Original Story
The 20s. In a seaside resort where everybody is bored, Albert Marvuglia, a slightly shabby conjurer, makes Marta, the wife of the wealthy bourgeois Charles Moufflet, disappear, who takes advantage of this tour to escape for good.
Filumena has lived for years with a wealthy pastry chef. She forces him to marry her, but he soon asks to annul the marriage. She then reveals that one of her children is his, making him obsessed to know which one.
A family fights.
De Filippo agreed to teach a series of drama classes to the students of the Università di Roma Sapienza, with whom he would continue to collaborate until his death in 1984. The lessons were all recorded and today are preserved in the Archivio Audiovisivo dello Spettacolo, at the Labs (Laboratorio Audiovisivo dello Spettacolo) run by Professor Stefano Locatelli.
Основанный на трагикомедии, написанной Эдоардо де Филиппо в 1931 году, «Рождество у Купьелло» рассказывает об эпизоде из жизни итальянской семьи из среднего класса в преддверии Рождества. Снятый на неаполитанском языке фильм обладает причудливым очарованием.
Главный герой, Антонио Барракано, является «человеком чести», который различает порядочных людей и негодяев. Вокруг него расцветает свирепое, неоднозначное и мучительное общество, где добро и зло противостоят друг другу в каждом персонаже.
Theatre Play
Главный герой, Антонио Барракано, является «человеком чести», который различает порядочных людей и негодяев. Вокруг него расцветает свирепое, неоднозначное и мучительное общество, где добро и зло противостоят друг другу в каждом персонаже.
Members of the Camorra on the run and actors seeking for authority meet after a shipwreck on an island-prison. The theatre turns into a free zone where everyone may not be able to recover their social role but for sure their humanity. Somebody can even get love back. Shakespeare and Eduardo De Filippo blend together in a picaresque comedy full of coup de théâtre.
Theatre Play
Members of the Camorra on the run and actors seeking for authority meet after a shipwreck on an island-prison. The theatre turns into a free zone where everyone may not be able to recover their social role but for sure their humanity. Somebody can even get love back. Shakespeare and Eduardo De Filippo blend together in a picaresque comedy full of coup de théâtre.
Although this sounds like a weekend like many others, in the Prior house the atmosphere is rather tense because of some nervousness on the part of individual members of the family, especially the father, Peppino, who gets angry with anyone who happens to shoot: with their children, Juliana and Roberto, and his sister, aunt Meme. Meanwhile, his wife Rosa is dedicated to the preparation of the sauce, which she will serve for Sunday's lunch, to which she invited the neighbors, the accountant Ianniello and his wife.
В конце недели, когда супруги получают передышку от своих повседневных забот, они остаются один на один со своими эмоциональными проблемами, решение которых откладывалось всю неделю и ошибочно приписывалось к числу неприоритетных задач. Но вот Пеппино начинает бояться, что жена его разлюбила, а жизнь проходит мимо в суете небольшого городка. Роза, его супруга, страдает от упреков мужа и тоже не чувствует любви от него. Обычная семейная пара, обычные для кризиса среднего возраста проблемы, но это только иллюзия при взгляде со стороны.
Traces the life of Anna Magnani, her creations, her successes, her triumphs, her boycotted career, her nonconformism, her anxieties, her generosity ... Punctuated with photos that tell her career in theater and cinema, Extracts of films, this documentary portrait also gives the floor to his friends and relatives, from Roberto Rossellini to Marcello Mastroianni, through Federico Fellini.
Antonio Barracano
Peppino Fattibene
Gennaro, pensionato
Gennareniello, a crazy inventor, is married to Concettina and lives at home with his son Tommasino, full of tics, his spinster sister and with Matteo, a drawing master who makes plans for his inventions. Driven by his friends, the man courts the young teacher Anna and when his wife notices it, he is forced to run away from home, overwhelmed by the scorn of derision of friends and acquaintances who come to disguise him as a dandy, thus offending his dignity.
Personaggio principale
Theatre Play
One Saturday evening Rosa Priore is preparing a magnificent Sunday lunch for her family and their friends. By Sunday afternoon her life and marriage are in ruins.
