L'homme au chat
Люсьен Пелепан, бизнесмен из Тулузы, должен доставить парижскому нотариусу десять миллионов франков. Казалось бы простое дело оборачивается полной катастрофой; путешествие таило в себе множество сюрпризов.
Fisherman on his boat (uncredited)
Получив повышение, в уютный курортный городок Сен-Тропе приезжает бравый жандарм Крюшо с красоткой-дочерью Николь. Добрые, но недотепистые местные жандармы с радостью принимают Крюшо в свой круг. Но их радость быстро проходит: не такой добряк, но еще более придурковатый Крюшо с рвением бросается на защиту закона даже тогда, когда закон в его защите не нуждается.С приездом в Сен-Тропе жандарма Крюшо «мирная» жизнь городка заканчивается: охота на нудистов, поиски украденной из музея бесценной картины
The mayor
Весельчак Фернан Жувен после тринадцати лет, проведенных в Германии, возвращается на родину в маленький городок во Франции. И что же он видит? Его жена вышла замуж за нормандца Андре Коломби, который хозяйничает в его ресторанчике! Все считают Фернана погибшим на войне. Он становится настоящим героем, а у красавицы Кристин теперь два мужа. Но кто из них настоящий? Оказавшись в щекотливом положении, Кристин на время отвергает обоих. А мужья и не думают скучать! Они стали добрыми друзьями и наслаждаются драгоценной свободой.
Le menuisier, successeur du père Dantès
Оказавшись несправедливо заключенным в страшную тюрьму, откуда нет возврата, Эдмон Дантес в течение тринадцати лет вынужден терпеть лишения и лелеять мысли о мести своим обидчикам. С помощью человека, сидящего с ним в соседней камере, Эдмону удается совершить побег…
Газетные заголовки кричат во всю страницу: «Еще одно убийство в воровском мире! Благодаря анонимному звонку схвачен некто Ксавье Оде!». Публика давно привыкла к этим страстям, ее уже ничем особенно не удивишь. Но есть люди, которым это очень интересно, потому что такого рода проблемы касаются их в первую очередь. Имя им - мафия.
Жан-Поль Бельмондо играет в этом фильме молодого перспективного бандита Рокка, который вообще не имеет страха ни перед кем - ни перед законом, ни перед конкурентами, и плевать хотел на все с высокой колокольни… Сейчас ему надо достать сбежавшего неизвестно куда владельца казино по имени Вилланова. Куда делся этот тип - не ясно. Но зато ясно, что он никуда не денется, потому что в городе осталась его телка! Египтянка. И к тому же слишком красивая, чтобы оставлять ее одну. Поэтому, если взять милашку в оборот, Вилланова не заставит себя долго ждать...
Загадочное ночное происшествие вынуждает Пьера Менда предпринять собственное расследование. Следы ведут в дом к двум женщинам — сестрам.
Le maire
Все приключения, случившиеся в городке Ассола, не произошли бы именно в нем, если бы он не отличался о других. Через город проходит граница между Францией и Италией и вся жизнь в нем определяется этим фактом. В Ассоле есть два способа зарабатывать деньги: либо подчиняться закону, либо избегать его. Так, главный герой — французский таможенник Фердинанд Пасторелли — живет в соответствии с первым способом, а итальянский контрабандист Джузеппе — в соответствии со вторым. Но их разделяет не только закон. Как водится, в эти непростые отношения между мужчинами вмешивается женщина. Тогда герои начинают вредить друг другу всеми доступными им способами. Два знаменитых европейских комика Фернандель и Тото в классической комедии — «Закон есть закон».
L'oncle de Cavaillon
Драма, действие которой разворачивается в долине реки Дюранс. После перепланировки плотины на водохранилище Сер-Понсон погибает процветающий помещик, старик Феликс. Его юная дочь Гортензия становится единственной наследницей богатого состояния. В качестве компенсации за гибель мужчины она получает 30 миллионов франков. Нежданное богатство несовершеннолетней девушки пробуждает невиданную жадность некоторых ее родственников. К жизни «бедной сироты» сразу начинают проявлять интерес. Фильм «Живая вода» получил награду «Золотой глобус» за лучший фильм на иностранном языке.
