Giulio Donato


The Anniversary
Today, Rosa celebrates the anniversary of her engagement with Roberto. While she waits for him for dinner, she spends the afternoon in the pool with her younger brother Angelo. They begin to comment on a news story happened a few days earlier: the body of a boy found in a field a few kilometres from the city. Roberto arrives before they expected: the glances between the three become enigmatic and restless.
Нули и единицы
Американский солдат, дислоцированный в Риме во время взрыва Ватикана, отправляется в героическое путешествие, чтобы найти неизвестного врага, угрожающего всему миру.
Нули и единицы
Assistant Director
Американский солдат, дислоцированный в Риме во время взрыва Ватикана, отправляется в героическое путешествие, чтобы найти неизвестного врага, угрожающего всему миру.
It's Just in My Head
Andreas and Alessandro are two friends who have known each other since their childhood. Now that they have grown up, they study at University in different cities but they always spend the summer together in the place where they were born: a seaside resort that regularly fills up with tourists every year.
Sportin' Life
Assistant Director
Sportin’ Life is the sixth incarnation of the international art project Self, curated by Saint Laurent’s creative director, Anthony Vaccarello. This project is an artistic commentary on society while emphasizing the complexity of various individuals through the eyes of artists who evoke the Saint Laurent attitude of confidence, individuality and self-expression. The documentary is an exploration into the sources and personal history of creativity, the essential life of an artist. Raw and sharp, it has the feeling of a moment in time that is still happening. Abel Ferrara’s intimate and lush look at his own life, his world refracted through his art – music, filmmaking, his collaborators and inspirations such as Ferrara’s early works and his creative partnerships with Willem Dafoe, Joe Delia, Paul Hipp and the musicians who inspired this work.
Second Assistant Director
Владелец бара отправляется в самое невероятное путешествие своей жизни, финал которого непредсказуем. Ведь перед ним бескрайняя Сибирь...
Владелец бара отправляется в самое невероятное путешествие своей жизни, финал которого непредсказуем. Ведь перед ним бескрайняя Сибирь...
Tommaso is an American expat film director living in Rome with his young wife and their daughter. Disoriented by his past misgivings and subsequent unexpected blows to his self-esteem, Tommaso wades through this late chapter of his life with an increasingly impaired grasp on reality as he prepares for his next film.
First Assistant Director
Tommaso is an American expat film director living in Rome with his young wife and their daughter. Disoriented by his past misgivings and subsequent unexpected blows to his self-esteem, Tommaso wades through this late chapter of his life with an increasingly impaired grasp on reality as he prepares for his next film.
Il vegetale
Casting Assistant
Fabio struggles with a cumbersome father and a capricious and spoiled little sister who consider him a good for nothing, a “vegetable” in fact. The unfortunate recent graduate looks for a job reacts to the contempt of his family and demanding employers, when an unexpected event remixes roles…
Il vegetale
Second Assistant Director
Fabio struggles with a cumbersome father and a capricious and spoiled little sister who consider him a good for nothing, a “vegetable” in fact. The unfortunate recent graduate looks for a job reacts to the contempt of his family and demanding employers, when an unexpected event remixes roles…
Second Assistant Director
Antonio, a representative of medical supplies with no success, finds a brilliant way to present himself to the customers and improve his sales: the special tiramisù (an Italian dessert) made by his beautiful wife Aurora.
К чёрту на рога
Second Assistant Director
15 лет верой и правдой служил Кекко своему народу — с утра до ночи, не жалея сил, просиживал штаны в Управлении охоты и рыболовства. Положение, зарплата, куча бонусов, включая милые подарки от посетителей: не жизнь, а сказка. Но пришла беда, откуда не ждали, — в министерстве решили сократить штаты, предложив чиновникам хорошее выходное пособие. Ну, а тем, кто заартачится — добро пожаловать в командировку «к черту на рога». Упрямец Кекко не захотел расставаться с дорогой его сердцу госслужбой — и начался полный приключений период в жизни бюрократа-бездельника. Уж чего только реформаторы не придумывали, чтобы от него избавиться, в какие только медвежьи углы Италии его не посылали — всё бестолку. И тогда министерские изверги отправили Кекко на Северный полюс, думали — в наказание, а оказалось — навстречу сумасшедшей любви.
Assistant Director
История последних дней жизни итальянского режиссера Пьера Паоло Пазолини.