Agostino Muscariello
The comedy, centered on five characters (Rita, Rodolfo, Agostino, Bettina, and Don Attilio - "o viecchio pazzo"-), has as background the Italy of the 60s between the economic boom and the perennial unemployment crisis. The cylinder, well explained by "Agostino-Eduardo" in the comedy, is a representation of power, designed to intimidate the ignorant for its only evocative "power". It can also be seen as a sort of "Pirandellian mask", where the character of Augustine wears it to defend himself and represent something that he is not.
The comedy, centered on five characters (Rita, Rodolfo, Agostino, Bettina, and Don Attilio - "o viecchio pazzo"-), has as background the Italy of the 60s between the economic boom and the perennial unemployment crisis. The cylinder, well explained by "Agostino-Eduardo" in the comedy, is a representation of power, designed to intimidate the ignorant for its only evocative "power". It can also be seen as a sort of "Pirandellian mask", where the character of Augustine wears it to defend himself and represent something that he is not.
Personaggio principale
Luca Cupiello, like every Christmas, prepares the crib, amid the disinterest of his wife Concetta and his son Tommasino. Ninuccia, the other daughter, writes a letter to her husband in which she communicates that she leaves him for her lover. The letter happens in the hands of Luca who hands it over to his son-in-law, who thus learns of his wife's betrayal. During lunch on Christmas Eve, the two rivals, who were confronted by Luca's carelessness, clash violently.
Luca Cupiello, like every Christmas, prepares the crib, amid the disinterest of his wife Concetta and his son Tommasino. Ninuccia, the other daughter, writes a letter to her husband in which she communicates that she leaves him for her lover. The letter happens in the hands of Luca who hands it over to his son-in-law, who thus learns of his wife's betrayal. During lunch on Christmas Eve, the two rivals, who were confronted by Luca's carelessness, clash violently.
Luca Cupiello, like every Christmas, prepares the crib, amid the disinterest of his wife Concetta and his son Tommasino. Ninuccia, the other daughter, writes a letter to her husband in which she communicates that she leaves him for her lover. The letter happens in the hands of Luca who hands it over to his son-in-law, who thus learns of his wife's betrayal. During lunch on Christmas Eve, the two rivals, who were confronted by Luca's carelessness, clash violently.
Guglielmo Speranza
Don Peppino
Thanks to the legacy of an English lord, the cobbler Andrea has become a baron and now has delusions of nobility: he wants a high-ranking marriage for his stepdaughter Virginia and does not recognize the brothers of his wife, Rosina and Michele, even after the latter has saved the his house from a fire. Virginia does not like her promised Marchese Alberto, but Felice Sciosciammocca, a shy and poor master of calligraphy, who reciprocates her. But when Felice learns that the girl will soon marry another, out of spite he accepts the court of the late Marquise Zoccola, Alberto's mother.
Happy Sciosciammocca has a double life: he plays sacred music in the convent of Rondinelle and teaches music to the educators, at night he goes to Naples where he is known as the actor.
Don Ciccio sciosciammocca
Женившись на красавице Марии, Паскуаля - мучает совесть, что он не может обеспечить ей нормальное существование из-за проблем с работой. Но ему на помощь приходит давний поклоник Марии, который решает остаться незамеченным и помогает им арендовать дом с привидениями....
Stuck in a dream world of his own, Italian sculptor Albert Saporito, sometimes has difficulty separating truth from fiction. When he dreams that his gangster neighbor has been murdered, he reports the crime to the police, only to involve himself in a complicated situation.
Theatre Play
Stuck in a dream world of his own, Italian sculptor Albert Saporito, sometimes has difficulty separating truth from fiction. When he dreams that his gangster neighbor has been murdered, he reports the crime to the police, only to involve himself in a complicated situation.
Zi' Nicola
Stuck in a dream world of his own, Italian sculptor Albert Saporito, sometimes has difficulty separating truth from fiction. When he dreams that his gangster neighbor has been murdered, he reports the crime to the police, only to involve himself in a complicated situation.
