Gaya Von Schwarze


Израильтянин Йоав прилетает в зимний Париж в надежде, что Франция станет его новым домом, а французский язык — новым средством общения с миром. За один день герой успевает вселиться в чужую брошенную квартиру, потерять все свои вещи, чуть не умереть от переохлаждения и завести новых друзей. Богемные спасители дарят ему пачку евро, айфон, великолепное горчичное пальто Kenzo и обманчивую уверенность в том, что со временем он сможет стать настоящим французом.
Learn to Swim
On an ordinary Sunday morning, Karin breaks out of her conventions and impulsively leaves home on her daughter's racing bicycle. She wants to look for her son, who left the sheltered family home a while ago. Karin’s way leads her to a farm where her son has settled down with other social dropouts.
Learn to Swim
On an ordinary Sunday morning, Karin breaks out of her conventions and impulsively leaves home on her daughter's racing bicycle. She wants to look for her son, who left the sheltered family home a while ago. Karin’s way leads her to a farm where her son has settled down with other social dropouts.
Learn to Swim
On an ordinary Sunday morning, Karin breaks out of her conventions and impulsively leaves home on her daughter's racing bicycle. She wants to look for her son, who left the sheltered family home a while ago. Karin’s way leads her to a farm where her son has settled down with other social dropouts.