Arthur Hoyt

Arthur Hoyt

Рождение : 1873-03-19, Georgetown, Colorado, USA

Смерть : 1953-01-04


Arthur Hoyt


The Sin of Harold Diddlebock
J.P. Blackstone
Twenty-three years after scoring the winning touchdown for his college football team mild-mannered Harold Diddlebock, who has been stuck in a dull, dead-end book-keeping job for years, is let go by his pompous boss, advertising tycoon J.E. Wagglebury, with nothing but a tiny pension. Harold, who never touches the stuff, takes a stiff drink with his new pal... and another, and another. What happened Wednesday?
Чудо в Морганс-Крик
Governor's Secretary (uncredited)
После вечеринки по случаю проводов отряда военных, взбалмошная девица Труди Кокенлокер из провинциального городка наутро оказывается замужем и беременной и не помнит, кто является её мужем и отцом ребенка. Местный парень Норвелл Джонс, влюблённый в неё много лет, пытается помочь ей выпутаться из этого затруднительного положения. Они заключают фиктивный брак под чужой фамилией, который впоследствии был признан законным. Из-за этого фиктивного брака, Норвелл оказывается обвинен в мошенничестве и посажен в тюрьму. Пока Норвелл отсиживал свой срок, Труди рожает шестерых близнецов и весть об этом событии разлетается по всему миру. Норвелл же, выйдя из тюрьмы, ничего об этом не знает, приезжает увидеться с Труди, где ему сообщают эту радостную весть, от чего он чуть не сходит с ума. В 2000 году фильм вошел в список «100 лучших комедий» по оценкам Американского института кино (AFI).
Keep 'Em Slugging
Mr. Quink
A gang of tough street kids decide to go straight and get jobs in order to free draft-age men for the war effort. However, because of their past tangles with the law, they can't find anybody who'll hire them. Finally one of them gets a job at the department store where his sister works, but runs afoul of a store executive who is in league with a ring of hijackers.
My Heart Belongs to Daddy
Smith, Faculty Member
A distinguished professor finds his well-ordered life tospy-turvy after he is forced to take in a pregnant widow.
Apache Trail
Meredith - Stage Passenger (uncredited)
The brother of a notorious outlaw is put in a charge of a stagecoach line way station in dangerous Apache territory. A stagecoach arrives at the station with a valuable box of cargo, and the outlaw brother soon shows up, though denying that he's planning to take the cargo box. Soon, however, rampaging Apaches attack the station, and the station manager, his brother and a disparate group of passengers and employees must fight them off.
Приключения в Палм-Бич
Pullman Conductor
Том и Джерри Джефферс женаты уже несколько лет, но супружеская жизнь не складывается. Низкой зарплаты Тома не хватает на содержание их супружеского гнездышка, и молодым грозит выселение из квартиры. Джерри знакомится со странным богатым человечком по прозвищу «Король сосисок», который в будущем вроде бы должен занять их квартиру. Новый знакомый дает ей 700 долларов для начала «новой жизни». Том не верит в «просто благотворительность» миллионера, и, подозревая измену, устраивает скандал. Милые ссорятся «навсегда». Джерри, посчитав, что их супружеской жизни пришел конец, отправляется в Палм-Бич, где надеется оформить быстрый развод. Том, взвесив все за и против в сложившейся ситуации, намерен ей помешать…
They Meet Again
Redmond, Governor's Secretary
Dr. Christian takes time out from his appointed rounds to help clear a bank teller of embezzlement charges.
Леди Ева
Lawyer at Phone in Pike's Office (uncredited)
После года проведенного на Амазонке, хороший знаток змей, но плохой знаток женщин, на океанском лайнере возвращается домой Чарльз Пайк. Он сын пивного короля и каждая девушка мечтает о знакомстве с ним. Но только Джин удается с маху преодолеть его рассеянность и застенчивость. Бедняга как муха на мед летит в объятия напористой искусительницы, не подозревая, что у Джин совсем не романтические планы… Она и ее отец — знаменитые карточные шулера и для нее охмурить мужчину, что передернуть колоду…
Audition Official
A radio actor faces trouble when a science-fiction story causes the audience to panic.
Christmas in July
Mild Juror (uncredited)
An office clerk loves entering contests in the hopes of someday winning a fortune and marrying the girl he loves. His latest attempt is the Maxford House Coffee Slogan Contest. As a joke, some of his co-workers put together a fake telegram which says that he won the $25,000 grand prize.
Я люблю тебя снова
Mr. Hines - Floorwalker (uncredited)
Скучный и скупой бизнесмен Ларри Уилсон возвращается из кругосветного круиза, в последнюю ночь он пытается спасти Дока, упавшего с корабля, и в результате сам оказывается за бортом. Во время спасения их матросами Ларри получает веслом по голове, после чего он полностью забывает свое настоящее и помнит только то, что происходило с ним девять лет назад. Ларри считает, что он мошенник Джордж Кэри и вместе с Доком он хочет обчистить сейф Ларри Уилсона. В это же время он узнает, что у него есть красавица-жена Кей, которая хочет с ним развестись. Ларри не хочет разводиться с ней и делает все возможное, чтобы Кей влюбилась в него снова...
Великий МакГинти
Mayor Wilfred H. Tillinghast
Дэн МакГинти ведет успешную, но весьма лживую политическую деятельность. Но всего лишь один момент необдуманной честности ставит все под угрозу…
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
Little Man
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
East Side of Heaven
Loftus (uncredited)
A man finds himself the father, by proxy, of a ten-month-old baby and becomes involved in the turbulent lives of the child's family.
Sergeant Madden
Police Prompter
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
Созданы друг для друга
Jury Foreman
Красивая Джейн и Джон Мэйсон — симпатичная молодая пара, которая проходит через все тернии совместной жизни — от безумной влюбленности первых встреч до будней семейной жизни и рождению первого ребенка. В то время как все окружающие уверенны в том, что именно эти двое предназначены друг для друга, судьба решает все иначе и пара должна встретиться с неодобрительными взглядами родственников со стороны супруга, напряженной обстановкой на работе, финансовыми трудностями и смертельно опасной болезнью малыша…
Ковбой и леди
Valet (uncredited)
Мэри Смит не может посещать ночные заведения или расслабляться любым другим подобным образом, потому что любой намёк скандала может повредить политической карьере её отца. Однажды ей это надоедает и она с двумя другими девушками отправляется на свидание с участниками родео. Своему новому кавалеру — Стречу — Мэри говорит, что она горничная и что она сбежала из дома, так как её избивает отец. Возлюбленные решают убежать. Теперь Мэри стоит перед выбором: продолжать ей авантюру со Стречем или вернуться домой.
