Meng Xie


She Sat There Like All Ordinary Ones
Zhuang is a late bloomer. When he first meets his classmate Meng, a talented long-distance runner, he rashly and spontaneously takes the blame for her theft of a starting pistol. But before they can get to know each other better, Meng gives him the cold shoulder. Confused, Zhuang decides to join Meng’s track team, even though this leaves him with less time for studying. Academic pressure is added to the puzzles of adolescence. Zhuang plans to surprise everyone with a bold gesture. He is just waiting for the right moment...
Год вечной бури
Масштабный и меланхоличный альманах от семи режиссеров со всего мира, посвященный беспрецедентному моменту нашей эпохи и отдающий дань кинематографу и его адептам.
Krabi, 2562
Executive Producer
Explores the landscape and stories within the community of Krabi, Southern Thailand. A major tourist destination in Thailand, the filmmakers want to capture the town in this specific moment where the pre-historic, the more recent past and the contemporary world collide, sometimes uneasily.
The Breaking Ice
Nana travels with her two friends. They spent free but melancholy weekend traveling from city to the snowy forest in the North.