Commandant Ramirez
le docteur Bastide
Доктор Лоран переезжает из Парижа в деревню Сен-Мартен, чтобы стать преемником доктора Бастида. Едва сойдя с автобуса, Лоран услышал из окна дома женский крик, и узнал, что это страдает будущая мама, которой вот-вот предстоит родить первенца. Бедняжка испытывает такие сильные боли, что ей не помогает даже морфий.
Commissioner Merlin (uncredited)
A ship, La Circé, has sunk and it might possibly be criminal . The vessel belongs to Storata ,who asks the insurance company for a hundred million Francs .Callaghan is working for them and he investigates on dry land and on the sea. The brilliant detective discovers that Storata has scuttled his ship himself to swindle insurance.
The adventures of Daniele as he tries to find love with Lucienne despite being framed for murder and cocaine smuggling.
M. Decanis
Set in the countryside of Provence, the film is based on three tales from Alphonse Daudet's 1869 short story collection Letters from My Windmill: "The Three Low Masses", "The Elixir of Father Gaucher" and "The Secret of Master Cornille".
le capitaine de l'Atlanta
As in a Hollywood western, rice growers and bull cultivators come into conflict in the Camargue.
Dardamelle does not conceal the fact that his wife has made him a cuckold.How will his fellow townspeople react?
Le patron du bistrot
A young journalist, Sylvia, has to interview a writer, Claude Chatel, whose success is due to his misogyny.
Antonin, le forgeron
A small village is torn apart by a quarrel between the baker and the italian grocery tenant, mother of a pregnant young girl. She accuses the baker's son, doing his military service in Algeria, to be the father of the would be child. Offended, the baker refuses to deliver bread to the villagers standing on the mother's side.
Le docteur Marinier (uncredited)
Жан Ренневал, стареющий, но всё ещё красивый актёр, соблазняет зрительницу Терезу Вердье. Она назначает ему свидание после ужина, когда её муж Анри уедет. За ужином Анри рассказывает Терезе и её подруге Генриетте о своих предыдущих двух жёнах. Обе изменили ему: Люси — с его двойником Гектором, а Жюльетт с султаном Амманлифа. Отправившись в путь, Анри опаздывает на поезд и возвращается домой, где застаёт свою третью жену в постели с Ренневалом, нарядившимся в костюм кардинала, который убеждает его смириться с изменой.
Claudius, Le boucher
Claudius, le boucher
Marcel Pagnol's adaptation of his own novel Manon des sources, the story of a shepherdess who exacts her revenge on the townsfolk she blames for killing her father, in two parts: Manon des sources and Ugolin.
Captain Handson, captain of the "Danae", learns that his wife, Danae, is the mistress of his owner, Pierre Ricardo. Leaving for a new crossing, he takes his wife and her lover by force, whom he makes work in the holds. After a stopover in Douala, the "Danae" sets off again for the French coast.
The maid of a clandestine brothel in Marseille is found murdered. The inspector Sergil, in charge of the investigation will employ somewhat particular methods in order to unmask the assassin.
Victor - le patron du café
Based on the novel of the same name by writer Edouard Peisson, this Jean Delannoy film display one boy’s unconditional love for his mother, despite her tragic mistreatment of him. After being raised by a shepherd for the past 12 years, Simon (Pierre-Michel Beck) is reunited with his mother Marie (Madeleine Robinson). Marie is a prostitute in Marseilles and is now stable enough to welcome Simon back into her life. Unaware of her profession at first, Simon is happy to have his mom back, but in time he learns how she makes her living. This troubles Simon but he continues to love her, despite not loving her chosen profession. His anger toward this issue gets directed toward Marie’s louse of a boyfriend, Paul (Frank Villard), and the result is a heartfelt tale about love and family.
