Брак Каролины и Уильяма Лэма в 1805 году с самого начала грозил не быть безоблачным: Каролина была известна своим порывистым, неуравновешенным и оригинальным характером. Но, видимо, именно это и привлекло к ней её будущего мужа, который сделал девушке предложение, несмотря на предостережения его матери, леди Мельбурн, женщины волевой до мозга костей и чрезвычайно расчётливой
The Earl of Caversham
Что может угрожать прекрасному будущему? Только ужасное прошлое. Депутат Британского парламента сэр Роберт Чилтерн известен своей честностью и неподкупностью. Под стать ему и его супруга — леди Чилтерн, являющая собой пример высокой нравственности. Однако прошлое сэра Роберта не совсем безупречно. Леди Лаура Чивли, располагающая доказательствами его давнего неэтичного поступка, пытается шантажировать Роберта. Под угрозой оказываются репутация и карьера Чилтерна. Более того, счастливый брак и любовь жены тоже могут быть утеряны. Но на помощь приходит лучший друг — лорд Горинг. Он предпринимает ответные действия против шантажистки.
Inspector Charas
Мартин, внук доктора Деламбрэ, встречает сбежавшую из психиатрической клиники девушку и предлагает ей пожить в его доме, где он со своим отцом продолжает эксперименты в области телепортации.
Christopher Plummer is joined by an all-star cast including Michael Caine, Robert Shaw, Roy Kinnear and Donald Sutherland in this historic production of Hamlet filmed on location at Elsinore, Denmark, the actual location where the play is set.
Экранизация известной трагедии Уильяма Шекспира «Макбет».
Robert Holland
After falling in love with an American woman, Virginia Killain, who is engaged to another man, British Naval Commander Max Easton, hatches a plan that will get him enough money to support Virginia in the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Easton's plan is to disappear for a time making it seem that he has defected to the Soviets taking important Naval secrets from his job at the Admiralty and to return and sue the newspapers for slander. Not everything goes as planned for Commander Easton.
Mr. Ferguson
On receiving an inheritance from her grandfather, Canadian Jeannie MacLean decides to visit the family's Scottish roots. On the plane she meets businessman Stanley Smith, and romance blossoms in Edinburgh. The complications begin when Stanley breaks a date with Jeannie to woo voluptuous redhead Helene, and Jeannie is flattered by the attentions of the impoverished Lord McNairn; he's heard about her good fortune, and gallantly offers to show her the city.
An accountant who is creative with his firm's books uses the money to fund a romantic spree.
Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding
The true story of airman Douglas Bader who overcame the loss of both legs in a 1931 flying accident to become a successful fighter pilot and wing leader during World War II.
Wilfred Smethers (uncredited)
Returning from a cricket match in Ireland, Peter Weston gains a pet alligator from another passenger who abandons it with him. He is horrified and while his first instinct is to get rid of it he develops a relationship with a young Irishwoman who appears to be entwined with the reptile. He soon discovers that Daisy is tame and seems to be the way to Moira's heart.
В мае 1943 года эскадрилья бомбардировщиков "Ланкастер" разрушила две дамбы в Рурской долине в Германии, используя оригинальное оружие - "прыгающую бомбу". Этот фильм рассказывает о создании и применении этого оружия.
Sir Geoffrey Baker
Lavishly told story of George Bryan Brummel, a commoner born in the era of Napoleon who uses wit, brilliance and sartorial flair to align himself with the future King George IV. Lush settings in authentic locations and Taylor in Regency …
An American insurance investigator is sent to Rhodesia to investigate the mysterious death of a diamond broker who drowned whilst diving off the coast. The broker was insured for $1 million so the insurers are suspicious.
Count Moïse de Camondo
Париж. Конец XIX века. Молодой художник Анри Тулуз-Лотрек проводит целые дни в «злачном месте» — кафе «Мулен Руж», рисуя девушек, танцующих канкан. Но, несмотря на богатство и принадлежность к старинному графскому роду, Анри глубоко несчастлив. Он — калека, и лишь в объятиях уличной проститутки Мари забывает об этом. Но вскоре Анри понимает, что Мари интересуют только его деньги. Пытаясь облегчить свое горе, Тулуз-Лотрек рисует для кафе серию афиш. Наутро он просыпается знаменитым, а «Мулен Руж» навсегда входит в историю…
James Jarvis
In the back country of South Africa, black minister Stephen Kumalo journeys to the city to search for his missing son, only to find his people living in squalor and his son a criminal. Reverend Misimangu is a young South African clergyman who helps find his missing son-turned-thief and sister-turned-prostitute in the slums of Johannesburg.
