The first Italian documentary on the most extraordinary phenomenon of the 70s: the Kung-fu films!
Fight Choreographer
В соответствии с указом нового императора, занятия боевыми искусствами были объявлены вне закона, а все несогласные с этим подвергались нещадному истреблению. Военные устроили на этом побоище жестокий бизнес, так как за голову каждого убитого была назначена немалая цена серебром. В это тяжелое время семеро искусных воинов объединяются, чтобы противостоять жестокой травле новых властей и сберечь древнее боевое искусство.
Fu Qingzhu
В соответствии с указом нового императора, занятия боевыми искусствами были объявлены вне закона, а все несогласные с этим подвергались нещадному истреблению. Военные устроили на этом побоище жестокий бизнес, так как за голову каждого убитого была назначена немалая цена серебром. В это тяжелое время семеро искусных воинов объединяются, чтобы противостоять жестокой травле новых властей и сберечь древнее боевое искусство.
Master Man Bil
China, the early 1930's: martial arts master Wen Biao discovers that his brother has been using their security company for illegal activities. A confrontation between the brothers leaves Web Biao missing and presumed dead.
China, the early 1930's: martial arts master Wen Biao discovers that his brother has been using their security company for illegal activities. A confrontation between the brothers leaves Web Biao missing and presumed dead.
Фильм знакомит зрителя с профессиональными каскадерами, показывает насколько интересна и опасна их работа. Так же заглядывает к истокам этого нелегкого ремесла и рассказывает о первых каскадерах Гонконга — акробатах из Пекинской оперной школы, которых называли «красными брюками».
A full journey from the beginning of "Swordplay" movies in Shanghai, growth in Hong Kong cinemas in the 60's and 70's and Ang Lee's epic "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" in 2000. The series also features interviews with such luminaries including John Woo, Chu Yuen, Lau Ka Leung, Gordon Lau Ka Fai, Sammo Hung, David Chiang and Cheng Pei Pei.
Документальный фильм рассказывающий о кинематографе Гонконга, фильмов жанра «экшен».
Self - Interviewee
Боевые искусства Востока - танго для врагов, смертельно опасный танец, в котором оживает героический дух древних воинов. Долгое время их магия скрывалась за стенами Шаолиньских монастырей, но волшебство другого рода - кино - подарило миру не только сокровенную тайну, но и уникальное зрелище.
Wimp Lo (archive footage)
Слыхали, что Брюс Ли начал тренировки в шесть лет? Так вот, Избранный начал тренироваться еще когда был в зародыше: чтобы не тратить драгоценных девять месяцев на пустяки. Искусные хирурги имплантировали его матери маленькие нунчаки и все прочее, необходимое для тренировок. Овладев стилями тигра, дракона и другой живности, он понял, что в его руках сила целого зоопарка. А значит он готов отомстить убийце своей семьи — непобедимому Мастеру Боли! На пути к Истинному Предназначению его уже ждут смертельные опасности, но даже смертельное сверхоружие в совершенстве владеющей кунг-фу коровы не остановит великого воина!
Himself [archive footage]
Eastern Heroes: The Video Magazine - Volume 1 is a Documentary on Hong Kong cinema.
Есть множество стилей и школ кунг-фу, но один конкретный стиль коренным образом отличается ото всех остальных: это стиль «пьяного мастера». Что же в нем такого особенного? Все просто: любому стилю можно научиться и любому бойцу дать отпор, но только не тому, чьи движения нельзя «прочитать», а логику – постичь. Иными словами, только не пьяному мастеру, который, как кажется, сам не знает, что делает. На рубеже столетий в Китае готовится опасный заговор: общество Белого Лотоса планирует посадить на императорский трон Китая коварного правителя Манчу. Однако для этого ему необходимо раздобыть нефритовое кольцо у своей невесты, принцессы Сум Юк. А это значит, что для начала нужно раздобыть саму принцессу. Сие ответственное задание члены Белого Лотоса поручают Юн Квану. Правда, они далеко не все знают о человеке, который на них работает: Юн Кван в действительности является своего рода двойным агентом, работающим на мятежников Сунь Ятсена – то есть на революцию.
Stunt Coordinator
Пьяный мастер возвращается, его стиль становится еще более отточенным и смешным! Возвращаясь домой из шопинг-тура вместе со своим отцом, знаменитый «пьяный мастер» Вонг-Фей Хунг оказывается вовлеченным в потасовку между иностранцами, пытающимися вывезти из Китая ценные древние реликвии, и патриотами, которые хотят помешать вывозу этих предметов из страны. К сожалению, отец Вонг-Фей Хунга никогда не занимался ни одним из видов спорта, кроме пьяных драк, поэтому герою приходится сражаться практически одному против толпы. Но как всегда его удивительный стиль боя помогает ему расправиться с многочисленными врагами.
Master Fu Wen-Chi
Пьяный мастер возвращается, его стиль становится еще более отточенным и смешным! Возвращаясь домой из шопинг-тура вместе со своим отцом, знаменитый «пьяный мастер» Вонг-Фей Хунг оказывается вовлеченным в потасовку между иностранцами, пытающимися вывезти из Китая ценные древние реликвии, и патриотами, которые хотят помешать вывозу этих предметов из страны. К сожалению, отец Вонг-Фей Хунга никогда не занимался ни одним из видов спорта, кроме пьяных драк, поэтому герою приходится сражаться практически одному против толпы. Но как всегда его удивительный стиль боя помогает ему расправиться с многочисленными врагами.
Пьяный мастер возвращается, его стиль становится еще более отточенным и смешным! Возвращаясь домой из шопинг-тура вместе со своим отцом, знаменитый «пьяный мастер» Вонг-Фей Хунг оказывается вовлеченным в потасовку между иностранцами, пытающимися вывезти из Китая ценные древние реликвии, и патриотами, которые хотят помешать вывозу этих предметов из страны. К сожалению, отец Вонг-Фей Хунга никогда не занимался ни одним из видов спорта, кроме пьяных драк, поэтому герою приходится сражаться практически одному против толпы. Но как всегда его удивительный стиль боя помогает ему расправиться с многочисленными врагами.
Himself (uncredited)
Хотите узнать, что остается за кадром при съемках динамичных боевиков, увидеть лучшие поединки Джеки Чана, Брюса Ли, Синтии Ротрок, Само Хунга, Дона «Дракона» Уилсона и многих других звезд жанра «экшн»? Тогда этот фильм для Вас.
Martial Arts Choreographer
A poor barefoot young man from the country arrives in the city to start work with the friend of his dead father.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Эйприл где-то на распродаже купила Сплинтеру старинный японский скипетр, и ещё всяких других подарков для своих друзей черепашек. Как выяснилось, этот скипетр — не просто обычный антиквариат, а прообраз машины времени. Но он работает только в том случае, когда вес путешественников во времени одинаков с обоих сторон. Так случилось, что скипетр перенес Эйприл в феодальную Японию, в 1603-й год. Следом за ней отправились и черепашки, но вот беда, вместо того, чтобы попасть в храм, где по идее должен был находится скипетр, они оказываются посреди поля сражения. Во всей этой неразберихе теряется Микеланджело со скипетром. И теперь черепашкам нужно не только спасти Эйприл, но и вернуть скипетр. В нашем времени в этот момент тоже совсем не скучно.
