Patrick Fierry

Patrick Fierry

Рождение : 1953-08-11, Mulhouse, France


Patrick Fierry


La Loi De Mon Pays
Le gouverneur
On Air
André, le producteur
A well known radio talk show host lives as a recluse during the day, until she found her real mother.
Порядок и мораль
Colonel de l'armée Dubut
Апрель 1988, остров Увеа, Новая Каледония. 30 жандармов взяты в заложники группой сепаратистов-канаков. 300 военных отправлено из Франции для восстановления порядка. 2 человека друг против друга : Филипп Легоржу, капитан элитного подразделения жандармерии, и Альфонс Дьяну, шеф группы сепаратистов. Выходя за рамки общих ценностей, они пытаются прийти к решению. Но в разгар президентских выборов, когда политические ставки высоки, порядок не всегда продиктован моральными принципами…
Kingdom of Felony
Henri III
Diane of Meridor, aged 23 years, lives a happy country life with her father. For the first time, Diana has her coming out ball, organized by the count of Monsoreau, who, in spite of being much older than her, wants to make her his wife, having a possessive and jealous love for the young woman. The duke of Anjou takes Diana in the ball, and tries to abuse of her exercising his prerogatives of being the brother of the king. Monsoreau will take advantage of this fact in his favor, and kidnaps de lady. He explains her father that Duke of Anjou, a known seducer, has kidnapped her. In order to safe her honor, he offers to marry her. Her father consents to it, with his heart broken by his sorrow. Diana of Meridor is forced to marry the damnable count of Monsoreau. Since then, she will know the Court and will live closely the various plots to betray the king, and discovers all around her the awful taste of deceit...
La Vie sera belle
Monsieur Thomas
Frozen Memories
Charles Rebatet
Groupe Flag: Vrai ou faux
Rosalie Hits the Road
Rosalie has had enough of "family life", in other words of Georges, her weak husband, and of her cantankerous mother-in-law. One day she decides to hit the road, not knowing where she is going. Joséphine is fed up with... being fed up with life. One day she decides to say no to cancer and depression and she hits the road. Her goal is to join her daughter Carole with whom she has been at odds for ten years. Rosalie and Joséphine, the two confused women meet, journey together, help each other and little by little become inseparable friends.
Горец 3: Последнее измерение
Бессмертный воин Коннор Маклауд вновь вызван на поединок, на этот раз своим самым могущественным врагом, Колдуном Кейном, заточенным под мистической горой в Японии 300 лет назад и достигшим невероятной магической силы. Ничего не подозревающие археологи освобождают Кейна. Для того, чтобы править миром колдуну нужна магическая энергия, которую он сможет получить только убив Горца. Маклауд скрывается в родные горы Шотландии, чтобы подготовиться к решающей битве и выковать новый меч в старинной кузнице. Он встречает Алекс, ученую из музея Античной Истории. Много лет назад в другой жизни Алекс и Маклауд любили друг друга. Алекс пытается его поддержать, окончательно разгадав мистическое предназначение сражения Горца с Колдуном, которое может положить конец вечной войне за магическую энергию, сверхъестественное могущество и абсолютную власть над миром.
Мы двое
Toussaint and Madeleine have loved each other from the cradle. They are now sixty. They have reached retirement age and have decided to return to Corsica. Toussaint has spent thirty years underground in the maintenance workshops of the Paris metro system. he is happy, but Madeleine misses Paris with its excitement and, above all, their son, who is a doctor in one of the French capital's major hospitals. Madeleine has such love for her son that Toussaint teases her by saying she should ask the Pope for dispensation in order to marry him. Toussaint and Madeleine return to Balba at the beginning of the winter when the days are short, the village bar is closed and the men too scarce for even a game of cards. The silence is occasionally broken by the village idiot, Napolean, as he ambles about shouting the coming death of Corsica while on patrol of the locked-up houses he's been set to guard...
Prince Lazure
Cold Moon