Hard to Get
Mr. Petewyler (uncredited)
When spoiled young heiress Maggie Richards tries to charge some gasoline at an auto camp run by Bill Davis, he makes her work out her bill by making beds. Resolving to get even, she pretends to have forgiven him, and sends him to her father to get financing for a plan Bill has. What happens next was not part of her original revenge plan.
Girls on Probation
Mr. Engstrom
A dizzy young girl falls into crime but wins her lawyer's heart.
Tom Selig
Действие происходит между двумя президентскими выборами. В ночь 1904 года в честь выборов на пост Теодора Рузвельта в небольшом городке Сильвер Боу семья почтенного фармацевта Неда Эллиота собирается на бал, впрочем, как и весь городок. Старшая из трех сестер, серьезная и уравновешенная Луиза собирается за молодого человека замуж, как только он сделает ей предложение. Средняя, Хелен, взбалмошная и самая красивая из сестер, жаждет романтики и свободы за пределами маленького городка, ну а младшая, флегматичная Грейс тихо влюблена в поклонника Луизы. На балу Луиза знакомится с залетным спортивным обозревателем газеты из Сан-Франциско Френком Медлином, блестящим кавалером с большими планами.
The Rage of Paris
Assistant Manager (uncredited)
Nicole has no job and is several weeks behind with her rent. Her solution to her problems is to try and snare a rich husband. Enlisting the help of her friend Gloria and the maitre'd at a ritzy New York City hotel, the trio plot to have Gloria catch the eye of Bill Duncan, a millionaire staying at the hotel. The plan works and the two quickly become engaged. Nicole's plan may be thwarted by Bill's friend, Jim Trevor, who's met Nicole before and sees through her plot.
One Wild Night
McBride (uncredited)
Frenzied comedy starring June Lang as a reporter investigating the mysterious disappearances of four men who had all withdrawn large sums of money from the local bank in Stockton, Ohio.
The Devil's Party
Adults who grew up as slum kids meet later in life, but murder disrupts their reunion.
Love on a Budget
Fred - Chief Councilman
This late entry in the popular "The Jones Family" series of '30s comedies has the family contending with a troublesome (and possibly crooked) uncle while trying to cut household expenses.
Start Cheering
After retiring from movies to get an education, a man discovers his ex-staff is trying to have him expelled.
The Black Doll
Nicholas Rood, dishonest mine owner, finds a Black Doll on his desk and knows that vengeance is about to overtake him for murdering his former partner. He is knifed as he talks to his daughter Marian. She summons her fiancé Nick Halstead, a private detective. He finds that six people had a motive for the murder; Rood's sister Mrs. Laura Leland; her son Rex; Rood's associates Mallison and Walling; Esteban, a servant and Dr. Giddings. Sheriff Renick and his deputy Red get the clues all mixed up, but Nick finally narrows the search down to one suspect...
Love Takes Flight
A commercial pilot romances both a Hollywood actress and a female aviator. 1937.
The Westland Case
Dr. Shuttle
A detective must solve a case where a girl was murdered in a room--and all the doors and windows were locked from the inside.
The Wrong Road
A young married couple whose plans for their life together haven't turned out as expected decide to rob the bank where the husband works of $100,000, then hide the money in a safe place and return for it after they serve out their sentences. All goes according to plan until they get out of prison, when they find that they're being trailed by an insurance investigator and the husband's old cellmate, who has decided that he wants a cut of the money.
It's All Yours
Jimmy Barnes arrives from Europe to be educated by his multi-millionaire uncle, Edward J. Barnes and in five years the extravagant escapes of Jimmy, now a lawyer, are the talk of San Francisco. Linda Gray is a mouse-like secretary to the elder Barnes who has fallen in love with Jimmy, but he favors actress Constance "Connie" Marlowe. Mr. Barnes dies and leaves everything to Linda but he has urged his partner, Alexander Duncan, to plan things so that Jimmy and Linda will get married. Coached by Duncan, Linda accepts the inheritance and announces that she is departing for New York on a wild spending spree. He tells Jimmy that the will can be broken but only after many months and he suggests that Jimmy follow Linda and curb her spending or there won't be any money left. In New York, Linda hires Jimmy as her private secretary. Connie also arrives in New York, as does the ingenious Baron Rene de Montigny with the intention of marrying the wealthy Miss Gray.
She's No Lady
Mr. Douglas
Alden "Bill" Carter III sees a beautiful woman, Jerry, dining alone at the Park Savoy in New York, and after a brief flirtation, introduces himself. After he entreats her to be his "mystery woman" to make his girl friend jealous, Jerry agrees to attend a reception that night with him at the Douglas home. This plays right into Jerry's plans, as she is a jewel thief who intends to steal the Douglas jewels with her cohorts, Uncle John and Jeff...
Легкая жизнь
Jeweler (uncredited)
J.B. Ball, a rich financier, gets fed up with his free-spending family. He takes his wife's just-bought (very expensive) sable coat and throws it out the window, it lands on poor hard-working girl Mary Smith. But it isn't so easy to just give away something so valuable, as he soon learns.
Ever Since Eve
Hotel Manager
Madge Winton (Marion Davies), a beautiful secretary, makes herself look homely in order to avoid advances by lecherous bosses. When her new employer, writer Freddy Matthews (Robert Montgomery), accidentally sees her without her disguise, she has to pretend to be her roommate Sadie.
Paradise Express
Phineas K. Trotter
A small railroad is being squeezed out of business by the tactics of a trucking company owned by gangsters.
Join the Marines
Capt. James
New York City cop Phil Donlon leaves the force to join the U.S. Olympic team. When he falls for a Marine colonel's daughter he gets kicked off the team. Joining the Marines to win the Colonel's approval many adventures follow.
We Who Are About to Die
Governor's Secretary (uncredited)
John Thompson is kidnapped by mobsters after quitting his job. Then he is arrested, tried, and sentenced to death for murders they committed. A suspicious detective thinks he is innocent and works to save his life.