Stunt Coordinator
Эйприл где-то на распродаже купила Сплинтеру старинный японский скипетр, и ещё всяких других подарков для своих друзей черепашек. Как выяснилось, этот скипетр — не просто обычный антиквариат, а прообраз машины времени. Но он работает только в том случае, когда вес путешественников во времени одинаков с обоих сторон. Так случилось, что скипетр перенес Эйприл в феодальную Японию, в 1603-й год. Следом за ней отправились и черепашки, но вот беда, вместо того, чтобы попасть в храм, где по идее должен был находится скипетр, они оказываются посреди поля сражения. Во всей этой неразберихе теряется Микеланджело со скипетром. И теперь черепашкам нужно не только спасти Эйприл, но и вернуть скипетр. В нашем времени в этот момент тоже совсем не скучно.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Budding comic book artist Yu Shu finds himself living out the fantasies of his alternate world when he saves a young girl from an illegal prostitution racket. With the aid of his fecund imagination and the help of an aging kung fu expert Yu Shu becomes something even he had never dared dream -- a hero in real life.
Stunt Coordinator
Budding comic book artist Yu Shu finds himself living out the fantasies of his alternate world when he saves a young girl from an illegal prostitution racket. With the aid of his fecund imagination and the help of an aging kung fu expert Yu Shu becomes something even he had never dared dream -- a hero in real life.
Master Lo
Budding comic book artist Yu Shu finds himself living out the fantasies of his alternate world when he saves a young girl from an illegal prostitution racket. With the aid of his fecund imagination and the help of an aging kung fu expert Yu Shu becomes something even he had never dared dream -- a hero in real life.
Джеки Чан исполняет сразу две роли — двух абсолютно одинаковых близнецов, разлученных при рождении и оказавшихся в разных семьях и по разные стороны Тихого океана.Один из близнецов — специалист по боевым искусствам, хулиган и задира, работает автомехаником в гараже отеля, в котором останавливается во время гастролей в Гонконге другой — знаменитый музыкант всемирно известный дирижер из Нью-Йорка. Когда они случайно встречаются, начинается невероятная заварушка!
Master Lau
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
Два в совершестве владеющих кунфу студента и их кузина отправляются в Гонконг, чтобы работать там у своего дяди, но вместо этого они случайно вмешиваются в дела мафии, контролирующей международный рынок контрабанды наркотиков. Чтобы выжить в этой неравной схватке, трое молодых людей становятся сплоченной комнадой со смертельной комбинацией боевых искусств, кикбоксинга и виртуозного владения огнестрельным оружием.
Lam, a cop approaching 40 but without much accomplishment, always wants to achieve something memorable before his retirement. He is obliged by his sister to find a decent Chinese girl for his nephew, Baffalo, who is an "American Born Chinese". But Baffalo has an eye for a sweetie, Ellen, who has accidentally witnessed a murder. The incident gets Lam, Baffalo and Ellen being involved in a ruthless underground arms smuggling ring, wich sends the killer to eliminate them.
Casino boss
Рикша Тун живёт в бедном квартале в компании таких же как и он бедняков. Проблем у него почти нет, кроме той, что его дядя всячески пытается отбить у него девушку, но появляются с того момента, как один из его друзей-рикш влюбляется в девушку. А та оказывается проституткой под покровительством местного бандита.
Two friends who own an investment firm turn to a policeman friend for help when they are framed for robbery by a gang of antiquities smugglers.
Keung and Fai had been good friends since childhood. They both had keen interest in boxing-matches. Having parted with Keung for more than ten years, Fai had become a police officer. On the contrary, Keung had joined an illegal organization as a professional killer. Keung decided to resign from the organization
A seasoned cop and his rookie partner are a pair of mismatched partners in this Hong Kong action-comedy in the style of 'Lethal Weapon'. The wacky twosome are up in arms as they try to solve the murder of a heroin trafficker.
Treasury employee Fatty (Eric Tsang) discovered that bags of used 30 million in Hong Kong Dollars have not been incinerated due to a system error; therefore, he hatches up a plot to grab the doe before they are burned. He seeks his friends Mark (Mark Cheng) and Tomboy (Anglie Leung) to help him with the heist; but, they also enlist actual thief Baldy (Karl Maka), who had just been released from prison, to double the assistance with his thievery skills. But, Baldy wants the money for his own and to share it with love interest Siu-Fung (Paula Tsui). Hot on their trail is a hothead inspector (Ching Wong) and a nun, Sister Maria (Brigitte Lin), who wants to save them for redemption.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Every 50 years a cat demon has to be killed by a Cheung family member until the body-hopping feline demon's 9 lives are up. This time it falls on the shoulders of Master Cheung (Chia-Liang Liu). He is afraid of cancer killing him before he can stop the demonic force, so when Long (Mark Cheng) comes to him after his boss (Staurt Ong) gets possessed, he tries teaching him his family's Mao Shan magic hoping to pass it onto him since Cheung's bloodline stops with himself.
Master Cheung
Every 50 years a cat demon has to be killed by a Cheung family member until the body-hopping feline demon's 9 lives are up. This time it falls on the shoulders of Master Cheung (Chia-Liang Liu). He is afraid of cancer killing him before he can stop the demonic force, so when Long (Mark Cheng) comes to him after his boss (Staurt Ong) gets possessed, he tries teaching him his family's Mao Shan magic hoping to pass it onto him since Cheung's bloodline stops with himself.
Жи Минг, монах из северного Храма Шаолиня узнает, что жестокий правитель, который убил его родителей, устраивает празднество по случаю своего дня рождения. Планируя отомстить диктатору, монах находит еще двух помошников из южного Шаолиня. Все трое терпят неудачу и солдаты их арестовывают. Но они совершают побег, переодевшись в молодоженов. Во имя справедливости они должны отомстить жестокому правителю…
Manchu Gym Chief
Непоседливый Фонг Сай-Юк никак не может укротить свой буйный нрав — он мешает пареньку и в школе, где тот постоянно нарывается на драки с учителями, и на улице, где спокойно расхаживают захватившие Китай манчжуры. После неприятностей, которые Фонг Сай-Юк устроил в школе манчжуров, власти объявляют его в розыск, однако мать паренька прячет сына в храме Шаолинь, где за его укрощение принимается монах Сан Те.
Непоседливый Фонг Сай-Юк никак не может укротить свой буйный нрав — он мешает пареньку и в школе, где тот постоянно нарывается на драки с учителями, и на улице, где спокойно расхаживают захватившие Китай манчжуры. После неприятностей, которые Фонг Сай-Юк устроил в школе манчжуров, власти объявляют его в розыск, однако мать паренька прячет сына в храме Шаолинь, где за его укрощение принимается монах Сан Те.
Непоседливый Фонг Сай-Юк никак не может укротить свой буйный нрав — он мешает пареньку и в школе, где тот постоянно нарывается на драки с учителями, и на улице, где спокойно расхаживают захватившие Китай манчжуры. После неприятностей, которые Фонг Сай-Юк устроил в школе манчжуров, власти объявляют его в розыск, однако мать паренька прячет сына в храме Шаолинь, где за его укрощение принимается монах Сан Те.