Simon and Dede are best friends: two aimless drunks who spend their days getting sloshed and any other available time getting laid. Simon is living on unemployment benefits in a trailer parked near his sister's apartment. Dede works at a fish-packing plant on the night shift. Neither man is sensitive, young, or good looking. However, their sang-froid (literally, "cold blood," referring to a quality of imperturbability) stands them in good stead as they go about their seedy lives, picking up one woman and having sex with her on the beach, or when Simon calmly has sex with a prostitute in front of the woman's brother. In the past, a bizarre necrophiliac situation led to Simon experiencing his only sense of what it might be to truly love someone.
Три билета на 26-ое
Toni Fontaine
Стареющий актер приезжает в город своей юности, где собирается представить публике новый спектакль, рассказывающий о его жизни. В толпе фанатов он не замечает юную поклонницу Марион, девушку с голубыми глазами. Чтобы достать три билета на 26 число для себя и своих подружек Марион, решает добраться до своего кумира и признаться ему в вечной любви. Она и не подозревает, как этот поступок изменит ее жизнь...
Un moment d'inattention
Can a loving relationship of eight years go down the drain because of a single moment of carelessness? Virginie and Laurent have always treasured fidelity, but Laurent's opinions and appetites are starting to shift with the times.
À titre posthume
A young policeman searches for the murderers of his drug addict sister. While he carries out his investigations, the criminals manage to get him charged with murder.
L'officier des Douanes
Orpheus is a rock star who composes love songs for Eurydice, who designs his album covers. As he wrestles with his additional love for Calaïs, his sound engineer, Orpheus finds that Eurydice had died of a drug overdose, so he descends into the Underworld to try and make a deal with Hades.
Raison perdue
Philippe Barrière
A young girl accuses her parents of being murderers. Hurriedly committed to an asylum, she attracts the attention of a psychologist who is determined to get to the bottom of the story. At her own risk.
Pinot simple flic
The film starts in the 13th arrondissement of Paris in 1984. Robert Pinot is a police officer as ordinary as clumsy. One day, he stops a certain Josyane, a young drug addict who is also doubled as a pickpocket, nicknamed Marylou. Having discovered that she comes from the same village, Nanteuil, then him, he takes compassion for the young girl and decides to take her under his wing to keep her away from Tony, a dangerous dealer with whom she is in love.
La Matiouette ou l'Arrière-pays
Jean-Claude Pruez, aka Jacky Verrière
Two brothers: one of them has become an actor and lives in Paris; he goes back home and meets his sibling who has stayed in the village where he married "la Matiouette", a local girl. The reunion is warm, but they soon discover that now they are worlds apart.little by little, the conversation becomes less friendly,less kind,and regrets, resentment resurface. Their reunion will leave them two broken men.
Клёвые девушки
Антуан оставляет свою очень конформистскую повседневную жизнь, чтобы интегрировать во время каникул в очень раскрепощенное сообщество. Затем он должен научиться «раскрепостить себя» и оставить в стороне свои буржуазные табу.
French Postcards
French Postcards rings both comic and true. The believable, fresh-faced characters are young naives from American colleges spending their French-English dictionaries, they compulsively seek out hundreds of monuments, romanticize the nomadic artist's life, and look for grown-up love. The French tutor them well, as befits their reputation. Jean Rochefort is the harassed headmaster with a hankering for affairs, and Marie-France Pisier is his very sexy wife. Watch for a newcomer named Debra Winger, and another-Mandy Patinkin.
Last Exit Before Roissy
Little Marcel
A homeless young man, living in his delivery truck, is simultaneously adopted by a pranksome group of youngsters and made into a police informer. Believing that he is doing something good both for the other kids and for himself, he has no qualms.
Частный детектив
Costa Valdez
Частному детективу Роже Пиляру предстоит найти и разоблачить серийного убийцу по кличке «Ястреб», который использует молодых людей для ограбления банков и ювелирных магазинов, не оставляет никаких следов и убирает сообщников. Но один из них чудом остался жив…