Единственный способ для провалившего экзамен студента остаться в Париже — это фиктивный брак. Но найти невесту так быстро практически нереально. И тогда на помощь приходит лучший друг.
Став матерью в подростковом возрасте, Сюзанна живет вместе с отцом дальнобойщиком и сестрой. Жизнь Сюзанны резко меняется после того, как она влюбляется в Жюльена, жулика, сбивающего её с пути. Затем следуют побег, тюрьма и сумасшедшая любовь, ради которой она отказывается от всего…
Первая часть истории Жака Мерина, знаменитого французского гангстера, который в 70-е годы был настоящим врагом государства № 1. В течение почти двух десятков лет Жак Мерин, выходец из благополучной буржуазной семьи, организовывал и принимал участие в многочисленных вооруженных налетах на французские банки с редкими перерывами на тюремные отсидки, пока, наконец, не был схвачен канадской полицией во время очередного ограбления.
Realistic singer
…Париж 1936-го года. Трое безработных артистов решают силой вернуть себе концертный зал «Шансония», где они когда-то выступали. Но публику, встревоженную предвоенным кризисом, уже не вдохновляют избитые шутки и заезженные номера. И тогда труппа артистов идет на неожиданный шаг и дарит шанс юной красавице Милашке спеть на сцене «Шансонии» ее любимую песню «Париж! Париж!»…
The newsagent
Mme Mercier
Работа, семейная жизнь, и даже утренний кофе — неудачнику Франсуа не удается решительно ничего. Но в один прекрасный день мир переворачивается: начальник просит у Франсуа прощения, в кафе к нему подсаживается симпатичная девушка, а жена, подавшая на развод, снова начинает проявлять к мужу интерес. В чем же причина такого неожиданного везения?..
Madame Lamotte (voice)
Сорок дней и сорок ночей на Земле льет дождь как из ведра. Лягушки, предвидя катастрофу, пытаются предупредить Человечество. Но их тихий голос не был услышан. Двое взрослых и двое детей становятся заложниками катастрофы, прячась в гигантском амбаре. Здесь они собирают всех животных из близлежащей фермы и зоопарка, пытаясь спасти их от неминуемого потопа…
Молодая монахиня сестра Сара, живущая в Бразилии, попадает в монастырскую больницу с загадочным недугом, причину которого никак нельзя рационально объяснить. Сбитый с толку врач, отец Иоахим начинает наводить справки о своей пациентке и узнает, что у неё есть сестра-близнец Гаэль. И похоже, разгадка необъяснимой болезни каким-то мистическим образом связана именно с ней. Не в силах устоять перед соблазном докопаться до истины, отец Иоаким, для которого история Сары становится личным наваждением, решает отправиться к Гаэль в Париж, где та… отбывает срок за жуткое злодеяние! Одержимость героя может стоить ему сана. Но и эта цена неизмеримо ниже той, что заплатили за свой страшный секрет таинственные сестры…
After the closure of a lace factory in Calais, Andrée, Lulu and Solange are out on the street.
Mme Worms
Визит странной пожилой пары, брата и сестры, в огромную парижскую квартиру, где они жили в детстве, оборачивается невообразимым кошмаром даже для новых обитателей апартаментов. Родители не могут объяснить, что происходит с их детьми, которые словно сорвались с цепи и играют в жестокие, наводящие ужас игры. Отец постепенно сходит с ума, а мать с ужасом понимает, что в их детей вселился злой дух.
The film follows Etienne, a 40-year-old car designer, who takes time off from work to study sexual mastery from a Zen master and several prostitutes, in the hopes of having the sexual skill to impress Laure. Laure, a blonde who was introduced to him by his friend Jacques, told Etienne on January 1 that she will not have sex with him until May 27 that year at precisely 9 PM.
La prostitute 2
In a nursing home for disabled near Toulon, René is unanimously hated by all. With fifty years and suffering from myopathy, has an irascible, rebellious character. But not resist provocations candor and uprightness of Julie, a special educator rookie. He confesses he wants to make love to a woman before her degenerative disease definitely catch it. Then Julie goes after one of the prostitutes who work in caravans along the N7.
Apprentice hairdresser Solange is a whiz at teasing locks and cutting hair but knows little about the act of sexual congress -- but she wants to know more. She hails from a small working class town close to Toulouse where she lives with her comely mother, who grudgingly works as a babysitter, and her father, who loves herding ostriches. Her best friend in beauty school is an African immigrant lass named Gary who dreads being returned to her native country for an arranged marriage. Gary offers Solange advice in her quest. Though there is a guy Solange fancies at her vocational school, she wants to know the lay of the land, so to speak, before she gets intimate with him.
Camille Coutant-Kerbalec
Молодой таксист Даниэль помешан на быстрой езде. Как ураган проносится он по извилистым улицам Марселя на своем мощном ревущем звере «Пежо», пугая пассажиров и прохожих. Неподкупный полицейский Эмильен вынуждает его помочь в поимке банды грабителей, ускользающих от полиции на своих неуловимых «Мерседесах». И до самого конца не ясно, кто же сможет удержаться на крутом вираже…
La Zieurond
Le Gone du Chaâba (The Kid of the Chaaba), translated into English as Shantytown Kid by Naima Wolf, is an autobiographical novel by Azouz Begag about his life as a young Algerian boy growing up in a shantytown next to Lyon, France, called the Chaâba by its inhabitants. The story covers a period of approximately three years in the life of the protagonist and deals with issues developing from the clash between two cultures, that of France and that of North Africa, as well as the difficulties of finding a cultural identity between the two. The story focuses on the cultural differences between the Arab and French communities, as well as how the two groups react to each other
Louise has been a widow for years and teaches literature in a high school. She divides all her time between books and her son, Martin, who still lives with her. During a family lunch, she meets Martin's best friend, Stanislas, a young painter of Russian origin, who is studying at the Beaux-Arts and whose talent promises a brilliant career. Louise is still finding Stanislas very attractive and already the young man is madly in love with her. All it takes is a little something to bring the two lovers together in the same passionate embrace. Informed by his mother, Martin pretends to be delighted by this unexpected rapprochement between the two beings he loves the most. His rage bursts, however, during the family meeting that Louise has organized to make her affair with Stanislas official.
