Dennis C. Lewiston

Рождение : 1934-05-22, London, England, UK

Смерть : 2014-06-08


Shergar, Ireland's most decorated thoroughbread and perhaps the greatest race horse of all time, is kidnapped by IRA terrorists and held for a $2 million ransom. Can a young stable boy save Shergar's life... and his own before it's too late?
Shergar, Ireland's most decorated thoroughbread and perhaps the greatest race horse of all time, is kidnapped by IRA terrorists and held for a $2 million ransom. Can a young stable boy save Shergar's life... and his own before it's too late?
Scattering Dad
An agoraphobic woman who hasn't left her home in 20 years receives a visit from the spirit of her deceased husband who reminds her of a promise she made to scatter his ashes at his favorite vacation spot. With her daughters unavailable, she sets off to fulfill the promise herself.
London Suite
Director of Photography
On one day at an English Hotel, four different stories are shown. Diana is in London to promote her Television Series and her ex-husband Sidney shows up to ask her for money for his gay lover. Mark and Annie come to London for the Wimbledon Tennis matches, but they lose their tickets and Mark's back goes out. Debra is on her honeymoon with Paul, but Paul is missing and Debra lies to everyone she meets as to where Paul is. Sharon and Lauren are on a shop till you drop trip and Sharon meets Dennis, an older man who seems to be interested in her.
Кентервильское привидение
Director of Photography
Когда американский миллионер Гирам Отис приобретает старинный замок Кентервиль Чейз, он не торопится что-то в нем менять. Единственная проблема, с которой сталкивается семейство, это наличие привидения сэра Саймона де Кентервиля, обитающее в приобретенном замке. Гирам считает, что проблему нужно решать с научной точки зрения, в то время как, по мнению его жены Лукреции, этот полтергейст придаст некий шарм их новому обиталищу и очень понравится гостям. А их дети-близнецы видят в привидении лишь предмет для преследования. И только дочь Вирджиния ощущает всю трагичность загадочного положения сэра Саймона. Лишь после того как чары рушатся и тайна раскрывается, Виржиния позволяет себе отдать сердце ослепительному лорду Чеширу.
Beyond Suspicion
Director of Photography
Joyce thought she had made the dream marriage. Her husband, Stan, is a successful, handsome dentist, and Joyce, who grew up in poverty, cannot believe her good fortune. But her charismatic husband has a dark side that is about to engulf and destroy Joyce's entire world.
Женщина, которая согрешила
Director of Photography
Красивая женщина ложно обвиняется в убийстве ее лучшего друга после греховного прелюбодеяния с ним, в то время как секреты Михаила и Виктории Робсон всплывут на поверхность, если преступление будет раскрыто.
Marilyn and Me
Director of Photography
Aspiring writer Robert Slatzer befriends Norma Jean Baker in 1946, the year she becomes Marilyn Monroe.
People Like Us
When a wealthy scriptwriter and socialite's daughter is murdered, he feels let down by the courts, and so decides to use his powerful position to enable his own form of justice.
Сумасшедший дом
Director of Photography
Марку и Джесси везет в жизни. У них есть все, о чем можно мечтать: счастливый брак, прекрасная работа, и недавно приобретенный дом в Санта-Монике почти на берегу океана, в котором они могут наслаждаться одиночеством вдвоем. Но вот один за другим к ним на постой потянулись многочисленные родственники, число непрошеных гостей достигает критической точки, и уютное семейное гнездышко превращается в настоящий «сумасшедший дом». Супруги не только должны спать на кухонном полу и терпеливо дожидаться позволения войти в собственную ванную — они даже не могут побыть наедине друг с другом. И когда один из гостей приводит в дом слона, терпение Марка и Джесси окончательно лопается: вооружившись подручными средствами, они открывают против своих незваных гостей боевые действия…
Street of Dreams
Director of Photography
Street of Dreams is a 1988 American action/thriller film directed by William A. Graham and starring Ben Masters and Morgan Fairchild. Made as a television film, Street of Dreams was originally aired on October 7, 1988, on CBS and was subsequently released on DVD on January 10, 2005. The role of a drug addict who—per Fairchild's remarks—"looks like hell" marked a departure for Morgan Fairchild, whose career had, up to that point, been defined by roles of glamour and sex appeal. The film follows a laid-back private investigator Kyd Thomas (Ben Masters) who gets thrust into Hollywood's world of crime after he meets Laura Cassidy (Morgan Fairchild). Laura is a cocaine addict who Kyd saves from being beaten and raped and with whom he quickly enters a romantic relationship. The storyline is based on the books Good Night and Good-Bye and Kyd for Hire by American author Timothy Harris which chronicle stories of the life and adventures of a private investigator named Thomas Kyd.