Stuck in a dream world of his own, Italian sculptor Albert Saporito, sometimes has difficulty separating truth from fiction. When he dreams that his gangster neighbor has been murdered, he reports the crime to the police, only to involve himself in a complicated situation.
Восхитительная комедия о жизни итальянцев состоящая из трех новелл. Во всех трех фильмах, показав три совершенно противоположных характера, главную мужскую роль сыграл Марчелло Мастроянни. В первой черно-белой новелле режиссера Марко Феррери - он играет роль человека одержимого идеей максимального надувания воздушных шаров. Во второй новелле Эдуардо Де Филиппо - его герой оказывается свидетелем странных любовных игр молодой пары пригласившей его в гости. Молодые выстраивают свои отношения при помощи истерически-ревнивых выходок и выстрелов из револьвера. Завершает трилогию история Лучиано Салче - где он играет коммерсанта, решившего продать свою супругу арабскому шейху. Но... судьба делает крутой поворот, и жена опережает коммерсанта, перепродав мужа в мужской гарем брата шейха...
Восхитительная комедия о жизни итальянцев состоящая из трех новелл. Во всех трех фильмах, показав три совершенно противоположных характера, главную мужскую роль сыграл Марчелло Мастроянни. В первой черно-белой новелле режиссера Марко Феррери - он играет роль человека одержимого идеей максимального надувания воздушных шаров. Во второй новелле Эдуардо Де Филиппо - его герой оказывается свидетелем странных любовных игр молодой пары пригласившей его в гости. Молодые выстраивают свои отношения при помощи истерически-ревнивых выходок и выстрелов из револьвера. Завершает трилогию история Лучиано Салче - где он играет коммерсанта, решившего продать свою супругу арабскому шейху. Но... судьба делает крутой поворот, и жена опережает коммерсанта, перепродав мужа в мужской гарем брата шейха...
Theatre Play
Нелегкая судьба Филумены Мартурано, героини одноименной пьесы Эдуардо де Филиппо, была близка всем советским женщинам. Ну а жизненным проблемам и устремлениям Доменико сочувствовали все мужчины. Нужда приводит юную Филумену в публичный дом, где она и знакомится с любвеобильным красавцем Доменико.
Спустя годы они встречаются вновь и она становится хозяйкой в его доме, но несмотря на их многолетнюю связь, он постоянно отказывается официально оформить их отношения. И вот наступил критический момент — убежденный холостяк Доменико решает жениться… на одной из своих многочисленных пассий. У любящей его Филумены остается последнее средство…
Ferdinando Quagliolo
Don Antonio Barracano
Personaggio principale
Personaggio principale
Matteo Generoso
Personaggio principale
Софи Лорен и Марчелло Мастроянни исполнили здесь по три роли в трех комедийных новеллах о том, как итальянские женщины добиваются желаемого с помощью своей сексуальной привлекательности.Очень эротично выглядит Лорен, сыгравшая: жену безработного, вынужденную торговать контрабандными сигаретами, и рожать детей одного за другим, чтобы судебные приставы не описали имущество; эгоистичную светскую даму, выкидывающую своего любовника из автомобиля из-за ерунды; девицу легкого поведения, дающую обет целомудрия на целую неделю в тот момент, когда приехавший к ней любовник уже готов удушить ее в порыве страсти.Во всех этих историях несчастный герой Марчелло Мастроянни пасует перед животной энергией своей пассии.
Два простака завербовываются в итальянскую армию во время Первой Мировой войны и по чистой случайности умудряются помочь выиграть важное сражение.
Domenico Soriano
Personaggio principale
Luca Cupiello lives with the wife Concetta, the son Tommasino, and a brother, Pasquale. The son is wild, living by gimmicks and stealing from his uncle; the daughter Ninuccia does not get along with her husband Nicolino and plans to run away with her lover Vittorio; the wife tries to hide her family's troubles from her husband. Luca, who silently suffers the family situation, takes refuge in setting up the Nativity scene.
