Yutaka Yamazaki
Рождение : 1940-01-01, Tokyo, Japan
Director of Photography
Tomiko, a middle-aged woman, waits patiently for her husband, who disappeared thirty years ago, to return. She lives alone in a declining fishing village, and continues to search tirelessly for her husband. One day she meets Nami, whose husband has also disappeared.
Director of Photography
Японским волейболисткам из команды Ничибо Кайдзука, которых прозвали "Восточными ведьмами", уже за 70. С момента образования команды на текстильной фабрике до их победы на Олимпийских играх в Токио в 1964 году воспоминания и легенды выходят на поверхность и неразрывно переплетаются.
Hana, a high school girl, has been grown up in a foster home because of a crime her mother is said to have committed. As the oldest sister in the home, Hana takes care of a newly sheltered girl abused by her mother.
Director of Photography
Akira is a hunter in a village where wolves disappeared 100 years ago. After he overspends community money on his obsessive hunts, his coleagues spurn him. He decides to go into the forest to kill a wolf.
Director of Photography
Молодой парень из Китая нелегально переезжает в Японию, чтобы улучшить уровень жизни и заработать деньги. Он покупает фальшивые документы и с радостью принимает предложение о работе за другого человека. Но новое место окажется не таким простым, как ему казалось на первый взгляд.
Benjamin visits Tokyo to see Miko. At her place, he finds a photo that caught his attention. It was taken at the winery 40 years ago. There are Benjamin, his deceased wife, and Miko's parents in it. Miko starts to tell a story behind it.
The acting family, the Emotos, are the subject of this documentary following Emoto Akira and his sons.
Director of Photography
Set in the 1970's in the Kansai region of Japan.. Yong-Gil is Korean, but he moved to Japan and settled down. He runs a small restaurant named Yakiniku Dragon. He is married and has three daughters: oldest daughter Jung-Hwa, middle daughter Yi-Hwa and youngest daughter Mi-Hwa. Oldest daughter Jung-Hwa is dating Tetsuo, but they break up. Middle daughter Yi-Hwa loves Tetsuo and marries him, but Tetsuo still loves her older sister and they divorce. Youngest daughter Mi-Hwa wants to become a singer, but she is in love with a married man.
Director of Photography
Masao Adachi, the author and director of experimental works and pinku-eiga in the 1960s, was a member of the Japanese New Left that shifted from being a filmmaker to a guerrilla fighter. In 1974, he joined the Japanese Red Army in Lebanon, which worked closely with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Filmmaker Lutz Dammbeck met Adachi in Tokyo in 2018 and talked with him about a wide range of topics, including art, revolution, the influence of western avant-garde art and American underground; the Japanese Red Army; collaboration with secret services; the role of the Left after 1968; and the reasons for failures of leftist ideas and strategies.
Director of Photography
A recently widowed writer whose wife died in a bus crash comes to terms with his grief—or lack of it—in caring for the children of a working man who also lost his wife in the same accident.
Born to atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima, Mamoru Samuragochi, a self-taught classical composer with a degenerative condition causing deafness, was celebrated as a "Japanese Beethoven" for the digital age. However, just prior to the 2014 Winter Olympics, where Samuragochi's "Sonatina for Violin" was to accompany figure skater Daisuke Takahashi, part-time university lecturer Takashi Niigaki revealed that he had served as the composer's ghostwriter for 18 years, that Samuragochi couldn't notate music and, in fact, could hear perfectly. As Samuragochi's recordings were pulled and performances cancelled, Niigaki enjoyed success on TV talk shows. Filmmaker Tatsuya Mori finds Samuragochi in his small Yokohama apartment with his wife and cat, ready to tell his side of the story. A mesmerizing character study skewering media duplicity and constructions of ability/disability, in which Samuragochi's career has collapsed, taking fact and fiction with it.
