Set Decoration
In 1942, a convoy of 35 civilian ships, carrying vital supplies from Iceland to the Soviet Union, faces deadly challenges in the Arctic. Despite Allied naval escort, catastrophic intelligence errors expose the convoy to relentless German air and naval attacks. In the brutal conditions, inexperienced civilian sailors fight for survival, with only 12 ships making it to their destination.
Property Master
Земля будущего. Человечество находится на грани вымирания. Хотя технологии вышли на невероятно высокий уровень, люди каждый день сражаются за жизнь с природой, которая эволюционировала и превратилась в безжалостного убийцу. Восстановить баланс и пошатнуть чашу весов, на которые возложена судьба всего человеческого вида, предстоит 13-летней девочке Веспер.
Production Design
When a London-based DJ Egle returns to native Lithuania for an Easter celebration, she finds herself facing more than just the music.
Lithuania, 1948. War is over, but the country is left in ruins. 19-year-old Untė is a member of the Partisan movement resisting Soviet occupation. They do not fight on equal terms, but this desperate struggle will determine the future of the whole population. At the age of discovery of life, Untė discovers violence and treachery. The lines are blurred between the burning passion of his youth and the cause for which he is fighting. He will invest himself wholeheartedly, even if it means losing his innocence…