Luca Cupiello lives with the wife Concetta, the son Tommasino, and a brother, Pasquale. The son is wild, living by gimmicks and stealing from his uncle; the daughter Ninuccia does not get along with her husband Nicolino and plans to run away with her lover Vittorio; the wife tries to hide her family's troubles from her husband. Luca, who silently suffers the family situation, takes refuge in setting up the Nativity scene.
Luca Cupiello lives with the wife Concetta, the son Tommasino, and a brother, Pasquale. The son is wild, living by gimmicks and stealing from his uncle; the daughter Ninuccia does not get along with her husband Nicolino and plans to run away with her lover Vittorio; the wife tries to hide her family's troubles from her husband. Luca, who silently suffers the family situation, takes refuge in setting up the Nativity scene.
Personaggio principale
Gennaro Jovine
Don Annibale
An old prince lives in his ancient palace in Rome together with the ghosts of his ancestors. For years he has proudly rejected huge offers by a real estate group seeking to buy the palace and build a department store in its place, but when he suddenly dies his nephew signs the deal. The palace seems lost, but the ghosts forge a plan to save it from destruction.
Signor Innocenzi
8 сентября 1943 года главнокомандующий войсками Италии маршал Бадольо объявляет о перемирии и скорой высадке американских войск на Аппенины. Все солдаты, утомленные войной, горят желанием возвратиться домой...
The story of "King Lazzarone" Ferdinand I of Bourbon whose pastime was to neglect the government and disguise himself as a poor man and turn to the infamous city premises in search of love adventures. With the De Filippo brothers to complete.
Pasquale Grifone, who lives in Naples with his family, receives in a dream the visit of Dante Alighieri. The poet suggests to the man, clouded by the fumes of alcohol, four numbers to play.
Theatre Play
Pasquale Grifone, who lives in Naples with his family, receives in a dream the visit of Dante Alighieri. The poet suggests to the man, clouded by the fumes of alcohol, four numbers to play.
Pasquale Grifone
Pasquale Grifone, who lives in Naples with his family, receives in a dream the visit of Dante Alighieri. The poet suggests to the man, clouded by the fumes of alcohol, four numbers to play.
Pasquale Grifone, who lives in Naples with his family, receives in a dream the visit of Dante Alighieri. The poet suggests to the man, clouded by the fumes of alcohol, four numbers to play.
Don Felice Sciosciammocca, a poor and simple man, goes to the day, hoping that sooner or later will come the right opportunity to change his life. A nice day at Don Felice comes a parcel from a dear cousin, which contains three pairs of old trousers. Apparently only common value objects, but they will create great surprises.
Urbano Varno
Passengers struggle to survive after their plane crashes on a remote island. Director Richard Wilson's 1958 drama stars Esther Williams, Jeff Chandler and Rosanna Podesta.
Gennaro Esposito
Мать Сальваторе бросила его ещё в младенческом возрасте, но мальчик никак не может с этим смириться, он находит для неё тысячи причин и оправданий и мечтает увидеть хоть когда-нибудь. Наконец, он тайком покидает постылый сицилийский приют и отправляется пешком в Неаполь, чтобы встретиться со своей мамой. Преодолев множество дорог, испытав массу различных приключений, повстречав целый ряд людей - добрых и равнодушных, озлобленных и приветливых - он добирается до конечной цели своего путешествия…
Il capocomico
Нанда Дьоталлеви по прозвищу Фортунелла – бедная девушка, которая живет в районе наркоторговцев, и является любовницей одного из них, Пеппино. Чтобы спасти его, она попадает в тюрьму, беря на себя ответственность за совершенное им преступление. Но когда ее отпускают, она узнает, что Пеппино живет с другой женщиной. Теперь единственным утешением Фортунеллы является иллюзия, что она незаконная дочь принца Гвидобальди, чей дворец находится по соседству. Однажды Фортунелла встречает бродягу-профессора Гольфьеро Паганика, который находит её историю интересной и обещает ей помочь.