The neighbor
The practice of Dr. Julien, a GP of Marseilles, consists mainly of drug-addicts. One day, one of his patient dies at his surgery and Julien yields to the temptation : he steals the dead man's money and hides the corpse in a trunk. But the whole thing is discovered and ... misinterpreted. The doctor is condemned for killing the junkie and sent to the Cayenne convict prison, from which he escapes. The Indians give him shelter and he is soon given the opportunity to return their good deed when a yellow fever epidemic strikes their tribe. A young woman helps to fight the disease and, thanks to her, Julien starts considering that a new life is possible for him.
In Marseille, a customs inspector falls in love with a young woman involved in dubious traffic.
A friend
A man assists his gravely ill wife to die and wants to face justice for this, but his brothers try everything to keep the family's name clean.
Tordo, the hotel boss
Melodrama of two struggling artists whose love for each other is thwarted.She has some success as a ballerina despite being wounded by him in a fit of jealousy. His career as a sculptor is stymied when he is arrested.
Le cafetier de Villeneuve (uncredited)
A typographer makes a mistake by printing the winning number of the national lottery. Many people believe they have won the jackpot. Pursued by his newspaper editor, the worker appears in court where all mystified people are invited to testify.
The director
The tumultuous loves of a diver and a pretty bitch. Mario loves Perrucha, she only loves money. When, by dint of diving, the boy's health deteriorates, the girl goes to find an important industrialist. Such a story can only end badly and Mario strangles Perrucha.
Mr. Chardon
When her godmother dies, Nicole's happiness collapses and her fiancé leaves her because she is ruined.
The Mayor Hector Malicorne
По произведению Элизы Фрейне.
Паскаль (Бернар Блие), молодой студент педучилища, тяжело раненный на фронте в 1918 году, в октябре 1920-го получает работу в школе деревни Салез департамента Верхний Прованс. Он отказывается от формалистской и армейской дисциплины своего предшественника, старого Арно; например, разбирает на дрова кафедру, чтобы покончить с сыростью в классе. От этой новости старого учителя чуть не хватает удар.
Цель учебных методов Паскаля - раскрыть душу, личность каждого ученика и пробудить в детях жажду знаний. Взрослые (в особенности - уважаемые жители деревни) не доверяют его добрым намерениям.
Sylvain is the town clerk of the small Provençal village of Coursoul. He is the darling of all the girls in the country. His brother, Désiré, a disabled carpenter, secretly loves Toinette, the lumber merchant's daughter. She falls in love with Sylvain. This one, convinced by the director of a traveling circus of the excellence of his voice, is about to leave everything to follow his career. But Désiré learns from Toinette that she is expecting a child from Sylvain. He goes to inform his brother, who reconsiders his decision. But Désiré will leave in his place, not to sing, but with his bruised heart to play Paillasse.
Ricardo Mendes
Inspector Sergil is assigned the mission to protect the dictator of Santa Juanita during his stay in France and - it goes without saying -trouble begins at once, as of his journey in the fast train from Paris to Marseilles. A lot of opponents of all kinds are intent on liquidating the dictator and they do not particularly like to have Sergil in their way. When Bijou, the inspector's fiancée, accepts to serve as a bodyguard for the dictator, she is soon kidnapped and will not be released until Sergil tells them about their enemy's hiding place. Where the shoe pinches is that the dictator has disappeared and Sergil does not even know where he is.
Gonfaron is barking at the auction of Cassis. He accepted with good heart to believe that he was the proud custodian of the jackpot of the National Lottery , to avoid marital trouble his friend Viala, which is the real winner with his mistress Ginette . Millionaire become false as false Ginette lover until one day.
Париж, Франция, декабрь 1946 года. Дженни Ламур, амбициозная певица кабаре, и Морис, ее крайне ревнивый муж-пианист, оказываются вовлечены в тщательное расследование убийства сомнительного бизнесмена, которое ведет Антуан, своеобразный и методичный инспектор полиции.
