While the townsfolk are celebrating the village's anniversary parade, Étienne tries the impossible: to show them how beautiful his family’s cacophony really is.
Sophia is a philosophy professor in Montreal and has lived as a couple with Xavier for 10 years. Sylvain is a carpenter in the Laurentians and must renovate their country house. When Sophia meets Sylvain for the first time, it’s love at first sight. Opposites attract, but can it last?
Young Maxime’s mother starts worrying about him when his 2nd grade teacher declares him “abnormal”. After a distressing visit to the hospital, she decides to confront the teacher, only to see the whole situation in a new light when the most trivial misunderstanding occurs. A short movie about gender, especially when it's projected on others.
The story of a Burkinabé immigrant who is reluctantly drawn into a neighbour’s troubles in his Montreal apartment building.
Sr Angelina
Madame Tremblay
OUR OWN is a social suspense about Magalie, a teenager who will have no choice but to take back the reins of her own life. Against all odds.
Mme Sullivan
В глухом лесу, отрезанные от всего мира живут пожилые затворники. В сезон лесных пожаров умирает их старый товарищ по имени Бойчук, что навсегда меняет привычный жизненный уклад. Как и еще одно обстоятельство: явление восьмидесятилетней старушки, которую незаслуженно продержали всю жизнь в лечебницах. Затем их убежище обнаруживает фотограф, которой поручено сделать репортаж о стихийном бедствии. Две старушки найдут рисунки покойного Бойчука, в которых он ведёт повествование о своём трагическом прошлом, связанном с лесными пожарами.
Mère de Frédéric
В небольшой деревушке неподалеку от Квебека все изменилось. Местные жители уже не те, что раньше: их тела разлагаются, а сами они стали интересоваться исключительно свежей плотью.
La dame
According to the text of Stéphane E.Roy Nine slices of life. Nine stories that intertwine. A satirical comedy. Marc Gauthier, creator of the new "Dare Communic-Action ©" alleged communication guru, offers a new approach. But there will always be a gap between theory and practice ... Between nine earthy situations and absurd misunderstandings, everyone will try to grow up
Five years after an economic catastrophe, the government and banks have collapsed. At a fortified village in rural Quebec, three individuals with very different pasts see their destinies unwillingly intertwined. Léon is part of a band of honest scavengers. Following a murderous attack, Léon has a falling out with the surviving members of his gang. Marianne, survivor of a brutal assault and the last living member of her family, is travelling to the village to find her aunt — and is soon to find that her attackers are there too. Old Bob has only one goal, to reconnect and make peace with his brother, since years estranged. During his journey, he encounters Josée, a teen with attitude who sees a father figure in him. After a bloody altercation at a bar, Bob has no choice but to tolerate Joe’s company.
The existence of Yannick is seemingly mundane. No passion, no trouble. He is a reasonable man. He lives above Monique's apartment, his mother. Both have created a universe where there is no clear boundaries. When Monique discovers that Yannick has a rich and intense love life, that she's not aware of, he will be forced out to come out.
Lea Leclerc
Действие фильма происходит в будущем. Канады уже нет, а есть свободный город-государство Квебек, у которого есть свой президент. Мировой экономический кризис, истощение природных ресурсов. Главное богатство - пресная вода. Космический зонд обнаружил на Европе, спутнике Юпитера, огромные запасы пресной воды под ледяной коркой в несколько километров. Квебек решает в рамках "Проекта М" направить туда своих астронавтов. Полёт к Юпитеру займёт три года. Дабы подготовить экипаж к сверхдлительному перелёту, рождается идея трёхлетней стажировки на орбитальной станции. Когда их подготовка в тысячу дней на станции подходила к концу, на Земле началась ядерная война. Выяснилось, что помимо воды на Европе зонд обнаружил что-то ещё...
Social worker
Adapted and inspired from the play Lipsynch, Triptyque is a contemporary urban saga that tells the story of Michelle a schizophrenic bookseller, Marie, singer and actress, and Thomas, a German neurologist. Three lives, three destinies that cross and resonate, Triptyque is a sensitive and deeply moving variation on the themes of memory and identity.
Mère de Fernand
In the aftermath of the 1950 Winnipeg flood, Fernand floats listlessly through the sad, sunken landscape of ruin. His estranged wife prays for the drowned souls of Saint-Boniface.
Lucette Simoneau
The mysterious disappearance of a man affects the lives of four different people, all living in loneliness in the suburbs of Quebec: the wife of the missing person, an aging ex-gambler, a young receptionist who want to share her life with somebody, and a father looking to help his family.
Quebec-Montreal: 250 km (150 miles) of asphalt, nine thirtysomething travelers, four cars, one destination. The journey becomes an opportunity to share points of view about life and to discuss troubling questions about our existence.
A city neighborhood is frightened by a strangler and a voyeur. The police detectives, headed by Léopold Latour, are not very efficient in their investigations, though detective Édouard Lambert does a little sleuthing on his own.
Informal English Title of Night Shift, a French Film.