Когда-то Рёта был известным писателем, но судьба сыграла с ним злую шутку – сейчас он незаметный частный сыщик, распутывающий мелкие будничные дела. Он многое потерял: похоронил отца, расстался с женой, забравшей при разводе сына. Но если его пожилая мать и красавица-бывшая как-то справились с этими трагедиями и живут дальше, то Рёта словно застрял в прошлом. Всё немногое, что он зарабатывает сыском, Рёта проигрывает, так что ему нечем даже платить алименты, не говоря уже о том, чтобы быть настоящим отцом для сына-школьника. Однако одна дождливая ночь может в корне изменить всю жизнь.
Director of Photography
A wordless man stages an unexplained hunger strike and the people surrounding him exploit his silence to further their own cause...
Director of Photography
Documentary on photojournalist Ryuichi Hirokawa
Director of Photography
Фильм рассказывает о частной жизни Стива Джобса.
Director of Photography
Many people have forgotten what happened in Fukushima.
Director of Photography
On the Japanese island of Amami, despite lacking parental guidance, Kaito and his girlfriend Kyoko try to find their place in the world. While Kaito suffers from the absence of his father, who moved to Tokyo after his birth, Kyoko must come to grips with her mother’s terminal illness.
Director of Photography
Two TV directors want to film people visiting a suicide forest.
Director of Photography
Things Left Behind explores the transformative power of 'Hiroshima,' the first major international art exhibit devoted to the atomic bomb. The exhibition, at the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver, Canada, featured 48 large-format color photographic prints of clothing once worn by those who perished in the atomic bomb, taken by renowned Japanese photographer Ishiuchi Miyako. Ishiuchi brought the garments--still colorful and fashionable nearly seven decades later--out of permanent storage at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial archive and photographed them in the light, to trace the spirits of those who once wore them. The photographs, exhibited without any identifying caption, mutely solicited viewers to imagine or divulge a narrative, and unlocked a wealth of secrets and memories from those who encountered them.
Documentary on photojournalist Kikujiro Fukushima
Director of Photography
Documentary on photojournalist Kikujiro Fukushima
Director of Photography
After the 11 March 2011 tsunami and nuclear disaster, residents of Futaba, a town in Fukushima Prefecture, are relocated to an abandoned high school in a suburb of Tokyo, 150 miles south. With a clear and compassionate eye, filmmaker Atsushi Funahashi follows the displaced people as they struggle to adapt to their new environment. Among the vivid personalities who emerge are the town mayor, a Moses without a Promised Land; and a farmer who would rather defy the government than abandon his cows to certain starvation.
Director of Photography
Два брата разделены из-за развода родителей. Старший — Коити — живет с матерью, бабушкой и дедушкой в Кагосиме. Младший — Рюносукэ — с отцом в Фукуоке. Между этими городами должны скоро пустить скоростной экспресс. Среди детей рождается слух, что когда первые поезда, пущенные по линии, встретятся, то высвободится энергия, способная исполнить любое желание. Коити и Рюносукэ придумывают план, с помощью которого хотят вновь объединить свою семью.
Director of Photography
ANPO: Art X War tells the story of Japan's historic resistance to U.S. military bases in Japan through an electrifying array of artwork created by Japan's foremost artists. The film articulates the insidious, lasting impact that the U.S. military presence has had on Japanese lives, and the creative processes that artists have devised to transmit the spirit of resistance.
Director of Photography
A seemingly "normal" office worker Hiroko has a secret. At home she lives with a prosthetic torso - no head, arms or feet, just body and penis. Hiroko bathes with the torso and she also makes love with the torso at night. Hiroko's secret life is interrupted when her outgoing sister Mina rings her doorbell. Mina is running away from her abusive boyfriend and wants to stay at Hiroko's home
A seemingly "normal" office worker Hiroko has a secret. At home she lives with a prosthetic torso - no head, arms or feet, just body and penis. Hiroko bathes with the torso and she also makes love with the torso at night. Hiroko's secret life is interrupted when her outgoing sister Mina rings her doorbell. Mina is running away from her abusive boyfriend and wants to stay at Hiroko's home
A seemingly "normal" office worker Hiroko has a secret. At home she lives with a prosthetic torso - no head, arms or feet, just body and penis. Hiroko bathes with the torso and she also makes love with the torso at night. Hiroko's secret life is interrupted when her outgoing sister Mina rings her doorbell. Mina is running away from her abusive boyfriend and wants to stay at Hiroko's home
A seemingly "normal" office worker Hiroko has a secret. At home she lives with a prosthetic torso - no head, arms or feet, just body and penis. Hiroko bathes with the torso and she also makes love with the torso at night. Hiroko's secret life is interrupted when her outgoing sister Mina rings her doorbell. Mina is running away from her abusive boyfriend and wants to stay at Hiroko's home
A documentary about the J-pop / folk rock singer Cocco.