Based on the Reginald Berkeley stage play, this compelling historical drama offers a depiction of the life story of Florence Nightingale (Anna Neagle), the young 19th-century Englishwoman famously drawn to a career in nursing. Traveling to Turkey during the Crimean War, Florence gains a reputation for being devoted to the care of wounded soldiers and for pioneering higher standards for sanitary hospital conditions.
Melodrama set in Victorian Brighton. Scheming pub landlady uses the timorous son of a domineering pharmacist to assist in the poisoning of her drunkard husband. (The title is from the way pharmacists used to wrap parcels containing poison).
A ventriloquist is murdered during a theatre variety performance. A dwarf goes undercover as the dummy...
Lord Wakefield
The story of flyer Amy Johnson the girl from Yorkshire who won the hearts of the British public in the 1930s with her record-breaking solo flights around the world. Her marriage to fellow aviator Jim Mallison was less noteworthy.
Adm. Penn
Penn of Pennsylvania is a 1941 British historical drama film directed by Lance Comfort and starring Deborah Kerr, Clifford Evans, Dennis Arundell, Henry Oscar, Herbet Lomas and Edward Rigby. The film depicts the life of the Quaker founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn. It portrays his struggle to be granted a colonial charter in London and attracting settlers to his new colony as well as his adoption a radical new approach with regard to the treatment of the Native Americans. It is also known by the alternative title Courageous Mr. Penn.
The Common Touch is a 1941 British drama film directed by John Baxter and starring Geoffrey Hibbert, Harry Welchman, Greta Gynt and Joyce Howard. On the death of his father, an eighteen-year old lad leaves school to take over the family firm in the City of London. Realising the other directors want to keep him in the dark he starts asking questions, and is soon undercover as a down-and-out in a hostel which will disappear if a company building project goes ahead.
Mr. Johnson
A young couple become engaged, but enjoy a number of comedic aventures before their wedding day.
George is an inept reserve policeman working in wartime Liverpool, who is chosen by a gang of Nazi saboteurs as the stooge for their planned destruction of the British battleship HMS Hercules. Framed by the villains and forced to go on the run, George sets out to clear his name with the aid of new girlfriend, Jane.
Anti-aircraft Officer
This early, influential propaganda film blends documentary and studio footage to show the valiant efforts of the Royal Air Force to defend the British people against the Nazis.
John Morgan
Suave soldier of fortune Simon Templer gets mixed up with a gang of counterfeiters who've murdered and robbed an European count of 1,000,000 pounds. He is aided reluctantly by Scotland Yard inspector Teal, who's convinced that Templar himself pulled off the heist, and less reluctantly by light-fingered Dugan and dizzy socialite Penny Parker.
Chief Superintendent
Инспектор Хорнли (Гордон Харкер) и его верный помощник сержант. Бингэм (Аластер Сим) — одни из величайших сыщиков, которых может предложить Скотланд-Ярд. Так что, на первый взгляд, их последнее дело вряд ли заслуживает их внимания: поиск части украденного багажа. Однако рассматриваемая сумка принадлежала канцлеру казначейства. И по мере того, как трупы накапливаются, пара детективов раскрывает тщательно продуманный заговор, направленный на мошенничество на финансовом рынке.
Charles Cartwright
John Forrest is anticipating a quiet retirement spent penning detective fiction when he learns that a priceless collection of jewels belonging to a foreign potentate, Prince Homouska, has just vanished from the safekeeping of the Stamford Assurance Company. Aided by his butler, his Cockney assistant and his (initially) unwilling wife, Forrest sets out on the trail of the thieves.
Chief Commissioner
The film concerns a police hunt for the criminal known as The Frog.
Sir Robert Peel
Continuing the story of 'Victoria the Great'.
A perpetual dreamer talks his wife into moving with him from their home in Australia to South Africa, where he hopes to discover gold and finally become wealthy.
A mysterious scientist presents a timid chemist with an elixir which turns him from a weakling into a confident, vital male, able to defeat his rival and impress the girl of his choice. The only problem is that this mysterious substance has the unexpected result of causing him to revert gradually to babyhood...