Нанда Дьоталлеви по прозвищу Фортунелла – бедная девушка, которая живет в районе наркоторговцев, и является любовницей одного из них, Пеппино. Чтобы спасти его, она попадает в тюрьму, беря на себя ответственность за совершенное им преступление. Но когда ее отпускают, она узнает, что Пеппино живет с другой женщиной. Теперь единственным утешением Фортунеллы является иллюзия, что она незаконная дочь принца Гвидобальди, чей дворец находится по соседству. Однажды Фортунелла встречает бродягу-профессора Гольфьеро Паганика, который находит её историю интересной и обещает ей помочь.
A teenager escapes from a reformatory and is accused of theft.
Командир карабинеров сержант Антонио решается уйти в отставку, чтобы жениться на Аннареле. Неугомонная Берсальера устраивается работать прислугой в доме у Антонио, тем самым давая повод для очередных сплетен...
Don Ersilio Miccio (segment "Il professore")
Новеллы, объединенные общим названием «Золото Неаполя», рассказывают о людях разных слоев общества. Их интересы и жизненный уклад различен и они даже не знают о существовании друг друга, но их объединяет именно небо Италии. Мы видим их жизнь и понимаем, что благодаря разворачивающимся историям на экране узнаем настоящий итальянский характер.
A young husband is persuaded to move his new bride into an old palace that is supposedly haunted.But the so called ghost is really the bride's former lover who is stalking her on the premises.
A young husband is persuaded to move his new bride into an old palace that is supposedly haunted.But the so called ghost is really the bride's former lover who is stalking her on the premises.
Theatre Play
A young husband is persuaded to move his new bride into an old palace that is supposedly haunted.But the so called ghost is really the bride's former lover who is stalking her on the premises.
A young husband is persuaded to move his new bride into an old palace that is supposedly haunted.But the so called ghost is really the bride's former lover who is stalking her on the premises.
Amedeo Stigliano
Nine episodes about life in Italy in the period just before its economic boom.
Nine episodes about life in Italy in the period just before its economic boom.
Soldier Vincenzo Pagliaro (segment "Purificazione")
Six episodes (adapted from as many short stories: Gozzano, D'Annunzio, Guido Rocca, Marino Moretti, Alba de Céspedes and Oreste Biancoli), six love stories set in different moments in italian recent history.
Donato Ventrella (segment: Il paraninfo)
Villa Borghese, Rome's biggest urban park, is the place where everyday laughs and dramas are consumed. The movie is made of six vignettes set there.
Commendator Cesati
An engineer has a romance with the mistress of a rich banker but she sacrifices herself,returning to the rich man, for the best interests of the lover and his family.
Afterfive people die in crumbling Naples housing run by Northerners, the Southern relatives trek to Milan to sue for damages.
Afterfive people die in crumbling Naples housing run by Northerners, the Southern relatives trek to Milan to sue for damages.
Afterfive people die in crumbling Naples housing run by Northerners, the Southern relatives trek to Milan to sue for damages.
Salvatore Aianello
Afterfive people die in crumbling Naples housing run by Northerners, the Southern relatives trek to Milan to sue for damages.
Oreste is known for his deliberation and caution in handling license forms at his office.But when he needs money to send his 3 girls off to Capri to find rich suitors, he is tempted to take bribes to put a license through more quickly.
Oreste is known for his deliberation and caution in handling license forms at his office.But when he needs money to send his 3 girls off to Capri to find rich suitors, he is tempted to take bribes to put a license through more quickly.
Oreste Mazzillo
Oreste is known for his deliberation and caution in handling license forms at his office.But when he needs money to send his 3 girls off to Capri to find rich suitors, he is tempted to take bribes to put a license through more quickly.
Four poor fellows win a luxurious car in a lottery but they have not the money to keep it. Therefore they decide to have it a day each and sell it afterwards. Everyone will spend his own day with the car and get some gratification. Some will get it, others will not. And the fifth poor fellow?
Eduardo Moschettone
Four poor fellows win a luxurious car in a lottery but they have not the money to keep it. Therefore they decide to have it a day each and sell it afterwards. Everyone will spend his own day with the car and get some gratification. Some will get it, others will not. And the fifth poor fellow?
In Amalfi, a village on the Italian coast, an old man who seems to have strange powers gives Celestino Esposito, the local photographer, a dangerous ability.
