Lim Giong

Lim Giong

Рождение : 1964-06-07, Changhua, Taiwan


Lim Giong (Chinese: 林強; pinyin: Lín Qiáng; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Lîm Kiông; born June 7, 1964) is a Taiwanese musician, DJ, actor, and an active figure in the Taiwanese experimental electronic music scene.


Lim Giong


Be With Me
This is a story of reminiscence, remembering my long-deceased Grandpa. To remember is to transcend, therefore it’s a story of time and space, overlapped and intertwined. It’s also a quest of love and work, a spiritual and emotional journey; and through which values are re-examined and life reaffirmed.
Caring for Black-Faced Spoonbill
A documentary took more than 30 years to pursue a migrating bird, black-faced spoonbill.
Music Co-Supervisor
Dancer SHEU Fang-yi’s career has been told through her modern dance dramas such as Sparrow, Stranger, Wall, and Martha GRAHAM‘s Heretic. Martha GRAHAM once said: “A dancer dies twice — once when they stop dancing, and this first death is the more painful.” At this intersection of her life, SHEU Fang-yi commemorates her glorious past two decades with a funeral, to farewell her past self, and to get ready to move toward her unknown future.
Enigma: The Chinese Crested Tern
Thé Lumière
Lim took Huang touring around the downtown streets and rural trails, tracing the path of HUNG TUNG, Lim's favorite artist.
Thé Lumière
Lim Giong
Lim took Huang touring around the downtown streets and rural trails, tracing the path of HUNG TUNG, Lim's favorite artist.
Нина У
Original Music Composer
Мечтая стать известной актрисой, Нина У уходит из небольшой театральной компании в провинции и уезжает в большой город. Воплощение мечты затягивается, девушка живёт одинокой жизнью, страдая от депрессии. Когда она наконец получает роль в шпионском фильме, вместо ожидаемой славы её ждут одни несчастья.
Original Music Composer
На пустынной дороге, расчертившей столь же бескрайние, сколь и бесплодные равнины Тибета, водитель грузовика случайно сбивает овцу, а затем, не менее случайно, встречает молодого человека, который просит его подвезти. По дороге водитель грузовика замечает, что к ноге его нового друга привязан серебряный кинжал ‒ юноша явно хочет убить кого-то, кто некогда был к нему несправедлив. Их недолгое знакомство не только кардинально меняет жизнь водителя, отныне его судьба накрепко сплелась с судьбой загадочного пассажира.
Looking for Kafka
Original Music Composer
In Taipei, a rehearsal for Kafka’s Metamorphosis is in full swing as the show’s opening night approaches. Lin’s girlfriend, Julie, is visiting him from Paris. After the rehearsal, he picks her up at the airport and they spend the night together. In the morning, Lin is nowhere to be found and leaves Julie waiting at his apartment
Asian Three-Fold Mirror 2018: Journey
This omnibus film consists of three films made by three directors from three countries. With “Journey” as the theme, each of these films tells about a journey. “The Sea” is a film by Degena Yun (China), telling about mother and child’s trip to the sea from Beijing. “Hekishu,” a film by Daishi Matsunaga (Japan), tells about the journey of a Japanese businessman involved in infrastructure development in Yangon. The film depicts the entrepreneur’s emotional feelings in the face of Yangon residents who lost their homes due to the construction of the new infrastructure. The last is a film titled “Variable No. 3” by Edwin (Indonesia), which tells the story of a couple’s journey to Tokyo. There they meet a mysterious man. The man who works as a tour guide and rents out the inn, gives a strange advice to the husband and wife.
Долгий день уходит в ночь
Original Music Composer
Ло Иву возвращается в родной город на похороны отца. 12 лет назад у него здесь был роман с девушкой друга, и с тех пор она поселилась в его воспоминаниях, желаниях и даже кошмарах. Теперь для Иву в поисках той женщины прошлое смешивается с настоящим, а реальность — с вымыслом.
Пепел — самый чистый белый
2001 год, индустриальный округ Датун провинции Шаньси. Влюбленная в местного бандита девушка по имени Цяо во время нападения на их автомобиль берется за оружие, чтобы защитить любимого, и за это впоследствии садится в тюрьму на пять лет. Выйдя из заключения, Цяо отправляется на поиски Биня.
Last Year When the Train Passed By
Original Music Composer
“What were you doing last year, when I took this photo from a train passing by your house?”
Is LIFE a Movie
Original Music Composer
As the actress arrived, everything about the movie, about the life of director and actress, and about the affection between professor and his student, were revealed and punctured one after another. In the hazy fuzzy afternoon, there is nothing left on the dining table outside the cabin but four-cornered souls; the bandit in the director's movie was also beset in the bank as a trapped beast.
