Shuai Zeng


Мистер Зомби
Hu Biao
Мастер Хао (Чинь Сиу-Хо) и его ученики Вэнь Цай (Ли Дяньцзунь) и Цю Шэн (Юань Хунъян) специализируются на экзорцизме, однако демонов и зомби нет и чтобы свести концы с концами они придумывают хитрую аферу. Ученики гримируются под зомби и преследуют какого-нибудь богача, после чего тот обращается за помощью к мастеру Хао. Казалось бы план идеален, но все выходит из под контроля, когда в городе появляются настоящие зомби...
The New Strange Tales from Liaozhai: The Male Fox
During the Northern Song Dynasty old monk Zhishan adopted an abandoned baby with a scar on the baby's belly, "Son of Wang Wen of Dongchang". Zhishan discovered that the baby was half-human and half-fox, and decided to adopt him and teach him to be kind. He named the baby Wang Zi and taught Wang Zi to recite sutras and meditate daily.
Seven Fright Nights
Zhao Dahai
The rich businessman Ma bought a villa in the mountain and moved in with his wife and children. However, on the first night of his stay, there was a strange event that science could not explain. Mr. Feng found Mr. Feng Shui to see the house. Mr. Feng Shui told Ma boss that he lived in a haunted house. The grievances only found two men, two women and four young people living in it for seven days and seven nights before they could suppress.
Midnight Soul Road
Cai Kang
According to legend: If you call your name in the middle of the night, be sure to agree after the third sound, otherwise it will get lost. The village in the case of missing cases, such a curse spread, made…