Классный парень
Furniture Salesman (Uncredited)
Джон Грин — старший чиновник палаты мер и весов лежит в больнице, после того как попал в автомобильную аварию. Его навещает коллега Джонни Кэйв. Грин делится с ним своими предположениями о том, что авария подстроена бандой некого Всемогущего Кевена. Джонни просит молодого человека занять его должность в палате мер и весов, чтобы вывести на чистую воду негодяев, подстроивших аварию, но Грин предупреждает, что банде покровительствует кто-то из правительства и, зная вспыльчивый характер парня, умоляет не пускать без причины в ход кулаки. Кэйву предстоит единолично начать борьбу с владельцами магазинов и складов, которые обвешивают покупателей при помощи хитроумных уловок и приспособлений, ведь потери только за один год для граждан и государства, от деятельности этих непорядочных бизнесменов, составляет приличную сумму, равную оборонному бюджету страны…
Smartest Girl in Town
Wedding Minister
A girl in search of a rich husband mistakes a millionaire for a male model.
How to Be a Detective
Worried Citizen (uncredited)
This Robert Benchley 'How To' comedy short attempts to teach us how to profile criminals by physical characteristics.
Don't Turn 'em Loose
Judge Bass - Head of Parole Board
A conscientious attorney who is a member of the State Parole Board, finds his own son, using an alias, up for parole and makes the decision to cast the approving vote.
Lady Luck
J. Baldwin Hemingway
New York manicurist Mamie Murphy plans to marry a rich man, so she repeatedly turns down the proposals of honest reporter David Haines. When she is announced the winner of $2,500 and a ticket worth $150,000 for champion horse Lady Luck, if the horse wins an upcoming race, Mamie is pursued by wealthy sportsman Jack Conroy and nightclub owner and racketeer Tony Morelli.
Walking on Air
Mr. Thompson (uncredited)
A strong-willed young woman hires a student to impersonate a boorish French count and brings him home to meet her parents.
Sing, Baby, Sing
Mr. Vissinger
The "Caliban-Ariel" romance of fiftysomething John Barrymore and teenager Elaine Barrie is spoofed in this delightful 20th Century Fox musical. Adolphe Menjou plays the Barrymore counterpart, a loose-living movie star with a penchant for wine, women, and more wine. Alice Faye plays a nightclub singer hungry for publicity. Her agent (Gregory Ratoff) arranges a "romance" between Faye and Menjou. Eventually Faye winds up with Michael Whalen, allowing Menjou to continue his blissful, bibulous bachelorhood. Sing, Baby, Sing represented the feature-film debut of the Ritz Brothers, who are in top form in their specialty numbers--and who are awarded a final curtain call after the "The End" title, just so the audience won't forget them (The same device was used to introduce British actor George Sanders in Fox's Lancer Spy [37]).
James Morpher
The third film version of the Bret Harte tale, starring Anne Shirley as a miner's daughter in a small town who falls for a handsome young schoolteacher.
Poor Little Rich Girl
Percival Gooch
Cossetted and bored, Barbara Barry is finally sent off to school by her busy if doting widowed soap manufacturer father. When her nurse is injured en route, Barbara finds herself alone in town, ending up as part of radio song-and-dance act Dolan and Dolan sponsored by a rival soap company.
Early to Bed
Chester Beatty and Tessie Weeks have been engaged for 5 years and going together for 15 years before that. Chester is reluctant to burden Tessie with marriage because of his secret problem. He is a sleepwalker. When Tessie finally does rope Chester into marriage, he can't get time off from his boss of 26 years, Mr. Frisbee. To resolve the problem, Chester sets out to impress his boss by securing a big sales contract of glass eyes. He takes Tessie and follows the rich doll company owner Horace B. Stanton to a lakeside resort and befriends him. However, his sleep-walking makes him a prime suspect in a thievery/murder case.
Grouch (uncredited)
По рассказу "Правило толпы" Нормана Красны. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, происшедших в окрестностях Сан-Франциско в 1930-е годы. Спровоцированная толпа обывателей провинциального городка осаждает и поджигает тюрьму, где заключен подозреваемый в похищении детей совершенно невиновный человек.
Мистер Дидс переезжает в город
Budington (uncredited)
Лонгфеллоу Дидс, деревенщина из Вермонта, наследует огромное состояние своего дяди и за одну ночь становится известен всей стране. Весь городок собирается на вокзале, чтобы проводить Дидса, поэта, играющего на трубе, в Нью-Йорк, где он должен вступить во владение дядюшкиным капиталом и переехать в огромный особняк. Циничный газетчик МакУэйд не верит в имидж простого честного человека, созданный Дидсу в прессе. Он поручает красавице Бэйб Беннетт взять у парня интервью и дает ей недвусмысленные инструкции. Журналистка притворяется, что теряет сознание у входа в особняк. Галантный Дидс поднимает ее на руки, заботится. Она сообщает ему, что осталась без работы и постепенно начинает вытягивать информацию…
Two in the Dark
Mr. Pinkley
Ford Adams regains consciousness in Boston, bloody and suffering from amnesia. Information he eventually uncovers (with the help of Marie Smith) connects him to a well-known producer--who's just been murdered.
Magnificent Obsession
A playboy tries to redeem himself after his careless behavior causes a great man's death.
$1000 a Minute
Jewel clerk
Two rich and wealthy millionaires who have a lot of money bet that reporter Wally Jones can't spend $720,000 in twelve hours.
Welcome Home
A con artist attends a reunion in his hometown and discovers that his former classmates are trying to trick an old millionaire into returning to build a factory.
Men of Action
Mr. Evans
A villainous banker and his hired saboteurs attempt to thwart construction of Sweetwater Dam.
The Raven
Chapman - Buyer of Poe Memorabilia (uncredited)
A brilliant but deranged neurosurgeon becomes obsessively fixated on a judge's daughter. With the help of an escaped criminal whose face he has surgically deformed, the mad man lures her, her father, and her fiancé to his isolated castle-like home, where he has created a torture chamber with the intent of torturing them for having 'tortured' him.
Chinatown Squad
William Ward
Police search for the killer of a man who misused $700,000 intended for the Chinese Communists.
