
Steel (1979)

The Magnificent Eight

Жанр : боевик, приключения, криминал

Время выполнения : 1Ч 42М

Директор : Steve Carver

Краткое содержание

Mike Catton was once a world-renowned construction foreman (at least in the construction world), but an accident left him with a serious fear of heights. Unable to climb the big skyscrapers while under construction, he retired and became a truck driver. But when an old friend needs him to help put up a building, and when the old friend gets harassed and threatened by an Evil Corporate Type, he comes out of retirement and assembles the creme de la creme of the construction world. Together, they race against time to finish the building while the Evil Corporate Type tries to stop them.


Lee Majors
Lee Majors
Mike Catton
Jennifer O'Neill
Jennifer O'Neill
Cass Cassidy
Art Carney
Art Carney
Pignose Moran
Harris Yulin
Harris Yulin
Eddie Cassidy
George Kennedy
George Kennedy
Big Lew Cassidy
Redmond Gleeson
Redmond Gleeson
Terry Kiser
Terry Kiser
Richard Lynch
Richard Lynch
Ben Marley
Ben Marley
The Kid
Roger E. Mosley
Roger E. Mosley
Albert Salmi
Albert Salmi
Robert Tessier
Robert Tessier
Hunter von Leer
Hunter von Leer
Joe De Nicola
Joe De Nicola
Janet Hadland
Janet Hadland
Carole Mallory
Carole Mallory
Bea Silvern
Bea Silvern
Cynthia Songé
Cynthia Songé
Tiny Mary
Susan Kingsley
Susan Kingsley
Tommy J. Huff
Tommy J. Huff
R. G. Armstrong
R. G. Armstrong


Steve Carver
Steve Carver
Peter S. Davis
Peter S. Davis
Lee Majors
Lee Majors
Executive Producer
Lee Majors
Lee Majors
Barbara Thomas
Barbara Thomas
Production Secretary
Stephen R. Ferry
Stephen R. Ferry
Property Master


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