
The Brute (1977)

Her dream come true became her worst nightmare.

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Gerry O'Hara

Краткое содержание

Glamour model Diane Shepherd is routinely being beaten by her husband Tim, who accuses her of infidelity. When she can't take it anymore, she finds shelter with photographer Mark and his girlfriend Carrie. They introduce Diane to Millie, who is in a similar situation. Meanwhile, Tim informs Diane that if she doesn't come back to him, he will see to it that he gains custody of their son, Timmy.


Sarah Douglas
Sarah Douglas
Diane Shepherd
Julian Glover
Julian Glover
Roberta Gibbs
Roberta Gibbs
Bruce Robinson
Bruce Robinson
Suzanne Stone
Suzanne Stone
Kenneth Nelson
Kenneth Nelson
Nicholas Barnes
Nicholas Barnes
Tim Shepherd
Charlotte Cornwell
Charlotte Cornwell
Jenny Twigge
Jenny Twigge
Sylvester Morand
Sylvester Morand
James Farrar
James Farrar
Ricki Stewardson
Ricki Stewardson
Scruffy Boy
David Millett
David Millett
Clive Graham
Clive Graham
Police Sergeant
Anne Godley
Anne Godley
Community House Woman
Carol Cleveland
Carol Cleveland
Diane's Agent
Peter Bull
Peter Bull
Betty Huntley-Wright
Betty Huntley-Wright
John Franklyn-Robbins
John Franklyn-Robbins
Kat Gibbs
Kat Gibbs


Gerry O'Hara
Gerry O'Hara
Gerry O'Hara
Gerry O'Hara
Julian Holloway
Julian Holloway
Associate Producer
John Quested
John Quested
Kenneth V. Jones
Kenneth V. Jones
Original Music Composer
Dennis C. Lewiston
Dennis C. Lewiston
Director of Photography
Gerry Hambling
Gerry Hambling
Terry Pritchard
Terry Pritchard
Art Direction
Penny Rose
Penny Rose
Costume Design
Zelda Barron
Zelda Barron
Alf Hicks
Alf Hicks
Second Unit Director of Photography


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