Captain Palmer's daughter, Maria, is neglected by her husband, the cynical Leo, who lives with the beautiful Sylvia. To defeat his son-in-law, Palmer has the idea of putting Sylvia back in the presence of Pierre, her first love. Leo takes revenge by creating many difficulties for Palmer who retaliates by starting a violent fight where Leo is killed. Everything seems to point to Pierre, but...
Le cordonnier
Thérèse kills her lover during the very night of her wedding to the count of Vétheul. To gain a night with her, a modest local worker agrees to bury the body.
Le maire
Jean is a good man who has a steady job (he is a mechanic in the village garage) and a companion named Aline. But Jean is also a guzzler and a philanderer. As a result, when a local prostitute is killed in the surroundings, he becomes at once the victim of rumor...
The son of the Comtesse de Brévannes dies. She, who has never wanted to meet her daughter-in-law and who wants to take care of her grandson, goes to their house under the guise of a governess.
Inspector Sergil is a detective comedy. Sergil, inspector of the P.J., investigates three crimes, helped by two pretty women, Bijou and Nadège.
A man is too shy to ask a girl out and decides to kill himself. While lying in the road he is rescued by a Doctor who tries to cure him by implanting the heart of a rooster into him, something which suddenly makes him irresistible to women.
A historian seeks to clarify the mysterious death of Sire de Malvaleix and will find himself involved in the murder of the current descendant.
The guardian is engaged to a girl from a good family, but the intervention of a gypsy will make his heart lean. This one comes in fact to take revenge and will try to kill him.
An architect whose wife has cheated on him withdraws to a solitary life in a cave, but somehow manages to keep au courant with what is going on.
Sylvio, a successful singer, has found a way to take a peaceful vacation, safe from his female adulators: to travel incognito. He puts up at an old castle whose landlord, Count Fabrice, a ruined nobleman, seeks a hidden treasure. Posing as the nephew of the castle gardener, Sylvio enjoys happy days and even finds the time to fall in love with Gracieuse, the count's daughter. Unfortunately for him, his impresario ends up locating him...
Maître Rostaing
Toine, the local hunchback, works at the tile manufacturing plant, but during the summer, he gives a hand to Micoulin, the farmer, thereby being able to spend more time close to Nais, Micoulin's daughter. That summer, the estate owner's son, Frederic Rostaing, decides to rest on the farm during his vacation from Law school. But his real motives are to seduce young Nais, whom he knows from their childhood days, after having seen her in town. Who will win the power struggle between the possessive father, the naive daughter, the vile student and the golden-hearted cripple?
Jeannou lives in a castle in Périgord with his father, the last man of aristocratic lineage landowners, very attached to traditions. She meets Peter, a young engineer, she joined in Paris, decided to marry her. A few months later, pregnant, she returned to the area where the wedding will be celebrated.
A scientist who have discovered how to turn salt water into petrol dies before he has revealed his formula. By mistake it's assumed that his assistant knows it although he does not.
Auguste, a somewhat simple-minded Provençal fisherman, loves and admires Mireille. This concerns only Maurice, son of an important wholesaler, whom scruples do not stifle. Seduced and abandoned, Mireille moves Auguste who tries to mend his poor happiness. The local priest, with wise words, leads Mireille to offer her hand to Auguste.
Tonio, pretty Micheline's fiance, meets Georgia ,a gypsy who makes advances to him.
Following a broadcast on the radio, each of the listeners remembers these "little nothings" (the title is borrowed from a play by Mozart), which have often changed their lives. Each of these stories told will prove that a tiny detail in life can change an entire destiny.
Father Boquet, old and sad, hopes that François, his son, will be a fisherman like him. Alas, François follows his evil genius Simon to town and succumbs to the charms of the great Lisa. The wise village teacher sets out to find him when his father is ill, and brings François back in a violent storm. Love is on the way
Le curé (uncredited)
A simpleton turns out to be the lucky charm of a village.
Because the shiner Titin has fallen in love with a singer, he braves the latter's protector, the baron, and passes himself off as an insurer in connection with a pearl necklace that is circulating. Bitters get involved, Titin kidnaps the beauty and leaves the pearls to the baron.