Stunt Coordinator
Шестеро братьев Янг и их отец — уважаемые генералы, но их подставляет мстительный генерал Пан Мей и в суровой битве погибают все мужчины семьи, кроме двоих. Один из них возвращается домой и сходит с ума, второй обривается в монахи, однако не оставляет надежды когда-нибудь отомстить за погибших братьев и отца.
Hunter, helps Yang 5th escape
Шестеро братьев Янг и их отец — уважаемые генералы, но их подставляет мстительный генерал Пан Мей и в суровой битве погибают все мужчины семьи, кроме двоих. Один из них возвращается домой и сходит с ума, второй обривается в монахи, однако не оставляет надежды когда-нибудь отомстить за погибших братьев и отца.
Шестеро братьев Янг и их отец — уважаемые генералы, но их подставляет мстительный генерал Пан Мей и в суровой битве погибают все мужчины семьи, кроме двоих. Один из них возвращается домой и сходит с ума, второй обривается в монахи, однако не оставляет надежды когда-нибудь отомстить за погибших братьев и отца.
Шестеро братьев Янг и их отец — уважаемые генералы, но их подставляет мстительный генерал Пан Мей и в суровой битве погибают все мужчины семьи, кроме двоих. Один из них возвращается домой и сходит с ума, второй обривается в монахи, однако не оставляет надежды когда-нибудь отомстить за погибших братьев и отца.
Wang Hsieh Yun
Wong Hsia Yuan is an old-fashioned martial arts master who's so behind the times that he'd rather his school be destroyed than change its ways. He may get his wish, thanks to the young, beautiful, intelligent Chan Mei Ling, who arrives from the states to open a new branch of the school. Armed with an unfamiliar, modern way of thinking, Mei Ling goes about recruiting new students in strange, and sometimes questionably legal ways. Yuan is furious, but when the local triads enter the picture, the two put their differences aside to take back the neighborhood.
Wong Hsia Yuan is an old-fashioned martial arts master who's so behind the times that he'd rather his school be destroyed than change its ways. He may get his wish, thanks to the young, beautiful, intelligent Chan Mei Ling, who arrives from the states to open a new branch of the school. Armed with an unfamiliar, modern way of thinking, Mei Ling goes about recruiting new students in strange, and sometimes questionably legal ways. Yuan is furious, but when the local triads enter the picture, the two put their differences aside to take back the neighborhood.
Pai 'The Rat' always gets into trouble with Chan 'The Cat'. They always try to outsmart each other even when it threatens the lives of other people.
Uncle Yu / Lei Kung
Legendary Weapons of China is a martial arts fantasy film taking place during the late Qing Dynasty when Empress Dowager Cixi dispatches her agents to various factions of the Boxer Rebellion in order find supernatural martial artists that are invulnerable to western bullets. When one of the leaders of these groups disbands his forces, assassins from the remaining factions are sent out to kill him.
Legendary Weapons of China is a martial arts fantasy film taking place during the late Qing Dynasty when Empress Dowager Cixi dispatches her agents to various factions of the Boxer Rebellion in order find supernatural martial artists that are invulnerable to western bullets. When one of the leaders of these groups disbands his forces, assassins from the remaining factions are sent out to kill him.
Explains lion dance in intro
Wong Fei Hung and his friend are constantly having contests to see who has the better martial arts skill. After getting in trouble with their fathers, Wong Fei Hung settles down and starts to train seriously, while his friend still horses around. After his friend is hurt by a rival school, Wong goes to the school for retribution. Instead his skill is tested through a series of events which climax with him taking on a Northern martial artist. In an excellent battle of skill, he earns the respect of the rival school. Also stars Mai Te Lo and Hui Ying Hung.
Wong Fei Hung and his friend are constantly having contests to see who has the better martial arts skill. After getting in trouble with their fathers, Wong Fei Hung settles down and starts to train seriously, while his friend still horses around. After his friend is hurt by a rival school, Wong goes to the school for retribution. Instead his skill is tested through a series of events which climax with him taking on a Northern martial artist. In an excellent battle of skill, he earns the respect of the rival school. Also stars Mai Te Lo and Hui Ying Hung.
Yu Ching-Chuen
Cheng, a beautiful martial arts ace, battles to keep her inheritance from the ruthless Yun Wei, but her efforts are sabotaged by Yu Tao, her wayward and irrepressible great-nephew. Following a frenzy of spectacular comic mishaps, the hapless duo are setup and imprisoned and the deeds to Cheng's estate are stolen. She is held hostage after a doomed attempt to reclaim the papers back from Yu Wei's place, and the stage is set for a savage fight to the death.
Cheng, a beautiful martial arts ace, battles to keep her inheritance from the ruthless Yun Wei, but her efforts are sabotaged by Yu Tao, her wayward and irrepressible great-nephew. Following a frenzy of spectacular comic mishaps, the hapless duo are setup and imprisoned and the deeds to Cheng's estate are stolen. She is held hostage after a doomed attempt to reclaim the papers back from Yu Wei's place, and the stage is set for a savage fight to the death.
Cheng, a beautiful martial arts ace, battles to keep her inheritance from the ruthless Yun Wei, but her efforts are sabotaged by Yu Tao, her wayward and irrepressible great-nephew. Following a frenzy of spectacular comic mishaps, the hapless duo are setup and imprisoned and the deeds to Cheng's estate are stolen. She is held hostage after a doomed attempt to reclaim the papers back from Yu Wei's place, and the stage is set for a savage fight to the death.
Картина повествует историю жизни небольшой общины красильщиков во время маньчжурского владычества над Китаем. Один из работников красильни, возмущенный тем, что их босс, наняв маньчжурских работников, урезал зарплаты рабочим на 20%, устраивает забастовку и говорит, что рабочие не вернутся на красильню, пока зарплата не станет прежней. Однако им не удается уйти, так как нанятые маньчжуры, обученные боевому искусству, по приказу босса избивают рабочих шестами. Поневоле работники соглашаются на новые условия.
Uncle Chan
Господин Чан был замечательным бойцом, но применял он своё искусство только ради заработка, давая вместе с сестрой госпожой Чан, представления в жанре китайской оперы. Однако, он становился совершенно невменяемым, если выпивал, и этим пользуется один из важных людей в городе, куда герои приехали с гастролями. Подлец Дуан упаивает Чана и подкладывает ему в постель свою жену, чтобы после обвинить его в изнасиловании и забрать его сестру в качестве компенсации. На прощанье он уродует Чану руки, и теперь он вряд ли способен на то же, что и раньше. Спустя пять лет после этого Чан ходит по городам с ручной обезьянкой, но однажды возвращается в этот город и находит там себе ученика «Маленькую обезьянку», поразительно умеющего подражать обезьяне.
Господин Чан был замечательным бойцом, но применял он своё искусство только ради заработка, давая вместе с сестрой госпожой Чан, представления в жанре китайской оперы. Однако, он становился совершенно невменяемым, если выпивал, и этим пользуется один из важных людей в городе, куда герои приехали с гастролями. Подлец Дуан упаивает Чана и подкладывает ему в постель свою жену, чтобы после обвинить его в изнасиловании и забрать его сестру в качестве компенсации. На прощанье он уродует Чану руки, и теперь он вряд ли способен на то же, что и раньше. Спустя пять лет после этого Чан ходит по городам с ручной обезьянкой, но однажды возвращается в этот город и находит там себе ученика «Маленькую обезьянку», поразительно умеющего подражать обезьяне.