Traveling Saleslady
Delegate (uncredited)
A toothpaste magnate's mischievous daughter, tired of her father's traditional ways of conducting business, joins forces with her father's rival and a crazy inventor. Together they create "Cocktail Toothpaste". The new concoction tastes like whiskey in the morning, a martini at suppertime, and champagne at night.
A Night at the Ritz
Mr. Hassler
A PR man talks a swanky hotel into hiring his girlfriend's brother as chef.
Murder on a Honeymoon
Dr. O'Rourke
A schoolteacher and amateur sleuth suspects foul play when a fellow passenger on a seaplane gets sick and dies. The third and final film with Edna May Oliver and James Gleason as the astute schoolteacher Hildegarde Withers and the New York Police Inspector Oscar Piper busy solving crimes.
One Hour Late
When the romance between radio-singer Eddie Blake and Bessie Dunn goes sour through a series of misunderstanding, Bessie packs to take a week-end trip with the station boss,Stephen Barclay, and Eddie proposes to Hazel, who appears to be open to any kind of proposal. With all of the principals involved and in the office elevator, a cable breaks and the elevator is suspended between floors...and the resolvements begin.
Willis Ivans
Middle aged George F. Babbitt is a leading citizen in the town of Zenith, the fastest growing community in America according to its town sign. George is a large part of that growth as a property developer and realtor. He is lovingly married to his wife Myra, the two who have two children, Ted and Verona who are approaching adulthood. George has always had a fearless attitude, much like that of a naive child, which has led to his business success. He encounters some personal stresses when he faces what he believes is a potential home-wrecking issue, and when his oldest friend Paul and his wife Zilla deal with domestic problems. These stresses make George want to provide even more to his own family, leading to George agreeing to participate in a less than scrupulous but lucrative business dealing. George's bravura gets him into a potential scandal. This situation makes him question his general behavior, especially toward his family.
Mr. Smith
Larry O'Roark is a boxer who's insanely posssesive and jealous of his fiancee, Jo. the sight of her and her employer, Mr. Lambert, at ringside during his big fight distracts Larry and he is knocked out. He then promises never to be jealous again and marries Jo. When she realizes that they're broke she asks Lambert for a job (she had quit on marrying Larry.) One thing leads to another and Larry, enraged with jealousy, end up killing Lambert. He then wanders off in a daze, and Jo takes the rap for the murder. Larry descends from his amnesiac fog just in time to interrupt the announcement of the jury's verdict in Jo's trial. then it's off to the chair for Larry. Or is it?
I Sell Anything
Franj Entwistle (uncredited)
Auctioneer Spot Cash Cutler is planning the scam of a lifetime, but will he get burned?
No Ransom
In this family comedy, the wealthy executive of a steel company must endure life with a strict, teetotaling wife, a wild daughter, and a deadbeat son. To gain some much needed attention, the lonesome fellow hires a hitman to kill him. Instead, the gunman kidnaps him to frighten the family into appreciating their devoted father.
Student Tour
Assistant to Dean
A philosophy professor accompanies his school's rowing team on a worldwide tour.
Wake Up and Dream
George Spelvin
The story of a small-time vaudeville trio and their rise to the big time.
Kansas City Princess
Mr. Greenway
Rosie and Marie are wisecracking Kansas City manicurists. Marie is an unabashed golddigger but Rosie would like to marry her gangster boyfriend Dynamite, who's given her an expensive ring. When she loses the ring, both friends have to flee Dynamite's wrath; their adventures include masquerading as girl scouts and taking an ocean voyage to Paris.
Million Dollar Ransom
Justice of the Peace (Uncredited)
To stop his mother from marrying a man he doesn't like, a young millionaire hires an ex-con in helping him fake his own kidnaping.
Springtime for Henry
Alfred Ordway
A rakish fellow involves himself with a married woman. Later his secretary endeavors to win him away with the promise of a more stable relationship. The rake is tempted, but then decides he prefers the married woman, which is fine with her husband who has an eye for the secretary.
One More River
Perkins (Uncredited)
A young lady leaves her brutal husband and meets another man on board a ship.
Hat, Coat and Glove
James Gardner (uncredited)
A prominent New York attorney defends his estranged wife's lover, who's been charged with the murder of a model in Greenwich Village.
Let's Try Again
To divorce, or not to divorce. That is the question pondered by a married couple of 10 years who miss their burning desire for each other (Clive Brook and Diana Wynyard) in this 1934 film directed by Worthington Miner.
Unknown Blonde
Mr. Vail
An unprincipled hustler who makes his living getting--or making up--evidence in divorce cases finds that he's framing his own daughter.
Это случилось однажды ночью
Элли собирается замуж за знаменитого летчика Кинга Вестли, но ее отец презирает того, считая светским бездельником, поэтому он сажает дочь под замок и ищет основания для аннулирования помолвки. Элли удается бежать и она отправляется навстречу суженому в Нью-Йорк на автобусе. В том же автобусе едет только что уволенный репортер Питер. Ему необходима сенсация, чтобы восстановить отношения с редактором. В лице беглой наследницы миллионов, которую ищет полиция всей страны, судьба улыбается ему. Он обещает помочь ей, но в пути планы обоих меняются. О, великая сила любви.
The Super Snooper
Andy is a rich and well-respected man. But he's concerned what sort of boyfriend his daughter might have gotten as she's talking marriage and her previous boyfriends were very short-term and he didn't like them very much. So, when he learns where this boyfriend works, he goes undercover as a porter there to spy on him. Unfortunately, he ends up befriending the wrong folks and thinks the boyfriend is a crook...when it's really these new 'friends' who are jewel thieves.
The 9th Guest
Osgood's Secretary (Uncredited)
Eight people are invited by an unsigned telegram to a penthouse apartment, where they find themselves locked in and greeted by their unknown host's voice via the radio, who explains that before the night is over each one will be die unless they manage to outwit the ninth guest, Death.
Hold Your Temper
The day starts out fine for Leon, but as it goes on, things start to deteriorate.
In the Money
Professor Higginbottom
When the chemical company owned by eccentric Professor Higginbottom files for bankruptcy, the formerly-affluent family loses its income. Levelheaded oldest daughter Lambie struggles to make ends meet but has trouble persuading her carefree, profligate siblings to cut down on their spending. Youngest brother Dick enters a motorcycle race to win $500, but crashes his bike on the speedway and is paralyzed. Shocked into reality by the tragedy, Lambie's younger sister Babs persuades ex-prizefighter Gunboat Bimms to enter the ring one last time in hopes of winning a purse that will pay for Dick's surgery.