Mr. Dorland
There are two clubs in London called Moons; one in Mayfair and one in Soho. Mary Dorland is singing at the cheap one, but her father, who does not approve of her singing career, believes she is performing at the Society one...
Robert Peel
The film biography of Queen Victoria focussing initially on the early years of her reign with her marriage to Prince Albert and her subsequent rule after Albert's death in 1861.
Head of Fifth Bureau
Во время Первой Мировой Войны Стокгольм представлял собой рассадник международного шпионажа. Мадлен - британский двойной агент, поставляющая ложную информацию от союзников по Антанте немецкому штабу в Париже. Но она еще, и прекрасная молодая женщина, а потому неожиданно влюбляется в учтивого барона, оказавшегося главой немецкой Секретной Службы.
Двум влюбленным, находящимся по разные стороны баррикад, предстоит испытать невероятной силы чувства и эмоции, а жизнь и честь их будет подвергаться нешуточным испытаниям с самого начала этой удивительной приключенческой истории, которая держит зрителя в напряжении до самого конца фильма.
Based on Ivor Novello's hit stage play: an opera singer and her gypsy friends try to rescue their king from the clutches of a would-be dictator.
A German-born woman works as a spy for the French in Switzerland during the First World War, and has to marry an interned French lieutenant in order to be able to stay in the country.
Adm. Valdez
The film is a historical drama set during the reign of Elizabeth I (Flora Robson), focusing on the English defeat of the Spanish Armada, whence the title. In 1588, relations between Spain and England are at the breaking point. With the support of Queen Elizabeth I, British sea raiders such as Sir Francis Drake regularly capture Spanish merchantmen bringing gold from the New World.
A ruthless businessman tries to steal his brother's successful shipping company. He hires a gifted mimic to date one of his brother's daughters to get some inside information about the business. The mimic succeeds only too well, with tragic results.
George Arnold
A young British woman, tricked into believing she was used during a whirlwind romance, marries a gentle widowed Italian opera star, whose songs she and her first love shared.
Charles Rushworth
Flying from one charming lady---eluding another---and almost losing both!
Действие происходит во время Первой мировой войны. Британский агент Эдгар Броди послан правительством в Швейцарию для ликвидации немецкого агента. В сопровождении Эльзы Кэррингтон, под видом его жены, и мексиканца — киллера они останавливаются в отеле. В результате ошибки был убит не тот человек, а немецкий агент остался невредимым. В руке у убитого осталась оторванная пуговица, которая и послужила причиной роковой ошибки.
Charles Rushworth
Gaston, an artist in love with an upper class English girl, accepts to stay away from her when a wealthy rival offers to pay her father's heavy debt. Broken-hearted, he leaves for France with his young servant. They join a young girl as popular musicians and tour the countryside in their way to Paris, where his former love reappears.
Great Grandfather
Город Эвритаун, 1940 год. Канун Рождества. Люди готовятся к празднику, на улицах много гуляющих, звучат песни. Но в то же время повсюду рядом с надписями в честь Рождества — на плакатах, расклеенных на стенах, на трамваях, в крупных газетных заголовках — слово «война», «угроза войны», «мир на пороге войны», «европейский ультиматум». В уютной мирной квартире Джона Кэбела трое мужчин, в том числе Пиппа Пассуорти, обсуждают последние события.
Ebenezer Scrooge, the ultimate Victorian miser, hasn't a good word for Christmas, though his impoverished clerk Cratchit and nephew Fred are full of holiday spirit. In the night, Scrooge is visited by spirits of the past, present, and future.
Officer of Defense
During the First World War, Russian officer Ignatoff, wounded, falls in love with his nurse, Natasha. But she is subject to an upcoming marriage of family convenience to Brioukow, a wealthy industrialist of peasant stock. Brioukow is unjustifiably jealous, since Natasha has not betrayed him. He forces Ignatoff into his debt as a means of humiliating him. When Ignatoff's new friend, Madame Sabline, offers to pay his debt, preventing his ruin, Ignatoff comes quickly to realize that Madame Sabline has an ulterior motive, one that could prove dangerous to more lives than just Ignatoff's.
