Lee Yeon

Lee Yeon

Рождение : 1995-02-27, South Korea


Lee Yeon
Lee Yeon


Убить Пок-сун
Kim Young-ji
На работе она известный убийца. Дома — мать-одиночка, воспитывающая девочку-подростка. Убивать легко. Труднее всего быть родителем.
Source of the Odour
Injeong, a promising contract designer with only a high school diploma, ends up making poor decisions out of inferiority complex about her academic background. On one unlucky day, a strangely unpleasant smell follows her all day.
A Lonely Island in the Distant Sea
Yoonchul is a sculptor, but he mostly makes living with an interior design job. He is divorced, and his daughter fails to fit into the school life and is considered a troublemaker, although she shows much talent in art, like her father. One day, Yoonchul meets an attractive woman, Youngji, and falls in love with her.
To My Assailant
Lee Eun Seo
Song Jin-Woo (Kim Dae-Gun) has worked as a non-permanent contract employee for the past 4 years at Moojin Girls' High School. He is a good teacher and dreams of a school where no one is left out. New contract teacher, Yoo Sung-Pil (Moon Yoo-Kang), comes to Moojin Girls' High School. When Song Jin-Woo was a high school student, he was bullied by Yoo Sung-Pil and other students.
Take Me Home
Kim Ye-won
Same-sex couple Eun-soo and Ye-won are living together happily. One day, a terrible traffic accident occurs and Eun-soo is seriously injured and her sister Eunhae dies. Eun-soo is disabled and Eunhae's daughter Soo-min became an orphan. Now Eun-soo and Ye-won are in a position to take charge of Soo-min.
Goodbye B1
Lee Yeon-hee
The story of Da Eun, a woman who gets ready to move out of the semi-basement home she's lived in for the past 8 years since she was 23 years old. She finally passes her civil service examination and she prepares to move out.
Высота волны
Полицейскую со стажем Ён-су переводят на отдаленный остров. Женщина находится в процессе развода и ничего не говорит об этом дочери-подростку. Председатель общины борется за госсубсидии, поэтому ему очень важен имидж острова, но Ён-су замечает, что местные парни слишком фривольно ведут себя с единственной молодой женщиной в округе.
Warning: Explicit Content - AK-ZIL