На воскресной ярмарке молодой повеса Жерар Филип зазывает публику в свой балаганчик, приглашая соревноваться в меткости метания мяча в куклы изображающие смертные грехи: зависть, скупость, блуд, обжорство, гордость, лень и гнев.
Eduardo (segment "Avarice and Anger")
На воскресной ярмарке молодой повеса Жерар Филип зазывает публику в свой балаганчик, приглашая соревноваться в меткости метания мяча в куклы изображающие смертные грехи: зависть, скупость, блуд, обжорство, гордость, лень и гнев.
На воскресной ярмарке молодой повеса Жерар Филип зазывает публику в свой балаганчик, приглашая соревноваться в меткости метания мяча в куклы изображающие смертные грехи: зависть, скупость, блуд, обжорство, гордость, лень и гнев.
Theatre Play
Two episode about the married life. In the first one a paralyzed man is forced by her wife to brood eggs while the mother hen is gone. In the second episode a good-willed man tries to escpape from the grey of the world that surround him
Two episode about the married life. In the first one a paralyzed man is forced by her wife to brood eggs while the mother hen is gone. In the second episode a good-willed man tries to escpape from the grey of the world that surround him
Two episode about the married life. In the first one a paralyzed man is forced by her wife to brood eggs while the mother hen is gone. In the second episode a good-willed man tries to escpape from the grey of the world that surround him
Don Matteo / Gennarino
Two episode about the married life. In the first one a paralyzed man is forced by her wife to brood eggs while the mother hen is gone. In the second episode a good-willed man tries to escpape from the grey of the world that surround him
Три девушки-швеи работают в центре Рима в известном доме моделей. Каждая из них мечтает выйти замуж. Мариза ссорится со своим женихом, когда тот запрещает ей работать манекенщицей. Елена, разочаровавшись в любви, стоит на грани самоубийства. К счастью, она встречает прекрасного парня, городского таксиста, который помогает ей переосмыслить жизнь. Лючия после долгих поисков жениха принимает любовь жокея, который давно её любит…
Theatre Play
Filumena, an ex-prostitute and for decades Domenico Soriano's lover, discovers that he intends to get married and so pretends to be on the verge of death in order to get him to marry her instead.
Filumena, an ex-prostitute and for decades Domenico Soriano's lover, discovers that he intends to get married and so pretends to be on the verge of death in order to get him to marry her instead.
Filumena, an ex-prostitute and for decades Domenico Soriano's lover, discovers that he intends to get married and so pretends to be on the verge of death in order to get him to marry her instead.
Domenico Soriano
Filumena, an ex-prostitute and for decades Domenico Soriano's lover, discovers that he intends to get married and so pretends to be on the verge of death in order to get him to marry her instead.
Raffaele, il professore di matematica
Maria is a housmaid and she is being engaged to Berto for fifteen years. Berto has not a lasting job so he is waiting for the death of his uncle Matteo to come into an inheritance. In the meantime Maria goes on with her work, first in the house of an unfaithful wife; then for an actor and his wife on the verge of leaving each other and last for Raffaele who wants to marry her. At last uncle Matteo dies...
Two friends, Giacomino and Carletto, have no job and no money and are looking for a job, or any device that will help them to meet expenses and especially will give them the opportunity to fill their stomachs.
Theatre Play
Ряд сатирических сцен на фоне военного времени. Фильм рассказывает об обычных людях, живущих в одном неапольском переулке, с 1940 до 1950 под господством фашистов, нацистов и затем и союзников.
Gennaro Iovine
Ряд сатирических сцен на фоне военного времени. Фильм рассказывает об обычных людях, живущих в одном неапольском переулке, с 1940 до 1950 под господством фашистов, нацистов и затем и союзников.
Ряд сатирических сцен на фоне военного времени. Фильм рассказывает об обычных людях, живущих в одном неапольском переулке, с 1940 до 1950 под господством фашистов, нацистов и затем и союзников.
Ряд сатирических сцен на фоне военного времени. Фильм рассказывает об обычных людях, живущих в одном неапольском переулке, с 1940 до 1950 под господством фашистов, нацистов и затем и союзников.
