Matheus Peçanha


Longing Souls
The 10-year-old Camila spends the summer with her grandmother, almost exclusively in the company of women. They lovingly look after each other; cook, eat and bathe together; care for their skin and talk a lot. Camila quickly realises that there is more that binds them together than mere kinship: a curse is said to have been cast on the women in the family, causing unhappiness in their relationships. This belief is convenient, given that Camila longs for nothing more than her parents’ separation.
Территория в бразильском штате Гояс засушливая, жизнь Сандро однообразна. Он работает на заводе и проводит свои дни в городском клубе, на работе, за футболом с друзьями и на вечеринках. У него сексуальные отношения со своим коллегой Рикарду. Когда Майкон появляется в их маленьком городке и начинает флиртовать с Рикарду, растущее в Сандро чувство ревности даёт начало переменам.
Paulistas and Soledade are two rural regions located in the state of Goiás. In the early nineties the rural exodus was intensified with the expansion of monoculture farming and exploitation of water resources. Since 2014, there is no more young people living in the region. It's July, vacation time. Time when the children visit their parents.
A Time to Kill, A Time to Die
Production Executive
In the countryside in Brazil, a group of boys hangs out around a gas station with its manager, Élcio. The men drink beer, do lots of macho stuff, play soccer. In the midst of this, there is an exchange of looks that demonstrates repressed desires, the need to sublimate oneself to be in tune with the rest of the world.