Дезидерия Оливан находится на самом пике кризиса среднего возраста. Ее брак с Рамиро, со стороны кажущийся счастливым, грозит распасться из-за отсутствия детей и импотенции мужа. Чтобы как-то спасти ситуацию, супруг уговаривают Дезидерию отправиться в туристическую поездку в Турцию вместе с друзьями. На берегах Босфора Рамиро умудряется не заметить бурный роман собственной жены с турецким экскурсоводом Яманом. По возвращению в Испанию Дезидерия узнает, что беременна...
Periodista 2
Alberto lives with his parents and his brother Roberto, quite attractive, who tells him there are lots of girls. Alberto is a romantic guy, and doesn't find a girl for his own. He knew he was in love as soon as he saw Maria, although he was not very sure of what she thought. His brother told him he would help with her, but things get difficult when Roberto also likes Maria.
Amiga #2 Agueda
Hypocrisy and betrayal are the two dramatic pivots in this effective, emotionally gripping tragedy about the life and death of Paco (Antonio Banderas), a Spanish peasant who had been fighting against the feudal landowning system that kept farmers impoverished. Paco's life is told in flashbacks by a priest (Antonio Ferrandis) who is seen officiating at an anniversary mass attended by three wealthy landowners and no one else. The priest recalls Paco's baptism, his communion, his marriage ceremony and then his work for the peasants as he advocated and led them in a land-reform movement. The rest of the story will rest heavy on the priest's conscience, as he looks out at his empty church.