Martial Arts Choreographer
11-ый принц, наследник престола не очень любит двор и его окружение. Его тринадцать братьев, правда, любят его и за него, всячески пытаясь поубивать друг друга в погоне за престолом. Что же касается героя Гордона Лиу, то он вполне доволен своей жизнью инкогнито в окружении предметов искусства. Он практикует кунг-фу, достигнув в этом значительных высот, и однажды берет себе ученика, который даже не догадывается, кто на самом деле его учитель. И все было бы хорошо, но близится время, когда император должен назвать своего преемника, и коварные братья принца без устали засылают к нему под видом коллекционеров антиквариата наемных убийц…
11-ый принц, наследник престола не очень любит двор и его окружение. Его тринадцать братьев, правда, любят его и за него, всячески пытаясь поубивать друг друга в погоне за престолом. Что же касается героя Гордона Лиу, то он вполне доволен своей жизнью инкогнито в окружении предметов искусства. Он практикует кунг-фу, достигнув в этом значительных высот, и однажды берет себе ученика, который даже не догадывается, кто на самом деле его учитель. И все было бы хорошо, но близится время, когда император должен назвать своего преемника, и коварные братья принца без устали засылают к нему под видом коллекционеров антиквариата наемных убийц…
В древние времена, когда транспортные системы между городами еще не были налажены, а надо было доставить тело умершего в другой город, многие прибегали к услугам «Сопроводителей» — экспертов, владеющих черной магией, оживляющей мертвецов. Мастер Чен Ву — один из таких экспертов и в этом бизнесе он уже двадцать лет. Но очередное путешествие для Чен Ву и его ученика Сяоюаня будет сложнее, чем предыдущее — один из мертвецов не желает слушаться приказов, а на дорогах сплошные заставы — власти ловят беглого каторжника.
Master So
А-То (Гордон Лиу), молодой сын богатого промышленника, должен жениться на дочери партнера отца, японке, при этом даже ни разу ее не видев до этого. Однако девушка оказывается настоящей красавицей, и А-То без промедления организовывает свадьбу. Впрочем, он не учел "некоторые" различия между нациями, и уже в первые дни "медового месяца" Кудо (так зовут эту японку) начинает ломать стены дома, упражняясь в традиционном японском каратэ. Поругавшись с ней на почве различий в боевых искусств, А-То обижает ее, и Кудо уезжает обратно в Японию, откуда немедля приезжают семь мастеров различных стилей, горящие желанием отомстить за поруганную честь всей нации и на деле выяснить, боевые искусства какой страны наиболее действенны.
А-То (Гордон Лиу), молодой сын богатого промышленника, должен жениться на дочери партнера отца, японке, при этом даже ни разу ее не видев до этого. Однако девушка оказывается настоящей красавицей, и А-То без промедления организовывает свадьбу. Впрочем, он не учел "некоторые" различия между нациями, и уже в первые дни "медового месяца" Кудо (так зовут эту японку) начинает ломать стены дома, упражняясь в традиционном японском каратэ. Поругавшись с ней на почве различий в боевых искусств, А-То обижает ее, и Кудо уезжает обратно в Японию, откуда немедля приезжают семь мастеров различных стилей, горящие желанием отомстить за поруганную честь всей нации и на деле выяснить, боевые искусства какой страны наиболее действенны.
When scholar Wei Fung is forcibly hired by the Manchu Emperor to infiltrate a clan of rebellious Ming Loyalists, his mission goes adrift when he falls in love with the clan's leader's granddaughter. Wei Fung must choose between his new love and his family, who will be put to death if he doesn't return to the palace successfully.
Tsao Chan (Gordon Liu) is a letter carrier in the countryside who wanders into a town after being accosted by some corrupt cops. He witnesses three men running from a group of houses, and when he investigates he finds two murder victims inside. Meanwhile, a skirmish is developing between a factory owner (Fung Hak On) and his workers, led by two brothers (Paul Chin and Dean Shek). Tsao recognizes the brothers as two of the men fleeing the murder scene, so he decides to ally with the factory boss in order to go solve the crime. Soon though, it becomes clear that the boss and his thugs may have other things in mind that aren't so kosher. Tsao becomes trapped in the middle of the feuding groups and must decide who is honest and who is not.
В Кантоне вспыхивает восстание против манчжурской династии Цин. Школьник по имени Сан Те помогает повстанцам. Манчжуры жестоко подавляют восстание, и Сан Те вынужден бежать в храм Шаолинь, где он начинает обучение боевым искусствам, мечтая о мести…
Legendary Chinese rebel Fong Sai Yuk (Fei Meng) takes on the Manchu dynasty in this high-octane martial arts actioner. After killing one of the governor's thugs, Fong must not only elude authorities, but also face a deadly assassin. Discovering the governor has murdered his two kung fu brothers, Fong vows to take on the corrupt leader. The film includes a slew of awe-inspiring battles using lethal Shaolin poles.
Governor's fighter on the stairs
A couple unite - she is fluent in the crane style of kung fu, he in tiger style. They have a son, but the boy's father is killed by the evil eunuch Pai Mei. Disguised as a girl, his mom trains him in crane style while he secretly learns tiger style from his father's training manual.
A couple unite - she is fluent in the crane style of kung fu, he in tiger style. They have a son, but the boy's father is killed by the evil eunuch Pai Mei. Disguised as a girl, his mom trains him in crane style while he secretly learns tiger style from his father's training manual.
Ho Fu
The Wong family kung fu school gets smacked around by a rival school. Wong Fei-hong gets fed up with the abuse and goes to learn from his fathers master. After one of the rival schools members kills some of the towns people Wong Fei-hong becomes enraged trains even more comes back and gets his revenge.
The Wong family kung fu school gets smacked around by a rival school. Wong Fei-hong gets fed up with the abuse and goes to learn from his fathers master. After one of the rival schools members kills some of the towns people Wong Fei-hong becomes enraged trains even more comes back and gets his revenge.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Three young martial arts brothers, played by Chi Kuan-chun, Alexander Fu Sheng and Leung Kar-yan, go in search of fellow patriots dissatisfied with Imperialist foreigners and wind up joining a rising sect of the Boxers, led by an opportunistic conman. Named as such for their use of martial arts, these boxers are revolutionaries who believe that spirits protect their bodies from foreign guns. They even dupe the Empress Dowager, who gives them her royal blessing to fight the foreigners.
Chien's disciple
Wang Yu plays Hsiao Chien, a con artist vagabond who uses his kung fu skills and parlor tricks to convince superstitious villagers that he can use his body as a vessel for angry gods. However, when the villagers are threatened by a hostile force, Chien must learn to use his skills to protect the innocent.
Wang Yu plays Hsiao Chien, a con artist vagabond who uses his kung fu skills and parlor tricks to convince superstitious villagers that he can use his body as a vessel for angry gods. However, when the villagers are threatened by a hostile force, Chien must learn to use his skills to protect the innocent.
