1970-е. Военный фотограф Юджин Смит по заданию журнала Life возвращается в Японию, где в небольшом прибрежном городке Минамата разворачивается экологическая катастрофа. Именно оттуда Смит сделает репортаж, который потрясёт весь мир, снимет величайшие кадры в истории фотографии и пройдёт трудный путь преодоления и познания себя.
The mockumentary depicts a day in the life of a Beatles tribute band, shot in the spirit and style of "A Hard Day's Night." In the short, "The MopTops" flee their fans, lose their Ringo (who's Chinese) and when they arrive at their gig, its not what they expected.
The mockumentary depicts a day in the life of a Beatles tribute band, shot in the spirit and style of "A Hard Day's Night." In the short, "The MopTops" flee their fans, lose their Ringo (who's Chinese) and when they arrive at their gig, its not what they expected.
The mockumentary depicts a day in the life of a Beatles tribute band, shot in the spirit and style of "A Hard Day's Night." In the short, "The MopTops" flee their fans, lose their Ringo (who's Chinese) and when they arrive at their gig, its not what they expected.