Sameer Qumsiyeh


Quarantine, Curfew and Videotapes
Military invasions, curfews and loss were realities that the director had to deal with as a child. This short is his revisit to that traumatic past in an attempt for a reconciliation.
Quarantine, Curfew and Videotapes
Military invasions, curfews and loss were realities that the director had to deal with as a child. This short is his revisit to that traumatic past in an attempt for a reconciliation.
Quarantine, Curfew and Videotapes
Military invasions, curfews and loss were realities that the director had to deal with as a child. This short is his revisit to that traumatic past in an attempt for a reconciliation.
Quarantine, Curfew and Videotapes
Military invasions, curfews and loss were realities that the director had to deal with as a child. This short is his revisit to that traumatic past in an attempt for a reconciliation.
Quarantine, Curfew and Videotapes
Military invasions, curfews and loss were realities that the director had to deal with as a child. This short is his revisit to that traumatic past in an attempt for a reconciliation.
Донесения о Саре и Салиме
Sound Recordist
Любовная связь женатого палестинца и замужней израильтянки в Иерусалиме принимает опасный политический характер, когда их замечают не в том месте и не в то время. В результате им приходится иметь дело с куда более серьезными последствиями, чем развалившийся брак.
Донесения о Саре и Салиме
Любовная связь женатого палестинца и замужней израильтянки в Иерусалиме принимает опасный политический характер, когда их замечают не в том месте и не в то время. В результате им приходится иметь дело с куда более серьезными последствиями, чем развалившийся брак.
Walled Citizen
A Palestinian filmmaker attempts to explore the planet as a backpacker, defying the restrictions of movement imposed on him as a holder of one of the World’s weakest ranking passports. Over a period of 3 years, Sameer Qumsiyeh travels with his personal camera from Palestine, to Europe, to the Canary Islands, and Ecuador (featuring the Amazon) documenting his encounters with other freedom seekers, wanderers, refugees, immigrants, indigenous communities, and nomads, all of whom are facing physical and non-physical borders, barriers, and walls, that are erected between people in our modern time.