The Lion of Africa
Brooke Adams plays a woman who has to put up with Brian Dennehy's character if she wants to get across a desolate section of Africa. They fight and naturally sparks fly.
To Heal a Nation
Director of Photography
The true story of Jan Scruggs, an embittered Vietnam veteran who returns from the war a broken man. However, with the help of his loving wife Becky, he begins to find a new life for himself, and a personal goal when he agrees to begin a determined campaign to raise funds for a veteran's memorial.
The Last Days of Patton
Director of Photography
As a result of General George S. Patton's (George C. Scott) decision to use former Nazis to help reconstruct post-World War II Germany (and publicly defending the practice), General Dwight Eisenhower (Richard Dysart) removes him from that task and reassigns him to supervise "an army of clerks" whose task is to write the official history of the U.S. military involvement in World War II. Shortly thereafter, on December 9, 1945 (a day before he was to transfer back to the United States), Patton is involved in an automobile accident that seriously injures his spinal column, paralyzing him. As he lies in his hospital bed, he flashes back to earlier pivotal moments in his life, including stories his father told him of his grandfather's service during the American Civil War which inspired him to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point, his marriage to his wife Beatrice (Eva Marie Saint), and his championing of the use of tanks in the United States Army.
Florida Straits
Director of Photography
A man who spent 20 years in Cuban prison after the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion and a boat captain and his crew go covertly to Cuba to find a cache of gold buried during the invasion. But can they trust each other?
Hot Target
Wife of successful NZ businessman is seduced by fellow American after "chance" meeting in park. However, Greg has more than love-making with the beautiful Christine in mind.
Hot Target
Wife of successful NZ businessman is seduced by fellow American after "chance" meeting in park. However, Greg has more than love-making with the beautiful Christine in mind.
Завещание Холкрофта
Second Unit Director
Сын высокопоставленного нациста в наше время оказывается распорядителем многомиллионного фонда. Деньги оставлены ему отцом, который под конец жизни раскаялся в своих грехах и настоял на том, чтобы сын с несколькими товарищами направил миллионы на благие дела. Но совершенно ясно, что у этого начинания оказалось много врагов. Главный герой оказывается в ловушке.
To Catch a King
Director of Photography
Robert Wagner plays an American who owns a Lisbon nightclub and Teri Garr is a slightly dippy chanteuse who has stumbled across a Nazi plot to kidnap the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, living at the time (1942) in Portugal.
Знак четырёх
Director of Photography
Мэри Морстан просит детектива помочь ей найти отца, который пропал без вести в течение многих лет. Тропа ведёт Холмса и Уотсона к некоему Фаддею Шолто, от которого они узнают, что его отец вместе с отцом Мэри привёз сокровище в Англию после своей военной службы в Индии. Когда его брата убивают, то Фаддея подозревают. Но Шерлок Холмс не верит в его вину и ищет не только отца Марии, но и убийцу Варфоломея Шолто...
Алый первоцвет
Director of Photography
В годы Великой французской революции таинственный английский дворянин, известный только как «Алый первоцвет», вырывает из челюстей гильотины французских аристократов, изображая из себя в обществе глупого сэра Перси Блейкни.
Night Games
Director of Photography
A Californian housewife is terrified of having sex because of a past assault. When this phobia threatens to destroy her marriage, she takes refuge in a series of erotic fantasies about a masked man. But is it really all just a fantasy?
Director of Photography
Богатая, своенравная и независимая Фонтейн Калед, только что расставшаяся со своим юным возлюбленным-американцем, в самолете знакомится с импозантным итальянцем Нико. Но мужчина, приятный во всех отношениях, оказывается контрабандистом, перевозящим из Америки в Европу дорогущий бриллиант…
The Thief of Baghdad
Director of Photography
A resourceful thief helps a handscome prince fight an evil wizard and win the hand of a beautiful princess.
The Squeeze
Director of Photography
An alcoholic London ex-cop becomes involved in a kidnapping drama and tries to free the daughter of a friend from a brutal gangster mob.
The Brute
Director of Photography
Glamour model Diane Shepherd is routinely being beaten by her husband Tim, who accuses her of infidelity. When she can't take it anymore, she finds shelter with photographer Mark and his girlfriend Carrie. They introduce Diane to Millie, who is in a similar situation. Meanwhile, Tim informs Diane that if she doesn't come back to him, he will see to it that he gains custody of their son, Timmy.
Director of Photography
A paranoid writer is unable to get started on his second novel. He hires a secretary and then his troubles really begin.