A man talks about the Marshall plan.
Filomena, a former prostitute in her 40s, tricks a wealthy shopkeeper to marry her and support her three children.
L'avvocato Rubini
Carlo Rutelli falls in love with the beautiful variety singer Yvonne la Nuit, but his father opposes the wedding. World War I breaks out and Carlo is killed while Yvonne has a son, but on orders from Carlo's father, she is told he is dead. Her career descends and only Nino, an art partner, remains close to her and helps her earn her living by singing in taverns.
Don Andrea
Agostina is a maid turned prostitute during World War II. She sends all the money she makes to the local priest in her home village for safekeeping. After the war is over Agostina and her friend Australia plan to open a clothing store so they return to her home island to collect the money from the priest. But after arriving there Agostina learns in shock that the priest has been dead for more than a year and that his eccentric successor mistook the received money for donations and spent all of it on building a new orphanage for war orphans. To make matters even worse, other islanders think that Agostina is now a millionaire and beg her to help them financially.
Assunta, a commoner of Naples, is scarred by her lover Michele for jealousy.
Michele Boccadifuoco
Assunta, a commoner of Naples, is scarred by her lover Michele for jealousy.
Il professore
A compelling portrayal of postwar Rome
An unscrupulous theatrical agent introduces his latest "discovery" to an elderly baron who becomes infatuated with her.
An unscrupulous theatrical agent introduces his latest "discovery" to an elderly baron who becomes infatuated with her.
An unscrupulous theatrical agent introduces his latest "discovery" to an elderly baron who becomes infatuated with her.
Former batsman Carlo Mezzetti, who has been left homeless with his daughter Annuccia, takes advantage of favorable situations and legal loopholes to find temporary accommodation, illegally occupying vacant houses.
Carlo Mezzetti
Former batsman Carlo Mezzetti, who has been left homeless with his daughter Annuccia, takes advantage of favorable situations and legal loopholes to find temporary accommodation, illegally occupying vacant houses.
Don Ferdinando
A country braggart bets that he can spend a night with a local beauty. When he is surprised by her husband, he is not only forced to pay his friends money but also challenged to come up with a new identity other than Casanova or Don Juan.
The owner of a lottery store refuses to pay a large sum won by one of his workers that he hates, because that man received the winning numbers in a dream.
Theatre Play
The owner of a lottery store refuses to pay a large sum won by one of his workers that he hates, because that man received the winning numbers in a dream.
Don Ferdinando Quagliolo
The owner of a lottery store refuses to pay a large sum won by one of his workers that he hates, because that man received the winning numbers in a dream.
Marquis Eduardo Parascandolo, after having squandered all his possessions for not having cared about his finances, spends his time professing to some young people his philosophy of life.
An American starlet inflames two Italian peasants who forget about their respective fiance's. One of them even thinks of marrying her and begins to plan for the engagement banquet. When the girl decides to live the countryside harmony reigns again.
Pasquale Montuori
An American starlet inflames two Italian peasants who forget about their respective fiance's. One of them even thinks of marrying her and begins to plan for the engagement banquet. When the girl decides to live the countryside harmony reigns again.
An American starlet inflames two Italian peasants who forget about their respective fiance's. One of them even thinks of marrying her and begins to plan for the engagement banquet. When the girl decides to live the countryside harmony reigns again.
Giovannino Apicella
A comedy about an unemployed fellow who goes to live with his brother and runs into trouble with his brother's overbearing wife.
Don Teofilo, il governatore
A comedy about a governor who wants a miller's wife and tries to fix a night with her by putting the miller in jail.
Il professore
Adventures of two provincial actors looking for anyway done with something to eat. They are joined by a girl, Lili. They represent a magic number, but all I get are miscues and boos.
Gilberto, l'impressario
Marcello, a shy tenor, is afraid of singing in public. Two friends of his think of having an elegant youth on the stage pretending to be singing while Marcello dubs him behind the scenes. The scam is successful but after a while Marcello summons the courage to go on stage himself.
Personaggio principale