Robert Graham


Призраки замка Маргам
Группа американских парапсихологов едет в Уэльс, чтобы провести исследование замка Маргам, одного из самых густонаселенных призраками зданий в Великобритании.
The Amityville Asylum
Executive Producer
Lisa Templeton begins a new job as a cleaner at High Hopes Hospital, a mental institution in Amityville, Long Island. Initially delighted to get the job, Lisa soon realises that all is not as it seems. Intimidated by staff and the psychotic ramblings of the patients, she is further unnerved by apparent supernatural occurrences on the night shift. To preserve her sanity Lisa must uncover the mysterious history of the institution and it's inmates. But the truth is far more terrifying than she could ever imagine.
Breathing Under Water
Unit Manager
BREATHING UNDER WATER is the story of a woman's journey into an imaginary underworld city. The birth of her daughter into an increasingly perilous world has unsettled everything in Beatrice's (Anne Louise Lambert) life. Her growing unease prompts Beatrice to undertake a journey - an investigation into human nature, a confrontation with the fears of our time, and a search for clues that will ultimately give her an answer to the central riddle of the film: why has humankind set the stage for its own extinction? The director’s preoccupation with humankind’s tendency to self-destruct was one factor that lead to the creation of this complex film.
Unit Manager
Герой фильма Мартин слеп от рождения, он считает, что его никто не любит, даже мать тяготится им и хочет избавиться от него. Ему кажется, что все лгут ему, описывая окружающий мир. И тогда Мартин находит свой оригинальный способ проверить правдивость зрячих людей — он начинает заниматься фотографией.