The Chief
Man at Alderman Meeting
The dim-witted son of a heroic fire chief tries to follow in his late father's footsteps, only to become the unknowing pawn of corrupt politicians.
Only Yesterday
Burton (Uncredited)
On the back of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, a young business man is about to commit suicide. With the note to his wife scribbled down and a gun in his hand, he notices a thick envelope addressed to him at the desk. As he begin to read, we're taken back to the days of WW1 and his meeting with a young woman named Mary Lane.
Curtain at Eight
Watkins, theater watchman
An elderly detective sets out to find who murdered a lecherous stage actor. His estranged wife? His would-be fiancee? Her father? Her boyfriend? A suicided actress's sister? The temperamental prop man? Or maybe the show's talented female chimpanzee?
Ann Vickers
Mr. Penny (uncredited)
After a love affair ending in an abortion, a young prison reformer submerges herself in her work. She then falls for a controversial and married judge and scandal looms again.
Shanghai Madness
Van Emery
In the 1920s Pat Jackson destroys a Chinese post and is discharged from the Navy. Li Po Chang hires him to run a gunboat up the river. He drops Wildeth off at a mission for safety, but when his boat returns the mission is being attacked by communists.
A Shriek in the Night
Rival newspaper reporters Pat Morgan and Ted Rand find themselves unraveling the mystery behind the death of a millionaire philanthropist who fell from his penthouse balcony. When it is discovered that the plunge was not an accident, the building's residents come under suspicion. Soon, the body count begins to mount as three more murders occur by strangulation.
Laughing at Life
Easter, a soldier of fortune and gunrunner, leaves his family behind escaping from the authorities and an American detective named Mason. His globe hopping escape leads him finally to South America, where he is hired to organize a band of revolutionaries, unaware that they plan to eliminate him when his job is done. Here, also, he encounters his own son, on track to waste his own life in pursuits similar to Easter's.
Gambling Ship
Roger (uncredited)
Tired of the dangerous life as gambling boss, Ace Corbin 'retires' from the racket and travels cross-country by train to begin a new life with a new name. On the train, he meets Eleanor and they fall in love. Eleanor is afraid to tell Ace she's a soiled dove and Ace doesn't tell Eleanor of his shady past. Old enemies won't let Ace begin his new life, and old commitments's won't free Eleanor of her sordid ties. Ace's old life and Eleanor's deception collide with the typical results. But love conquers all!
His Private Secretary
Dick Wallace wants to marry a minister's grand-daughter but his father, who wants him to get work on his company's business, is opposed. She takes a job with the company to prove she's okay.
Man Hunt
John Harper, Realtor (uncredited)
A teen detective tries to help a jewel thief's daughter.
Pleasure Cruise
Shirley, a married woman, who is fed up of her husband's incessant nagging, decides to go on a cruise. Her husband also gets on the cruise as a worker in the barber shop to keep an eye on her.
The Eleventh Commandment
Charlie Moore
A wealthy recluse dies in her New York mansion, leaving an estate worth $50 million. Shortly after, various people turn up claiming to be the rightful heir to her fortune.
Daring Daughters
A savvy city girl tries to protect her naive sister, who has just moved from the country, from the temptations--and men--of big-city life.
Dangerously Yours
Dr. Ryder
A playboy asks his friend to borrow his yacht to entertain his girlfriend.
Goldie Gets Along
Mayor Silas C. Simms
A small-town girl schemes to get to Hollywood only to run into the man she left behind.
No Other Woman
Bridge Player
A steelworker and his aspiring wife make millions when they become partners in a dyeworks. Unfortunately, success does not bring happiness.
20 000 лет в Синг Синге
Dr. Meeker (uncredited)
Том Коннорс приговорен к заключению в тюрьме Синг-Синг, но верит, что его влиятельные друзья скоро помогут ему выйти на свободу. Однако, он проводит 90 дней в камере-одиночке и понимает, что на свободе он окажется нескоро. Он узнает, что его подруга Фэй ранена, и начальник позволяет Тому посетить ее, отпуская его под честное слово. Во время столкновения с гангстером Джо Финном Фэй убивает Джо, но обвиняет в случившемся Тома. Теперь ему грозит электрический стул…
Call Her Savage
Mr. Russell, Attorney (Uncredited)
A high-spirited, short-tempered, young woman hates her father and loves to rebel against him. She marries a man whom her father hates but her marriage fails and she learns the errors of her ways.
Red Haired Alibi
Waiter at Peacock Inn
A young woman new to the big city gets a job as a man's companion. What she doesn't know is that the man is a notorious gangster.
Washington Merry-Go-Round
Button Gwinett Brown is a freshman congressman on a mission to rid Washington of corruption. He quickly runs afoul of the powerful Senator Norton...
Vanity Street
Albert Kerr
A New York policeman helps a hungry and penniless young woman start life anew by arranging to get her a job in "The Follies".
The Crusader
Oscar Shane
Gangsters scheme to get rid of a crusading District Attorney by blackmailing him through his daughter.
The All-American
The story of the rise and fall of an All-American football player.
American Madness
Socially-conscious banker Thomas Dickson faces a crisis when his protégé is wrongly accused of robbing the bank, gossip of the robbery starts a bank run, and evidence suggests Dickson's wife had an affair... all in the same day.
Дьявол и глубина
Mr. Planet
Командующий военно-морских сил Чарльз Шторм сделал несчастной жизнь своей жены Дианы из-за безумной, болезненной ревности по каждому поводу. Он ревнует ее ко всем, с кем она говорит. Такое одержимое поведение утомляет ее, и однажды она встречает симпатичного лейтенанта, с которым чувствует себя свободно. Когда Чарльз узнает об этом, он в ярости готовит месть.
Madame Racketeer
International con artist Martha Hicks a.k.a. Countess von Claudwig is released from another stay in prison and decides to treat her rheumatism with a stay at her estranged husband's hotel at a Wisconsin spa. There undercover, she checks in on the two daughters she abandoned as infants.
