Helga Fjordholm


Gompen og andre beretninger om overvåking i Norge 1948-1989
Gomp: Tales of surveillance in Norway 1948-1989 is a film from a staged hearing focusing on the surveillance of dissidents during the Cold War. Through its unique set of characters, the film depicts a complex image of Post War Norway as well as various aspects and consequences of being surveilled. Produced as a live event, it is simultaneously a documentary, a work of fiction and a piece of political theater.
Движущиеся поля
В моих фильмах основное внимание уделяется непостоянству, мимолетности и идеям перемен, сдвигов и «перепозиционирования». Ландшафт и архитектура, которые кажутся прочными и постоянными, испытывают нестабильность и дезориентацию. В путешествующих полях меня особенно интересует идея географии и того, как ее можно исследовать и визуально переработать в измерении измененного времени и кинематографического пространства. В этой работе я продолжаю работать со сдвигами в перспективе и работать с конкретными качествами, которые он производит в изображении. Эти качества являются результатом определенных способов кадрирования и параллаксных движений, создаваемых движущейся камерой. Он включает в себя архитектурные элементы и различные поверхности земли в Мурманской области, Кольский полуостров, Россия.
La meg være ung!
This documentary presents clips from a rich Scandinavian film heritage in order to visualise clichés related to the different eras as well as commenting upon tenacious preconceptions about youth. News headings and documentary footage throw the movie clips into perspective. Some 200 film titles have constituted the research material. Among the many interesting features revealed is the fact that young girls and boys play very different roles in the films, even in the case of rebellion and protest, which is a generally “young” quality. What do boys on one hand, and girls on the other, rebel against, and how are their protests and provocations expressed in the films?
La meg være ung!
This documentary presents clips from a rich Scandinavian film heritage in order to visualise clichés related to the different eras as well as commenting upon tenacious preconceptions about youth. News headings and documentary footage throw the movie clips into perspective. Some 200 film titles have constituted the research material. Among the many interesting features revealed is the fact that young girls and boys play very different roles in the films, even in the case of rebellion and protest, which is a generally “young” quality. What do boys on one hand, and girls on the other, rebel against, and how are their protests and provocations expressed in the films?