Mona's Mother
In 1980s Paris, a series of murders captures public attention. Meanwhile, the gorgeous Daiga moves from Lithuania to Paris, immigrant musician Théo struggles to raise his young son, and Théo's brother, a gay transvestite named Camille, sings and dances in a cabaret for a living. All three grapple with isolation and the problems of modern living, but one of them could be so desperately alienated that they have a hand in the serial murders.
Mme. Caressa
Martine is 25. Since breaking up with François, she has the feeling that the world is caving in on her. Between small jobs and one-night stands, she can't seem to get a fix on herself. In desperation, after a last quarrel with François, she unintentionally causes an accident that leads her to the emergency ward of a psychiatric hospital. During her brief stay, she unexpectedly sparks into life. She takes an interest in two young patients, Pierre and Anne, convinced that she is doing the right thing in supervising their love life...
La tante de Bébert / Bébert's aunt
An adolescent comes of age during a summer in the Rhône valley with his maternal grandparents. Jules seems a little too close to his mother and distant from his father, who wants Jules out of their Parisian house. It's to be a summer of transition, perhaps to a boarding school, and during these weeks in the country, Jules fishes with his grandfather; proves himself to the local youths, a group led by the bullying Red; takes on some tough guys; feels rejected by his mother; and, meets and pursues Evelyne, the village beauty. She's responsive, and Jules doesn't exactly know what to do next. Then, something happens that propels Jules into decisiveness and maturity.
On a whim, the long-married Hélène decides to look up a former lover of hers. At his apartment, she is met by the man's grown son, Julien, who tells her that his father died just a few days before. Before long, she has become Julien's lover, but she is also increasingly becoming attached to the rather unlikely idea that Julien and she are genetically related. Meanwhile, her cardiologist husband cannot fathom her increasingly bizarre behavior. It is one thing to have an affair, even with a much younger man, but she seems to be edging ever-closer to the borderline between sanity and madness.
Mme Azaro, la voisine
Three old sisters get together every Sunday. For Epiphany Sunday, the program is busy: eating at the Chinese restaurant, drawing the kings and finally going to see, reluctantly, the show of the fourth sister, the extravagant one, the scandalous one, who is part of a comic troupe of the third age...
Nicole (Agnes Soral) is sent up the river for infanticide in this routine woman-in-prison feature. There she meets Marthe (Annie Girardot), a fellow murderess who receives special treatment from the warden Dessombes (Marie-Christine Barrault). The warden frames Nelly (Bernadette Lafont) for drug possession and has her thrown into solitary confinement. Sabien (Corinne Touzet) is a newcomer convicted of armed robbery who latches on to the lesbian Lucie (Milva), a longtime prisoner slated for release.
(segment "Envy")
Seven Women, Seven Sins (1986) represents a quintessential moment in film history. The women filmmakers invited to direct for the seven sins were amongst the world's most renown: Helke Sander (Gluttony), Bette Gordon (Greed), Maxi Cohen (Anger), Chantal Akerman (Sloth), Valie Export (Lust), Laurence Gavron (Envy), and Ulrike Ottinger (Pride). Each filmmaker had the liberty of choosing a sin to interpret as they wished. The final film reflected this diversity, including traditional narrative fiction, experimental video, a musical, a radical documentary, and was delivered in multiple formats from 16, super 16, video and 35mm.
Mme Frelon
This standard romantic drama focuses on three different couples who happen to come together in a small hotel in Rome and play out their differences in that setting. The couples are made up of a Parisian woman and her Slavic boyfriend out to spend some quality time together; a Frenchman (Jean-Noel Picq) searching for his sexually awakened teenage mistress; and a woman out to reunite with her Italian lover (Michele Placido). These people manifest different approaches to a romantic partnership that are tested in their brief encounters in Rome.
Huguette Moreau
Brian and Nourredine are two lousy young offenders. Their flights have a motive: a film brought back from San Francisco where the father of Brian, singer of rock of the sixties, today in prison, made a tour.
François Cremer is a truck driver who gets out of prison after having served a sentence of several months for a traffic of which he has always proclaimed himself innocent. He soon realizes that he is being followed and threatened by former acquaintances. Alone against all, he has no other recourse than to ask for help to a radio hostess, who had orchestrated a campaign for his release. She becomes frightened and refuses to help him, but he forces her to follow him in his escape. Translated with (free version)
Two girls go to Berlin, one to find a German girl who lived at home in the 50s when her parents divorced, the other to look for a role in German cinema.
История о проститутке, преданной своему другу и проданной им. Ради любви она становится безропотной рабыней, сносит насилие, унижения и издевательства. Но что ей делать, когда она понимает, что ее любовь прошла?
In 1951, in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the private detective Nestor Burma was commissioned by an insurance company to find stolen jewelery. The deal seemed easy and Burma got an appointment with a well-known black trumpet player in the neighborhood who could provide him with information. But the musician does not come and we find him murdered. The investigation becomes more complicated and Nestor must find an alibi so as not to be suspected of the crime.
Hélène (as Manuela Guite)
Justine, leaves her family, drops out of school at 18. Drifting in Paris, encountering odd characters she finally slips into prostitution.