In The Fantastic Magic Baby, director Chang Cheh weaves a wild and woolly yarn about how the legendary Monkey King and Goddess of Mercy battle and defeat the child god Hung Hai-erh then point him down the road to righteousness.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Based on one of China's enduring epic novels, written in the 14th century, "All Men Are Brothers" continues the patriotic story of righteous warriors battling despotic leaders, featuring mythic characters familiar to every Chinese, and with a cast that has achieved an equally celebrated status among Shaw Brothers devotees.
Martial Arts Choreographer
После сожжения храма Шаолинь пятеро выживших старших послушников сбегают от маньчжуров и, разойдясь в разные стороны, договариваются пройти по стране в поисках патриотов, готовых сражаться с режимом. Однако старые враги шаолиньцев и предавший их Ма Фу Йи начали разыскивать их с удвоенной силой…
Martial Arts Choreographer
Граф Дракула прибывает в китайскую деревеньку, чтоб оказать поддержку шести вампирам, потерявшим седьмого члена своей секты. Тем временем неподалёку проездом оказался профессор Ван Хельсинг, к которому и обратились за помощью местные жители.
Fight Choreographer
A short film that originally played before showings of "Heroes Two" - in which Fu Sheng, Chen Kuan Tai and Chi Kuan-Chun demonstrate different techniques of Hung boxing
Martial Arts Choreographer
A band of fighting Ming Dynasty loyalists branded as enemies of the state are driven underground following the burning of the Shaolin Temple by Qing Dynasty officials. Due to a misunderstanding, Shaolin kung fu prodigy Fong Sai-yuk is duped into helping Qing agents to capture leading Shaolin rebel Hung Hei-gun. Upon discovering his mistake, Sai-yuk teams up with the remaining rebels to free Hei-gun before his planned execution. Plotting to stop them is General Che Kang, a formidable Tibetan kung fu master who commands an army of fighters including four deadly Tibetan llamas.
Fight Choreographer
Set in the waning years of the Ching Dyansty, this dramatic, tragic, romantic, blood-soaked martial arts tale of betrayal and revenge explores one of the most sensational scandals in Chinese history and marked the true ascension of its director and actors to superstar status. In fact, Ti Lung won Taiwan's Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Performance as the challenging role of a jealous provincial governor who kills his friend in order to steal the man's wife.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Начало века, в Шанхай приезжает деревенский бедняк Ма Йонгжен. Ма уверен, что с его уникальными бойцовскими качествами он найдет, как заработать, и знакомство с местным мафиози, мастером Таном, только укрепляет его уверенность в этом. А вскоре представляется и шанс «подняться» — он встает на пути головорезов из банды Четырех Чемпионов и, победив их в неравном бою, получает под свой контроль первую «территорию».
Martial Arts Choreographer
Two men, one a businessman skilled in Kung Fu, the other a kickboxer discover they are brothers, and together, both in and out of the ring, they must face a crime syndicate. One of the first films to use the martial art of Muay Thai.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Lei Li lost his right-arm in a sword duel with the master of a martial arts school, long ago. Now, he is able to defend himself well with just his left arm, and kung fu techniques. That he proves with just the help of his friend Chung-Chieng, when he crosses his path with a beautiful girl in need, Pao Chiao. Even against impossible odds, he will prove a great warrior.
Martial Arts Choreographer
A Mogul king decides to take stealthy action to help overpower his greatest rivals. He chooses nine out thirteen of his loyal generals to embark on the mission. However, jealously amongst them sparks a treacherous family feud that could lead to catastrophic consequences for all involved.
Stunt Coordinator
Rare martial arts film.
Fight Choreographer
Rare martial arts film.
Stunt Coordinator
When a family is bankrupted by a counterfeiter named Gold Fist, the daughter (played by Connie Chan) vows to get revenge. As she tracks down the villains, she comes across a drifter who is escorting a young man to his father, who is being kept in captivity by a gang of thieves. When it is discovered that the captive father and Gold Fist are the same person, loyalty and friendship are put to the test.
Action Director
The Yu family earn the ire of the Green Dragon clan when the daughter kills the clan chief's son. The Green Dragon chief wounds family head Yu Yuan with his flying daggers, and kills many others who try to protect the noble family. Wandering swordsman Ying Qing saves the family in a fight, using his own flying dagger skills, but his allegiances and motives are unclear.
Meng Gang
An escort team was on a perilous journey to transport some gold taels. When they fell into the ambush set up by a gang of thieves and their gold shipment was robbed, a formidable student of the escort agency set off to the bandits’ hideout to retrieve the goods…
Martial Arts Choreographer
Eight demon swordsmen and their gang have spread menace across many sword teaching schools. The students seek the help of Fang who alone can combat them. Will Fang take up the challenge.
Ape's Arms King Yuan Qian
Eight demon swordsmen and their gang have spread menace across many sword teaching schools. The students seek the help of Fang who alone can combat them. Will Fang take up the challenge.
2nd brother
A noble swordsman fights to recover the magical blade that has protected his country for centuries after being blinded and betrayed by a ruthless villain. A cunning killer has blinded the brave warrior chosen to defend his country with an enchanted sword, and murdered his family. After recovering, the sightless defender sets out to recover the weapon, and seek revenge against his murderous nemesis.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Golden Swallow revolves around the further adventures of its title character. This time around, she is forced into violence when a figure from her mysterious past goes on a killing rampage while leaving evidence that holds her responsible. Golden Swallow also makes room for a love triangle involving a mad, but righteous, swordsman named Silver Roc and a gentle warrior named Golden Whip. The three team up to conquer the evil forces of the martial world, but their joint venture only lasts so long, due to the two men's egos. Ultimately, a duel to the death is planned between them, leaving Golden Swallow caught between two men, both of whom she admires.
Golden Dragon Branch leader
Golden Swallow revolves around the further adventures of its title character. This time around, she is forced into violence when a figure from her mysterious past goes on a killing rampage while leaving evidence that holds her responsible. Golden Swallow also makes room for a love triangle involving a mad, but righteous, swordsman named Silver Roc and a gentle warrior named Golden Whip. The three team up to conquer the evil forces of the martial world, but their joint venture only lasts so long, due to the two men's egos. Ultimately, a duel to the death is planned between them, leaving Golden Swallow caught between two men, both of whom she admires.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Expert of lithographic plates and counterfeit banknotes Lee Lik-hang is hunted down by the hitman Ma Biu on the orders of the gang leader Chan Lung. Cheng Wai-lun, witness to the crime and the unwitting custodian of the plate, finds himself wanted both by the police and the criminals. Seeking to unweave the web of intrigue is Kong Yin, cousin of Cheng's fiancée Cheung Mei-ling and the famed 'Lady Bond' who poses as the gambler Judy and doubles as a singer at Chan's nightclub. Kong identifies the boss as the culprit but is forced to flee following a failed attempt to obtain the needed evidence. Both Ma and detective Chow To reach Cheng who chooses police detention over abduction by the gang. Cheng evades Chan's underlings and hands the hitmen over to the authorities. Cheung's abduction results in a fierce battle when Chow and his squad arrive at the criminal den, arresting the gang leader and retrieving the lithographic plate.