Dynamite Ranch
Howell breaks up a train robbery only to find that it's a fake. However the money is missing and he is blamed. He escapes and sets out to find the real thieves. He must also avoid being caught visiting the Collins ranch to see Doris.
Make Me a Star
Hardy Powell
A grocery clerk, longing to become a cowboy actor, goes to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. Unfortunately, his acting ability is non-existent.
Новая мораль для стариков
Art Student (uncredited)
У правильных родителей, которые относятся к своим взрослым детям как к подросткам, есть сын, который хочет поехать в Париж, чтобы изучать искусство, и дочь, влюбленная в женатого мужчину.
Love in High Gear
Thaddeus Heath
A young couple making plans to elope are overheard by a jewel thief, who sees a chance to turn the situation to his advantage.
The Impatient Maiden
Mr. Thomas
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
After a quarrel at their 25th wedding anniversary, Joe and Aggie Bruno decide to divorce each other, and both leave for Reno. So do their daughters Prudence and Pansy, but they want to get their parents back together. Joe and Aggie, accidentally, are becoming clients at the same law-firm, Wattles and Swift, which is the biggest and most successful in town.
Take 'em and Shake 'em
Take 'em and Shake 'em is a 1931 Comedy short.
Side Show
Dr. Martin
A circus side show performer tries to discourage her younger sister from following in her footsteps.
Gold Dust Gertie
Minister Tate
Early 30s pre-code comedy about a woman attempting to get her two ex-husbands to pay back alimony.
Blondes Prefer Bonds
The Husband
Louise Fazdenda decides to get a make-over to rekindle the romance in her marriage. Somehow the rejuvenation process takes them back to the time of their courtship...the big hats and big bustles. Neither does much to rekindle the husband's dying flame but does attract the attention of a couple of other men.
The Criminal Code
Leonard Nettleford
After young Robert Graham commits a murder while drunk and defending his girlfriend, he is prosecuted by ambitious Mark Brady and sentenced to 10 years. Six years later, Brady becomes the prison warden and offers the beleaguered Robert a job as his chauffeur. Robert cleans up his act, but, on the eve of his pardon, his cellmate drags him back into the world of violence, and he faces a difficult choice that could return him to prison.
Going Wild
Robert Story
Rollo and Lane just happen to be tossed off the train at White Beach where Robert Story -Air ace and writer- is supposed to stop. It is a case of mistaken identity as no one knows what Story looks like. So they get free room and meals at the Palm Inn and everything is going well until they want Story to fly in the race on Saturday. Rollo has never even be up in a plane, never mind fly one, so he must figure a way out. But the girls have everything bet on his winning the race. Written by Tony Fontana
Along Came Youth
Set in London, American Larry Brooks, former millionaire and now broke, pursues lovely Elinor Farrington who, encouraged by her Aunt to marry wealth, falls for him not knowing that he is poor. Trying to regain his status in the racing world since the loss of his champion racehorse and the efforts of a gangster left him penniless, he and his trainer live from hand to mouth as he tries desperately to woo the girl, despite her aunt's suspicions. But Elinor soon finds herself falling for him until he admits to all that he is not what he appears to be.
The Life of the Party
Two gold diggers try a French dressmaker, two Mr. Smiths and Havana.
On Your Back
On Your Back is a 1930 American drama film directed by Guthrie McClintic and written by Howard J. Green. The film stars Irene Rich, Raymond Hackett, H. B. Warner, Wheeler Oakman, Marion Shilling and Ilka Chase.
Night Work
George Twining
Willie, as an assistant window-dresser, is the lowest man on the totem pole at a department store. To add insult-to-injury Willie is also the store's designated 'Fired Man."; when a disgruntled customer demands that somebody-must-be-fired, Willie is summoned and summarily fired, only to be rehired when the now-satisfied customer has departed. Willie inadvertently adopts a four-year-old orphan at a cost of ten-dollars a week, and things go from bad to worse since Willie doesn't make ten-dollars a week. But, with the help of Mary, a beautiful young nurse, Willie manages to turn some corners and improve his lot in life, albeit with some skids along the way.
Dumb-bells in Ermine
Siegfried Strong
In a small town in Virginia, Faith Corey, daughter of a socially prominent family, meets and falls in love with Jerry Malone, a prizefighter, though her straitlaced mother wants her to marry Siegfried, a spellbinding "missionary reformer." Though Grandma Corey promotes the romance with the prizefighter, Mike, the fighter's hardboiled, wisecracking manager, tries to keep them apart; following a quarrel, Faith reconciles herself to marrying Siegfried, but when he invites a group of "weak sisters" to a revival meeting, he is disgraced when one accuses him of her downfall. Finally, with Mike's advice, Jerry wins back Faith and they are united with the family's blessings.
The Girl Said No
The Minister
A comedy romance in which breezy Haines, as a young lady killer, tries to capture the heart of Hyams who has turned him down for Bushman. Haines plots dozens of extreme measures to win her over, and finally goes so far as to drag her from the altar, bound and gagged.
Семь дней отпуска
Mr. Willings
While a Canadian soldier recovers in London, a nurse tells him that a Scottish widow believes he is her son. To comfort the widow, the soldier agrees to pretend to be her Scottish son. Seven Days Leave is a screen adaption of one of James M. Barrie's plays, The Old Lady Shows Her Medals.
Peacock Alley
Claire Tree spends the night in the hotel room of her friend and confidante, saying goodbye to him before her impending marriage the following day. When she returns to the hotel with her husband the following night, the house detective accuses her of prostitution and throws them out. Now Claire must explain everything to her unsympathetic husband.
Her Private Affair
Michael Sturm
A married society woman accidentally kills her would-be lover and blackmailer and then suffers a crisis of conscience when his disgruntled butler is charged with the crime.
Say It with Songs
Mr. Jones
Joe Lane, radio entertainer and songwriter, learns that the manager of the studio, Arthur Phillips, has made improper advances to his wife, Katherine. Infuriated, Lane engages him in a fight, and the encounter results in Phillips' accidental death. Joe goes to prison for a few years, and when he is released he visits his son, Little Pal, at school and is begged by him to run away together.
The Wheel of Life
George Faraker
British officer Capt. Leslie Yeullat is at present on leave in London. Falling in love with Ruth Dangan, the wife of his commanding officer, Yeullat does the gentlemanly thing by suppressing his own emotions for the sake of the Regiment. He goes so far as to resign from his commission and returns to India as a civilian.