Director of Photography
17 year-old Hiruma is desperate to get laid and takes out his sexual urges on Anpai, a fat boy who has "boobs." His classmate Tomono, a sickly loner, is in a serious relationship with their married teacher.
Director of Photography
A humorous wedding story fueled by a rather no-good father and son, disguised as the old and new “good guys.” The father Nobuo, and his son Tamio, are unable to mature, unable to break the parent-child roles, have no sense of responsibility, and keep holding on to the past. The pair is overwhelmed by all the colorful characters around them telling them what to do. They go to strenuous and humorous efforts to make Tamio’s wedding an event to remember.
Director of Photography
Есть такой добрый грустный праздник — навещать стариков. Здесь соберутся все разбежавшиеся по разным домам и посетят тех, кто уже не придёт. Здесь покажут себя и посмотрят на других. Здесь можно похвастать успехами и посочувствовать утратам. О чём-то вдохновенно наврать так, что это станет правдой. О чём-то стыдливо промолчать, чтобы простить и позабыть навсегда. Узнать о своей семье много интересного, иногда не желая того. А когда ласковой магией семейного очага наполнится старый дом, могут явиться совсем уж необычные гости.
Director of Photography
In a poor district of Edo lives a young samurai named Soza. He has been sent by his clan to avenge the death of his father. He isn't an accomplished swordsman however, and he prefers sharing the life of the residents, teaching the kids how to write etc. When he finally finds the man he is looking for, he will have to decide whether he follows the way of the samurai or chooses peace and reconciliation.
Director of Photography
Two children, each abandoned by their families, come together in the wake of the Sarin gas attack in Tokyo. Based on the true events of the deadly gas attacks perpetrated by members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult on the Tokyo subway system.
Director of Photography
Четверо братьев и сестер живут счастливо со своей матерью в маленькой квартирке в Токио. У всех детей разные отцы. Они никогда не ходили в школу. Сам факт существования троих из них скрывается от хозяина дома. Однажды мать уходит, оставив немного денег и записку, в которой просит 12-летнего сына присмотреть за остальными. Так начинается одиссея детей, путешествие, конечный пункт которого никто не знает.
Director of Photography
The Aso family live in the old town of Nara. One Day, Kei, one of the Aso's twin boys suddenly disappears. Five years later seventeen-year old Shun, the remaining twin, is an art student. He now has to move forward with his life, together with his childhood friend, Yu.
Director of Photography
On the eighth anniversary of a cult's failed chemical attack on Tokyo and their subsequent mass suicide, family members of those affected gather at the cult's former base on the shores of a lake to observe the anniversary of their loved ones' deaths.
Director of Photography
После смерти люди попадают в некое своеобразное чистилище: такие же, как и они, отбывшие в мир иной советники помогают им вспомнить самые впечатляющие моменты земной жизни. Рассказы людей становятся основой некоего фильма. Но не все люди обладают хорошей памятью. Кто-то вообще ничего не может вспомнить и ему нужно просмотреть видеозапись своей жизни, а кто-то, наоборот, хранит в памяти даже незначительные мелочи…
AKA Serial Killer documents the social upheaval and political oppression that roiled Japan in the 1960s, profiling a nineteen-year-old serial killer Norio Nagayama. An indictment of media sensationalism, the film humanizes the young man by situating his crimes in the larger context of his environment.