Tian Qing
Два с половиной тысячелетия назад Китай был раздроблен и отдельные провинции вели друг с другом войну не на жизнь, а на смерть. Отважный юный воин Ни Жанг готовится к вторжению сил Цин, обучаясь владению мечом у мастера Ву, но его коллега по школе, взревновав Ни к девушке, в которую был влюблен, представляет мастера Ву бунтовщиком и на школу нападают правительственные войска. Ни Жанг вынужден бежать, но слава о его умелом владении мечом и выдающихся личностных качествах доходит до сбежавшего из дворца министра — по его мнению, только такой человек, как Ни Жанг, может убить коварного советника императора, ведущего провинцию к гибели.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Два с половиной тысячелетия назад Китай был раздроблен и отдельные провинции вели друг с другом войну не на жизнь, а на смерть. Отважный юный воин Ни Жанг готовится к вторжению сил Цин, обучаясь владению мечом у мастера Ву, но его коллега по школе, взревновав Ни к девушке, в которую был влюблен, представляет мастера Ву бунтовщиком и на школу нападают правительственные войска. Ни Жанг вынужден бежать, но слава о его умелом владении мечом и выдающихся личностных качествах доходит до сбежавшего из дворца министра — по его мнению, только такой человек, как Ни Жанг, может убить коварного советника императора, ведущего провинцию к гибели.
A Hong Kong Cantonese comedy film
Martial Arts Choreographer
A Hong Kong Jane Bond film starring Josephine Siao.
Action Director
A Death Pass is an outstanding crime drama spiced with a touch of ‘Jane Bond'. A sequel to the police story Girl Detective 001 (1966), director Chor Yuen and scriptwriter Szeto On retain the undercover plot but turn the film into more of an atmospheric mystery, in which a series of murders are committed after the victims are served with a provocative Death Pass. Connie Chan Po-chu stays truth to the ‘Jane Bond' persona of a virginal action woman, exuding tender charm and steely professionalism all at once. Under Chor's able direction, Szeto's complicated story is executed with style and vigour, culminating in a climatic dramatic plot twist, realised beautifully by the performance of veteran actor Leung Sing-por.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Ванг Ю здесь играет младшего ученика школы Золотого меча, которого совершенно не воспринимают всерьез его собратья по школе. Он решает уйти из школы, но ревнивая дочь его учителя в порыве ярости отрубает ему правую руку. Его подбирает девушка-отшельница и, поставив на ноги, доверяет ему книгу своего отца, в которой подробно описан стиль однорукого фехтования. Но он уже не хочет сражаться, и лишь долг и признательность учителю вынуждает его вернуться в школу, когда в городе появляется таинственный мастер-убийца, вознамерившийся полностью уничтожить всех последователей школы Золотого меча.
Ba Shuang
Ванг Ю здесь играет младшего ученика школы Золотого меча, которого совершенно не воспринимают всерьез его собратья по школе. Он решает уйти из школы, но ревнивая дочь его учителя в порыве ярости отрубает ему правую руку. Его подбирает девушка-отшельница и, поставив на ноги, доверяет ему книгу своего отца, в которой подробно описан стиль однорукого фехтования. Но он уже не хочет сражаться, и лишь долг и признательность учителю вынуждает его вернуться в школу, когда в городе появляется таинственный мастер-убийца, вознамерившийся полностью уничтожить всех последователей школы Золотого меча.
Action Director
The agile and cerebral fighter Kong Yin is invited to join the police SWAT team. Kong is soon sent on an undercover mission to investigate the gang operating at the Happiness Rubber Plant to coerce female workers into prostitution. An indignant Kong joins hands with fellow worker Chow Mei-ha and factory head Wong Chi-kong to expel Blackie Kei whose ruthless and blatant exploitation of the workers has been going unpunished. Facing the loss of a lucrative source of income, Blackie and his underworld bigwig boss Wu Tin-hung intercept the love letters exchanged between Wong and the wife of the general manager Ting Yuk-lan and use the correspondence to extort money from the adulterers. The fearless Chow dons a maid disguise and ingratiates herself with the gangster, followed by a police raid masterminded by Kong to crack down on the notorious gang.
The agile and cerebral fighter Kong Yin is invited to join the police SWAT team. Kong is soon sent on an undercover mission to investigate the gang operating at the Happiness Rubber Plant to coerce female workers into prostitution. An indignant Kong joins hands with fellow worker Chow Mei-ha and factory head Wong Chi-kong to expel Blackie Kei whose ruthless and blatant exploitation of the workers has been going unpunished. Facing the loss of a lucrative source of income, Blackie and his underworld bigwig boss Wu Tin-hung intercept the love letters exchanged between Wong and the wife of the general manager Ting Yuk-lan and use the correspondence to extort money from the adulterers. The fearless Chow dons a maid disguise and ingratiates herself with the gangster, followed by a police raid masterminded by Kong to crack down on the notorious gang.
Martial Arts Choreographer
This is a Cantonese musical from director Wong Yiu
One of Liu's thugs
This is a Cantonese musical from director Wong Yiu
Martial Arts Choreographer
Ghost-faced To is murdered in a mortuary after paying a visit to Muk Lan-fa. A set of teeth is found missing from another dead body. Lan-fa’s sister Sau-chen follows the leads on a business card To left behind to a dental clinic which suddenly bursts into flame. The news of her sister’s abduction by the infamous Japanese criminal Katsu Saburo soon reaches Lan-fa. Working together with her police friend Ko Cheung to crack the case, Lan-fa analyses photo evidences in minute detail. The duo order the retrieval of a pole that has survived the explosion intact while lying in wait at the clinic. Sau-chen, who has escaped, saves the duo from the chiller where they are detained. Inspector Yeung retrieves the operation plan concealed in the pole and the secret codes in the set of teeth, but the spook is shot dead by Katsu before he could reach the Hell’s Gate and the treasure buried there. Constable Kwan, and others and wipes out the gang at the Hell’s Gate.
Ghost-faced To is murdered in a mortuary after paying a visit to Muk Lan-fa. A set of teeth is found missing from another dead body. Lan-fa’s sister Sau-chen follows the leads on a business card To left behind to a dental clinic which suddenly bursts into flame. The news of her sister’s abduction by the infamous Japanese criminal Katsu Saburo soon reaches Lan-fa. Working together with her police friend Ko Cheung to crack the case, Lan-fa analyses photo evidences in minute detail. The duo order the retrieval of a pole that has survived the explosion intact while lying in wait at the clinic. Sau-chen, who has escaped, saves the duo from the chiller where they are detained. Inspector Yeung retrieves the operation plan concealed in the pole and the secret codes in the set of teeth, but the spook is shot dead by Katsu before he could reach the Hell’s Gate and the treasure buried there. Constable Kwan, and others and wipes out the gang at the Hell’s Gate.
Martial Arts Choreographer
A 1967 Cantonese language action film directed by Cheung Wai-Gwong, starring Connie Chan, Adam Cheng and Liu Chia-Liang. Ming-Wai & Ming-Sing, a brother and sister (dual roles played by Connie Chan) who must go undercover in a gang to rescue their uncle.