Stolen Kisses
A crotchety old coot wants his son and daughter-in-law to have kids so he can have grandchildren, but so far they haven't done so. In a somewhat ham-handed attempt to bring them closer together so they'll be in the mood to give them the grandchildren he wants, he winds up bringing them to the point where they're considering divorcing. He decides to change his tactics in order to achieve his goal.
My Man
Fannie Brand, an industrious girl who supports her brother and sister by working in a theatrical costume house, falls in love with Joe Halsey, a young fellow who earns a precarious living demonstrating an elastic exerciser in a drugstore window. Fannie and Joe set a date to be married, but the wedding is called off when Fannie finds Joe making love to her unprincipled sister, Edna. Fannie auditions for Landau, a theatrical producer, and goes on the Broadway stage. Fannie is a great success, and she and Joe soon find their way back into each other's arms.
Home, James
William Waller (floorwalker)
An artistic salesgirl falls in love with a chauffeur not realising he is actually the heir to a huge fortune.
Just Married
After many outrageous moments, a young girl marries her former acquaintance, not with her fiancee.
A Texas Steer
Knott Innitt
Laconic cowboy Maverick Brander just happens to be a very wealthy rancher, but the money doesn't really mean that much to him. The same can't be said for his social-climbing wife and his man-crazy daughter Bossy. His wife, with the help of some political bosses, helps Maverick get elected to Congress, where he manages to get in all sorts of trouble, including getting blackmailed by opponents of a bill he's trying to get passed.
Shanghai Bound
Landing at a Chinese port, tough sea captain Bucklin and his passengers are threatened by a marauding war lord, who intends to kill the captain and hold the others hostage as part of his campaign of destruction against all white men.
Ten Modern Commandments
George Disbrow
A chorus girl falls in love with a budding composer.
Tillie the Toiler
Mr. Smythe
Tillie is a secretary always dressed in the height of fashion who tries to capture a millionaire named Pennington Fish. Once she gets a stenographic position at Mr. Simpkins's company she sets her cap for the general manager, Benjamin Franklin Whipple. Eventually Tillie announces that she is going to "catch the rich Mr. Fish by using Whipple as the worm."
The Mysterious Rider
King's Secretary
Jack Holt stars as Ben Wade, a rancher framed on a robbery charge by crooked lawyer Harkness (Charles Sellon).
An Affair of the Follies
The Inventor
Young husband Jerry, a clerk, loses his job, and in order to bring money into the house, his wife Tamara goes back to her old job as a dancer in the Follies. The husband doesn't like the idea at all, and they wind up separating. One night the clerk and his friend, an inventor, are dining at a restaurant, and the inventor is lamenting that he has a great invention but can't get in to see a millionaire named Hammersley in order get get financial backing. They don't know that Hammersley happens to be sitting at the next table. The three strike up a conversation and become friends. However, there's another thing Jerry also doesn't know--Hammersley is in love with Tamara and, in fact, she is going to his house that night to see him.
Dreams of Monte Carlo
Three girls from a small town win a trip to Monte Carlo. The trip was sponsored by their local newspaper, which sends along its ace reporter Bancroft as their "chaperone".
Up in Mabel's Room
Mabel catches her husband buying lingerie, and he won't explain who it's for. She divorces him, but later learns he was buying her an anniversary gift. She becomes determined to win him back.
Footloose Widows
Department-store models Flo and Marian set their sights on wealthy young soft-drink magnate J. A. Smith. Through a misunderstanding, they pick on the wrong J. A. Smith, a fortune hunter himself who assumes that Marian is a wealthy widow. Meanwhile, Marian falls for the real Smith, never dreaming that he's the millionaire.
The Midnight Sun
Yessky - Kusmin's Secretary
The Crown of Lies
Romantic drama directed by Dimitri Buchowetzki.
Eve's Lover
Amos Potts
Austin Starfield has his greedy eye on a steel mill belonging to Eve Burnside. He persuades an impoverished count, Leon Molnar to marry Eve so he can then gain control of her fortune.
Any Woman
When Ellen Linden comes back home from finishing school, she finds out that her wealthy father has lost all his money. She must get a job to help support the family, and goes to work as a secretary in the brokerage firm of Phillips and Rand. Both partners find themselves attracted to her, but each has a different approach: Phillipls takes the rough, aggressive route and Rand does the opposite, complimenting and flattering her at every opportunity. However, she falls in love with Tom Galloway, a young inventor who has come up with a new type of soft drink, "Here's How". in which Ellen attempts to interest the brokers. Phillips, however, doesn't take rejection lightly and schemes to break up Ellen and Galloway using his unwitting partner.
The Sporting Venus
Familiar story of spoiled heiress, Blanche Sweet, who dabbles in romance with commoner Ronald Colman. They roam the highlands together hunting since this is Sweet's "sport." They seem to have an idyllic affair going when into the mix comes an impoverished prince (Lew Cody). He determines to steal away the heiress and pay off his creditors. Indeed, this is the plan he shares with them.
Head Winds
Winthrop Van Felt
Peter kidnaps Patricia to prevent her from marrying the wrong man.
Затерянный мир
Prof. Summerlee
Первая адаптация классического романа Сэра Артура Конан Дойла, повествующего о крае, в котором до сих пор обитают древние существа.
Henry Crawley
Cattlemen attempt to keep their lands and herds from being overrun by nesters.
To the Ladies
Tom Baker
Three clerks for the Kincaid Piano Company -- Leonard Beebe, Chester Mullin, and Tom Baker are in competition for a promotion to factory manager.
Daring Youth
Winston Howell
On the eve of the marriage of her daughter, Alita, Mrs. Allen, unhappily married for 25 years, advocates writer Fannie Hurst's widely publicized mode of living with her husband: only two breakfasts a week together and complete freedom otherwise.
The Love Piker
Souls for Sale
Jimmy Leland (uncredited)
A young woman hits Hollywood, determined to become a star.
The White Flower
Gregory Bolton
Konia Markham, the daughter of an American father and a Hawaiian mother, is told by a sorceress that the man who presents her with a perfect white flower will be her true love. When Bob Rutherford offers a gardenia to Konia at a banquet, David Panuahi, a rejected suitor, becomes even more jealous and persuades Konia to have the kahuna put a death curse on Bob's fiancee, Ethel Granville. Bob's devotion to a failing Ethel softens Konia, however, and she has the curse removed. She is about to jump into a volcano when Bob, now released by Ethel from their engagement, finds her and declares his love.