Missing Johnny
Original Music Composer
Hsu Zi-qi, who raises parrots in her apartment, keeps getting wrong phone calls for someone named Johnny. Lee, the autistic son of Zi-qi’s landlady, reads old newspapers every day and wanders around. Handyman Feng, who works odd jobs around the apartment, feels disheartened and frustrated when his beloved car breaks down. The lives of these three lonely souls cross over when one of Zi-qi’s parrots escapes one day. Johnny is missing, but he’s hardly the only one lost in the urban jungle of Taipei.
The Foolish Bird
Original Music Composer
For the sake of her mother, who lives far away, withdrawn Lynn searches for a way to be accepted into the local police academy. At the same time, the 16-year-old gets caught up in a criminal mess involving stolen cell phones.
Two journeys take place in two different periods. One is a train journey across two continents. The other follows an old family photograph back to life during wartime. The rhythmic swaying of the train reveals a forgotten memory.
Revive is one of five short films within the Jia Zhangke-produced omnibus film Where Has Time Gone? with contributions from each of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). In Jia’s segment, a Chinese couple in the ancient town of Pingyao attempts to breathe new life into their old love as they ponder having a second child. Pingyao, home to the film festival Jia has co-founded, is a highly picturesque UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Jia humorously plays with a very recent dilemma – the second child policy dates from only 2013 – in a setting itself forcibly revived from history.
The Gangster's Daughter
Original Music Composer
A rebellious teen is reunited with her father, a small time Taipei gangster, causing him to question his life of crime.
Small Talk
Original Music Composer
Anu is a tomboy. Although she was married off at a young age – as was customary in Taiwan in the 1970s – and had two children, she quickly divorced her violent husband and brought up her daughters alone. Since then her only relationships have been with women who, like her, earn a living as professional mourners at funerals. One of her daughters is filmmaker Hui-chen Huang. It’s considered taboo in Chinese culture to question a mother’s unconditional love, and yet this is exactly the topic of Huang’s intimate portrait. Mother and daughter set off on a journey together into the past during which Anu is confronted with questions that have tormented her daughter for years. In a series of long shots the two women discuss such topics as trust, abuse and cognisance, and yet most of these discussions end in painful silence. Shifting focus in order to plumb the depths of the depicted room, the director attempts to understand her mother by also talking to her mother’s siblings and ex-lovers.
The Road to Mandalay
Original Music Composer
Two illegal Burmese migrants fleeing their country’s civil war find love with each other while struggling to survive in the bustling cities of Thailand.
Кайлийская меланхолия
Original Music Composer
Бывший преступник Чэнь по поручению матери отправляется из города Кайли в деревню Данмай на поиски своего племянника Вэйвея. Прибыв в деревню, он встречает там людей из своего прошлого и будущего. Вероятно, время в этой деревне течет нелинейно, иллюстрируя парадоксальную логику Будды, описанную в «Алмазной сутре».
City of Jade
Original Music Composer
Midi Z visits his oncle who works as a jade miner.
Fly, Kite Fly
The black kite, generally referred to as “the eagle” in Taiwan, used to be very widespread and so common that it is the main character in a well-known Taiwanese children’s game. However, it has now become so rare that very few people ever get to see it. SHEN Zhen-zhong, better known as “Mr. Kite” who vowed to safeguard this endangered bird, is determined that he spent the best 20 years of his life traveling throughout Taiwan to find out why the black kite is disappearing. From 1992 to 2015, the film documentary maker LIANG Chieh-te followed Mr. Kite’s journey. Through his camera lenses, the story of how, one person can cross the species barrier and totally devote himself to a cause with no regrets because of love.
De Lan
Original Music Composer
On his trip to the village, Wong meets a Tibetan girl, De Lan. He later finds that De Lan is married to Rigchin. One day, a young Tibetan man arrives with a woman, and De Lan starts crying. How many lovers does De Lan have? When Rigchin hints Wong that he doesn't mind he joining them, Wong is lost...
Original Music Composer
Китай, время правления династии Танг. Главная героиня — убийца, влюбившаяся в человека, которого ей приказано убить.
Smog Journeys
Original Music Composer
Jia Zhangke's short film for Greenpeace East Asia depicts the effects of air pollution in northeast China, a region frequently blanketed in dangerous levels of air pollution. 'Smog Journeys' traces two families from two different backgrounds; one a mining family in Hebei province, and the other a trendy middle class family in Beijing. Both face a similar fate. Air pollution is one of China's most pressing environmental and health issues. Greenpeace calls for a shift from coal to clean renewable energy, as well as short term measures that better safeguard people's health.
