображать его жену, чтобы получить состояние, которое ей досталось от семьи. Нелли соглашается…
Director of Photography
Once again, the "border crossing" is celebrated, as every seven years in the Upper Hessian town of Bergen. It is really turbulent at this folk festival, when the municipal boundaries are confirmed from old tradition and everything is upside down. For this occasion leaves Thomas Weidmann his girlfriend and flees because of his botched university career from the city of Berlin back to his native village. At the party, he meets Kerstin Werner, whose life has just come out of joint - her marriage is broken and her husband Jürgen on the jump to another, younger woman.
Director of Photography
Красивая девушка из ГДР подала заявление на выезд из страны и за это сослана в провинцию. В свободном мире ее ждет возлюбленный, который уже разработал для нее план побега на лодке через Балтийское море. А пока Барбара живет под надзором спецслужб и работает в больнице в отделе педиатрической хирургии, где вместе со своим коллегой Андре пытается помочь юной беженке из трудовой колонии — ярой противнице режима.
Dreileben: Beats Being Dead
Director of Photography
Johannes is a loner who wants a better job. And then he meets Ana. Ana is attractive and even though her job is even less prestigious than Johannes's, he falls for her. And then she quits her job to be with him (and be dependent on him) and suddenly things become much more serious. She has fallen for him. But does he still love her? Did he ever? Enter Sarah. Sarah is the daughter of Johannes's boss. He and she have a past. Will Sarah and what she represents be his future, and Ana just a memory, something he'd like to erase?
The Fire
Director of Photography
Judith decides to go on her own to the salsa-dancing night, even though her boyfriend, with whom she goes there every week, can’t accompany her. A stranger, with whom she briefly dances, offers to walk her home. Next morning, upon returning home, Judith refuses at first to accept that she’s a rape victim, but in the end decides to go to a doctor and press charges - which prove inadequate to have the rapist convicted. Under the influence of sweeping bodily and mainly psychological oscillations, Judith decides she has to follow an unorthodox path in order to prove the perpetrator’s guilt.
Director of Photography
Томас с позором уволен с военной службы, которую он проходил в Афганистане. В наследство от матери ему дотался дом в Иерихоне, где-то в глуши на северо-востоке Германии. Теперь ему надо осесть и остепениться. Но самое неприятное в том, что он абсолюно на мели. А местная биржа труда предлагает только тяжелую и плохо оплачиваемую работу сборщика огурцов. У Томаса появляется шанс поправить свое материальное положение, когда он знакомится с Али, владельцем 45 закусочных на колесах, которые он сдает в аренду и снабжает продуктами, на чем и зарабатывает свой небольшой капитал. И поскльку его лишили водительских прав на год, Али ищет водителя и экспедитора. Таким образом Томас оправляется, получает хорошую работу и сближается со своим новым шефом. И тут на его горизонте появляется молчаливая, но красивая жена Али — Лаура, и между ними пробегает опасная искра.
Messy Christmas
Director of Photography
A holiday celebration with the extended family gets stretched to the breaking point in this comedy from Germany. Sara is happily married to Jan, though this wasn't always the case -- Sara is Jan's second wife, while Sara has three ex-husbands, Gunnar, Andi and Erich, and she and Jan are raising children from each of their previous marriages. Jan is less than thrilled with the prospect of spending the holidays with Sara's mother, but things get worse when he learns his wife has planned a surprise for Christmas eve -- they'll be joined by Gunnar, Andi and Erich, as well as Erich's new wife Pauline, Andi's current spouse Rita and his own ex-wife, Eva. To call the atmosphere uncomfortable is an understatement, and things only get worse when Sara announces she's pregnant, which is quite troubling for Jan since he's been waiting for the right time to tell her he had a vasectomy several months before.
Director of Photography
В фильме показана история женщины, которая оставляет свой родной город ради многообещающей работы и новой жизни, преодолевая возникающие трудности на пути. Ее брак разрушен, в родном городе нет перспектив. Уехав на Запад Германии, Йелла вовлекается в мир безжалостного и крупного бизнеса. И, казалось бы, все складывается успешно, но в самый неожиданный момент возникает угроза для ее новой жизни — бывший муж Бен…
Director of Photography
Три женщины по воле случая встречаются в Берлине. Скрещение этих трех судеб, ощущение глобального одиночества и напряженный поиск внутренней идентичности легли в основу психоделической драмы Кристиана Петцольда.
Locked Up
Director of Photography
In a German town, teacher Irene leads an inconspicuous, boring, lonely life. One day, a man rings at her door and slips in. It's an armed convict from the prison next door, escaped with a leg wound. He now makes her a prisoner in her own home. Almost without a word, as if she secretly enjoys the excitement or just mesmerized, she obeys Vassily, every single command, even sexual services, submissively or after a symbolic struggle. Somehow that seems to change, but can force initiate love?
Director of Photography
Axel and Karla are an ill-matched couple in a borderline situation. The two meet in the hospital. Axel is keeping watch at his son′s bedside and Karla is waiting for some sign of life from her sister. None of the doctors can tell them whether the young couple will come out of their comas after their serious accident. As the weeks of uncertainty, fear and tedium pass by, a peculiar relationship develops between Axel and Karla, sustaining both of them.
Director of Photography
Philipp Gerber is a smart, but self-satisfied car salesman. In an inattentive moment at the wheel of his car, he runs over a boy on a bike and, instead of helping him, he drives away. As he has feelings of guilt, he tries to find out more about the accident’s victim.
Something to Remind Me
Director of Photography
Middle-aged lawyer Thomas meets Leyla at the pool. After their paths keep crossing, he asks her out on a date. Somewhat to his surprise she agrees. The next morning Thomas awakes to find Leyla and his laptop, which contains vital case files, missing.
The State I Am In
Director of Photography
With 1970s Germany in the background, this film depicts the story of a family from the “R.A.F. Terrorist” group and their search for a normal life and their inner self.
The Sex Thief
Director of Photography
Petra professionally works as a thief abroad to finance the studies of her younger sister Franziska in Germany.
Cuba Libre
Director of Photography
Tom is constantly running into problems and gets beaten up time and time again.
Director of Photography
Drifters tells of Karin, a past-her-prime cosmetics saleswoman, with her increasing exasperation with her life and her dreams of leaving it all behind and living in Paris. An unlikely but entertaining plot develops, where anything can happen.
Documentary about the twin sister Jutta and Gisela Schmidt. In the late sixties the two women rebelled against middle class society as if they gave vent to a new kind of art. They became active in the underground communist party KPD and showed a heart-felt interest in the colour red, the aesthetics of the revolution. Soon, though, the twins quit their experiments in Germany. They left their husbands and went to Rome, where they met the fabulously wealthy Paul Getty III, and soon things got really out of hand.
The Abbey of Crime: Umberto Eco's 'The Name of the Rose'
A German TV documentary that chronicles the daily rehearsals, the filming and all the behind the scenes of Jean-Jacques Annaud's classic "The Name of the Rose". From actors perspectives to the ideas used by the director to produce an impeccable international epic adaptation of Umberto Eco's best selling novel, the film presents the obstacles behind the creation of a production of such large scale and also the making of the many difficult scenes, most of the ones presented here are the characters' murders inside the mysterious abbey.