Katharina Wöppermann


Sisi & I
Production Design
The story of Empress Elisabeth of Austria told from the point of view of her lady-in-waiting, Irma Sztáray. Far from the kitschy “Sissi” cliché, she portrays a woman who, for years without her husband, surrounded only by women, ventured on journeys throughout Europe, mastered six languages, practiced high-performance sports and did not fit at all into the tight corset of the Viennese court.
Монте Верита
Production Design
Ханна хочет расстаться со своим абьюзивным мужем. Она проходит терапию у Отто Гросса, ученика Фрейда. Тот приглашает её в Швейцарию, в знаменитую общину на горе Монте Верита, где Ханна увлекается искусством фотографии.
Малыш Джо
Production Design
Мать-одиночка Элис, сотрудница отдела по выведению новых видов растений, создаёт необычный цветок — если за ним правильно ухаживать, он делает своего владельца счастливым. Но всё не так просто, и оказывается, что за счастье, даже сиюминутное, придётся заплатить, а цена может оказаться слишком высокой.
Лети, майский жук!
Production Design
Ранняя весна 1945-го года, небогатый район Вены. Близок конец войны и связанная с ним пора надежд. Семья менее чем скромного достатка: дедушка-часовщик, бабушка-домохозяйка, папа — раненый солдат немецкого вермахта, а потом и дезертир, мама и сестра. Перенеся невзгоды войны, им предстоит пережить конец Третьего рейха и освобождение Австрии советскими солдатами, видевшими в них врагов.
Drei Eier im Glas
Production Design
According to an African fairy tale, every child receives a song from their parents that they carry with them throughout their lives. Richard, an orphaned Tanzanian immigrant, has never had his own song. How he got one before his unexpected death and the significant, though unintended, roles played by the dark-tourism entrepreneur Drakuhl, the gray-haired hair model Barney and the heavy-drinking music teacher Kiesel won't be revealed here. Merely that the song Dead Man Play becomes an international hit.
Drei Eier im Glas
According to an African fairy tale, every child receives a song from their parents that they carry with them throughout their lives. Richard, an orphaned Tanzanian immigrant, has never had his own song. How he got one before his unexpected death and the significant, though unintended, roles played by the dark-tourism entrepreneur Drakuhl, the gray-haired hair model Barney and the heavy-drinking music teacher Kiesel won't be revealed here. Merely that the song Dead Man Play becomes an international hit.
Тёмный мир
Production Design
Действие фильма разворачивается в очевидно выпавшей из времени Германии. Страна, в которой всегда светит солнце, дети носят школьную форму, а полицейские — костюмы медведей, и мастера педикюра дарят престарелым дамам печенье. Но за красотой этого параллельного мира скрывается бездна — туда свершится поездка вместе с героями фильма.
Production Design
Парализованная Кристина обречена всю жизнь провести в инвалидном кресле. Желая изменить свое положение, она едет в Лурд, культовое место паломничества в Пиренеях. Однажды утром она просыпается здоровой: судя по всему, произошло чудо. Старший группы паломников, красивый сорокалетний доброволец из Мальтийского ордена, начинает проявлять к ней интерес. Она изо всех сил держится за этот неожиданный шанс на счастье, в то время как ее выздоровление вызывает у окружающих зависть и восхищение.
Forever Never Anywhere
Production Design
Never at the sea.
Forever Never Anywhere
Costume Design
Never at the sea.
Production Design
История австрийского художника Густава Климта, чьи отличающиеся эротизмом работы стали олицетворением модерна.
Production Design
Фильм состоит из трех новелл об ужасах семейной жизни, разворачивающихся в декорациях одной из многоэтажек в венском пригороде. Герои, состоящие в счастливом, казалось бы, браке, беззастенчиво изменяют друг другу, превращая свою жизнь в ад.
Art Direction
Thomas, a student drop-out, keeps his head above water with a life of petty crime. Passing himself off once again as a ticket inspector on a tram to extract money from fare-dodgers, he is confronted by Erich, a genuine inspector, or so it seems... However, Erich won his inspector's identity badge at cards. The two begin to meet regularly. Thomas doesn't realise until too late that he is to play a major role in Erich's long-planned coup. The well thought out plan succeeds. Unfortunately, however, Erich has failed to consider how he can convert his booty - a lorry load of valuable carpets - into hard cash. Their problems are just beginning...
Art Direction
Jojo, a bicycle messenger prone to daydreaming, gets a job offer from a stranger that begins to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. When the route becomes a regular assignment, Jojo finds romance and deadly enemies along the way.
Ein Anfang von etwas
Art Direction
Herbert lives a rather simple life, left to his own devices. He works as a projectionist in a shabby Viennese movie theater and lives alone with his red nameless cat in the free caretaker's apartment of a somewhat run-down apartment building. Now and then he visits his mother in a nursing home, meets with an old friend of his father, or comes to meetings of a savings club. Saving money is pretty much the center of his life because he has a dream. He wants to emigrate to the U.S. to buy his own movie theater and to reunite with his long-lost father. But when Rita, a young student, moves into the apartment building things in his life are changed completely.
Fear of Heights
Art Direction
An unusual love story between a farmer from a small village and a 25-year-old recently released prisoner from Vienna. First he wins the acceptance and sympathy of the villagers before his past catches up with him.
Land der Väter, Land der Söhne
Art Direction
A young journalist researches the life of his father which leads him to path of contradictions until he uncovers a gruelling truth.
Das Jagdgewehr
Costume Design
Thomas Larcher has adapted Yasushi Inoue’s best-seller The Hunting Gun for his first opera, with a libretto by Austrian Book Prize winner Friederike Gösweiner. Austrian actor and film director Karl Markovics made his debut as stage director for an opera. The story tells of three women, who speak in three letters addressed to the same man, a hunter – his wife, his lover and his lover’s daughter. As the women react to the revelation of illicit love, the hunter’s life is laid bare.
Das Jagdgewehr
Set Designer
Thomas Larcher has adapted Yasushi Inoue’s best-seller The Hunting Gun for his first opera, with a libretto by Austrian Book Prize winner Friederike Gösweiner. Austrian actor and film director Karl Markovics made his debut as stage director for an opera. The story tells of three women, who speak in three letters addressed to the same man, a hunter – his wife, his lover and his lover’s daughter. As the women react to the revelation of illicit love, the hunter’s life is laid bare.