Преступление и страсть
Не очень удачливый бизнесмен уговаривает свою любовницу выйти замуж за богатого промышленника. Ему кажется, что такая афера решит все их проблемы. Однако ему придется пережить шок, когда выяснится, что обманутый муж готовит убийство коварной жены, а заодно и ее «режиссера»…
Шоу ужасов Рокки Хоррора
Camera Operator
Отправившись в путешествие по Америке, молодожены Джаннет и Брэд останавливаются на ночлег в огромном старинном особняке эксцентричного доктора Фрэнк-н-Фуртера. Доктор знакомит ребят со своим новым произведением, молодым человеком по имени Рокки Хоррор. С этого момента события вокруг них разворачиваются в бешеном темпе. Этот дом и все его обитатели существуют по своим особым законам. Здесь, под энергичную музыку, возможно все то, что неприемлемо в приличном обществе. И порой кажется, что все это происходит на какой-то другой планете, улететь с которой дано не каждому.
Фаза 4
Camera Operator
Пустынные муравьи, у которых внезапно обнаружился, мощный коллективный разум, начинают нападать на людей. Двое учёных и девушка, которую удалось отбить у муравьёв, должны остановить взбесившихся насекомых.
Swallows and Amazons
Director of Photography
On holiday with their mother in the Lake District in 1929 four children are allowed to sail over to the nearby island in their boat Swallow and set up camp for a few days. They soon realise this has been the territory of two other girls who sail the Amazon, and the scene is set for serious rivalry.
The Lovers!
Camera Operator
Reprising the television series roles which first made them household names, Richard Beckinsale and Paula Wilcox star as Geoffrey Scrimshaw and Beryl Battersby, a hesitant, inexperienced, young couple attempting to negotiate the sexual minefield of the ‘permissive’ society. This big-screen transfer of Jack Rosenthal’s hugely likeable sitcom sees old-fashioned girl Beryl continuing to slap down the advances of her frustrated boyfriend, whose clumsy attempts to initiate ‘Percy Filth’ suggest he’s not quite up to speed himself! Like everyone else, Geoffrey and Beryl want to fall in love – or they think they do; like everyone else, since Adam and Eve. But Adam and Eve didn’t live in Manchester in 1972…
Любовники Айседоры
Camera Operator
Сюжет фильма рассказывает историю трагической жизни Айседоры Дункан - одной из лучших танцовщиц своего времени, одной из самых свободомыслящих женщин 20-го века, в орбиту которой были вовлечены талантливейшие современники - Роден, Пикассо, Кокто, Нижинский, Дягилев, Станиславский, Сара Бернар, Анна Павлова и многие-многие другие. Удивительная, полная бурных страстей и глубоких трагедий, судьба «божественной босоножки» - величайшей танцовщицы и актрисы, которая покорила поклонников балета в Европе и Соединенных Штатах и даже завоевала «красную Россию», а вместе с ней и сердце ее замечательного поэта Сергея Есенина.
Дом нашей матери
Camera Operator
Жила семья — мать и семеро детей. Мама умерла, и дети, чтобы их не раскидали по разным детским домам, решили никому не говорить о ее смерти, а похоронить ее в саду. Но неожиданно появился их отец.
The Pleasure Girls
Camera Operator
When Sally moves to London to pursue a modelling career, she moves in with Angela and Dee and discovers the world of the carefree bachelor girl in Swinging London. Over one weekend - filled with parties, blossoming friendships, and romantic encounters with Keith and Nikko (Klaus Kinski) - the vivacious girls learn about life's pleasures and pains.
The Uncle
Camera Operator
Gus is a seven-year-old uncle who struggles with the responsibility placed upon him when his nephew Tom comes to spend the summer holidays with his family.
The Black Torment
Camera Operator
A lord returns to his manor with his new wife, to hear rumours that he had already secretly returned and had committed several murders. Has he lost his mind, or is something dark afoot ?
Saturday Night Out
Camera Operator
Five seamen and a passenger are intent on making the most of the 14 hours they will spend in London.
That Kind of Girl
Camera Operator
That Kind of Girl is a British cult film and the directorial debut of Gerry O'Hara. Produced by Robert Hartford-Davis with a script by Jan Read, it was released in 1963. The film's subject is premarital sexual relationships and sexually transmitted diseases in an English 1960s millieu.
Cast a Dark Shadow
Focus Puller
Edward "Teddy" Bare is a ruthless schemer who thinks he's hit the big time when he kills his older wife, believing he will inherit a fortune. When things don't go according to plan, Teddy sets his sights on a new victim: wealthy widow Freda Jeffries. Unfortunately for the unscrupulous criminal, Freda is much more guarded and sassy than his last wife, making separating her from her money considerably more challenging.
The Good Die Young
Clapper Loader
An amoral, psychotic playboy incites three men who are down on their luck to commit a mail van robbery, which goes badly wrong.