Gang Member
A 1967 Cantonese language action film directed by Cheung Wai-Gwong, starring Connie Chan, Adam Cheng and Liu Chia-Liang. Ming-Wai & Ming-Sing, a brother and sister (dual roles played by Connie Chan) who must go undercover in a gang to rescue their uncle.
Qiu's fighter with shield
Chivalrous swordsman Jun-zhao goes in search of a fugitive named Li Yueh in order to reunite him with his love, Liu Xian. Though the two men meet and become loyal brothers, Li does not reveal his true identity until Jun-zhao's life is endangered by swordsmen from Flying Fish Island who are looking for revenge.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Chivalrous swordsman Jun-zhao goes in search of a fugitive named Li Yueh in order to reunite him with his love, Liu Xian. Though the two men meet and become loyal brothers, Li does not reveal his true identity until Jun-zhao's life is endangered by swordsmen from Flying Fish Island who are looking for revenge.
Action Director
Wan Cho-sin has two daughters. The elder sister Wai-man is genteel and graceful, and the younger sister Wai-ping, taken under the tutelage of Lady Knight Silver Fox, is extrovert, outgoing and gregarious. The drug kingpin Chung Chi-wang has his eyes set on Wai-man but the girl is in love with Ma Kim-leung. Ko Tin-yam, who fearlessly wields his journalistic pen against the gangster, joins forces with his girlfriend Wai-ping to beat off Kong Yau-ming and the thugs dispatched by Chung. The encounter, leads to Kong's recognition of Wai-ping as his flesh and blood entrusted to Cho-sin's care years ago. Wai-ping pleads with her father to turn over a new leaf but fails to save him from Chung's murderous hand. Wai-man and Ma ingratiate themselves with the gangster, who uses the duo to elude the police while transferring drugs to a secluded villa. Wai-ping tips off the authorities about the traffickers' whereabouts and cracks down on the drug ring.
Martial Arts Choreographer
In protecting a group of children from bullying and gang violence, the gallant 'Lady Bond' Kong Yin stays with the family of driver Lee Pak in order to give classes in self-defence to Pak's younger brother Calf and neighbours Tak, Ah-ling as well as the young woman Sheung, drilling them in the moves and techniques. Startled by her striking resemblance to his kidnapped girlfriend Tong Ching-yee, Tse Tsi-ming pleads with and convinces Kong to pose as the missing girl to visit her bedridden grandfather Chung-sau. The masterminds behind the abduction, Tong's stepmother and her nephew Chan Chi-biu capture also Tse and the children. Tse brilliantly manages to alert Kong. Fighting and apprehending her opponents, Kong frees the hostages and hands the criminals over to the authorities.
Ling Bor plays Wen Fei E who is both an excellent academic as well as martial arts expert. Since her childhood days fond of dressing up as a boy, she becomes a village scholar sharing classes with Tu Zi Zheng (Chin Feng) and Wei Zhun Zhi (Ho Fan). When Fei E's innocent father is framed and sent to prison, she rushes to his rescue saving Jing Fu Quan (Kam Fie) who is in the hands of robbers along the way. Mistaking Fei E to be a noble hero, Fu Quan has no greater wish than to get married to her savior...
Brother Hu
A wandering swordsman named Lu Fang who is returning from battle discovers that several farmers have kidnapped the local magistrate’s daughter. He sides with them after learning that this is an act of desperation to improve their low standard of living.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Tse Mei-chen is deeply concerned about her only family, sister Bo-chen who is obsessed with perfecting her detective sensibilities. One day, Bo-chen returns home in panic to relay to her sister and her boyfriend detective Ma Tin-lung the horrifying murder of Siu-ying by her husband Tsui Kai. But a subsequent visit to the couple's, the cousin of Bo-chen's best friend Wong Kam-fung, proves the alleged crime false. Incognizant to all, the victim was Siu-ying's twin sister Kwok-ying, who bore witness to Tsui's misappropriation of their wealth for drug trafficking. Refusing to abandon the probe, Bo-chen is held up by Tsui. Deeply perturbed by Ma's investigation into his secret dealings, Tsui coerces Mei-chen to distract her boyfriend long enough for his escape. Refusing to bow to the threat, Mei-chen informs Ma who leads his squad to the rescue of the sister and arrests Tsui and his accomplices.
hatchet man
Tse Mei-chen is deeply concerned about her only family, sister Bo-chen who is obsessed with perfecting her detective sensibilities. One day, Bo-chen returns home in panic to relay to her sister and her boyfriend detective Ma Tin-lung the horrifying murder of Siu-ying by her husband Tsui Kai. But a subsequent visit to the couple's, the cousin of Bo-chen's best friend Wong Kam-fung, proves the alleged crime false. Incognizant to all, the victim was Siu-ying's twin sister Kwok-ying, who bore witness to Tsui's misappropriation of their wealth for drug trafficking. Refusing to abandon the probe, Bo-chen is held up by Tsui. Deeply perturbed by Ma's investigation into his secret dealings, Tsui coerces Mei-chen to distract her boyfriend long enough for his escape. Refusing to bow to the threat, Mei-chen informs Ma who leads his squad to the rescue of the sister and arrests Tsui and his accomplices.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Celebrity Sadora is seriously wounded in an air crash. Police commissioner Suen and subordinate Ko Cheung find out Sadora was under duress from the Black Dragon Gang to collude with the criminals who had held his daughter hostage. When Ko, assuming Sadora's identity to safeguard his life, is abducted by the gang, Suen turns to 'Black Musketeer' Muk Lan-fa. By blatantly refusing to cooperate with the authorities, Muk escapes the surveillance of both the police and the gang. Acting alone, she scouts the location of the lair but ends up being imprisoned in the same cell with Ko. The captives use every trick in the book to escape. An undaunted Muk returns to infiltrate the den, while her sister Sau-chen, Suen and Ko are lying in wait. The hostages are released and the gang wiped out in a battle fiercely fought. (Synopsis based on visual audiomaterials)
BDG killer 'Sea Tiger'
Celebrity Sadora is seriously wounded in an air crash. Police commissioner Suen and subordinate Ko Cheung find out Sadora was under duress from the Black Dragon Gang to collude with the criminals who had held his daughter hostage. When Ko, assuming Sadora's identity to safeguard his life, is abducted by the gang, Suen turns to 'Black Musketeer' Muk Lan-fa. By blatantly refusing to cooperate with the authorities, Muk escapes the surveillance of both the police and the gang. Acting alone, she scouts the location of the lair but ends up being imprisoned in the same cell with Ko. The captives use every trick in the book to escape. An undaunted Muk returns to infiltrate the den, while her sister Sau-chen, Suen and Ko are lying in wait. The hostages are released and the gang wiped out in a battle fiercely fought. (Synopsis based on visual audiomaterials)
Martial Arts Choreographer
First film in the series, based on Ni Kuang's spy pulp novels. Police Commissioner Fong enlists the chivalrous female bandit Muk Lan-fa to retrieve the latest gadget that emits deadly laser beam and its protocol, which allegedly have been transferred away by Ho Tin-hung. Sensing his life in danger, Ho recruits the agent Ko Cheung as his aide, but no sooner has Ko set foot in his house than Ho is murdered. The opportunistic Detective Chan coerces Ko into the hunt by implicating him in the crime. Masking their own agenda, Muk and Ko enter into a duel of wits which leaves the beaten Ko with a counterfeit. Having abducted Muk's mother, Chan presses Muk and her cousin Sau-chen to surrender the genuine article, but Ko unmasks Chan, the spy, by baiting him with the weapon. The police squad led by Fong and Commissioner Suen swarm onto the scene, arresting Chan while he is attempting to flee holding Muk's mother hostage. Chan dies amidst a shower of bullets fired by his own daughter Sau-chen.