Gen. Hilmi-Pasha
In 1908, Sultan Abdul Hamid rules the Turkish Empire, but he is faced with the threat of revolt by the Young Turk party. He allows Hilmi Pasha, the leader of the Young Turks, to return from exile and form the country's first constitutional government. With tensions still growing, chief of police Kadar Pasha assassinates Hassan Bey, the leader of the Old Turk party, and makes it look as if a Young Turk committed the crime, in order to give Abdul an excuse for arresting the Young Turk leaders. Meanwhile, Abdul becomes infatuated with a visiting Austrian singer. When she rejects his advances, she endangers both herself and her fiancé, a Turkish officer who also knows who really shot Hassan Bey.
Francis Merrall
Major John Peel returns to England, following Napoleon's Waterloo defeat, and renews his acquaintance with Lucy Merrall, but she tells him she is engaged to be married. He later learns that, Cravens, the man she is to marry already has a wife. He also learns that Craven cleaned out Lucy's father in a crooked gambling game, and Lucy is paying the price to hold the family home together.
Governor of the Territory
Британский офицер Сандерс управляет одной из территорий в английской колонии Нигерии. Его стиль управления жесткий, но справедливый. По долгу службы ему приходится бороться с контрабандистами и работорговцами. В этом ему помогает его местный вождь Босамбо. Когда Сандерс отправляется в Англию на свою свадьбу, контрабандисты пускают слух о его смерти, и Басамбо решается на опустошительный набег.
Dr. Naylor
When Peggy wants to break off her engagement to Dick in order to marry Gilbert, Dick threatens to reveal that Peggy's brother Ralph was shot for cowardice during World War One.
As the threat of Napoleonic invasion looms ever closer, a German duke and potential ally of England falls for a pretty ballerina.
Colonel Dubonnet
A composer goes to Devil's Island for killing his wife's lover, then writes an opera about it.
Roger Mayland
When his father commits suicide a gentleman sets out to avenge the death on those who swindled him out of a fortune.
English Ambassador
The woman who will become Catherine the Great marries into the Russian royal family when she weds Grand Duke Peter, the nephew of Empress Elizabeth. Although the couple has moments of contentment, Peter's cruel and erratic behavior causes a rift between him and Catherine. Mere months after Peter succeeds his aunt as the ruler of Russia, a revolt is brewing, and Catherine is poised to ascend to the throne as the country's new empress.
Frederick Lafont
Композитор Франц Шуберт (Ричард Таубер) помогает старой любви (Джейн Бакстер) выйти замуж за солдата (Карл Эсмонд) вопреки королевскому указу в Вене 1820-х годов.
Sir Edward Hulme KC
A group of people in an old dark house are terrorized by a mysterious hooded figure dressed in black who proceeds to kill them off one by one.
M. Marquand (uncredited)
A businessman's daughter runs away from an arranged marriage, only to find herself penniless and suspected of theft after she becomes the victim of a bag thief in the train. When she refuses to tell him who she really is, her accuser decides to take her home where he can keep an eye on her until 12 o'clock the next day, the time at which she has calculated that it will be safe to tell the truth! But when his fiancée arrives unexpectedly and then his 'guest' is mistaken for her, it all gets rather embarrassing...
A British musical comedy film directed by Wilhelm Thiele
Sir Archibald Mallard
'Affianced Foreign Office agent searches for mystery woman he loves.' (British Film Catalogue)
Senior Proctor
In the years after his graduation Allen Shepherd has become a successful novelist and has married Jane Anderson. A firm proponent of traditional sex roles, Shepherd leaves Jane when she accepts a teaching post at Oxford. He later changes his views, and the couple is reunited.
Mr. Robertson
Monsieur Albert is a very elegant and much-appreciated butler. One day he falls in love with a client, Sylvia Robertson, and follows her to a winter sports resort. Sylvia does not recognize him and imagines that he is related to a king who goes incognito.
Armand de Rochecorbon
A Mandarin takes the blame when the wife of his friend's son steals secret papers.
Henry Delauney
An elderly couple reminisce about the romantic adventures of their youth.
Colonel Georges Picquart
In 1894, French officer Alfred Dreyfus is wrongly convicted for the treasonous acts of another man, Major Esterhazy. When investigations begin into the dubious evidence used in the trial, an institutional coverup begins, aided by fears of army disgrace and anti-Semitic paranoia against Dreyfus. But a determined group, headed by prominent author Émile Zola, leads a mounting public call to reopen the Dreyfus case.