The 12 years old well-bred Lonnie meets the impudent Karen on the street. They spend some time together and Karen teaches Lonnie some of her favorite occupancies, like make-up, shoplifting, skipping school and lying to the parent about it, but confessing to the priest later. But Karen also learns some honesty from Lonnie. A film about social differences and growing up.
During World War II, hard-luck farmer Colvis Nevels leaves his rural Kentucky home to take a factory job in bustling Detroit. Reluctantly accompanying Colvis is his long-suffering wife, Gertie, a talented woodcarver set in her traditional ways. When the perils of city life and Colvis' reckless squandering of money send the Nevels into precarious financial straits, Gertie starts a business making hand-carved dolls in order to provide for her family.
Хулиган и изгой Джонни Рурк волею случая становится партнером по школьным танцам для капитана группы поддержки Трейси Прескотт. Молодые люди влюбляются друг в друга, несмотря на разное социальное положение. Она из богатой и благополучной семьи, он — из бедной и неполной. У их отношений нет никаких перспектив, как нет их и у Джонни, который вряд ли сможет оплатить свою учебу в колледже. Трейси все чаще задумывается о правильности своего выбора. «Бесстрашный» — история любви девушки из богатой семьи и мальчика-хулигана.
Mike Catton was once a world-renowned construction foreman (at least in the construction world), but an accident left him with a serious fear of heights. Unable to climb the big skyscrapers while under construction, he retired and became a truck driver. But when an old friend needs him to help put up a building, and when the old friend gets harassed and threatened by an Evil Corporate Type, he comes out of retirement and assembles the creme de la creme of the construction world. Together, they race against time to finish the building while the Evil Corporate Type tries to stop them.