Прикосновение греха
Original Music Composer
Шахтер Дахай возмущен царящей среди руководителей его деревни коррупцией и решает перейти к действиям. Рабочий-мигрант Сан’ер открывает для себя бесчисленные возможности, заложенные в огнестрельном оружии. Домогательства богатого клиента доводят работницу сауны Сяо-ю до полного отчаяния. Сяо-гуй вынужден менять работу, каждый раз соглашаясь на худшие условия. Четыре персонажа, четыре провинции, отражающие облик современного Китая. Портрет общества, которое переживает бурное экономическое развитие и постепенно заражается бациллой насилия.
Sock'n Roll
With a large number of factories in the area, the hosiery industry forms the backbone and economic mainstay of a small rural town. One in two of the population makes their living from the production of socks. “Brother Black Dog” is of one of them and has been toiling day and night. However, one day in spring, his overseas orders suddenly disappear. He gets stuck in a midlife crisis.
Forgetting to Know You
Original Music Composer
Young Chinese parents Chen Xuesong and Cai Weihang find their marriage eroding as they deal with financial troubles, jealousy and constant bickering. When Weihang finds a photo of Xuesong and her ex-boyfriend, things spiral out of control.
Liu Xiaodong: Hometown Boy
One of the best-known Chinese figurative painters, Liu Xiaodong goes back to his hometown of Jincheng, in the province of Liaoning (North-East China), to re-paint again friends and relatives after several years have gone by. With a soundtrack by famed composer Lim Giong (Millennium Mambo, The Assassin).
A Year in the Clouds
High in the mountains of Taiwan, is the remote village of Smangus. Inhabited by a unique group of indigenous people called the Tayal, Smangus is the only place in Taiwan that now practices common ownership of land and property. This is a place where nature and man have found balance. Now, witness every part of the lives of these people, through pain and joy, and experience the unique bonds formed with the ancient trees around them, in a film that documents A Year In The Clouds - a year amongst the sacred forests of this tribe.
Легенды города над морем
В рассказах 18 знаменитых шанхайцев отражается 100 лет из прошлой жизни огромного города. Реальные истории реальных людей связаны между собой сквозным игровым сюжетом о поисках героини своего любимого.
Легенды города над морем
В рассказах 18 знаменитых шанхайцев отражается 100 лет из прошлой жизни огромного города. Реальные истории реальных людей связаны между собой сквозным игровым сюжетом о поисках героини своего любимого.
Original Music Composer
Соса — каранчо, то есть адвокат, специализирующийся на дорожно-транспортных происшествиях в Буэнос-Айресе. Благодаря связям с нечистыми на руку страховыми компаниями и коррупции, он без зазрения совести пользуется чужими несчастьями, за счет которых обогащается горстка адвокатов-мафиози. Однажды Соса, ищущий потенциальных клиентов, встречает молодую девушку Лухан, которая на износ работает на «скорой помощи» и регулярно принимает наркотики, чтобы выдержать бешеный ритм. История любви героев начинается там же, на ночной улице. Она пытается спасти жизнь пострадавшего, а он — сделать его своим клиентом…
In a small northern Chinese city in 1997, Judge Tian privately struggles with the loss of his daughter, killed by a stolen car in a hit-and-run accident. On the bench he encounters Qiuwu, a mechanic accused of stealing two cars. Perhaps influenced by his emotional state, the outwardly impassive judge imposes an almost-obsolete criminal law on Qiuwu that sentences him to death for his crime. Desperate to mitigate his sentence, Qiuwu agrees to donate his kidney to a rich businessman dying of a terminal illness, hoping at the very least that his impoverished family may profit from his demise.
Yang Yang
Original Music Composer
Yang-yang is a French-Chinese mix. She has never seen her French father. She does not speak a single French word. Her mum has re-married but she has been very lonely. She started working at the entertainment industry. The fact that she is a mix is a good selling point. The film depicts how Yang-yang dealt with her life, her relationships with men, with her mother and friends.
24 City
24 City chronicles the dramatic closing of a once-prosperous state-owned factory in Chengdu, southwest China and its conversion into a sprawling luxury apartment complex. Three generations, eight characters : old workers, factory executives and yuppies, their stories melt into the History of China.
Our Ten Years
Throughout ten years of a key era in Chinese and Hong Kong history, a girl becomes fixated on a fellow commuter who she observes regularly. While the two never speak to one another, the girl captures her appearance and life changes during the years through various means such as photos and drawings.
Original Music Composer
A couple is torn by conflicting emotions. Jing and Mi are two women living in Taiwan who have been lovers for some time; Jin is a singer in a rock band who suffers from severe mood swings and has been suffering from a fractured relationship with her mother, while Mi is the more sedate and level-headed of the couple.