The Strangers' Banquet
In managing the shipyard inherited from her father, Derith Keogh has considerable labor problems and accedes to the unreasonable demands of John Trevelyan, an anarchist labor agitator. Derith's brother John is off in pursuit of an adventuress, and Angus Campbell, her superintendent, resigns in exasperation. Angus returns, however, to help Derith persuade Trevelyan to settle a strike, which Trevelyan accomplishes in spite of being shot by one of his own men.
Little Wildcat
Mr. Wilding
Robert Ware takes it upon himself to tame wild girl, Mag, to prove to his doubting friend Arnold, he can turn her into a graceful young lady. Later, when Arnold is in the war, he meets a pretty nurse who greatly impresses him. Back home he recalls the pleasant encounter to Robert, telling him of the gentle beauty he never forgot. Mag, now Margaret, overhears the story and reveals to Arnold, she was the nurse. The surprised Arnold now has to admit that Robert was right about gentling the little wild cat.
The Top of New York
Mr. Brady
Hilda lives in a tenement apartment with her aunt, Mrs. Brady, and her crippled younger brother Micky, and works in a department store where her boss lusts after her. But happiness comes into her life when she meets artist Emery Gray. Gray's wife deserted him long ago, leaving him with their daughter Susan (Mary Jane Irving) to raise. While Susan and Micky become playmates, Hilda restores Gray's faith in womanhood.
Constance Keener, who is betrothed to young millionaire Merton Torrey, confesses to him her desire for romance such as he does not give her. On the occasion of a masquerade ball, Torrey is unable to escort her; and while she is alone on the balcony, someone suddenly seizes and kisses her, then disappears. She attempts to discover her assailant's identity.
The Foolish Age
Lester Hicks
After graduating from college, rich girl Margery Carr decides to do some good in the world. Much to the chagrin of her father, she decides to open an office to help derelicts. For her secretary, she picks an ex-gangster named Bubbs out of the throng.
Red Courage
Nathan Hitch
Pinto Peters and his pal Chuckwalla Bill ride into town just as the editor of the local newspaper is being urged to leave by a gang of thugs led by Joe Reedly. The pair give the editor $100 and get a bill of sale for the newspaper, only to find out later that Reedly holds a mortgage of $200 against it. This they pay off and start a campaign to clean up the town. They meet with considerable opposition until they enlist the services of Judge Fay.
Count de Varville
Париж, XIX век. В высшем свете столицы появляется очаровательная куртизанка Маргарита Готье, известная как «дама с камелиями». У неё много богатых поклонников, но из-за чересчур экстравагантного поведения и доброго сердца она постоянно живёт в долгах. Подруга рекомендует ей сблизиться с бароном де Варвилем, обладателем большого состояния. Между тем, Маргариту тайно преследует влюблённый в нее молодой человек Арманд Дюваль…
Don't Neglect Your Wife
Ben Travers
The wife of a prominent San Francisco doctor, feeling neglected by her husband, finds herself attracted to a young newspaper reporter. ...
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Lieutenant Schnitz
Set in the years before and during World War I, this epic tale tells the story of a rich Argentine family, one of its two descending branches being half of French heritage, the other being half German. Following the death of the family patriarch, the man's two daughters and their families resettle to France and Germany, respectively. In time the Great War breaks out, putting members of the family on opposing sides.
Trumpet Island
Henry Caron
Richard moves to a remote island to escape from the memory of Eve. Who had been forced to marry another man. But fate still has more in store.
The Desperate Hero
Henry Baird, a young newspaperman with a second-hand car but little money, decides to raffle off the car at a county picnic, so that he can take out his sweetheart, Mabel Darrow, the daughter of a wealthy businessman. However, as soon as Henry gets the money, his tailor demands that he pay off his debt. Also, youngsters set the car on fire before he can give to the winner, Joseph Plant, whose wife Evelyn was formerly Henry's sweetheart.
Nurse Marjorie
Anthony, Duke of Donegal
Lady Marjorie Donegal becomes a nurse in hospital, much to the dismay of her aristocratic family. She falls in love with one of her patients, a commoner labor leader.
The Grim Game
Dr. Harvey Tyson
Jailed unjustly for a murder he did not commit, a young man uses his amazing powers of escape to free himself and pursue the actual killers, who hold his fiancée captive.
The Yellow Dog
Albert Walker
In the small shipbuilding town of Danforth, Albert Walker realizes, to his distress, that German sympathizers, spies and draft evaders, by voicing doubts about the United States' involvement in the war, are having a disastrous effect on the patriotic spirit of the townspeople.
Station Content
A wayward wife abandons her husband but finds redemption by preventing a railway accident and finding her way back to him.
Mr. Opp
Mr. D. Webster Opp
Optimistic in the face of failure, Daniel Webster Opp finally attains success as a traveling salesman for a shoe firm, but just when his prospects are best, he receives word that his stepfather is dead. He leaves at once to meet his brother Ben at Cove Junction, where they settle the estate according to Ben's demands. Ben takes the money, while Mr. Opp is given the homestead and custody of Kippy, his feebleminded half-sister. Sacrificing all to remain with his sister, Mr. Opp founds a newspaper, the Opp Eagle, and begins to promote the town.
Bringing Home Father
The Man Who Took a Chance
The Devil's Bondwoman
The Alchemist
After a prologue that takes place in Hell, young millionaire Mason Van Horton becomes involved with Doria, the vampish wife of influential businessman John Manners. When Mason falls in love with Beverly Hope, however, he rejects Doria, who, out of revenge, tells John that Mason tried to seduce her and then begs her husband to ruin him.
A Stranger from Somewhere
Daniel Darling
A rancher moves to the city, and finds competition for the affections of an heiress in the form of a doppelganger.
Love Never Dies
Monsieur Jarnier
Love Never Dies was set in France, and convincingly so (which was not often the case in American-made films of this period). It is established in the first reel that hero Felix and heroine Cecile have been sweethearts since childhood. Later on, Fate forces Felix and Cecile to separate, but viewers could take heart in the positive sentiments expressed by the film's title.