Giuseppe Caracciolo


Боже мой, как низко я пала!
Начало нынешнего столетия. В день своей свадьбы сицилийская дворянка Эужения и ее жених — богатый буржуа Раймондо узнают, что они брат и сестра. Чтобы соблюсти приличия, они решают сохранить видимость брака, но не вступать в интимную связь. Раймондо поощряет жену на занятия благотворительной деятельностью и для этих целей доверяет ей автомобиль и шофера Сильванно Пеннаккини. Юный красвец Сильванно без труда соблазняет хозяйку, пробудив в ней ответную страсть.
Альфредо, Альфредо
Скромный банковский клерк Альфредо, которого покорила удивительная красота Марии Розы, женится на ней. И с этого дня его жизнь становится невыносимой: новоиспеченная супруга оказывается совершенно ненасытной в любви. Счастливое супружество на деле оборачивается тяжким физическим и нравственным испытанием. Мало того, что жена озабочена только сексом, она ещё и страшно ревнива, из-за её скандального характера он начинает терять друзей и превращается в «раба любви». Однако, судьба преподносит ему подарок — он знакомится с Каролиной, полной противоположностью его супруги. У них завязывается бурный роман, и тут-то у Альфредо начинаются настоящие проблемы…
Dappled Mare
Ruggero Pascoli, the father of poet Giovanni Pascoli, is killed by a corrupt officer. His body is brought back home by a mare that will, several years later, reveal the one responsible for the murder.
The Emperor of Capri
Director of Photography
Beautiful gold-digger Sonia mistakes Antonio, a waiter in a Neapolitan hotel, for Arab Prince Bey of Agapur and makes an appointment with him for the following day in Capri, and Antonio goes there behind the backs of his wife and mother-in-law. A lucky series of circumstances actually does transform him into the prince of the island.
Totò cerca casa
Director of Photography
Beniamino and his family have lived inside a school since the end of the war. After five years they have to move, but in Rome it's not easy to find an apartment.
Sailors Without Stars
The story of two boys, who enrol in a navy academy for boys.
Director of Photography
In the 19th century, a thug from the slums of Paris pretends to be a young aristocrat, but is unmasked by a demi-mondaine, from the same background as him.
Sangue a Ca' Foscari
Director of Photography
The Simple Life
Marco and his son Toto work in a Venetian gondola yard and maintain the old traditions of gondoliers. When a newly-arrived businessman decides he wants to buy the yard and demolish it, Marco and company want to fight to preserve their way of life. The businessman, however, knows Marco is badly in debt and uses this to try to leverage Marco out of business. Can tradition win out in the face of naked commercialism?
Lettere al sottotenente
Director of Photography
Trent'anni di servizio
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Дети смотрят на нас
Director of Photography
Четырёхлетний мальчик подвергается эмоциональному безрассудству со стороны его неустойчивых родителей и невнимательных родственников.
We the Living
The second part (Part One released the same year was Noi vivi) of the adaptation of Ayn Rand’s debut novel We the Living , a story of life in post-revolutionary Russia and Rand's first statement against communism.
Director of Photography
The Italian troops at Giarabub defend themselves against the British.
The White Ship
Director of Photography
Although released anonymously, as was the custom with all films produced by the Italian Navy, La Nave Bianca is the first feature-length effort directed by Roberto Rossellini; it is also very much the work of its co-writer and supervisor Francesco De Robertis. The film combines a documentary look at the Italian Navy during World War II with newsreel combat footage and a scripted love story performed by non-professional actors.
Camera Operator
Sole is the first film by the great Alessandro Blasetti and bears a complex relationship to the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, a seminal event in Fascist political history.
The Mysterious Flyer
Early Italian film