Xiao Jia Going Home
Original Music Composer
Leading Chinese Sixth Generation filmmaker Jia Zhangke returns home to Fenyang in Shanxi province after winning the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival for Still Life (2006). The experiences of his childhood, the people he grew up with, and the changing landscape of his home town gave Jia the inspiration to make his first films. The documentary forms a poignant inquiry into the past of the director's life and Chinese society at the same time.
Do Over
Original Music Composer
Do Over follows five characters over twenty four hours on the last day of the year. As the interrelated stories proceed, the connections between the lives of the five characters begin to reveal themselves and their stories unravel. By depicting five different characters at emotional crossroads, Do Over examines the struggle of overcoming our greatest fears; the unknown of what lies ahead in the future, the fading value of our existence in the present, and most of all, irreversible mistakes made in the past that may catch up to us.
Original Music Composer
После строительства плотины древний город Фэнцзе у нового мощного гидроузла Санься почти затоплен, кругом ведется снос покинутых домов, люди переселяются в массовом порядке. В это время и в это место приезжает шахтер Хань Саньмин, чтобы разыскать бывшую жену, которая родом отсюда, но ее дом уже давно под водой. Хань Саньмин присоединяется к бригаде по сносу домов и продолжает поиски. Медсестра Шэнь Хун приехала в Фэнцзе за мужем, с которым не виделась уже два года, и его тоже оказывается нелегко найти.
Three Times
Original Music Composer
In three separate segments, set respectively in 1966, 1911, and 2005, three love stories unfold between three sets of characters, under three different periods of Taiwanese history and governance.
Original Music Composer
Действие фильма происходит в пекинском парке «Мир», где представлены в миниатюре мировые архитектурные шедевры и уникальные природные явления…
Robinson's Crusoe
The film follows Robinson, a very succesfull real estate broker, who lives in a modern hotel in Taipei. But all the success also hides a lonely man, whose relations are becoming distant, including friends and lovers; Robinson's dream is the Crusoe, an island on the Caribbean, which he wants to try purchase.
Миллениум Мамбо
Original Music Composer
Фильм рассказывает о молодых людях в Тайване первого года нового тысячелетия — 2001 года, которые прожигают жизнь, встречаются и расстаются под ритмы мамбо. Вики и ее дружок Хао-Хао все время ссорятся. Хао-Хао требуется постоянно убеждаться в том, что Вики, любящая погулять и повеселиться, ему не изменяет. Он роется в ее сумочке, проверяет записи на мобильнике и даже обнюхивает, пытаясь определить, где она была и чем занималась. А при малейшем подозрении пускает в ход кулаки. И хотя у Вики есть верный друг, мафиози Джек, всегда готовый протянуть ей руку помощи, она постоянно возвращается к ревнивому и грубому Хао-Хао…
March of Happiness
A Jin
1945-1947, Taiwan. A teenage couple were deeply in love despite objections from the girl’s family. Their tragic story is played out in travelling troupes, tea-houses and western-style cafes, with the backdrop of Japanese occupation and the 28 February Incident.
Прощай юг, прощай
На шее у Гао – большая семья и безответственный друг-шалопай по прозвищу Тупоголовый. Парню надоело такое существование. Он мечтает купить ресторан в Шанхае и жениться на своей девушке. Для того чтобы добыть денег, он задумывает аферу. Все идет как по маслу до тех пор, пока темпераментный Тупоголовый не вступает в конфликт с теми, с кем лучше было не ссориться.
Прощай юг, прощай
На шее у Гао – большая семья и безответственный друг-шалопай по прозвищу Тупоголовый. Парню надоело такое существование. Он мечтает купить ресторан в Шанхае и жениться на своей девушке. Для того чтобы добыть денег, он задумывает аферу. Все идет как по маслу до тех пор, пока темпераментный Тупоголовый не вступает в конфликт с теми, с кем лучше было не ссориться.
Good Men, Good Women
Zhong Haodong
An actress preparing to play in a historical epic is terrorized by someone faxing her pages from her stolen diary; has colorful flashbacks of her affair with a now-deceased man; and imagines black-and-white film-within-a-film scenes of the movie she is about to appear in.
The Puppetmaster
Li Tien-Lu
In the first half of this century, young Li Tienlu joins a travelling puppet theatre and subsequently makes a career as one of Taiwan's leading puppeteers.
Treasure Island
A group of young Taipei residents is drawn into the city’s underworld through the growing obsession of one, the boyish Ah-feng, for the sexy Cantonese mistress of a gang boss.
Dust of Angels
Original Music Composer
A-Guo and A-Dou are two teenagers living in an industrial town in Taiwan, who fight, loaf, and cause trouble all day and hang out with Jie, a young gangster. When Jie's gangland patron is gunned down, the trio set out to revenge the killing. As a result, the two teens are forced into hiding.
The Voice of Algal Reefs
Another Brick On The Wall