Action Director
A villain steals a kung fu manual and kills the good swordsmen it belongs to. He masters the powers it offers and goes on to commit various evils. Twenty years later, a young swordsman heads off to take him to account. On the way he meets a couple of feisty young swordswomen, and his life gets more complicated.
Connie Chan Po-chu's character's father was killed by the triads, leaving behind two daughters. The elder sister makes a living as a singer at a nightclub, and is sometimes threatened by triad members. The younger sister (Connie Chan Po-chu), who knows karate, becomes an assassin who punishes villains.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Connie Chan Po-chu's character's father was killed by the triads, leaving behind two daughters. The elder sister makes a living as a singer at a nightclub, and is sometimes threatened by triad members. The younger sister (Connie Chan Po-chu), who knows karate, becomes an assassin who punishes villains.
Red Lotus member
Gui Wu happens upon a kidnapping with his wife Gan Lian-zhu at the Red Lotus Temple. Lian-zhu sends Wu to go for reinforcements while she stays to fight the kidnappers. Fortunately, the mysterious Scarlet Maid is surreptitiously helping her.
Yuan Xiao is chased by the panther head monster, and starts a fierce fight. Wang Gunlong and Min Tianhu take the opportunity to capture the flute.
The Goddess of Hua Mountain is imprisoned for falling in love with a mortal, meanwhile her son is raised in secret until he can attempt to free her.
Japanese agent
War film set during the second Sino-Japanese war.
Red Lotus member
Jimmy Wang Yu plays a young kid who heads off to Dragon Valley to meet the childhood friend who was promised as his bride. When he gets there, he finds that the family of the bride might not be an entirely honest bunch of people though. What is the story behind their feud with the monks at the Temple Of The Red Lotus, for a start?
Qing's man
A woman in an arranged marriage falls in love with her husband's brother.
Lung Kim-fei is disfigured and abandoned by his female junior disciple before running into an ambush sprung by her husband Auyeung Ho. The mythical condor of Wicked God of Fiery Cloud, Ku Hon-wan, flies the man in distress to safety. The master imparts his adopted son the skill of the Buddha’s Palm. A vicious duel six decades ago with Suen Bik-ling, dubbed the Capricious Flying Ring, left both challengers blind. To pay his debt of gratitude, Lung sets out to obtain the cure—treasure of the golden dragon—and wrestles to save Suen’s granddaughters Kau Yuk-wah and Yuk-kuen who come under the attack of a unicorn while seeking the cure.
The Killing Flag (Part 1) is a 1963 Hong Kong martial arts film direcred by Fung Chi-Kong.
The Birth of Yue Fei is a Hong Kong Drama starring Sammo Hung in a child role
Ye Hui and Jiang Man were originally a loving couple. One time Hui received a 1000 dollar bonus, and his colleague Zhu Ge-Kong paid a plan to hide the bonus in the shoes and prepared to spend it on his own. After Man found out, he took the money away, and the two quarreled about it. , Hui asked for a divorce in anger, but he was not allowed to move away, so he only hung a tent in the bedroom as the "Chu River and Han Jie". After that, Huichang fought with his wife, even pretending to have brain cancer, and tricked Man into taking care of him. , Unexpectedly, it was seen through by Man again. Manager Hong of Hui Company and Manager Mei of Man Company reunited, and the two companies merged together, and Man promoted the director, making it difficult for Hui and Kong. After the manager of Man Demei persuaded him, he witnessed the affection of others’ husbands and wives. Deeply ashamed, reconciliation with Hui is as good as ever.
Cheung Sam
The Diamond Gang commits a robbery. The leader Chiu Yee-kong wants to keep the booty and this arouses the suspicion of gang member Tai-wai. The police does not have a clue and thus invite Wong Ngung, Heung Ad and Wu Ngar for help. Kong is in accomplice with his third concubine. They order someone to steal the diamond and leave Wong's symbol. Wai turns his attention on Wong. Wong, Ad and Wu are not afraid of Wai and they throw him out. They sneak in Kong's apartment to investigate. Kong's second concubine is mad at Kong for neglecting her. She tells Wong the truth but gets killed. Kong's people surround Wong, Ad and Wu. Each of the three faces their enemy. Ad is tortured by Wai. Wong and Wu arrive in time and save her. One of Kong's people tells Wai the truth. Wai immediately attacks Kong. Wong, Ad, Wu and the police arrive at Kong's headquarter to arrest the gangsters. Wai is arrested but Kong has escaped. The diamonds are found. The inspector makes Wong, Ad and Wu as partners.
The Flying Dragon gang goes on a rampage and the police Inspector is at his wits' end. He then commissions Wong Ngung, Wu Ngar and Heung Nga to help him catch the gang members. Suet-ying, a young woman, is addicted to gambling and owes a huge sum to the gambling den that belongs to the Flying Dragon gang. She has even signed IOUs. When the younger sister of Ying's husband sees that Ying is weighed down by worries, she asks Wu Ngar for help. Wu Ngar sneaks into the gambling den, but her behaviour is suspected by the gang leaders, Tai-kit and Tai-hong. Fortunately, Wong Ngung saves her. To get back the IOUs, Ying falls under the control of Hong and Kit. Master Lung has evil designs on Ying. He first kills Kit and seizes Ying. Hong then shoots and kills Lung. Wong Ngung and her two partners get back the IOUs for Ying. They notify the police Inspector to arrest the members of the Flying Dragon gang. Hong is shot and injured by Wong Ngung. He is arrested with the other gang members.
Wong Fei-hung and his disciples hear that a small village is being terrorised by a ferocious gorilla. It turns out that the beast is actually a small-time crook in a gorilla suit under the orders of a precious metal smuggler who wants to intimidate the villagers. The crook takes advantage of his disguise to abduct a beautiful girl and escape to the mountains, but has a surprise in store for him. Just how many gorillas are loose in them there hills?
The three heroines, Wong Ang, Wu Nga, and Heung At expose a murder case involving three dead bodies found in an old temple. Unbeknown to the trio, they've fallen in a trap laid by gangster Hui Pui-shing, who desires to avenge his brother's death by eliminating the women. With the cooperation of Hui's righteous subordinate, the police arrest Hui for smuggling tobacco and seizes their forged banknotes.
Wong Fei-hung goes up against members of the underworld
A fantasy film with an appearance from Huang Fei-hong
Wong Fei Hung meets the Five Tigers
Wong Fei Hung must stands up for people who are unable to stand up for themselves.
Wong Fei-Hung Goes to a Birthday Party at Guanshan is a Wong Fei-Hung movie starring Kwan Tak-Hing.
Kwok To
Wong Fei-Hung and the Lantern Festival Disturbance is a 1956 Wong Fei-Hung movie directed by Wu Pang.